Sam’s Little Girl by Pepper North

Chapter 7

“Little girl, wake up. I need to fix you breakfast before I report for training.” His deep voice invaded her dreams.

“No,” she refused.

“Daddy has ways of waking you up, candy girl.” The steel underlining his words warned her that his joking tone would evaporate if she didn’t respond quickly.

“Five more minutes?” she begged, batting her eyes at him.

“Temptress. Flirting with Daddy might just be the only way to stay in this bed,” he laughed. Scooping her up, Sam whirled her around in a tight circle as she clung to him.

“Daddy, no!” She laughed as the world spun around her.

Sam boosted her up one more notch to toss her over his shoulder. Immediately, his powerful hand dropped onto her vulnerable bottom. The loud smack definitely captured her attention.

“Noooo!” she wailed.

“Are you awake now? Or do you need more convincing?”

“Yes! You’re a morning person, aren’t you? This may not work…” Hope tried to joke.

Sam, however, didn’t treat it as a joke. Scooping her off his shoulder, he cradled her in his arms as he sank to the floor. He looked very seriously at her. “Silly things like who’s a morning person and who isn’t can’t come between us, candy girl. I’m in this for the long haul. I’m willing to give you some time to adjust and settle in. But if you don’t see yourself with me in the future, you need to tell me now or you’ll rip my heart out.”

She stared at him, trying to read his expression. “Sam…”

“Daddy,” he corrected. His voice was stressed to match his features. She knew this was important.

“I’m sorry. I was trying to make a joke. I do that sometimes to hide my real emotions,” she confessed.

Waving a hand back and forth between their hearts, she added, “I didn’t think this could exist—that I could feel this strongly about anyone this fast. It scares me. What if I let down all my guards and share all my fantasies with you and…”

“And I make you my little girl for the rest of our lives?” he fiercely suggested.

“And you decide that someone else is better than me. Cuter, more spontaneous, more Little.” She shared her fears in a tumble of words.

“I’ve been searching for my little girl since I was sixteen. I didn’t quite know what I needed in my life, but I knew I was wired differently than the other teenage guys.”

“Did you find your Little before?”

“I found little girls before and I enjoyed having them in my life for a short period. I didn’t find my little girl until I visited a fairground on my day off.”

“Me?” Hope couldn’t understand what would make her different from the others. She was just nerdy, artistic Hope.

“You. My heart has settled on you, Hope.”

Overwhelmed by his commitment to her, she laid her cheek against his chest to hear his heartbeat. Steady and strong, just like Sam himself, it grounded her. His arms quickly wrapped around her torso to hold her close. His warm skin and furry body heated her, making Hope realize only then that they were both naked.

When he leaned her away from his body to see her face, she wrapped her arms around her torso to shield herself. Sam locked eyes with her as he pulled her arms away and held her hands. “Don’t hide from your daddy, little girl. I always need to see you to make sure you’re okay—both your pretty outside and your intriguing inside. There can be no secrets between us.”

He held her gaze until she nodded.

“Good girl,” he praised.

Hope beamed up at him. She shouldn’t enjoy pleasing him so much, but she definitely did. When his hand released hers to cup her cheek, Hope lifted her lips to him. His kiss was sweet and soft, full of emotion and caring. She felt a warmth kindle in her belly as Sam revealed how much he truly cared for her.

“I love you, candy girl.”

She looked up at him in shock. Her parents had always told the story of meeting and falling in love almost instantly. Hope had thought it was a romantic embellishment. Maybe it actually happens like this. She opened her mouth to answer, not sure what she was going to say.

Rwahr!His stomach growled, interrupting the moment.

“Come on, candy girl. This growing man needs food!” With a display of strength and agility, Sam rose with her cradled in his arms. Sitting her on the bed, he considered her nude form as she struggled not to cover herself and not ogle the thick erection that he sported.

“As cute a breakfast companion as you are, I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Sam turned and opened a drawer in the chest behind him. Tugging a T-shirt from the pile, he shook it out and dropped it over her head.

When he caught her eyes dropping to his erection, Sam laughed. “Get used to it, candy girl. My body’s had a taste of yours. Now, it’s never going to be satisfied.”

He turned and pulled a pair of loose shorts from the chest as well and tugged them on. “Breakfast first. Then, a shower.”

“Can I touch you, then?” she blurted, and felt her face heat in embarrassment.

“You’re going to kill me, candy girl. Food. Then fun.” He tugged her up from the bed into his arms.

After hugging her tight, Sam patted her bottom and urged, “Go potty.”

Looking over her shoulder when she couldn’t swat the wooden door closed behind her, Hope discovered Sam followed her and his broad shoulders blocked the doorway. “You want to go first? I can wait,” she offered.

“Little girls need their Daddies’ help.”

“I think I have this covered.” She laughed off the suggestion that she couldn’t do this by herself.

“Littles are very capable adults. They choose how old they feel most comfortable. Some identify as teens. Others as babies. We’ll explore where you feel most comfortable. Whatever age you choose to be, I’ll be part of your intimate life.”

Swallowing hard, she asked, “Even in the bathroom?”

“Go potty, candy girl. I’ll wait right here,” he said, turning to face the mirror. Sam picked up a brush and attempted to put his hair back in military shape. During the weeks away, his hair had sprouted and curled at the ends.

She watched him as she backed away to the toilet. Gathering the hem of her borrowed T-shirt in her hands, Hope sat down quietly. Immediately, pee streamed from her body. Glancing up to see how Sam reacted to the noise, Hope relaxed a bit. He simply continued strong-arming his hair into place. Finishing, she quickly wiped herself and flushed the toilet.

Joining Sam at the sink, Hope washed her hands. She studiously avoided meeting his gaze in the mirror. Freezing as he leaned close, Hope closed her eyes when he kissed her hair.

“Good girl. You’re learning to be Little.”

When she peeked over at him, he winked at her before taking her hand to lead her through the small house to the kitchen.

“Next time, I’ll help my little girl,” he promised.

What? Help me use the bathroom? Passages from those books she’d read over and over popped into her mind. The little girl’s daddy had taken care of everything her. Is this what Sam wants?

She pulled him to a dead stop. “How far are you going to take this?”

“I want to love and protect you in all ways. It’s not a question of how far but the idea of what is best for you. We’ll figure it all out. I’ll ask you to try everything a few times and decide with your heart, not your idea of what is correct according to the world.”

There was nothing she could say to that. It was perfectly reasonable. Nodding, she followed him as he resumed walking. In just a few steps, they arrived at the kitchen. Hope looked around with a smile.

She hadn’t imagined it last night. Even in the bright light of morning, this room was inviting and homey. When she hesitated at the table, unsure what to do, Sam helped her into the chair where she’d sat last night.

“We’ll make this your official spot. Right next to Daddy,” he announced. “I’ll get things ready for first breakfast.”

“First breakfast?”

“I usually eat twice in the morning. First, something to fuel me before I go run. Then, a second breakfast to power back up. We need something in our stomachs, before I give you a shower.”

She blushed, imagining what a devastatingly nude Sam would look like wet. Hope squeezed her thighs together, trying to distract herself from the images that welled into her mind. Taking a few deep breaths to calm her quickening heartbeat, Hope looked down at the table and counted to ten.

Meanwhile Sam strode purposefully around the room, gathering two bowls and three different boxes of cereal. When he placed a bottle of milk on the table, the click of the bottle interrupted her calm down mantra. A random question popped into her head.

“How do you have fresh milk?”

“Wow! You are still asleep. That’s dry milk, I’m afraid. I just mixed it up with some cold water. Just pretend it tastes as good as fresh,” Sam counseled with a wink. He dropped a kiss on her head before sitting in the chair next to Hope.

“I’m definitely not a morning person,” she confessed. They busied themselves with pouring cereal into the bowls. Sam’s bowl was the size of a salad bowl. Hope filled hers with a moderate amount of one healthy cereal.

Sam had a bit from each of the three boxes. He layered the first two healthy mixes before dumping in a generous amount of kids’ cereal from a brightly colored box. Pausing, he shook the box. It sounded almost empty. With a shrug, he poured the rest into his gigantic bowl, filling it to the top.

“You’re not going to eat all that?” she questioned in amazement.

“First breakfast is very important.” He poured milk for her before dumping the rest on his concoction.

Taking the first bite, Hope grimaced at the watery taste of the dried milk. “I can see why people have cows now.”

“Definitely. Just imagine the best cream and try to fool your mind,” he suggested. Taking another bite, Sam closed his eyes in mock delight as he savored its flavor.

Hope laughed. “You goof!” She took another bite and smiled to herself when the flavor wasn’t quite as bad. Sam just made things better.

As she looked at him rapidly devouring the mountain of cereal, an avalanche of emotion took over her mind. His importance in her life crashed down over Hope. Tears welled to her eyes and cascaded over her cheeks. What if he hadn’t come home?

Keeping her head down so she didn’t disturb him with her silliness, Hope tried to brush the moisture from her cheeks subtly. When his hand cupped her chin and lifted her gaze to his, she resisted.

“Hope,” he said simply.

She peeked up as she dashed the tears from her face. “Sorry. I’m being silly.”

“Come here, little girl.” Sam scooted her chair away from the table and scooped her into his arms and on his lap.

When he held her cuddled close, Hope whispered, “What if you had gotten hurt? Or worse?”

Gently wiping her face dry with his powerful hands, Sam spoke softly. “I can’t guarantee my safety. They send our team on tricky maneuvers.”

Sam leaned close to press a sweet kiss to her lips. “I’m asking so much of you, little girl. Am I selfish to hope you’ll decide that all the uncertainty of a relationship with me is worthwhile?”

“You’re not being selfish!” she rushed to reassure him. “I’m just being silly.”

“Never feel silly for having tender feelings. That what makes Littles so special. They have bigger hearts than the rest of us.” Sam kissed her softly and pulled her close to his chest.

The thump of his steady heartbeat told her he was here now. She should enjoy all that today brought and worry about the tomorrows then. Hope nestled against his broad shoulder and tried to memorize this moment. His masculine aroma was clean and earthy. She liked the subtle essence that clung to him and realized he wore her scent from their lovemaking the night before. That sent a thrill through her. Sam is mine!

She leaned back to look at him in surprise. Suddenly, Hope realized she’d just claimed him as possessively as he had her.

“From the look on your face, things are clicking into place inside you. I can’t tell you why I know you’re my little girl. I just do here.” Sam placed one of her palms over his heart. Again, his steady heartbeat reassured her.

When his stomach growled ferociously, interrupting the moment, Hope giggled. “Your tummy likes me, too!”

“It certainly does.”

“Eat!” she ordered as she shifted to slide from his lap.

“You’re not going anywhere.”

Holding her firmly on his lap, Sam leaned over and pulled her bowl over next to his. Dipping a small bite from her bowl, Sam lifted the spoon to her mouth. Automatically, Hope opened her mouth and let him feed her. Unable to protest as she chewed, she watched in amazement as Sam took a huge bite from his bowl.

“How do you get that in your mouth?” she blurted as soon as she could speak.

“I have a very talented mouth, candy girl.” He winked to make sure she understood that he was referring to their lovemaking.

Her face flamed with embarrassment and Hope mentally cursed. Think before speaking, please. Or better yet, just don’t say anything! she rebuked herself.

While these thoughts rolled around in her brain, Hope accepted another bite. Several minutes later, she realized that she was letting him feed her. Quickly, she held a hand up in front of her mouth.

“You don’t have to feed me,” she protested.

“You’re thinking super hard, Hope. I’m just helping get first breakfast in you.”

Her mind switched gears and her hand dropped. “Do you really eat two breakfasts?”

“Most days. Open,” he directed as he lifted the spoon to her mouth again.

“How many lunches do you have?” she asked, mumbling as she chewed.

“One. Breakfast is my favorite meal.”

“I like waffles a lot,” she shared.

“Better than pancakes?” he scoffed as he continued to alternate feeding her and himself.

“Oh, yeah! The butter and syrup stick in the holes and they’re yummy.”

“You make a good argument. Perhaps I’ll try waffles again,” he said as he scooped the last spoonful from Hope’s bowl.

Hope chattered on as he finished his portion. She refused his offers to share his cereal. Her tummy was full and happy. Sitting on his lap, her previous loneliness dawned on Hope. She’d been too busy to hang out with friends. Numbers always drew her.

“Oh! I forgot, I’ve got some calculations to do.”

“Is it due today?”

When she shook her head, he followed up with, “Could you take one day off to spend with me?”

“Yes,” she answered quickly. She hadn’t had a day off in forever. A break would help her decide about which job offer to accept.

“Thank you, candy girl.” Sam leaned in to kiss her again.

None of her previous boyfriends had been so affectionate. Hope loved it. She pressed her lips to his eagerly. The exchange flamed quickly into much more than a simple kiss. His mouth devoured hers as if she were his favorite treat. Hope wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he made love to her mouth.

Sam leaned back slightly to stare at her with desire etched on his face and growled, “Little girl.”

“Aren’t you hungry?” She motioned to his bowl.

“I’ll eat more for my second breakfast.”