Sam’s Little Girl by Pepper North

Chapter 16

Hope finally had everything unboxed from the move. Sam had created an art nook for her in the kitchen. Sitting at her place, she looked across the table as he ate his traditional second breakfast after returning home from the long run with his teammates. Her fingers itched to draw him. Making her move, Hope retrieved the sketch pad from her dedicated art shelf and returned to the table. She sat down with a slight crinkle of her diaper.

“Can I draw you, Daddy?”

“Make me look good, candy girl,” he answered as he slathered another piece of toast with peanut butter. Lifting it, Sam offered her a bite.

“No, thank you, Daddy,” she answered as she opened the tablet to a blank page. Skillfully, she began to capture Sam’s image on the paper. He was fun to draw—all hard angles. His eyes were the toughest. Those green orbs always displayed so many emotions: love, sexual heat, amusement, happiness.

When her fingers began to ache from gripping the pencil, Hope decided to wait to perfect those on another day. “I’ll draw more later if you’ll be my model again?” At his nod, she folded the pad back together and neatly placed it back on the shelf.

“We need to do some stretching today,” Sam mentioned off-handedly.

“Stretching?” she repeated as she returned to his side.

“I happened to knock something of yours off the shelf this morning.”

Hope looked up at him in confusion. “Really? What? One of my reference books?”

“No. It was the blue box.”

“Oh!” she looked at him in shock. Please, let it not have opened!

“I don’t think I damaged anything. Your reader seemed to be okay. It needs charging, so I plugged it in. I tucked the diaper and pacifier back inside. We need to order you another pacifier. That one has been chewed up a bit.”

Her face flamed with heat, and Hope knew she was blushing furiously. “I got all that stuff when I started reading those books. I wanted to know what it felt like.”

“That is perfectly understandable. I should have gotten you a pacifier when I saw how much you enjoyed the lozenge one. I’m sorry, candy girl.”

“I love that one,” she confessed.

“You have taken to wearing your diaper easily as well,” he observed. Sam scanned her body as she sat next to him, wearing only the padded garment and a loose, short dress.

Unable to lie to him, Hope nodded. She liked her daddy taking care of her. Just being around Sam made her on edge sexually. He’d placed condoms and lubricant all over the house and frequently made love or caressed her to orgasm. The padding eliminated wet panties.

“There was something else in the blue box,” he stated calmly. “I want you to go get them for me.”

“Daddy, no. We can just throw them away now,” she suggested, squeezing her legs together as just the thought of Sam touching her toys excited her.

“No. Go get them,” Sam instructed, reaching for the lubricant, sitting next to the salt and pepper shakers on the table.

Slowly, Hope stood and walked toward the nursery. She looked back over her shoulder several times to double-check his intention. His expression didn’t change as she left the room.

Standing in the middle of the nursery, she looked around.

There. On the changing table lay the open blue box. Two vibrators sat propped up against the top. One skinny blue one and one wand with a rounded head looked at her. Hope walked over slowly to pick them up.

Her pace to the kitchen was snail-like. Finally, she paused outside the doorway and took a big breath. Why did he want her to bring them to him? Gathering her courage, Hope stepped into the kitchen and froze.

Sam had removed the baggy shorts he’d pulled on after his post-run shower. With his hips thrust slightly forward, he’d wrapped his fingers around his erection and pulled it roughly from the root to the tip. That caressing hand beckoned her forward and held out his hand for the objects she held.

Unable to keep her gaze from his thick cock, Hope stumbled forward. After a brief pause, she placed the two vibrators in his hand. Standing absolutely still, she watched him carefully examine both of the devices. He laid the small battery-powered one on the table.

“Let’s reserve this to use next time you’re naughty, candy girl,” he directed, setting the larger wand with the rounded head onto the table and pushing it away to make a cleared space before him.

“Sam. This is embarrassing,” she whispered.

Sam set the smaller vibrator gently on the table. “Arms up,” he instructed, pulling her loose dress over her head and tossing it into her chair. He quickly unfastened the tabs on her unused diaper and let it fall to the floor.

“Over my lap, candy girl,” he instructed as he pulled the small battery-operated vibrator and the lubricant close.

Whimpering as she let him guide her into place, Hope squeezed her thighs together. Lying over his naked lap with his hard cock pressed against her skin pushed her arousal high. His actions were straight from her fantasies. Sam had brought them to life with his own twist. Expecting to feel his hand caressing her, Hope reared her torso up when the first spank landed with a loud sound.

“Back into position, Hope.”

“I don’t want a spanking.”

“You hid important things from Daddy. This was very naughty.”

“I was embarrassed,” she tried to excuse herself.

“Head down, little girl,” he reminded her. Immediately she draped herself over his lap again. He lowered his hand sharply on her bottom. “Two.”

She wiggled, trying to avoid the spanking she knew she deserved. Heat built on her punished skin, and tears streamed down her cheeks. “How many?” she pleaded, interrupting his count when he reached eleven.


Finally, he delivered the last swat. When Hope started to scramble into his arms to be held, Sam restrained her in place. “Your punishment isn’t finished, little girl.”

She heard the click of the lubricant bottle and looked back in horror to see him pick up the thin vibrator. He poured the slick fluid over the tip and spread her bottom to drizzle more on her small opening. Hope knew exactly where that was going. “Daddy, no. Not in my bottom.”

He didn’t answer, but just slid the device deep inside her. Pressing the flat bottom, he triggered the vibrations.

“Daddy!” she pleaded, before clenching her teeth against the sensation.

She heard the telltale whisper of a condom wrapper. And felt his fingers brushing her side as he put it on. He’s going to make love to me?

“Now, little girl. Stand up. It’s time to stretch you a bit.”

Sam assisted her, but made her struggle to concentrate as the buzzing continued inside her. He helped her straddle his lap and guided his penis deep inside Hope. Filled completely, Hope shifted to ride her daddy.

“No, Hope.” His hand held her down to his body. “Good Littles get to have sex with their daddies. You didn’t tell your daddy about your toys. Is there anything else you didn’t tell me?”

Hope bit her lip, trying to ignore the sensations buffeting her. “No, Daddy.” She moaned as Sam shifted to pick up a battered paperback hidden on the chair beside him.

“I didn’t think about that!” she appealed to him.

Sam allowed the book to open to a selection she’d read over and over. He read aloud:

Lord Gentry opened the door into his young wife’s bedroom. The sight of her standing nude in the center of the room pleased him. Nodding to her maid, he walked to the armoire and opened the door to select a thick ivory plug and a jar of creamy ointment.

Sally glanced at the employee, witnessing the impending punishment. “You are dismissed,” she told her quickly, not wishing any witnesses.

“Dora, I think the cook made a heated version of this treatment. Do you know where it is?” Lord Gentry asked, holding up the blue jar.

“Yes, Master Gentry. I put it on your dresser.”

“Go get it for me,” he directed. Immediately, the maid turned and ran out the door, leaving it open for anyone to look inside.

Sally took a step toward the door, but froze in place when he shook his head. Her focus immediately changed.

“Please, Daddy. Don’t put that in me.”

“You have been naughty, my sweet. Bend over the bed now,” he instructed. His voice was even as if this were an everyday conversation.

Even as she moved into position, Sally tried again to dissuade him. “I’ll be good. I promise.”

“Of course you will try,” he comforted her as he rubbed a hand over her bare bottom.

The clatter of feet in the hallway announced Dora’s return. Lord Gentry welcomed her back. “Very good, Dora. A bit of heat will help the lesson stick with Lady Gentry. Please spread her bottom for me.”

Sally buried her face in the covers as her maid pulled her buttocks widely apart. The rasp of the lid on the jar made her shiver. The cook had been peeved with her after Sally complained about the food at last week’s dinner party. She knew the cook’s revenge would be brewed into that concoction.

“Perhaps I buy to find a heated lubricant for your vibrator, Hope,” Sam suggested softly.

Hope’s body exploded into an orgasm as Sam returned to reading the book aloud. Her body spasmed around him as he held her securely impaled on his penis. The buzzing inside her pushed her pleasure higher and higher as Sam turned the page. Hope moaned, remembering what came next in the story.

She would never hide anything from her daddy again.