Only a Viscount Will Do by Tamara Gill

Chapter 4

“Why can I not come to the ball, Papa? I’m almost seven now. Please, I’ll be the best daughter in the world, if you let me go.”

Callum smiled at his sweet little girl’s declaration and lifted her onto his lap. He welcomed the chubby little arms that banded around his neck, knowing all too soon she’d grow up and such cuddles would disappear. He sighed, wishing he could keep her this age forever with the magical hugs she bestowed.

“Now now, I explained that when you’re of age you shall attend as many balls and parties as you wish. And,” he declared, his tone serious, “I may consider gentlemen to court you, but right now I’m keeping you all to myself and therefore you’re not going to attend this one.”

Amelia pouted and he thought quickly on how to make it up to her before the tears followed. “If you promise not to get upset, we shall get your pony out tomorrow and resume your lessons. And today I’ll have Cook make up those little tarts you like so much, and you may have a tea party in the nursery.”

She grinned. “The ones with the cream in the middle, with a sprinkle of chocolate on top?” she asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

“The very ones.” He nodded. “And I will check on you before bed.” She smiled and hugged him again. How he loved this little being in his arms, more than he’d ever thought he’d love anyone in his life. Other than his wife, God rest her soul.

He tickled her and her infectious giggle made him laugh. He’d been so close to losing her. The memory of the carriage accident was as vivid as his daughter before him. Of them rolling into a slow flowing river, the scream of the horses, the sickening crack as his wife was thrown from the vehicle. That Amelia had only broken her lower leg had been a miracle, but that is where his luck had ended. After resetting her break, a fever had wracked her little body and she’d almost died.

Amelia rubbed her shin and he frowned, reminded anew of her injury. “Is your leg troubling you? I shall have Cook bring in a pot of tea.”

Callum went to stand, but Amelia shook her head, her curls bouncing about her shoulders. “I shall be fine, Papa. It is only a little ache.”

He set her on her feet, loathing the fact that she had to face such trials when others had no trials at all. His dubious actions against those of his own set paled to the fact that he’d almost lost his entire family in one day. That the bastard moneylender would threaten her life over a debt that wasn’t even his left ice running through his veins.

“May I be excused? We’re learning about animals today, Papa. Cats and dogs, actually.”

Callum pushed her toward the door. “You may go, but walking pace only, if you please. I’ll be up to see how your lessons are going in a little while.”

He smiled as she came back over to him, her two little hands clasping his cheeks, and bending her head to kiss his forehead. “Very well, Papa. But don’t be too long. I want to show you how well I’m doing learning.”

“Now that’s what I like to hear. How will you help me with the estate if you’re not educated?” He kissed her cheek. “Now off you go, or you’ll not have time to spare this afternoon for playing outside.”

Seemingly satisfied with his plan, Amelia walked out into the entrance hall, the light patter of her slippered feet heading in the direction of her schoolroom, which overlooked the rear gardens.

Callum’s smile faltered once the only light in his life disappeared from view and he was left with a room that reminded him of what his cousin had passed on to him. Brick, mortar, and land, but nothing else. If the duchess did call with her daughters in tow, however would he explain the bare walls and worn furnishings? To see Lady Alice look at him with pity would be the veriest torture.

He stood and walked to the window and wondered how soon the Worthinghams would arrive. A mirror to his side caught his attention and he looked at himself, studying the man he’d become. Would his neighbors and friends ever look behind the mask of the gentleman to see the man beneath, a man with a belittling past and more secrets than simply being the Surrey Bandit?

He turned away from the mirror, his stomach sick with the sight of himself. He would have to hire some help, if the house was to have visitors going forward. Perhaps Fanny at the Angel Inn knew of anyone looking for work. And if all else failed, he would ask his butler, or groom, depending on the day and his requirements, if he was aware of anyone suitable for such employ.

Callum scribbled a short note to Fanny—no time like the present—and rang the bell.

His butler, John, entered. “Could you take this missive and deliver it directly to Fanny at the Angel, John? And be prepared that some staff may arrive over the coming days for an interview for employment. The Duchess of Penworth may be calling, and I cannot expect the skeleton staff I now have to be appropriate for a woman of her rank.”

He grimaced at the sight of the peeling wallpaper in his library. “Also, should Kester House receive such callers, please have Cook make up an afternoon tea suitable for such elevated guests.”

The silence that reigned after his command was loud. “Do you not wish to carry out my commands, John?” he asked, meeting the man’s ashen face.

John shuffled his feet. “We’d not thought to trouble you, my lord, but the oven is smoking and requires the chimney to be cleaned. I’m not sure what Cook can come up with that’s suitable for a duchess.”

Of course, there are problems. There were many things wrong with the house: the roof leaked in the east wing, mold seemed to be eating some bedroom walls on the third floor, and now the kitchen chimney was in need of maintenance. Whatever next?

His servant shuffled his feet.

Callum muttered, rubbing his brow. “Have our gardener attend to the yard. I can’t leave them in such a state under the circumstances.”

His servant worried his hands together. “Ah, my lord, you don’t have a gardener.”

Callum walked over to the decanter of brandy and poured himself a generous glass. “I don’t? Whatever happened to him?”

“The late Viscount Arndel removed him from his employ after disagreeing over when the roses should be pruned, my lord.”

He blinked at the absurd reason for dismissing someone, but his cousin, the unpardonable fool, was wont to do something so garish. “Is the man still located in Ashford?”

“Yes, my lord. Although he’s fallen on hard times since his dismissal.”

Callum sighed. Damn it. If his cousin wasn’t already dead, he would kill him for such disregard of his staff. “If you would see that the man calls on me, I’ll ensure his employment recommences.”

“That is very kind of you. Thank you, my lord.”

He waved the thanks away, not wanting thanks for something that should never have been forced upon a required servant in the first place.

Alice and Victoria dismounted and laughed when Benny, a young lad from the village, and another man from the stable, came about the house to take their horses. The little boy smiled in delight at seeing Alice. She fluffed his hair a little in greeting, having always been fond of the boy. “I’m so glad to see you here, Benny, and you look like you’re enjoying your new position. How have you been settling in?”

Benny’s eyes lit up with pride. “Oh very well, my lady. They’re ever so nice to me, and I’m always kept busy with his lordship’s horses. Ma is now working in the kitchen, as well. I bet they’re cooking up something right nice for ye while you’re here seeing Lord Arndel.” He patted her mare. “Did ye want to go see Mama? She’d love to see you, miss.”

Alice smiled. “I can’t at the moment, but tell your mama that I’ll call on her tomorrow, at home, if that’s agreeable. I have something I wish to discuss with her that’s quite exciting.”

“Oh aye, I wills miss.” Benny led her horse away, his chattering to the other stable hand clear to hear as they rounded the side of the house. Their mama’s carriage pulled up a moment later. Alice and Victoria waited for her to alight and join them.

“Oh my dears, what a rut-strewn driveway that was.”

Alice looked about the yard. Its overgrown lawn was riddled with weeds and gardens that were once cultivated and well kept, now resembled nothing but chaos.

“If you would follow me, Your Grace,” a deep voice said from the doorway. Alice met the sour face of the butler and smiled at him, noting with pleasure that he blushed.

The moment she entered, their steps faltered. The house was not what Alice had imagined for a viscount. Victoria’s gaping mouth also showed her surprise. The walls were bare, unless you could count the staining on the wallpaper that showed where paintings had once hung. There was no carpet on the staircase, and there was a distinct smell of dust in the air. Victoria came up beside her, raising her brows.

“His lordship has no money,” Victoria whispered, taking her arm. “Did you suspect?”

Alice shook her head. “No. Never, but it would explain why he’s selling land to Josh.” They followed the butler into what was once the library. Now it resembled a shell where books went to die. Lord Arndel saw her appraisal of the room and something inside her twisted that he might be ashamed of the lack of niceties.

His lordship bowed. “Your Grace, Lady Alice, Lady Victoria, welcome to Kester House. Please, take a seat. I apologize for not greeting you myself. I did not expect your visit so soon.”

Alice ignored the veiled chastisement of their early arrival and did as he bade, watching him as she gained her seat.

“You have a lovely home, Lord Arndel,” the duchess said, smiling a little.

Victoria stared at her with widened eyes. Alice shrugged. Their mama obviously didn’t wish to be rude, and one always complimented a home when seeing it for the first time—flush with silk wallpaper and tapestries or no. But still, the comment did make the situation between them all a little awkward.

“I’m in the process of remodeling.”

Alice didn’t believe that for a moment. But if what his lordship said was true, she hoped local builders had been given the opportunity to tender for the work. “It is good to hear the house is getting some well-deserved attention. I’m sure it’ll be beautiful when you’re finished.”

He nodded and sat, tidying up the missives that sat on his desk before he stood back up and rang the bellpull beside the mantel. “Afternoon tea for us, I think. It should be along shortly.”

The library sported wallpaper stained with yet more missing portraits of ancestors and landscapes. A small spiral staircase sat at one end of the room, leading up to another floor where the bookshelves were, too, bare of books. “What a shame that the redecorating of your home would’ve required all the books to have been packed into storage. It must have taken you a great deal of time to put away all of the tomes.”

Did his lordship suspect what she was thinking? That there were no books and hadn’t been for some time.

“I have no idea how long the process took. The servants packed them away. And as for putting them into storage, I thought it best under the circumstances. I would not want any of them to be damaged with the work going on about the house.”

“Of course,” she agreed, but where were these builders, if so much work was being carried out? Certainly there was no sound of hammers or tradesmen talking and shouting about orders. “Are the tradesmen having the day off?” she asked, regretting her nosiness the instant she asked the question. It was a character flaw she’d been trying to tamper.

“I sent word that today was too hot for manual labor. They’re working on the roof at present, you see. I could not, in all good conscience, have them laboring under such harsh conditions.”

“I didn’t see any scaffolding upon our arrival…” Victoria said, looking out the window.

Alice laid a hand on her sister’s arm. “We have not ventured around the back, my dear. And in any case, we have more important things to discuss today than renovations.” Alice met Lord Arndel’s eye and hoped he could read the apology on her face at starting the interrogation in the first place.

“They are yet to commence.” He sat back in his chair, his smile strained. “Now, what do I owe for this impromptu visit? Did you not tell Her Grace that I would be back at Dunsleigh this afternoon, Lady Alice?”

“She did not.” The duchess considered her daughter a moment, before she said, “But I thought it time that I paid my respects to the new Viscount Arndel of Kester House. It is long overdue and I apologize for it. Since the passing of my husband, I have been remiss in some of my duties, but I hope this visit will put paid to my shortcomings.”

“I thank you for your call. You are all very welcome here.”

At that moment, tea was brought in by the butler and placed before them on his lordship’s desk. He stared at it with a look akin to horror and Alice took pity on him. “Would you like me to pour, my lord?”

He visibly relaxed. “I would be most appreciative.”

They sat for some time talking of inconsequential things, gossip from London, the Surrey Bandit, and their own hold-up by the fiend.

“I was shocked to hear Your Grace and Lady Alice had an unfortunate encounter with the highwayman. I understand he tied up your driver?”

The duchess fluttered her hands. “It was the most single terrifying experience of my life. The fiend manhandled us most inappropriately, and I’ve never been more frightened for my child as I was that day. I’m fearful every time we travel, that he may strike again.”

Alice placed her cup of tea on the desk. A funny fluttering in her stomach commenced when she noted Lord Arndel watching her.

“And you, Lady Alice. Were you scared?”

She muddled over the question. “I had heard stories of the Surrey Bandit never harming anyone, other than perhaps, their hearts after stealing baubles of sentimental value—like the brooch stolen from Mama. So I did not think he would hurt us, so no, I was not scared.” More curious if anything, not that she could say those words aloud.

“I’m very sorry you were accosted so.”

For the life of her, Alice could not tear her attention from his lordship. He was being so very sweet, worrying and apologizing for a situation that was not of his making. It was very comforting having him so attentive, so concerned about her person.

The duchess put down her tea, the rattling cup pulling Alice from her thoughts. “Would you be so kind as to show us about your home, my lord? Tell us in more detail what you have planned with the renovations.”

“Of course. I would be delighted.” He stood and Victoria and Alice followed suit.

One by one they followed his lordship out into the foyer, Victoria sidling up beside him quickly. Alice frowned, not liking the smile Arndel bestowed on her sibling. Was she jealous of Victoria? She shook the thought aside, an absurd notion.

She followed slowly with her mama, taking the opportunity to look into the rooms they passed as they walked toward the ballroom on the opposite side of the foyer and toward the back of the house.

“I’ve always thought the ballroom at Kester was its best asset. I think you girls will agree once you see it,” the duchess remarked, her attention going from one dilapidated wall or piece of furniture to another.

Alice had to concede that the one thing that did look very well today, was his lordship. His tan buckskin breeches sat on his muscular frame quite snugly, and it was a nice view from where she walked.

Victoria checked on her whereabouts, and Alice wiped the grin from her lips, hoping her sister’s questioning frown wouldn’t lead to an inquisition later. Alice shook her head, not willing to tell her sister everything that went on in her mind, things that no sister to a duke should be thinking regarding a certain viscount and neighbor.

The passage was wide, the parquetry floor in need of a little wax, but certainly nothing a little hard toil wouldn’t bring up to snuff. At the end of the hall was a large window giving them a view of the north-facing vista and turning left they finally made the grand ballroom.

Her mama was right, of course, the room was the best she’d seen so far, and reasonably unscathed from lack of care. It was beyond perfect, with the Jacobean fireplace center in the room and the musical galley above, so no floor space was lost to the hired entertainment. It was in one word, lovely.

The walls were covered in yellow silk damask with a floral motif for decoration. It opened the room and somehow made it look larger than it was.

“I do believe this is Kester House’s finest room, do you not agree?” said Arndel, pride coloring his words.

“It’s a beautiful room,” Victoria said, walking farther into the space and looking about, taking in the whole area.

The ballroom was long and narrow and would be perfect for dancing, while still allowing room for those who liked to socialize but not partake in any activity. Already she could envision a ball here, matrons looking over their charges at either end, while others danced the night away under the chandeliers.

Alice caught his lordship’s eye, hoping he would ask her to dance on the night of the ball at their estate. A taller than average woman, she would fit perfectly in his arms. What wonderfully strong-looking shoulders he seemed to have—ideal for waltzing, for holding a woman close.

Victoria mentioned the lighting, and Alice looked up, inspecting the four massive chandeliers that ran the length of the room. She couldn’t really see if any needed repair as white sheeting was tied around each one, keeping the dust at bay. At least the late viscount had thought to do that, before he left for London and forgot all about his estate.

His lordship joined Victoria, who was inspecting one of the two fireplaces and he laughed, a deep, gravelly sound she’d like to hear more often. Fluttering took flight in her belly and heat rose on her cheeks when he smiled. That it was aimed at her sister wasn’t what she wanted, but then, if Lord Arndel’s heart turned in her sibling’s direction and not hers, she would be happy for both of them.

She would never begrudge Victoria happiness, not even if the gentleman was someone she herself had feelings for. Not that she had any grand, earth-moving emotions toward his lordship, but there was certainly something between them whenever she looked at him, a nervous buzz in her blood that left her breathless and a little muddled. But of course, it could all be she and his lordship might feel nothing at all.

Alice paced to the windows and raised the sash, welcoming the breeze against her skin, cooling her a little on this hot day. How absurd that seeing her sister gain some attention caused her to feel jealous. For that was exactly what it was that had raised its pointy dagger in her mind. Maybe the heat was addling her mind. It was quite hot in here, after all.

“Does the room meet your standards?”

His knowing grin made her warm yet again, and she leaned against the windowsill, needing all the cool air she could catch. Her mama watched them a moment, before joining Victoria. “The ballroom, although in need of a good clean and polish, is gorgeous. What a gem you have here, Lord Arndel.”

He looked about, and pride shone in his eyes. “I think so, too. I plan to look after the home much better than the late viscount. The legacy I leave to my children will be better than what was left me.”

“Since you’ve already started renovating the estate, I’m certain you will meet all the standards you have set against yourself.”

He frowned. “How do you mean?”

Alice gestured toward the roof. “By the builders you’ve already hired to fix Kester House up. That’s what I meant.”

His lordship blushed, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. “Of course,” he blustered. “You must think me a gentleman without wits. Maybe I should get some fresh air to stop my muddling mind.”

“You may share my window, my lord.” It was very forward of Alice, but right now she couldn’t think of anything nicer than to share a window with him.

He stalked toward her, his absentmindedness soon forgotten as he headed in her direction. Never had Alice reacted to a man in this way. Even now, her heart beat too fast in her chest and the butterflies fluttered about in her belly.

He came up beside Alice and leaned against the window surround. Arndel caught her eye, and the look he bestowed upon her left her hot and flustered. Was she imagining his flirting with her sister? The darkening of his blue orbs that watched her with such intensity left her in no doubt he was as attracted to her as she was to him.

How very delicious.

“I do hope that in time I shall have the estate back to its rightful beauty. I know there are certain elements of it now that are shockingly ill kept, but I’m looking to remedy that soon.”

Without thought, Alice touched his lordship’s arm, the muscular strength beneath her gloves making her breath hitch. My, oh my, he feels lovely. “Once the roof is repaired you’ll be able to start on the inside of the property, and no doubt you’ll find that everything will fall into place. It may not happen overnight, but it will happen. We have faith in you, Lord Arndel that you will set this place to rights.”

He chuckled. “I thank you, my lady.”

“My dears, we have kept his lordship long enough. It is time to take our leave.” The duchess gestured for Victoria to follow and reluctantly Alice turned to Lord Arndel. “Thank you for showing us your home today. I know it was an impromptu visit, so I hope you’re not too cross with us.”

“Never.” He smiled. “Now, if you follow me, I’ll see you out.”

They walked in silence toward the foyer, and again, Alice couldn’t help but see his lordship’s fine behind. It was probably a blessing that the Season was about to commence. If her reactions toward Arndel were any indication, she was long past due finding a partner in life.

Her sister chuckled and Alice realized she’d noticed her fixation on the gentleman’s nether regions. “Behave Alice, or Mother will notice and we’ll both be scolded.”

Alice shushed her, unable to stop the grin from forming on her lips. “Be quiet or they’ll both hear you.”

Her sibling merely grinned and, thankfully, the front door came into view. Freedom beckoned away from his lordship’s perfect derriere and not a moment too soon. One day her ogling of him would be caught by the man himself, and then she would have reason to blush.

The next day, Alice submersed herself in doing her rounds of Ashford’s poor. A job she would miss, if she truly meant the words she’d spoken to her mama, and marry by the coming Season’s end. But then, wherever her husband’s estate was located would surely have people in need, so she wouldn’t have to give up her charitable pursuits.

She walked down an alley between terraced houses, distraught by their weathered appearance. The decayed wooden walls, plaster and windows broken, and rushes missing from their roofs allowed the elements to penetrate the cottages, leaving those huddled within cold and miserable.

Even from the outside, Alice could see that the walls were moldy and the whole area was not fit to live in, nevertheless to raise a family. Rubbish piled up in some parts of the road, in some areas as high as the ground floor windows. The dirt-lined streets and footpaths would be a sodden muddy track come winter and none of it was acceptable.

Alice waved to Benny, the boy who now worked at Lord Arndel’s estate. Every week since she’d taken over this role from her mama, the little boy had waited on the street to meet her before his employ. He was the sweetest little man, and she was beyond thrilled he’d found a job that helped contribute funds to his mother’s household.

Tony, her groom, stood only a few feet away as she knocked on Mrs. Davy’s door. And within the customary two minutes it opened and the village’s former and converted lady-bird—as her mother would say—welcomed her inside.

On it went for the next few hours. Alice handed out food parcels, tended as best she could to their concerns and worries, and helped out with menial tasks that some of the tenants could no longer handle. Her attendance at their homes was only of short duration, but it was better than nothing at all, and as much as sometimes the visits were sad and upsetting, Alice always returned home feeling as if she’d accomplished something of import. Not just another day sitting at home sewing or learning how to paint. How boring.

Then finally, the family she always left for last, as it gave her the opportunity to stay and chat. After the unexpected death of Bess’s husband the year before, the family had fallen on hard times, but with Alice’s support, the family of three had survived and their future was looking positive once again.

“Lady Alice, we’re so glad you’ve come. I thought ye’d never get here, as ye took longer than ye did last week.”

Alice took Benny’s hand, letting him lead her inside. “I’m sorry I’m late. Today was busier than normal. And I have not forgot, for I have a gift for you. It’s not every day a young man has his birthday.” She smiled and watched as Benny’s eyes alighted with excitement.

“I’m nine tomorrow, my lady. And soon I’ll be old enough to start courting ye. Will ye wait for me?”

Alice ruffled his hair, never had she known anyone as sweet and honest as this little person. “By the time you’re old enough to marry, dear sir, I’ll be old and gray. Much too old for you. I’m sure you can do much better than me,” she said, smiling at Bess and taking a seat at the kitchen table.

Alice passed the food hamper to Rose, Bess’s eldest daughter. The young woman smiled in delight at seeing the small cake Alice had brought for the family. “I had Cook bake a cake for Benny’s birthday. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, Lady Alice, you’re so kind. I don’t know what we’d do without you,” Bess said, her eyes filling with tears. Alice clasped her hand, squeezing it a little.

“No more Lady Alice when we’re alone. Just Alice will be fine.”

Bess nodded, blushing a little at her kindness. Benny squealed with joy at the sight of the vanilla cake with chocolate icing.

“As I won’t see you tomorrow, Benny, I hope you have a very happy birthday and enjoy your day immensely.”

“Oh, I will, miss. For guess what? I get to help saddle up Lord Arndel’s horse and possibly take it out for a ride on the morrow. He never lets anyone ride the stallion, and he’s a beauty, miss. I would think he would rival any of the duke’s cattle to be sure.”

Alice started, reminded anew of the stallion everyone, including her sister, was gushing about. “I have not seen this horse. You do not mean the brown gelding he rides all the time?”

Benny shook his head, frowning. “No, he has the stallion stabled up most of the time. You should see the beast. At least sixteen and a half hands, to be sure. In the dark he’s monstrous looking and can have a temper.”

Alice thanked Bess, as she placed a steaming cup of tea and some biscuits before her.

“Well, you just be careful, my boy,” said Bess. “Don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with. I’ll not have your safety placed in jeopardy, no matter what financial cost to the family.”

“And I agree,” Alice said. “If you feel uncomfortable about anything you’re asked to do, please let me know and I’ll see that it doesn’t happen again.”

“You’re too kind to us.” Bess smiled. “Truly an angel.”

Alice waved away the compliment. She was no angel, and she doubted that, should Benny have a problem while working for Lord Arndel, the viscount would be pleased if she stuck her nose into his affairs and right the wrong handed to the boy.

His lordship would probably send her packing, right smart.

“Lord Arndel wouldn’t place me in danger, miss. I can assure you of that. I love working there. Even Rose has started working there as an undermaid.”

“Wonderful.” Alice took a sip of tea, so thankful that the family were happy and comfortable, well, as comfortable as they could be living in a house that was less than hospitable.

“His lordship said, with me working in the kitchen and Benny full time in the stable, and Rose now as a maid, that we could move to the small cottage east of the estate. It’s a quick walk to the main house and would make the hour-long journey we must do each day from here a lot easier on us all. And I must say, I’ll not be sad to leave this house, not only because of the memories that are always so fresh in me mind, but also because of the condition of the building. I cannot believe all this damp is good for me children’s health.”

“So you’re leaving?” Alice looked about the small room, seeing the tattered linen on the bedding that sat behind a makeshift screen. The fireplace with bricks missing from its sides, and the air held the distinct smell of smoke, as if it was not drawing correctly. As for the tables and chairs, they were nothing but discarded crates from the shops. Alice couldn’t agree more that the cottage was exactly what the family required and above all, deserved.

“You’re not upset by our choice?” Bess asked, concern tinging her voice.

“Only in that we’ll see less of each other, but I’m beyond happy to hear you’ll be settled so near to work, and I know the house you’re going to is sound and quite lovely inside. You’ll be happy there, I’m sure.”

Bess sighed her relief. “You’re Lord Arndel’s neighbor. I’m sure we’ll see you as much as you can spare us the time. And of course, you’re always welcome.”

Alice took Bess’s hand. “It sort of makes my news for you moot now, for I had some exciting information that I wished to share with you all.”

“What was that, miss?” Benny asked, pulling up a stool to the table and looking at her expectantly.

“Well, I’m going to purchase these ten cottages along this road and fix them up for my tenants. The rent won’t change. These houses are, by far, the most neglected in the town and I’d like to change that.”

“Oh, my lady,” Bess said, her eyes filling with tears. Alice watched as she grappled for her handkerchief and dabbled at her eyes. “I stand by my words earlier. You are a true blessing for this town and county.” Bess sniffed. “I can’t say I’m not a little jealous that another family will move in here and be living in such fine comfort, for I’m sure whatever ye do to the cottages will be the very best for those who live here.”

“I hope so.” And Alice truly did hope that was the case. Having been born without a care in the world, never being hungry or cold, she couldn’t allow another person to suffer such a fate, if she had the means to change it. Of course, Ashford was only a small town, and there were many homes across the country that suffered the same fate, but one must start somewhere. And it was best to do something, even if small, than nothing at all.

Bess’s daughter Rose started chopping up vegetables for the evening meal. “And I’ve stayed much later than I ought, so I’ll take my leave. But please, let me know when you’re making the move and I’ll have the cart sent round to help.”

“Oh, we couldn’t impose. That’s too much, Lady Alice.”

“No it’s not,” Alice said, linking arms with Bess and walking to the door. “I will always look out for you. And remember, I’m Alice to you.”

Bess laughed, shaking her head. “Well, in that case, we would be well pleased to borrow the cart two days from now, if it’s no bother.”

“It’s no bother at all. And I’ll call once you’re settled at Lord Arndel’s estate.”

Alice bade good-bye and walked toward Tony who leaned against one of the abandoned terrace house’s windows. The air had chilled with the evening sky settling over the town.

“Are you ready to return to Dunsleigh, my lady?”

Alice nodded. “Yes, thank you, Tony.” Climbing up into the carriage, she looked down the street and vowed there would be no more cold winters for her tenants. Once the title settled into her name, the suffering under the old owner, a man who preferred Town life and the whorehouses that were stationed there, would be nothing but a bad memory.

What was the point of being born a Worthingham if one couldn’t do something with it? She could hardly wait to start.