Not My Neighbor by Flora Ferrari

Chapter Eighteen


I sleep and so does Krystal, but I wake up long before she does.

I figure she’ll be out for a while yet if the smile playing on her lips is anything to go by.

I lay with her wrapped around me for hours, just staring at her, tracing her hair back from her face whenever she shifts in her sleep. Content for the first time in my life.

The one thing I’ve ever wanted that actually made me feel complete, whole again.

Everything else is just ‘stuff’. It comes and goes, meaningless because it isn’t what counts.

I only slide out of our bed when a call from nature comes. And I notice the huge tub in the ensuite, begging to be put to use.

Slipping into one of the hotel’s monogrammed robes which I’m surprised actually covers most of me, I call down for room service.

As many red roses as they can muster, and enough food to maybe, just maybe quench my appetite.

It’s been a day of appetites, with only one of mine even partially filled for now.

I need food and I need time.

More time to show Krystal just how special she is and just how amazing our lives will be from now on.

The weight of pretending to be her neighbor has lifted, but I’ll never forget the trouble it caused and vow once again to never tell Krystal anything but the truth, even if it’s not what she might want to hear.

No more secrets between us. Not ever.