Sam’s Little Girl by Pepper North

Chapter 9

“Stay right there. I’ll let you out.”

Nodding, Hope followed his directions. They had come to an enormous toy store. She’d been inside a few times to buy birthday and baby shower gifts. It was so much fun to look around. Hope was always there for hours. She’d pick a stuffie quickly, so Sam didn’t have to wait.

When the large man helped her out of the truck, he took her hand. Gripping it securely, she walked with him to the front door. As they headed toward the stuffed animals, Sam squeezed her hand. “Get what you love. Take your time. There is no rush.”

He can read my thoughts?Hope stumbled, and Sam immediately steadied her.

“Careful, candy girl. Here we are. There’s an entire row of stuffies. Choose the perfect one.”

Hope walked the length of the aisle and touched nothing. She clasped her hands together in front of her heart to keep from squeezing all of them. It would have to be soft and cuddly. On the way back down the aisle, Hope hesitated in front of a brown hedgehog. He looked at her with a giant grin.

Looking over at Sam, she checked to make sure it was okay. His quick nod gave her permission to pick up the toy. The hedgehog’s plush outside was silky and its adorable face begged for kisses. Tentatively, she hugged the stuffie to her chest. Perfect! He was squishy and fit into her arms like he was made for her. Surreptitiously, she checked the price and immediately put him back on the shelf. She couldn’t ask Sam to pay that much and her pre-employment funds had dwindled.

Leaving the hedgehog on the shelf, Hope dragged herself down the row. Everything was cute, but it wasn’t exactly what she wanted. Finally, she forced herself to pick up another stuffie. It was a pink flamingo. She liked it fine. It wasn’t as soft or huggable, but she could learn to love it. The price was half what the hedgehog was.

“I like this one,” she said, holding it up for her daddy to approve. Her budget could afford it.

“Are you sure that’s the one you want?” he questioned her closely. “Get the one you love—not the one you’re settling for.”

“This one is awesome,” she answered instantly, forcing herself not to look at the brown stuffie who seemed to watch her with sad eyes.

“I think I’ll get myself a stuffie, too.” Sam went down the aisle and plucked the hedgehog from the shelf. “This is so loveable. We can’t leave him here. Let’s take these two up to the cashier.”

“Wait, Daddy,” she blurted without realizing that she called him the D word in public. “You don’t have to buy both.”

“The hedgehog told me he liked you a lot and wanted to go home with us. He’s willing to share you with the flamingo if you want her, too.”

“I really want Hedgie. But he’s so expensive.”

“Can you put a price on something that feels right?” Sam probed. “Let’s take Hedgie to the cash register. Your flamingo friend can come with us, too. Does she feel right to you?”

Hope squeezed the pink stuffie to her chest. She really was a sweet stuffie. Suddenly, Hope knew what to do. Carefully, she set the flamingo in an obvious spot at the front of the shelf where everyone would see her. “Pinkette deserves someone to love her as much as I love Hedgie. It’s not fair to her to be in second place.”

“That is very sweet of you. Let’s take Hedgie to one more aisle before we check out.” Sam handed the stuffie to Hope before taking her hand and leading her to the nursery aisle. There, he stopped in front of a display of blankets. “Every Little needs a blanket. Which one do you prefer?”

Scanning the display of all types of blankets, Hope tried to decide. She touched all the display samples to see which was the softest. The picture on one drew her. The blanket had a jumble of cartoon kittens and puppies cavorting on it. Made of soft quilted cotton fabric, it looked cuddly.

“This one,” she decided. With a start, Hope realized she hadn’t looked at the price.

Sam didn’t hesitate. He simply scooped up the plastic-wrapped package. “Come on, little girl. Let’s go introduce Hedgie to your nursery.”

* * *

She’s so precious.Sam held Hope’s hand in his. He liked how she clung to him. When he needed his hand to pull out his credit card, Hope pressed herself to his side. He loved that his presence reassured her.

“Could you cut the tag off the hedgehog, and we’ll carry him out of the store? Just put the blanket in a bag,” he requested.

Without commenting, the cashier quickly arranged things. “Thanks for shopping with us today. Enjoy your new friend.”

“Here, candy girl. You hold Hedgie.” Sam handed the stuffie to Hope, who immediately hugged him to her chest before holding her hand out to him to take. He linked his fingers with hers and guided her back to the truck.

Boosting her up into the seat, Sam reached across her to buckle the belt securely around her. He kissed her lightly before stroking Hedgie’s back. “I think you chose the best stuffie ever.”

“I love him,” Hope confessed.

“Good. Hedgehogs need love, too.”

Sam knew he was smiling from ear to ear as he rounded the hood. He’d searched for his Little for so long. A couple of times, he’d thought he’d found the right one, but eventually things hadn’t gone well. This time felt different—more than right.

Climbing into the truck, Sam noticed Hope licking her lips. “Are you thirsty, candy girl?”


Running through the drive-thru of a nearby burger place, Sam ordered a bunch of burgers and two large soft drinks after checking what she liked. When he handed her the drink, Hope sucked thirstily on the straw. By the time, he pulled into the garage, her cup was empty.

After carrying their packages and Hedgie into the kitchen, Sam pulled out Hope’s chair for her. Pouring her a large glass of water, he placed it in front of her before unpacking their fast-food lunch. He shook his head at himself for not feeding her better.

“Don’t you like burgers?” she asked, reading his expression.

“I love them. But I should feed you better.”

“We’ll go to the grocery store later,” she decided.

“That’s a great idea. After naptime,” he agreed.

“I don’t need a nap,” she protested. “I’m not a baby.”

“Of course you’re not. Naps are good for everyone.”

“Do you take a nap?”


“Oh!” Hope took a big bite of her burger and wiggled in delight. “I was hungry.”

“I bet. You’ve had a lot of exercise today.” He winked at her.

“Daddy!” she protested, blushing furiously.

“Eat, little girl.” He kissed her on the head before sitting down at his place to open a wrapper. “Yum!” Sam devoured one burger and reached for another.

“You ate that in three bites!”

“I did. Daddies have big mouths.” He laughed when Hope opened her jaw as widely as possible. “Yours looks just the right size.”

“Really? For eating hamburgers?”

“No, candy girl.” He waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively. “Perhaps later, we’ll experiment.”

“Daddy!” she protested before confessing quickly, “I’d like that.”

“I would, too. Drink your water, so you stay hydrated,” he directed.

Sam plowed through the mound of burgers he had purchased. When they were out on a mission, there was never enough time to eat the sparse supplies they sacrificed other equipment to carry. It was a balancing act that had gone awry on the last mission. Not anticipating being there for an extended amount of time, they exhausted their food in the first week and had existed on protein pouches. The goo resembled peanut butter and provided enough calories for an entire day. But that didn’t keep them from getting hungry. Learning to focus solely on the mission had been an important lesson for each of them to master.

He was pleased when she ate another that he placed by her. As she finished her water, Sam wiped his hands carefully. Picking up the wrapped blanket, he unzipped the protective cover and pulled out the soft blanket. Shaking it out, he got rid of the cardboard interspersed in its folds. “This is so cute. Maybe I need a blankie, too.”

“Daddies don’t have blankies,” she protested. One hand rubbed her eyes sleepily.

“Naptime for little girls,” he announced as he grabbed the blanket and scooped Hope from her chair.

“Don’t forget Hedgie.” Leaning her close to the spot where the hedgehog waited, he watched her pull the stuffie tight against her chest. He carried her to the beautiful nursery. Laying her in the crib, he covered her with the blanket. As he raised the side railing, she sat up.

“I need to use the restroom first,” she protested.

“Of course.” Sam placed one hand low on her tummy and the other on her back. Squeezing firmly, he helped her wet her diaper.

“No! Don’t make me!” she protested before getting very quiet as a soft hissing sound reached his ears.

Sam maintained the pressure until she slumped against him. “All out?” he asked.

“I don’t like that.”

“I know, little girl. It’s scary in the beginning. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

He lifted her from the crib and hugged her tight to his chest. “You’re a very good Little.”

Sam rocked her until she relaxed against him. Then he carried her to the changing table. Stripping off her leggings, he disposed of the wet diaper. He pressed her knees fully apart to reveal her pink folds. After carefully wiping her skin clean, Sam stroked those sensitive areas he’d pinpointed again. Her body responded to his touch instantly.

When she pulled her knees together, Sam warned, “Be good, candy girl. Close your eyes if you need to.”

Slowly, she lowered her legs back to the table. Hope squeezed her eyes shut as pink flooded her cheeks. She looked adorable.

He caressed her intimately. Stroking his fingertip around her wet opening, Sam was pleased to see her glistening juices. His little girl enjoyed his attention as much as he loved touching her. Unable to resist, he leaned over to taste her.

“Mmm!” he hummed against her. Her wiggling response clued him in that she enjoyed that sensation. Instantly, the image of her in the naughty chair with a vibrator pressed against her clit sprang to his mind. He knew that punishment would be extremely potent for his Little.

Flicking his tongue over her clit, Sam pressed two fingers into her body. She bucked against him, trying to speed up his actions. Sam took his time. Her climax would come quickly. He wanted her to want it badly. Moving slowly, he glided his fingers in and out of her tight channel as he maintained his attention to that bundle of nerves at the top of her entrance.

He could feel her thighs quivering as her climax approached. Sam curved his fingers to rake lightly over that sensitive spot on the walls of her vagina. Hope bounced slightly on the padded top as she held her breath. Sucking her clit lightly between his lips, Sam provided the last sensation she needed. With a cry, his Little contracted around his inserted fingers as her body spasmed with pleasure.

Moving quickly, he removed a small plug from the drawer below her. Dipping it in the lubricant, he pulled her buttocks apart to reveal that smaller opening. Sam pressed it inside and watched her body clamp around it as the invader revitalized her climax. As she protested weakly, he wrapped her once again in an absorbent diaper.

“Shhh! Little girl. It’s time you were napping.” He stripped her large T-shirt off, leaving her naked except for the wrap around her bottom.

Picking her up, Sam rocked her in his arms until her eyes blinked heavily. With a kiss on her forehead, he carried Hope to the crib and settled her on the soft mattress. “Hold on to Hedgie,” he instructed, placing the stuffie against her chest. He loved her shiver as the plush toy caressed her bare breasts. His Little was definitely a sensuous concoction. Sam covered her with the blankie and lifted the side railing to keep her safe inside.

By the time he’d closed the blinds completely, the rustling in the crib had disappeared. Sam turned on the baby monitor and picked up the view pad. Thank goodness, he’d prepared for his Little to appear. With one last look in the crib, Sam forced himself to leave the room. Hope needed to rest.