Phoenix’s Plight by Tiffany Casper



- June


Chapter 15


June awoke to someone slapping her.

When she opened her already bruised eyes, she saw that she was in some type of warehouse.

Looking around, at first glance she saw six men wearing kuttes that were different than Wrath MC. She saw the word ‘Joker’ on one of their rockers, as they all called it.

She would have laughed at the memory of Heathen explaining about their kuttes, where and what all of the patches and rockers meant, but her jaw was hurting her something fierce.

She felt bile coming up her throat.

“Why are you doing this?” June asked them as she tried not to cry out at the pain in her jaw.

“Well, it seems that your old man is hard to track down. When we were informed you were his one weakness, we pounced,” one of the men said. He was older than the others, and something about the man looked awfully familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

“Wait . . . it was you who was at my house all those months ago, wasn’t it?” She recalled that man, and she recalled the uncanny resemblance to this man in front of her.

“You’re smart. You should have answered the door for me so I could have ended this a while ago. You see, when I saw my son riding to your house and parking his bike behind it, I waited patiently. Until I saw someone who was giving Heathen the evil eye,” the man said with a sneer on his face.

She was about to ask who told them about her and who had given them the information, but then she saw it, or more importantly, whom.

When she saw the woman’s face, she paled. Jenny. She was a traitor.

“Traitor,” June said as she looked at Jenny.

“They offered me money. So much money that I couldn’t turn it down.” Jenny had the stupid idea to laugh about it.

“Well, I hope you already spent it all, because Heathen is going to tear you apart,” June said as she put all of the anger she held for the woman in her voice.

“Ha! Heathen would never hurt a woman,” Jenny said smugly.

“I’m the one who knows that man better than anyone on this planet. You helped them to harm me. There won’t be a rock big enough for you to hide under.”

June knew that she had made a point with Jenny when the whites in the woman’s eyes widened.

Boom, bitch.

She almost told them that not only had they harmed her, but they risked his child. But she kept that to herself. If the man wanted to get back at Heathen, it wouldn’t be through her. No, it would be through the unborn baby in her womb.

“You see, when I found out that whore gave birth to him, I was pissed. I didn’t want to have a child. She should have aborted him,” the man said. Now that she looked closer, she saw the resemblance, somewhat.

Heathen had to have gotten his looks from his mom, and she would have loved to have met her had she not dropped Heathen off outside of a freaking church when he was but hours old.

“You’re a piece of shit. That man that you wanted to have aborted is the best individual that I have ever met. You don’t even deserve to breathe the same air that he does,” she said with a sneer.

The slap that she received to her already battered cheek caused her head to snap to the side.

“He’s going to eat you for lunch,” June said as she tasted blood on her split lip.

“No. The moment he discovers you’re missing and finally finds you, I’ll have a plan in motion,” he retorted with an evil grin.

It was then that she felt him. She would feel his presence anywhere.

She didn’t have to look to know where he was.

“Wrong. You brought death on your door the moment you took me from my home,” she said with a smile on her face even though it hurt like hell.

Someone had untied her wrists and ankles. Someone who had been in the shadows at her back. The same someone who still held her crushed heart in the palm of his massive hand.

The man moved to strike her again and then she saw a gun being raised. She saw the man’s eyes as they fell on the figure behind her.

No one was shooting him but her.

She stood, rather wobbly. She felt an arm snake it's way toward her and then a blinding pain tore all the way through her frail and shattered body.

The pain was like nothing she had ever experienced.

When she looked up, she saw that one of the men had shot her. He had meant to shoot the figure at her back. Over her dead body.

“Chomp,” she said as the pain in her side started to revibrate through her entire body.

Never would she regret what she had said. She knew they had been waiting for the man, and no matter what, she still loved him. Call her stupid and call her an idiot, but she loved him. No matter what.

June doubted there would be anything that would ever cause her to fall out of love with him.

She had tried to control her breathing when she saw Heathen’s face in her peripheral as he moved his body in front of hers. Well, what she could see of his face, anyway.

The seconds turned into minutes as shots rang out throughout the building and screams tore through the night air.

She saw five of the men fall and take their last breaths. Ten of the members of Wrath MC stood over the five.

The older man, the president, had his hands tied behind his back and was hauled out of the warehouse.

The same with Jenny.

As she heard the first siren wail, she realized she had been fighting the pain for too long.

Then she fell and almost hit her knees on the concrete floor, but before she could land, she was picked up ever so carefully and gathered into Heathen’s arms. She wished he hadn’t walked out on them when she needed him so badly.

For the first time in two years, June had seen tears in Heathen’s eyes.

“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so fucking sorry,” he whispered in her hair as carried her ever so carefully from the warehouse.

The last thing she remembered was praying to God that he would spare her baby.