Sam’s Little Girl by Pepper North

Chapter 15

Sam slid out of his truck and rounded the hood to help Hope climb down safely to the ground. A male voice called his name, and Sam turned to wave at the familiar man. “Hi, Mark. There’s a barbeque tonight. Why don’t you bring Cricket?”

Hope watched him hesitate and then shake his head. As Sam ushered her up to the front door, she asked, “Why doesn’t he date Cricket? She likes him.”

“You know that. I know that. Hell, the entire team knows that. Mark thinks he’s too old. All he’s doing is wasting time.”

“That’s silly. If they both want to be together, what difference does it make what numbers are on his driver’s license?” Hope asked.

“Feel free to tell him that. He needs a kick in the butt and we’re all afraid of the laps he’ll make us run if we say any more to him,” Sam said as he knocked on the door.

“Hi, Hope, Sam. Come on in. I think I’ve got everything set up.” Doniphan led them down the hallway to what had obviously been a bedroom but was now an office. As he opened the door, Hope was both reassured and nervous to see that it looked just like a doctor’s office, complete with the metal stirrups at the end of the exam table.

“I’ll start a new file for you, Hope. While I ask some questions, Sam, help Hope take off her clothing.”

“When’s your birthday?”

“April fourteenth. I’m twenty-two.”

“You’ve just accepted a job with the military and start next week. This will count as your pre-employment physical as well.” When she looked at him in horror, Doniphan added, “The physical form just has checkmarks to show I checked your lungs, etc. I won’t detail your intimate exam on it. Coming to see me today will satisfy your pre-employment requirement.”

“I didn’t know I had to do that,” she confessed.

“You need to go pick up a big packet of information at your parents’ house. I’m sure it came today. I’ve already logged into the system and gotten the approval started since I already knew that you’re young and healthy. Lie on your tummy on the table, please,” Doniphan instructed as he pulled on gloves.

“I hate this,” she muttered under her breath as she stretched out.

“They all do,” Doniphan assured her.

As they waited for the required ten minutes for her temperature to register, Doniphan asked routine questions about immunizations and childhood illnesses.

“The fever’s all gone. Roll over, Hope, and I’ll check your breasts before the pelvic section,” Doniphan directed. When she was in position, he began a thorough exam.

“Sam, I’ll check this breast and then I want you to follow my pattern. Little girls often skip self-exams. Be sure to feel for any concerning lumps or dimples each month. It’s best after Hope’s menstrual cycle. Her breasts will be less tender then.”

“When did you do this last, Hope?” Doniphan queried his patient as he watched Sam mimic his expertise.

“Um, I don’t know.” The feel of her daddy’s fingers on her sensitive tissue made Hope shift restlessly on the table. Don’t get wet! When Sam’s hands lifted, she blew out her breath in an audible gust.

“I’ll be glad to check for her,” Sam assured Doniphan.

Hope relaxed as Doniphan palpated her abdomen. That relief didn’t last for long. Doniphan wrapped a wide band around her ribcage, securing her in place.

“Sam, help me secure Hope’s feet in the stirrups.”

Trying to cooperate but stiff with embarrassment, Hope’s movements weren’t smooth. Doniphan was obviously used to nervous patients because he coached Sam through the process of fastening Hope’s legs to the metal supports.

“Good job, Hope.” Doniphan rubbed the inside of one thigh as she settled with her legs spread widely. “I’m going to check every part of you to make sure you’re healthy. Little girls sometimes get excited at the doctor. If you have an orgasm here, that’s perfectly normal.”

Looking at him in shock, Hope gathered from his serious expression that there were no secrets between a Little and her doctor. She tried to pull her thighs together to hide the juices already gathering, but they had fastened her firmly. Hope darted a glance at Sam. His expression hadn’t changed. He nodded to her and squeezed her hand. Hope returned the squeeze and closed her eyes.

“First, you’ll feel my fingers, Hope.” Doniphan explained what he was checking for as his hands explored her pink folds. “Sam, Hope lubricates well, but I always counsel the addition of extra help if needed. Sometimes, birth control has an effect on nature. Let me know if you notice a change.”

She heard the creak of the stool and knew that the nurse now sat at eye level with her most intimate place. At the feel of the warmth focusing on her, Hope peeked to see Doniphan adjusting the bright light to reveal everything. In a flash, she slammed her eyelids closed again.

“My fingers probing your vagina,” Doniphan warned just before she felt him stretching her tight channel. “Breathe, Hope. You’re doing well. Everything appears fine here. I’ll check inside with the speculum next.

“Sam, I do see the signs of some small tears here at her entrance. Hope will continue to stretch to accommodate you. Couples often find great success in speeding up this process by inserting your penis into her at quiet times. Try cuddling Hope close during a movie or take a bath together. No movement. No focus on orgasms.”

“Good idea, Doniphan. I don’t want to hurt Hope.”

“You haven’t hurt me,” she rushed to assure Sam.

“I don’t want to cause a twinge unless I’m punishing your bottom for being naughty.”

“Okay, Daddy.” Hope tugged his hand up to her mouth and pressed a kiss to his fingertips. She loved that Sam leaned down to return the kiss.

Sam’s lips still caressed hers as the thick speculum slid deeply inside. When she moaned into his mouth, her daddy skillfully distracted Hope. A few quick swabs and the intruder slipped away. Hope relaxed onto the table. It was done.

A dab of cold lubricant on her smaller opening made her eyes blink open. Sam blocked her view between her thighs as a smaller instrument glided into her rectum. She relaxed slightly as Doniphan repeated the familiar pattern: look around and take a few samples.

“You’re being so good, little girl,” Sam encouraged her.

“Hope, this one is the final test.”

She heard the mechanical whirl of something familiar. Hope tried to curl up from the exam table to get away, but the band and Sam’s presence over her held her in place. “Please, Sam.”

“You’ll hear me counting. No rush,” Doniphan said softly as he placed the vibrating wand directly on her clit. “One. Two. Three. Four.”

Her body convulsed in a very strong orgasm. Barely, she heard Doniphan count the opposite way. “Four, three, two, one.” The vibrator lifted from her body, and Hope collapsed to the soft padding.

“Perfect in every way,” Sam said proudly.

She looked at Doniphan as he straightened her arm.

“A quick ouchie,” he promised her as he wrapped a tourniquet around her upper arm.

It took too much energy to protest. She rested quietly as Doniphan quickly drew her blood.

“Birth control?” Sam reminded the medic.

“No reason not to start Hope on a ninety-day birth control regimen. Coming back for a shot every three months will let me keep an eye on her, and you won’t risk any forgotten pills. I can give that to her today if you would like. Keep using condoms for three weeks to allow it to take effect fully.”

“Nurses always jab you with needles,” Hope mumbled.

“Anything to keep you healthy!” Doniphan replied cheerfully.