Only a Viscount Will Do by Tamara Gill

Chapter 6

Alice jumped down from her horse and handed the reins to a waiting stableman. Victoria did the same, and within a moment they spied Josh cantering toward them from the west of the property. He stopped, showering them in gravel.

“Really, Josh, was your dramatic entrance necessary?” Her brother merely chuckled and alighted, coming to stand beside them. “Shall we see if Lord Arndel is home? We have a stallion to view, I believe.”

“Let’s be off.” Victoria rubbed her hands together in glee and started toward the home.

Alice spied Benny coming from around the side of the house, and she waved to the small boy. He smiled and came running over.

“Lady Alice, you’re back. Mama wanted me to say thank you the next time I saw ye. We’re moved in right nice at the cottage and I even have me own room.”

“That’s wonderful, Benny. I’m so glad you’re all settled. Tell your mama I’ll come and visit very soon.”

“Aye, I will, my lady.” He started toward the stables, but paused, turning about to look at her. “Ye look very pretty today, miss.”

Alice laughed, thinking that Benny would be a favorite among the ladies when he became of age. “Why thank you. That’s very kind.”

He nodded, seemingly pleased with himself. “Well, it’s true. Ye are.”

“We’re here to see the famous stallion you told me about.”

“Oh aye, miss, he is the finest horseflesh that you ever beheld. There would be few, I’d imagine, who wouldn’t think him the best of beasts.”

Alice was more intrigued every second. “I should imagine if you think so, then he surely is.”

Benny’s face turned to brooding. “Oh, he is, my lady. Would ye care to come and take a look where I work and where the horse is kept? I keep all the stalls clean for the horses, not a steamer to be seen. You’ll be right proud of me, ye will, miss.”

Alice ruffled his hair. “I’m already proud of you, have been since the day you were born. And I’m certain you’ll keep up the splendid work for his lordship, and one day it will pay off for you. I can promise you that.”

“Then you’ll come. Come and see the stables, miss.”

Alice inclined her head. “We will come as soon as we’ve paid our regards to Lord Arndel.”

“Thanks, my lady.”

Alice followed her siblings toward the door, smiling. The footman stood waiting, ushering them inside and into the foyer.

Alice idly chatted to Victoria while they waited for his lordship. Josh paced before the front windows, and after some time with no sign of his lordship, Alice found a nearby chair and sat.

She turned at the sound of pounding hooves and looked out the window. Her mouth fell open at the sight of Lord Arndel cantering past the front of the house, the black stallion on which he sat, frothing at the mouth, heaving with the effort of a long run.

“That must be the horse Benny had been talking about.” Victoria sighed. “Well, the little boy wasn’t overexaggerating. The thoroughbred is magnificent.”

Alice had thought Benny may have been overzealous in his praise, but that wasn’t the case, for the horse was truly magnificent, much like the man who sat atop it.

She started at the thought and shook herself. She did not want to turn into a simpering fool over this man who’d just ridden past her like Adonis.

Moments later, footsteps sounded deep in the house and Alice settled her riding skirts more evenly about her legs. Wanting to look busy, she made a ploy of taking off her gloves and fiddling with her hat. The last thing she needed was for Arndel to think they’d been anxiously waiting for him.

She need not have bothered. Lord Arndel, so lost in thought, strode straight past them, his direction toward the library clear and Josh cleared his throat to gain Arndel’s attention.

“Lord Arndel?” her brother said, amusement written across his features at Lord Arndel’s lack of awareness of those who graced his home.

“Your Grace?” He skidded to a halt and turned startled eyes toward them.

“I hope you don’t mind, but Lady Victoria wished to view your fine horseflesh, namely, the horse that you just rode past on, and I said I would accompany her.”

He looked about the foyer, clearly shocked. “Ah—of course you’re welcome here. Anytime.”

“Maybe we should’ve called at another time,” the duke said, taking in Lord Arndel’s less than immaculate attire.

He stood with his hands on his hips. How tall he seemed when standing so. Not only that, but he looked a little disheveled after his ride, and it gave him an air of danger that, Alice had to concede, she liked.

“Did you not receive our note of our intended visit? We can come back at another time, if it’s more suitable.” Alice hoped he wouldn’t send them away. She wished to meet with him, talk with him again, as they had done the other day when here with her mother.

“No.” He relaxed his stance and waved them toward the front door. “Come, I’ll take you to the stables directly and you may see my horses.”

“I understand you used to breed them?” her brother stated. Alice started at the information, having not been aware Lord Arndel had done so. What else did she not know of this man?

“I did, yes, and it’s something that I wish to continue, once I have the estate back to its former glory.”

Victoria walked ahead with Josh, and his lordship ended up beside Alice. The smile that had formed on her lips would not dissipate, no matter how much Alice tried to refrain from showing what being beside this man did to her resolve.

“We should organize a race,” said Victoria. “Just a lark between our acquaintances. Dunsleigh has a long, level field that would be perfect for such an event.”

Alice assessed Lord Arndel and was pleased to see he seemed interested in such an idea. “The few horses I have left in the stable would welcome a run. If you can arrange such a day, Your Grace, then I would be pleased to have my cattle take part.”

“Were your horses bred for racing?” They continued, heading toward the side of the house. She breathed deep, his lordship’s scent smelled divine, like fresh country air mixed with lemons. It had also not passed her notice that his cravat was loosely tied, showing off a lovely tanned neck that left her breathing erratic.

“I saw your horse on your return. It’s a beautiful animal.” Alice stole a glance at him. He didn’t meet her eye, but only fiddled with his gloves. Was he as nervous as she was being near to him again?

“I don’t ride him often, not nearly enough as he’d like.” He took the little notebook she held tight in her hands and opened it. “What is this you carry?”

Alice snatched it back, hardly believing he’d done such a thing. “You do know that you should wait for a lady to hand you any notes she may be holding. For all you know, I could’ve been holding a lover’s tale or a private missive to someone.”

“A lover’s letter…” He grinned and she was pulled under his spell. “For me?” He took the notebook back, holding it out of her reach. “Then please, let me read, for I’m more than interested,” he drawled in a tone that was deep and full of meaning but only for her to hear. He skimmed it quickly and no matter how she tried to clasp his arm, she couldn’t take it back.

He sighed dramatically. “I cannot tell you how disappointed I am that it’s blank. I thought you’d written a tome about how you really feel about me.”

“You wouldn’t like to know. Trust me,” she whispered, taking back the book and leveling him with a glare.

He barked out a laugh. The sound, carefree and true, not fake and practiced like she’d heard in Town by so many gentlemen.

“Maybe I would.”

Heat bloomed on her cheeks, and she checked to make sure her siblings were unaware of their antics behind them. Thankfully, they were.

“Trust me, you would not,” she quipped, her tone one of calm assurance that she was far from feeling.

“So what have you brought your notebook for, if I may ask?”

“I was hoping that I could write down the recipe for the dry cake that your cook used to make for the late viscount’s entertainments.”

He leaned toward her, a sardonic lift to his lips. She should push him away, let him know in no uncertain terms that he was being forward. To have him this close, his cheek but a slight lean away did nothing to help her situation to remain indifferent. From here she could see his dark, long eyelashes that swept over his cheeks like a fan. In all truth, his lordship had lovely features and skin. Alice doubted there was much to find fault with.

He bit his bottom lip and looked up, catching her fixation of him.

“I think I can arrange for you to meet with my cook.” He studied her a moment, not trying to move back and give them space, but if anything, tempting her to close the gap between them and see where it would lead. Alice swallowed, having never been in such an intimate situation with a man before but liking it nonetheless. Liked it a lot.

At some point, they had stopped walking. A restless longing burned to know what his lips would feel like. Were they as soft as she imagined them to be, did he kiss well, did he want to kiss her? “Thank you, my lord. That would be most useful.” Her words came out as a whisper and his attention swept to her lips.

“Anything to please you, Lady Alice.”

Her brother hurried them along and Alice jumped back, her heart hammering in her chest.

Alice strode forward. What had she been thinking only a moment ago? And in front of her brother no less! She looked back at Lord Arndel and read the simmering desire in his eyes.

He slowly caught up to her, his stride slow and predatory.

Oh my…

“I understand you have two sisters that are married, do you not? I hope they’ve settled well into their new positions.”

“Yes, very well, thank you,” she said. “Elizabeth, or Beth as we call her, married Lord Muir, an earl from Scotland. They live in the Highlands, in a castle, no less. It’s quite beautiful there and not far from Avonmore, our family’s Scottish estate. Although that was left to Isolde after our father passed.”

“You like Scotland, then, and have spent some time there.” He studied her and she sighed. “Like” wasn’t a strong enough word for how much she adored England’s northern neighbor.

“I do. Very much so. It is truly a magnificent place and one I wish to explore more. So much history there, and not always the best, considering England and Scotland’s past, but times have changed since then, thankfully.”

“I’ve not been there myself, but I would like to go. Perhaps, when I’m married, my bride will like to travel there, instead of the continent.” His stare turned primal and Alice couldn’t seem to tear her eyes from him. Was he hinting to her as to what he wished? To bring up marriage before an unmarried woman wasn’t what any well-bred man ought to do, but his lordship didn’t seem to care about that.

She cleared her throat. “My other sister, Lady Isolde, the second eldest in the family, is recently married to the Duke of Moore.”

“Another duke. And here I am, a mere viscount.”

Alice laughed, hearing the humor in his statement. “A viscount is not mere at any time, and you, Lord Arndel, are certainly not mediocre, if that was your meaning.” Alice stopped speaking as the words left her mouth. Now I’m flirting? Whatever next? She cast a horrified look at his lordship, relieved to see nothing but genuine affection is his blue orbs. Even so, Alice really ought to learn how to control her wayward tongue.

“I like that you think so.” His scrutiny was disconcerting to say the least, but look away from it she could not.

“Tell me what you do with your time. I have an inkling that you like to keep busy.” He smiled and her feet felt like they were on unstable ground.

If he thought her a spoiled child who only embroidered cushions and sang in the gardens all day, he was quite mistaken. “I keep myself quite busy. There are many things to keep me occupied most days.”

“Such as?” he smiled, helping her step over a small puddle.

“Well, I recently purchased the cottages on Pitt Street in Ashford. I’m about to start renovations on them.”

He gaped at her. “You are? And your brother allowed such a thing?”

Alice rolled her eyes. “Of course. Although we may have disagreed about the price, at first, but I made him see the sensible side of my agenda. It truly is a great idea and I can hardly wait to start.”

“You’re going to oversee the build?” He sounded shocked.

“Of course. How else will I ensure that the best outcome is reached? The cottages in Ashford will be the talk of the county and make all those who live in the community green with envy.” By the time she finished the build, everyone will wish to live there. She met Arndel’s stare. Clearly, he was a little taken aback.

“I can see you’re stunned.”

He smiled a little in awe. “I am. I’ve never heard of a woman doing such a thing, and certainly not a daughter of a duke.”

She shrugged. “We must all do what we can. I’m able to help, I wish to, and so I will. It is as easy as that.”

He didn’t smile, merely stared at her a moment. “What a remarkable woman you are to do such a thing for those less fortunate than yourself.”

Never in her life had Alice received such a heartfelt compliment and that it had come from Lord Arndel only made her more discombobulated. “Thank you,” she said, unsure of what else to say.

They came up to the stables, and a stableman, an older gentleman with graying hair and glasses, greeted them.

“Bill, can you please bring out Bandit. Lady Victoria wishes to view him.”

His head stableman pulled off his hat, bowing a little. “Of course, my lord.”

Within a few minutes, the beauty they had seen just after their arrival walked out of a stable block that was away from the other horses. Victoria oohed over the animal, and without hesitation walked up to it, first letting the horse smell her hand before patting his nose.

“Oh, he’s beautiful. How lucky you are to have such an animal. I must admit that I’m utterly jealous of you, Lord Arndel.”

The duke, too, went up to the horse and patted its neck. “Did you breed him yourself?”

His lordship remained with her, which pleased her more than she liked to admit. “No. Although I will breed from him if I can. Bandit was left here on the estate after the late viscount’s passing. I suppose even Robert knew when to draw the line at selling such a fine specimen of a horse.”

“I’m glad of it,” her brother said, running a hand over the mount’s back.

Victoria came back and joined them. “I assume because he’s a stallion that is why you keep him in a separate stable from the other horses.”

“I do yes, he can be…let’s say, a little temperamental at times.”

Benny, seeing them inspecting Bandit, ran over and bowed. Alice chuckled, loving the fact the little boy was such a character. “Lady Alice, did ye want me to fetch Juno for you? And Lady Victoria,” Benny said, before spying the duke. “Oh, and His Grace? No one sent word that you were here. I’m sorry I don’t have ye horses ready for you yet.”

Alice waved his concern aside. “Never mind that. Perhaps while the others are looking at Bandit, you can show me where you work.”

“Really, my lady? I would love to, if his lordship doesn’t mind.”

Alice looked at Lord Arndel and was relieved to see only mirth directed at the young stable hand’s request. “You may show Lady Alice where you work, Benny.”

They headed to where the other stable block was situated. It was full to brim with horses; two other stable lads walked from one stable to the other, busy with their tasks.

Benny pointed out each horse, their age, and height as they made their way through the building. The stalls were clean and well kept, and Benny explained how certain stalls were kept for his lordship’s horses and those of guests.

“Since I’m here, I may as well help you saddle up Juno, shall I?”

“Oh no, my lady. Ye can’t do that. I won’t take long, if ye can wait a wee while.”

“It’s perfectly fine, Benny. My sister, I should think, will be with Bandit for a little time yet.” She walked farther into the stable block, taking in the horses that leaned over their gates and nickered to a new face.

Unlike the lawns and gardens that surrounded the property, the stables were completely the opposite in appearance: clean stalls, fresh-smelling hay, horses that were groomed until they shined. Lord Arndel obviously loved his cattle very much.

“Lord Arndel had these horses prior to coming to Kester House, or so Bill told me. He used to breed them. Sold some at Tattersalls, too.”

Another tidbit that Alice had only just become aware of, thanks to her brother. The fact that he believed his past was not worth discussing, or discussing with her, made her wonder. Was he ashamed? Did he not like people enough to let them know him a little better?

“His lordship certainly seems to have many horses stabled here. Where is it that you’ve placed Juno?”

Benny strode up to another stall not too much farther along and opened the stable door. Juno gave a neigh and walked over. Alice patted her neck.

“You have a beautiful horse, my lady. She’s similar in size to his lordship’s Bandit.” Benny placed the saddle on her mount and quickly tied up the girth, pulling both front legs to stop it pinching. Alice smiled at how quickly and efficiently the lad did his job, and she was pleased he was so confident with his work.

“I suppose she is a similar height.”

Benny leaned on the wall as if an old hand at his job. “What did ye think of his lordship’s horse? Isn’t he as dark as the night and as tall as the sky?”

She smiled at the boy’s wayward imagination. “I think Bandit will father some very beautiful foals.” Alice gestured to a stall further along. “I see his lordship has a small pony. Do you use the little gelding to learn how to ride on?”

Benny laughed, leaving Juno for a moment and moving on to her brother’s horse to saddle. “No, my lady. That’s Whiskers. He’s his lordship’s daughter, Amelia’s, horse. She often rides him about the yard, although she’s not allowed to go any faster than a trot. I’m able to canter, since I’m older than her by two years.”

Alice started at Benny’s words and looked at him quickly. “Lord Arndel has a daughter?” How did she not know this? Alice snapped her mouth shut, sure she was gaping like a guppy fish. And then a more dreadful thought occurred to her. Was he married?

Oh no…

“Aye, my lady. She’s only seven.”

Alice slumped against the stable wall, utterly blindsided by what she’d just been told. Lord Arndel was a father? Did that mean he was married? But that didn’t make any sense. If he was, he’d never flirt with her. Would he? “I did not know his lordship was married.” What had become of her? She paused, not certain how she should word her next question, but dying to know the truth of the situation, she questioned the boy. “Do you know what happened to her ladyship?”

Sadness replaced the warmth on Benny’s visage and he sighed. “Carriage accident from what I’ve heard. Lady Arndel, God rest her soul, was thrown when it rolled down a hill. Lord Arndel broke his daughter’s fall and came out relatively unharmed, but Amelia broke her leg. It is believed the driver lost control of the horses and took a curve in the road too sharply. I would’ve sacked the driver had I been in charge.”

How devastating. Alice couldn’t imagine growing up without a mother. Her own was the most loving and kind woman she’d ever known, and to think they may have never known her was unimaginable. Poor Lord Arndel, too, losing the woman he loved at such a young age. “How terrible for them all. I’m so sorry for his lordship and little Amelia.”

Benny nodded. “Aye, Cook says it was hardest for his lordship. Before taking up the viscountcy, Cook worked for him in Northumberland, you see. His lordship had a modest home, nothing like this grand estate and was really in love.” The little boy scrunched up his nose as if he’d said something distasteful.

Alice digested all that had been revealed and could hardly believe it. Arndel hadn’t said a word to anyone, for she was certain her mama knew nothing of this disclosure. It made her wonder why he was keeping it all a secret. Was he still mourning his wife? Had they been a tremendous love match—one he’d never recover from? Alice couldn’t imagine giving her heart to someone, only to lose it through such tragic circumstances. “Lord Arndel must still miss her dearly, since he’s not remarried.” It was terrible of her to question little Benny, but needing to know the truth, she couldn’t help herself.

“They knew each other since they were kids, from what I heard Cook say.”

Benny finished saddling the other two horses, and with her help, they walked the mounts out into the yard. He chattered away about his mama and sister, and Alice nodded when required, pleased the struggles in his home life, that only a few months ago had been difficult, had finally come to an end. Joy surged through her that she’d been a part of their life’s change. That by stepping in, acquiring employment for Bess and her children, she had given them hope, something they’d not had for a very long time.

“Lord Arndel is the nicest master I’ve ever had. He often comes out here and teaches me all that he knows about horses and looking after them. I’m learnin’ lots and I’m going to be the best groom in the world.”

Alice ruffled Benny’s hair. “Excellent. Then I can hire you to be mine.”

“Will ye, miss? But…” he faulted. “If I was to work for ye, who’d work for Lord Arndel? I’d feel guilty if I left him without a groom after everythin’ he’s done for me.”

Alice took pity on the boy lest he go home and have nightmares. “Of course, the choice is yours, and you have plenty more to learn yet, so do not worry about your future now. Just remember, you may come to me anytime you feel the need to. My home is always open to you, no matter where I am. Now,” Alice said, “run along and tell His Grace his horse is ready.”

The duke and Victoria bade farewell to the horse, and even from where Alice stood, she could see Victoria didn’t wish to leave the magnificent stallion. She smiled, admiring her sister a little more.

“Are we ready then?” the duke asked, turning back to Lord Arndel and shaking his hand.

“I believe so.” She smiled at Benny’s quiet whine of disappointment. “I will see you again soon, Benny. Don’t forget I’m to call on your mama in a few days.”

Lord Arndel threw her a curious look, and Alice knew what he was thinking. What was a sister of a duke doing visiting a kitchen maid? She didn’t explain herself. After all the secrets he’d been keeping from her, he could muddle on that for a few days longer.

Benny smiled, but didn’t reply, merely held Josh’s horse as her brother mounted.

Alice led Juno to the mounting block, and with the assistance of Benny she climbed up and settled herself into the stirrups.

“Beg ye pardon, my lady, but you’re not riding astride? Won’t ye get in trouble riding that way?”

Alice grinned, deciding it was probably best she didn’t tell Benny that she always rode like this and wore breeches under her dress to make the journey more comfortable. She’d never liked side-saddle, nor its restrictions. And out here in the country, no one paid any heed to what they did, so long as they didn’t do it in Town.

“It’s perfectly fine, I assure you.” Alice turned to Lord Arndel who came to stand beside her.

“You haven’t received the ingredient list to make the cake you wanted.”

Alice waved his concerns aside. “It’s not urgent, but if you could have your cook write up the recipe and have it sent over to Dunsleigh, I would be most appreciative.”

His brow rose and he grinned. “Until we meet again then, my lady.”

She studied him a moment. A man once married and in love, by all accounts. What had he been like as a husband? Passionate, caring, sweet and cajoling… Victoria trotted past, bidding his lordship good-bye. Arndel stepped back, bowing. “Safe travels,” he said.

“Good day, my lord.” Alice followed Josh from the yard, before trotting away from the estate.

Callum stood at his library’s window and watched as Lady Alice cantered across an open field, but halted before the forest that surrounded his lands, and gave Kester House one last inspection.

What was she thinking? After seeing Bandit, did she suspect him at all? He ground his teeth, not at all pleased, knowing what an intelligent mind that pretty face hid.

Footsteps sounded deep in the house, before a light knock sounded on his library door.

“Enter,” he barked out, watching as his head stableman, Bill, shuffled in.

“When Lady Alice visited the other stable block, do you know of what Benny and her ladyship spoke about?”

His stableman’s eyes widened at the question and he stood still, clenching and unclenching his cap in his hands. “Inconsequential things, my lord. Lady Alice did enquire about Whiskers and Benny explained that it was Miss Amelia’s mount, but other than Benny explaining his daily duties, not a lot was said.”

Callum swore. So now Alice knew of his family, and he’d not been the one to tell her.

He sighed, running a hand over his jaw. Not that he was angry at Benny, but himself. He should’ve told Alice a long time ago that he’d been married. The moment they met in Town last Season he should have explained that he’d loved and lost his wife. Damn it.

“Did she say anything about Bandit to Benny, do you know? Anything at all?” Callum listened with trepidation that Lady Alice had recognized the mount that he’d been scurrying about the county on, as the Surrey Bandit. The day he’d stolen from the duchess, Alice had seen his horse, but being some months ago now, his only hope was that she’d forgotten Bandit’s markings.

“Nothing, my lord. Only that the horse was a beauty and she wished Benny well, told the lad to keep up his good work.” His stableman paused. “I apologize if anything the young lad has said or done has caused you pain, my lord. But I’m sure Lady Alice will not go about the district telling people of your horse or its value. The Surrey Bandit could never get away with stealing a gentleman’s mount without giving up his identity.”

Callum waved the man’s concerns aside, hating that his staff, if they knew the truth about him, wouldn’t care a fig of his feelings and would merely quit and never come back.

He took a calming breath, the first since Alice had arrived. She had a certain knack to discombobulate him at every turn. Even last Season when she’d followed him about, teasing, and taunting him to dance with her, he’d always been on guard as to what she’d say or do next. Not that he’d not enjoyed their interactions. He had, very much so. For the first time since losing his wife, Maria, he’d seen in Alice someone who would make him laugh, while also warming his bed, pleasantly so.

It was probably why he’d kept his widowhood and daughter a secret, not wanting anyone to like and care for him out of pity, but because of who he was inside.

Why he’d had to go and ruin it was something he’d never forgive himself for, and sometimes he wondered if Alice would, either. Even now, she guarded herself about him, protected her heart from falling for his.

He sighed. “Place Bandit back in his stable and keep him from view from any guests who may arrive. He’s too valuable to lose to some highwayman.”

“With all due respect, I’m sure if there are any thieving bastards, beg ye pardon, my lord, around, we would’ve heard about it by now.”

Guilt pricked his soul, knowing he was the bloody thieving bastard who roamed the lands, and no one else. “Yes, of course.” He walked back to his desk and sat. “No doubt the Surrey Bandit is long gone with all his jewels.”

His stableman agreed, frowning. “There was just one more thing, my lord.”

“Yes,” he said, looking up at the man.

“Bandit was in a right mood when Lady Alice’s mare, Juno left. It seems your stallion has taken a liking to her mare.”

Callum scoffed. He could sympathize with his horse at least on that score, for he had a penchant for its rider. “And…this is relevant why?”

“Ye horse is kicking at the stable walls and trying to bite anyone who tries to pass too close to his stall. Did ye want me to let him out into the back paddock for a day or so? No one ever passes that side of the river and it’s secluded enough with the surrounding woods. I think if we’re to stable him again, he may do damage to himself or his stall.”

“You may release him, or, as we know all too well, he’ll be in a terrible temper.” Callum pursed his lips. With the upcoming ball, the Worthingham’s constant calling-in and his horse being known about, it was probably time he left for Town and rid himself of the brooch. The last item he’d acquired had sat long enough in his safe, and should Lady Alice realize who his horse actually was and where she’d seen him before, there would be no stopping her from going to the local magistrate and having him locked up in Newgate. Or worse, hanged.

Even though the damn moneylenders hadn’t sent for the jewel, he needed to be rid of them—the jewel and the moneylenders once and for all. He would no longer wait for the say-so to arrive in Town. If Lady Alice happened to remember where she’d seen Bandit before, at least no evidence would be found on the property. And there was no proving that his horse was the very same the Surrey Bandit used. It would be her word against his.

“Two days hence, ready the carriage for London.”

“Right ye are, my lord.”

Arndel watched as his stableman turned about and left. He looked out the window to where he’d seen Lady Alice last, riding astride, wild and untamed, as usual. Would she be the same when warming her husband’s bed?

Reaching over, he clasped some parchment and scribbled a note to the moneylenders that he’d be there in three days to make the transaction. He blotted the note closed without his family’s stamp, relieved, to some extent, that all this would be over in only a few days. Three days and the estate would be debt free, no IOUs clamping down hard on his shoulders, threatening his daughter and his life. Threatening to go public with the debt.

Freedom beckoned, a fresh start with a future to plan. One that hopefully, included the delectable Lady Alice Worthingham and her natural charms.