Not My Neighbor by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Sixteen


I was gonna tell her. I really was.

I mean, I will. I have to now, don’t I?

Krystal looks beyond hurt. More than upset. And I guess she has every right to be.

Once she hears the news on the huge TV, sees the real neighbor who not only owns the house I’ve said I rent, but actually does live there himself, my secret’s out.

I move closer to her, my hands reaching out for hers, but she shakes her head, backing away from me. She seems almost frightened of me all of a sudden, which hurts me more than anything else.

“Krystal, let me explain,” I tell her. Figuring now’s as good a time as any to get it all off my chest.

And then we can just...

“Where are you going?” I call after her, my stomach twisting into a knot as I see her turn her back, making for the door we just came through.

“I don’t know who you are, Blake. If that’s even you’re real name. But I’m going home now, just stay away from me,” she stammers, walking before she actually runs the final few steps for the door.


“Krystal! Wait!” I call after her.

This isn’t going to plan at all.

I hesitate for a moment, not wanting to frighten her by chasing her down, but I can’t just let her run away either.

I jog after her, watching her tear stained face as the elevator doors close, making me growl out loud with frustration.

There’s another elevator down, and by the time I make it to the ground floor, I can see her bolting from the front desk.

I watch her run outside, fumbling for her valet ticket before someone at the desk asks if everything’s alright.

“She wasn’t sure who you were, Mr. Mason. Kept saying something about her neighbor… Should we call someone?” They ask, not wanting a scene in their high-end hotel lobby.

“I’ll take care of it,” I murmur. Heading out front I can see Krystal’s given up on the valet and is heading toward the underground lot to get her car.

I want to call out again, but she’s spooked enough.

I had no idea she’d react so badly, but I haven’t had time to explain how simple this whole misunderstanding is.

I won’t have her driving like this either, not when she’s so upset.

But what can I do? I can’t physically restrain her, even if I did catch up to her.

The sound of tires squealing gives me a hint, and finding the exit to the underground garage as the sound of a car gets closer, I can only hope it’s her.

I block the single lane by standing in it, relieved when I see her take the turn and accelerate towards me.

I’m trusting she won’t run me down, but for a moment I’m not so sure.

Either way, I’d rather break both legs or die trying to stop her than have her run off like this.

She hits the brakes and the car skids to a stop, just nudging the front of my shins.

She’s crying, almost hysterical as I open the driver’s side door and switch off the car.

“Let me explain, Krystal,” I tell her, squatting down to her eye level, stroking her hair back as I fish for my ID. My touch seeming to calm her some.

“See. Blake Mason, me,” I tell her.

“When you thought I was your neighbor at the airport, I was so taken with you that I just played along. I was going to tell you straight away, or at least once I got your number. I just got so caught up in you.” I reason.

“But one thing led to another and then there just never seemed to be the right moment to tell you the truth,” I tell her truthfully.

“When were you gonna tell me?” she blubs and I have to admit I don’t really know.

“I’m sorry, there were many times I tried to tell you but...I guess I just got scared you might hate me for omitting the truth. But I was going to tell. And to be honest, I’m a little concerned for your neighbor,” I add, suggesting we look into it ourselves once we...

Or maybe that ship’s already sailed.

She takes my driver’s license and studies it through her tears, listening to me explain everything as she sniffs again and wipes her running nose with the back of her hand.

“So you are Blake Mason?” she asks, and I can guarantee a yes on that one.

“And why not just let me go? Why not just let me run away and go back to being who you really are?” she asks.

“Because I love you, Krystal. I love you more than anything or anyone. And there’s no way or any reason I’d ever let you just walk out of my life. Our life,” I tell her, my own voice cracking with emotion.

My words draw fresh tears from her and she sobs heavily, but in the end, she reaches for me, stroking my face before giving it one almighty slap.

I guess I kinda deserve that.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again, you hear?” she scolds, finding her strength through the tears. Letting me know she’s not going to leave, but putting me on some sort of notice.

“I won’t,” I promise us both. Knowing that I’ll never need to bend the truth with her ever again.

“Can I be completely honest with you right now?” I ask, glad when she nods.

“There are a half dozen cars backed up behind us and I really want to just get you back to our suite so I can finish what we started this morning,” I tell her.

“Are you down with that?” I ask, glancing at the furious drivers, not one of them angry enough just yet to actually honk or get out of their cars to have it out with me personally.

She stabs her head in a nod, sniffing back the last of her tears with a smile playing on her lips.

“Well, don’t just stand there ya big galoot, get in,” she demands, making me smile. My heart is in my throat as I realize for the first and last time just how close we’ve come to losing each other after only just finding one other.

And all because I didn’t want to lose her in the first place by telling her I wasn’t her neighbor.

We manage to get the car back to the valet and parked again, and so I don’t lose her again I scoop her up into my arms, carrying her through the hotel lobby to the nearest elevator.

“Everything taken care of, Mr. Mason?” Somebody behind the counter chimes, and I nod slowly.

“Just about,” I rasp, punching the top floor button as the doors close. My eyes telling the staff we’re not to be disturbed under any circumstances.

Krystal’s hands are clutching at my chest, unbuttoning my shirt already with a look that tells me she’s overdue for what we both know is coming to her.

The suite door is still open and I kick it closed on my way through, making straight for the master bedroom.

“Now. I’m gonna fuck you, fill you, flip you over then do it all again until you beg me to stop. Understand?” I grow in her ear, my freshly minted steel pole grinding into her fine ass with every step.

She nods in agreement, half speaking half-whimpering by the time I toss her down onto the huge bed, begging me to fill her hot little hole.

She gets tangled in her sweater, which I easily slip over her head, exposing her large naked chest, making me groan.

She’s shaking so much I have to do it all, unbutton her and slip her out of her jeans and panties, tossing everything aside.

Knowing she won’t be needing clothes for a good while yet.

Not until I’m through.

“Tell me again, Blake,” she wheezes, writhing on the bed as I take a step back to admire her virginity one last time.

“…Tell me you want this,” she purrs, opening her legs and running a flat hand over her glistening mound, gasping from the touch. “Tell me you’re gonna fuck me so hard… fill me with your come…”

I didn’t expect this, and I feel my lip curl with a newfound satisfaction.

Krystal’s no slouch in the dirty talk department, and what’s more, she’s not afraid to show me what needs attending to first.

I might have wanted to suck and squeeze her for an hour or so first, but no. I can see we have a case of urgent need of fucking here, and I can’t help but think it’s about fucking time as I unzip my pants, feeling the heaviness of my length spring forward and up as it slaps my abs while I undress fully.

Krystal moans at the sight of it, at the sight of me naked.

I tell her no when I see her hands straying to her sweet little cunt again, needing to remind her who it belongs to now.

“That’s mine,” I tell her firmly, grabbing her by each ankle and yanking her body towards me.

She only moans louder, her breath so hard and heavy that her whole chest ripples from it.

Her thick, pebbled nipples seeming to quiver and twitch as much as her tiny pink hole as she whimpers for my fat cock again.

“Please Blake… I need it… Fuck me like you know I need it.”

Opening her legs as wide as they’ll comfortably go, I can see what’s mine and I’m so fucking hard I have to use one hand to angle my cock towards its target.

Both her hands reaching for me, making me gasp and grunt as her palms run the full surface of my swollen purple head. Precome oozing from me and dripping down onto her own shining essence.

“Take me, Blake,” she breathes as our eyes lock. “Make me yours.”