Phoenix’s Plight by Tiffany Casper


“Food is the way to a man’s heart.

Her pussy is the way to mine.”

- Heathen


Chapter 4


In the sixteen years that Heathen had been a member of Wrath MC Dogwood chapter, he’d never regretted a move he made for the club.

However, having to put them first when he wanted nothing more than to put June first was something that had grated on his nerves ever since he pulled up to the clubhouse on his bike after leaving her house.

Four times he had wanted to stop, turn around, and tell his President that he was busy and couldn’t be bothered.

How June never once got pissed at him for leaving her like he did, he didn’t know.

What June also didn’t know was that he had just turned on a level of protectiveness over her that he’d never shown to another human being. That had been something that’d been on his mind the entire thirty-minute ride to the clubhouse. Sure, he had tried to make it up to her. He had always made sure he cleaned up her kitchen before he left. That was the most he had done for anyone who wasn’t a brother. And he always left her a little note on her nightstand atop her phone.

Parking his bike in his spot, he headed into the clubhouse and then to church.

The moment his ass landed in his leather seat, the rest of his brothers filed in and then the door was closed.

Powers banged the gavel.

“Here is what we know. Cotton is sending us a Dove. Far as I know, she has a child already and the father has tried to kill the two of them four times. A judge signed the document, so the father has already lost his rights to the kid and the woman has already been granted the divorce. But he isn’t agreeing to anything. Gage, I need you to get her a place set up here. This is a personal favor to one of the members. Apparently, she’s a sister to one of the members and they’re going to handle the father.” Heathen sat there and listened.

He wondered why he had been called here in the first place, and at eight at night, at that.

“Now, Heathen, we have someone in the shed. Same man who raped that little girl that everyone has been hunting.” With a nod, he answered Powers.

So, that was why he had been called. Fucking got it.

He would head to the shed and take care of business as fast as possible. He wanted to go back to June. Never had he wanted something so badly as to wake up with her curled up like a kitten against him.

It had taken everything in him to not crawl in bed with her and fall asleep after they both had come numerous times.

Powers banged the gavel and then Heathen made his way to the shed, planning out what all he wanted to do to the sick fuck. An hour later, the man was visiting the bowels of hell. Heathen smiled as he walked out of the shed to see the little girl’s mother standing there beside Powers.

With a nod, he made his way to his room and showered off the remnants from earlier. He scrubbed under his nails and cleaned his entire body, making sure no evidence remained. He tossed his clothes into a trash bag and then went to the fire that had been lit for him in the basement. In the fireplace went the bag of clothes. Damn. He really liked the way June had licked her lips when she had seen what he had on.

He made a mental note to go to the store and replace his clothes. Fuck, he forgot to check the label on the panties so he could replace them.

Heathen would just have to get creative.

When he had walked out of the clubhouse and made his way to his bike to go back to June’s place for a few hours, he heard Cam call his name.

“Fucking hell,” he whispered to himself.

“Ride with me to pick up a delivery?” If it had been anyone else other than his VP, he would have told him to go fuck himself.

So, there Heathen rode, an hour in the opposite direction from where he wanted to go.

By the time they picked up the payment for their delivery and then made it back to the clubhouse, it was already closing in on two in the morning.

As bad as he wanted to go to June, he wouldn’t wake her up this late. He would be going to her house tomorrow night.

The moment he woke up, he got ready for his shift. And then he stopped. When he stepped out of the shower, he’d glanced at his reflection in the mirror and saw that he had a huge grin on his face, thinking about just spending time with June.

After he worked his shift at the garage, he headed to the mall and replaced what he had burned, then walked into some lingerie store.

He had been receiving stares and looks from all the women, and too many of them had been batting their eyelashes at him.

One woman in particular had licked her lips as she walked up to him.

“Can I help you with anything?” She had brown hair that was supposedly styled nicely, but it looked like a wet mop.

“I need a pair of blue silk panties with black lace,” he told her.

“Follow me,” she said, and she looked over her shoulder as he followed her through the store. Two years ago, the look she had given him, would have resulted in him bending her ass over in one of the dressing rooms. But now? No.

The moment he saw the same pair on a mannequin, he knew those were the same pair, and the mannequin had nothing on the way they looked on June’s ass.

“What size?” she asked him.

He grabbed a pair and then placed them in his hands.

“I need whatever size is larger than this one,” he said.

The woman grabbed the pair, checked the size, and then grabbed another pair.

He gripped that pair in his hands. Yep, this would fit her ass perfectly. He got semi-hard just remembering the way her ass had looked in them.

“Do you need anything else?” she asked him in a husky tone.

“No. I’ve replaced the other pairs of panties that I’ve ripped off her. This is the only pair I haven’t replaced yet,” he told her.

That had the desired effect he wanted, and the woman quit looking at him like he was a piece of meat. Thank fuck.

After he paid for the panties, he made his way from the store, stowed all of his purchases into the saddle bags of his bike, and then he made his way to where he wanted to go.

With a smile that was rarely on his face, he had Chinese food in a bag sitting between his legs while he made his way to her house.

When he saw the lights were on in her living room, he was grateful.

Then he shut his bike off and backed it into her driveway instead of pulling it around to the back of her house. He didn’t hide his bike this time. He wanted everyone to know that she had someone. This was the most he could offer her, and he hoped like fuck it would be good enough.

The moment he saw the front door open and she stepped out, the wind whipped at her long mahogany hair and he let out a groan.

She had on her signature tight razorback tank and soft cotton sleep shorts. And what he loved were the knee-high white socks with two red bands at the top. The woman hated having her feet cold.

“What are you doing here?” she asked. He looked up when he heard her and saw the smile on her face.

“Dinner,” he said as he handed her the bag of Chinese and then threw his leg from his bike.

He knelt and grabbed the gift for her from his saddlebag and followed her into her house.

He didn’t remove his kutte. She had seen it but had never once asked him about it. That in itself let him know that she was a woman who wanted him for him and not for what he could give her. Even if all he could give her was the physical aspect of himself.

After he turned and closed the door that she had left open for him, he placed the bag on the counter and then helped her dig out the containers of food.

“What is that?” she asked him as she smiled up at him shyly.

She had noticed the pink bag that was a signature for one brand.

He shrugged. “Open it,” he suggested as he smiled a small grin, grabbed his own containers, and headed to the coffee table.

He saw that she had on a movie, so he settled in to watch it with her.

When he hadn’t heard her, he looked at her, and the moment he saw her wiping a tear from the corner of her eye, he saw that she held the panties in her hand.

The moment she joined him on the couch with her own food, she leaned over and placed a kiss on his bearded cheek.

“Thank you, Heathen.” Those soft moments that she showed endeared her even more to him. Yeah, he just used the term ‘endear’, the big ass scary biker.

Together, they ate and watched a movie, and when one of the main characters got all excited about grabbing a pig that held a grenade launcher in it, he laughed. However, the laugh had fallen on deaf ears. June was already out like a light, lying against the other end of the couch.

That would not do.

Kicking his boots off, he pulled her into his arms and locked up the house, turned the lights off, and then carried her to bed.

Since she looked like she was in comfortable clothes, he pulled back the covers and then laid her down carefully. He knew she liked to have the socks on in her house, but she hated having socks on when she slept in her bed. If she was napping on the couch, those socks stayed on.

Smiling to himself at that memory alone, he pulled the socks off for her.

He pulled his shirt off, then his jeans and socks. Then he climbed under the covers beside her and wrapped his body around hers. For the first time ever, he allowed himself to sleep beside someone else.

With a whiff of her shampoo and the closeness of her body, he fell asleep, unaware of how this was going to change everything he thought about himself.

The moment the first rays of sunshine came through the blinds, he woke up. He had been lying on his back with June curled up into his body, her head on his chest and her leg thrown over his. Territorial, beautiful, little slip of a woman.

Smiling, he relished in the feel of her body against his.

He rolled over and then made his way down her body.

He woke her up with his tongue massaging her folds as she came in his mouth.

After he made her come, she returned the favor and swallowed him all the way down. When he went in for a kiss, she jumped up from the bed and swirled some mouthwash in her mouth. He threw his head back and roared with laughter. The moment he followed suit, he was rewarded with those hot ass lips on his.

“Breakfast?” she asked him.

With a nod, they both got up and then recreated another time they had sex in her small ass shower. But they made it work.

“Heathen!” She chuckled when he flung a little water at her after he washed his hands in the sink.

“Johnny. You call me Johnny when we’re alone,” he said in all seriousness.

“Johnny,” she whispered out as she placed a soft kiss in between his shoulder blades because that was the farthest she could reach.

After he had helped her cut the veggies for a southwestern omelet, he saw that she seemed to hesitate, opening her mouth, and then closing it. “What is it, babe?”

She sighed. “So, I wanted to ask you something. Do you think you can come over in three weeks?”

“I can try. Why?” he asked her.

He saw that she had been nibbling her bottom lip yet again.

“Well, I turn twenty-four in three weeks. I’d like to have dinner or something with you, if that’s okay.” He liked it that she’d peered up at him through her dark lashes.

“Yeah, babe, I’ll see what I can do. You work today?” he asked as he dug in and grabbed a forkful of his omelet. He had noticed that she was here a lot later than normal on the days she had to be at work.

“Nope. This is my three-day weekend off.” She smiled wide.

“Wanna ride to the mountains?” he asked her. Hell, even he was surprised that he had asked her that.

When she smiled and her eyes sparkled, he knew she was game. “Yes, that would be—”

The ringing of a cell phone stopped whatever she was going to say.

He watched that smile and those eyes dim down to a dull shine.

Grabbing his cell, he checked the caller. Fuck.

“Yeah?” he asked as he hung his head.

“In prompt to beat down. All members are needed and required,” Cam said to him.

He looked at June and really wanted to tell them to go fuck themselves.

“Okay.” He hung up the phone, placed it in his pocket, and then watched as she moved her eggs around her plate. What cut him deep was that she wouldn’t look at him.

“Sorry, babe,” he murmured as he carried his plate to the sink and washed it and the few dishes they had used this morning, minus her plate, glass, and fork.

When he looked over his shoulder, her plate was abandoned and she wasn’t there.

He grabbed her plate, washed the other dishes that she had used, and then he set out to find her.

Shocked was an understatement. She was in her bra and panties, and had tossed her long hair in a messy bun and applied mascara and some lip gloss. Then, she’d thrown on a wraparound dress and flip-flops.

“I’ll walk out with you.” She didn’t even look up at him as she passed him and grabbed her bag from the island, where she kept it most of the time when it wasn’t hanging on the hook with her keys next to her door. Sighing, he saw then that she waited for him with the front door open.

“Look, babe, if I could get out of this, I would.” He placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her. Sure, she kissed him back, but it lacked the emotion that he was so used to receiving from her.

He handed her his phone. “Punch in your number. Soon as I get done, we’re going to the mountains.” He saw the light further go out of her eyes as she punched in her number and then handed him back the phone.

She still hadn’t said a word to him. How had that one phone call changed his day completely?

She looked down at her bright red painted toes as she waited for him to follow her before she closed and locked the front door.

“Be careful,” he heard her murmur as she made her way away from him with her head down.

He watched as she climbed into her Jeep, started it up, and left without a backward glance.

He felt like the biggest piece of shit.