Daddy’s Little Liar by Lila Fox

Chapter Sixteen


Rylan watched her walk out of the room and knew his mother had done more damage to Faith’s self-esteem than she was letting on, and it just solidified his decision to move.

He’d buy another house in Arkansas and a building for a branch of his business. He might have to come back for board meetings, but nowadays, a teleconference was the norm. He’d keep the house here when they had to come back, but the main business would stay where it was because he employed too many people.

He walked to his desk and called Darian. An hour later, things were set in motion, and he couldn’t believe how excited he was to be around people like himself and to have a slower pace of life so he could spend more time with Faith.

Rylan called Stuart into the office. “Have a seat. I need your advice. I’m going to open up an office in Arkansas, where Darian lives. I’ll have to buy a house there, but I also want to keep this one here because I won’t close the business down here. What would you like to do, my friend? The choice is yours.”

Stuart was quiet for a moment. “I go where you go. I have a nephew who’s looking for a job in my field. He can take care of this house while we’re in Arkansas.”

“You would really move with us?”

“Absolutely, sir.”

Rylan relaxed and smiled. “I’m so glad. I was freaking out trying to figure out how I’d be able to live without you with me.”

Rylan saw the glow of happiness on the butler’s face even if he tried to stay stoic. “Do you think Karina will come with us?”

“I believe so. She doesn’t have any family around here.”

“She has us,” Rylan reminded him.

Stuart did smile. “You’re right, sir. I’ll ask her if you’d like?”

“That would be great. Can I put you in charge of hiring your nephew to take over here for you? And the help you think the new butler would need?”

“Absolutely, sir.”

“Good. You’ll be getting a substantial raise for all your work. I wasn’t kidding when I told you I couldn’t have the peaceful life I have if it weren’t for you and Karina.”

“I’m pleased to hear that, sir. Do you have a date in mind to move?”

“Within the next three months, if everything falls into place. You might hire the person you’ll put in charge here soon, so you have time to train them.”

“Good idea. Would you like me to start looking for housing in Arkansas I think you might like?”

Rylan smiled. “Darian is sending me a few in the area he thinks we’d like, but could you go through them and see what you think? I want you and Karina comfortable and happy. You’ll both need to decide if you want apartments in the house or houses on the grounds.”

“I will ask Katrina.”

“Good, I’ll send you the email Darina sent. I’ll look them over, too. If you have time, you can look through other listings to see if there’s anything else. I’ll also give you Elder, Darian’s butler’s, number so you two can talk and get to know you. He’s been there for many years, so he will most likely have the answers to any questions you might have.”

“That would be fine, sir. I’m anxious to meet him.”

Rylan laughed. “I can see you two and some of the other butlers in the area getting together for poker nights.”

Stuart did laugh at that. “Anything’s possible.”

“All right. I need to get back to work.”

Stuart stood and walked to the door.

Rylan stopped him at the door. “Oh, one more thing. Can you keep an eye on Faith? My mother really hurt her feelings today, and I’m worried about her.”

“Of course. I will make an effort to check in with her more.”

“Perfect. Thank you so much, Stuart. You’re a godsend.”

“Thank you, sir. I appreciate working for you, too.”

Rylan waited until the door was closed before he picked up the phone again.

“Hey, Duncan, how would you like to move to Arkansas with me,” he asked and laughed.

After he finished talking to Duncan, he searched for Faith and found her in the room they set up for her, sitting in a chair looking out the window instead of reading the book she had on her lap. God, he wanted to yell at his mother for hurting such a sweet person, but he knew it wouldn’t make a difference. Nothing was going to change his mother.

“Hi, honey.”

She turned toward him and very quickly blanked her expression, but not in time for him to see her misery.

He held out his hand. “Will you come with me, baby? I want to go into the bedroom and talk.”

“Am I getting punished again?”

“No, sweetheart.”

She laid the book aside, walked to him, and took his hand. He pulled her into their bedroom and over to the sofa.

“Sit here, baby.” He held her hand and kept his eyes on her face. “I’ve made a decision that I think you’ll like.”


“I’ve decided to move us to Arkansas.”