No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Twenty-Two

Olivia snuggled against Dexter and opened her mouth for the next part of the kebab.

Ford was grinning. “So, I have a few days of edits ahead of me, but I think it looks really good.”

Olivia smiled. “I enjoyed the motorcycle.”

Ambrose asked, “Did you actually ride that bike?”

She nodded. “I like them. I started riding dirt bikes as a kid.”

Argus was sitting on the edge of the sofa. “Country stuff.” He smiled.

She nodded. “Yeah. I grew up doing all kinds of sketchy stuff. Climbing trees, catfish noodling, riding bikes, trikes, fixing trucks at neighbour’s houses, and I was on the scholastic swim team. I won a few awards before I manifested. After that, I was locked to my home property, but I still climbed and kept myself fit. To counteract the other issue, I took up yoga and light gymnastics. One of the guests at the B&B got me into it, and regulars brought me DVDs so I could practice and watch stuff.”

Dexter chuckled. “So, you have had a bit of a life.”

“Yeah, but I am in the same situation as a lot of folks coming from the countryside, but I have a distinct lag in the knowledge of modern contemporary society. I have been cramming like hell, but I need a practical application for what I have read.”

Ambrose blinked. “Right. If we gave you a list, would you tell us things you haven’t done?”

“Sure. Just email it to me. That I have gotten the hang of.”

Dexter nuzzled her neck. “If we ask you, would you do those with us?”

“Um, probably. I am not going to say for sure because it is plausible that I make some friends by the time you figure out what you want our relationship to be.”

Ford chuckled. “I want in on that list.”

The guys frowned at him. Ford grinned. “Guys, I am trying to make sure that she keeps a connection to you. She could have run back to the Omega Centre, and they would have been happy to find her a new group of alphas while surgically removing your marks. They have done it before. They can do it.”

Her guys were shocked.

Ford leaned in, “Now, honey, how did you like the video?”

“It was good. I can hardly wait to see it with Leora’s face on it.”

He looked at her in surprise, and then, he cackled. “Olivia, it is going to be your face on the video, and enough snapshots of you in action have been shared that my assistant has had to start fielding calls to have you appear in videos, short films, and designers are throwing clothing at you.”

She blinked. “What the fuck?”

“You are all over the net, honey. Images of you reclining on Hector are everywhere, not to mention you riding Caesar or cuddling with the boys.” He grinned. “Then, there is the payoff to Ambrose. That is getting a lot of play, but Vera is dismissing those calls.”

Dexter chuckled. “I can imagine.”

Ambrose raised his brows. “Well, that explains why my voicemail is full. I hope it isn’t my parents.”

Dexter snorted. “Mine already called. My grandma got a shot of Olivia and me in our costumes. My parents didn’t tell her we have a mate.”

Leora was slowly approaching their group. She grinned, and her bodyguard was looking wary. “Um, I had a question for all of you guys?”

Ford glanced back. “Ask them.”

“Uh, you too. I have a song that I would release as a single because it doesn’t match anything on the album, but I think you five would be perfect for the video. I am self-releasing this one, so I have a small budget, but I always imagined it as a sword and sorcery thing.”

Ford grinned. “You want me in there?”

“You are kinda striking.” She blushed. “And your body language with Olivia is super sweet and slightly predatory. I think it’s perfect for making you the villain.”

He laughed, and Olivia tilted her head. “Can I hear the song?”

Leora blinked. “I don’t want to play it here.”

“Come on. We will go to someplace private. We can talk there.”

Olivia got off Dexter’s lap and headed upstairs, with Leora walking behind. The bodyguard trailed after. Ford yelled, “Not the nest.”

“Yes, Ford.”

She took Leora to the guestroom and pulled her into the large closet. “Okay. Here is safe, and I wouldn’t know how to record on my phone if I tried.”

The singer laughed. “Yeah, normally, folks try and convince me that no one is recording in a crowd.”

“If it comes out, and it doesn’t sound like it has been recorded through a door, it was me.”

“Could I sue you?”

“You could try. I don’t have anything, though.” Olivia shrugged.

Leora looked at her. “You are kidding, right? Your mates are some of the most successful alphas in the city.”

“They are? Huh. It must have been why the centre didn’t have a problem handing me over. Okay. Do you want to make with the song?” Olivia looked at her curiously.

The phone came out, and they stood as the music and lyrics filled the small space. It was a song with longing and softness and desperation and determination.

Olivia sighed. “That is really pretty.”

Leora grinned. “Thank you. I like the harder stuff, but every now and then, I want to bust out and just sing something sweet.”

“Well, I would be happy to go and play for this. Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will try and do it.”

Leora hugged her. “Thank you. I hope your guys will be as easy to work with.”

“They won’t be. Ford might taunt them into it.”

Leora stroke her skin. “You are so soft.”

Olivia smiled. “Yup. Designation hazard. Shall we exit the closet? You go first.”

Leora blinked. “Why?”

“Because four people are in that room aside from your bodyguard, and if they have cameras, I don’t want the internet to get all weird about you and me in a photo.”

“Ah. Right. Okay.” Leora smiled. “Thanks.”

Olivia nodded and receded into the shadows as the door opened. Leora left and closed the door behind her.

The group stayed in there and talked for a minute, and then, the outer door opened and closed.

Olivia could still feel people in the outer room, and she peeped out to see Ford and the guys. She stepped out, and she looked at them. “I didn’t commit you to anything. I just told her I could see her vision for it.”

Ford sighed. “Did you negotiate a price for your time?”

She scowled. “No. I go places, and I do stuff. That is my new thing.”

Dexter snorted. “We will come out and play with you. Even Ambrose.”

Ford crossed his arms. “Even me.”

She held up her hand. “I told Leora she would have to negotiate for your time.”

Ford nodded. “She told us. I got fifty percent rights after production costs. All funds going to the big cat rescue.”

She blinked. “Why? I mean, I know why for me, but you guys have other stuff to do.”

Argus smiled. “If we can do a few things that will embarrass our kids, I think it is worth it.”

Ambrose’s expression got soft. “Yeah, what he said.”

She blushed.

Dexter grinned. “I just think it’s cool.”

Ford smiled. “And I just want to see you smile and in some hot and elaborate costumes.”

“Leora said she has a small budget.”

Ford grinned. “And I said that the designers are beating down your door to cover that body of yours in something sparkly and formfitting. I think a costume isn’t too far out of the range.”

Dexter asked, “Is Yemeen one of the designers?”

“Yeah. How did you know?”

“I have done jewellery for the award shows. We have worked together a few times. He can definitely do something elaborate but flattering. It will just cost me, my soul.”

Ford grinned. “The idea is to get them to offer it.”

“Yeah, but his work is so good I will have to make some jewellery to match the video. I hate letting him upstage me.” Dexter’s eyes narrowed.

Ford shrugged. “I will put my request for costumes to them and get sketches, then we all get together and decide. Dexter, if you want to do accessories, you are welcome to do it.”

Dexter grinned. “I have a few ideas that I have been toying with, just for some of the award things and donor events we have to go to for the rescue.”

Ambrose was smiling wryly.

She knotted her fingers together. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

Dexter grinned. “I know how. Group hug.”

Her eyes widened as they started to surround her. “No. Oh, no.”

Ambrose slid his feet between hers and cupped her sex. “Oh, yes.” He started to purr, and it hummed up higher until she had shrieked and collapsed between them.

Ford was laughing, and he caught her when her guys made room, kissing her and stroking her slightly sweaty body.

They all kissed her good night, and she leaned against Ford. Her heart was lighter, and she smiled. They were going to join her on a project. They were coming to her. She crawled into the nest after the party, and she turned to Ford, running her hands over him, but he pushed her down and went down on her again.

He lifted his head and sighed. “If you feel that way tomorrow, I will definitely agree, but I think your emotions are high right now.”

She looked at him. “I thought you were supposed to be an oversexed-omega. You are making the rest of us look slutty.”

He grinned and slid three fingers into her before devoting his tongue to licking up the slick and honey that she started creating. She moaned, twisted, and under the ferocity of his mouth, she screeched.

He kept pumping his fingers while he lapped at her clit, and her slow pulses of release continued for long, torturous minutes. She moaned softly, and he continued until her body was finished.

He slurped his hand and cuddled her again. “You are lovely, honey.”

She sighed. “So people keep telling me.”

He pressed his lips to her temple. “Don’t stop changing. You are willing to put yourself out there. This is good. I might not be able to be in your ear when the filming happens. Or at least when I am in a moment with you.”

“It will be fine. Pretty sure. Thanks, Ford. Even if you turn out to be an ass, today was good.”

He chuckled. “You need more good days.”

She sighed. “Thanks. I think so too.”

He held her until she slept.

Olivia woke in dark silence. Ford was next to her, but she felt weird. There was a sore ache in her bones that she hadn’t experienced before. Her side throbbed, and her eyes went wide. Dexter.

She eased out of Ford’s nest, and she grabbed a robe. She crept out of the house and ran at full tilt to the house next door. Dexter was hurting, and she didn’t know why.

She crept into the house and climbed up to Dexter’s room. The room was empty. A look at the other rooms made her check hers, and he was in her nest, curled in a ball.

She sat next to him and stroked his back, soothing him as he shivered and twitched. “Hey, Dex. I am here, babe.”

He rolled and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down to him. She brushed her lips against his. He growled and pushed her back, sliding his hand between her thighs. The growl caused a surge of slick, and she parted her legs and invited him in. He thrust into her suddenly, and she inhaled sharply before she let out a low moan.

His eyes had been glazed, and they focused on her suddenly. “Olivia! Did I hurt you?”

She stroked his cheek. “Just surprised. Are you okay? I felt pain.”

“Growing pains. I started my final growth spurt. It isn’t comfortable.”

She kissed him softly and rubbed her cheek across his. “Is this helping?”

He grinned. “If I say yes, will you stay?”

“As long as you need me.”

“Then, yes.”

She smiled. “Then, I will be with you until you don’t need me, and then, I will go.”

He nodded, and his hips started to move. “You will come back?”

“As long as you need me.”

“Good enough.” He nuzzled her, kissed her, and started to thrust. He had rocked into her for a few minutes when he withdrew, turned her so that her back was to him, and he cupped her breasts while kissing her neck. He held her breasts, licked the base of her neck, and ran his hands over her arms.

“You sneaky bastard.”

He nipped her shoulder with a grin. “We agreed that if you came for one, we would alert the others.”

The door opened, and the other two joined her in her nest. She moaned, rolled her hips against them, and then whined when Dexter locked inside.

Argus trailed his fingers over where she was joined to Dexter and rubbed her clit. She started to rock helplessly, and her release made her squeeze tighter.

Argus kissed her as she panted. “We are going to have to explain to Dexter that if he doesn’t knot in you every time, we have more time to play.”

Dexter blinked. “I don’t have to?”

Ambrose treated him to a lecture about holding back and having some self-control. The lecture continued so long that Olivia had uncoupled from Dexter, and Argus was sneaking her away to another corner of the nest.

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck as he slid into her. “I came because Dex was in distress.”

“You stepped into our trap. Now you pay the price.” He draped her over his arm and kissed her neck as he slowly and leisurely thrust into her and lazily retreated.


He chuckled. “We knew Dexter was going to start his final growth. His parents warned us a few weeks ago. He stopped taking his pain killers tonight to draw you over.”

She gasped as he kissed her wrist and tongued the mark. “You could have just invited me.”

He smiled. “Where would the fun be in that?”

Olivia shuddered in his arms, her breath catching as another orgasm swept through her. She felt her body bathing him in slick, and he grunted as he spilled into her. They clung together until Ambrose asked with soft touches and strokes along her body.

She looked at him, and he met her gaze.

Ambrose was sincere. “I will never raise a hand to you that you didn’t expressly permit before we get into bed or commence any sexual interaction. Frankly, while it is something I am generally very interested in because it brings you to fear, it has no place between us.”

She swallowed. “As long as you are sure. If you want that other stuff, I don’t mind you seeking it elsewhere. Honestly, I am just a new toy. The interest will wear off.”

Argus laughed, Dexter snorted, and Ambrose gave her a slow grin.

“When that day comes, precious, I will let you know.”

Argus slipped out of her and kissed her softly, leaving the decision up to her.

She looked into Ambrose’s eyes, and she reached for him. Being covered in the scents of her mates was soothing to the riot inside her. When his deft touches and slow exploration of her body brought them both to a joyful completion, she stroked his cheek and smiled. “I am going to have to learn your last names eventually.”

They all looked at her in shock. She smiled and got to her feet, putting on her robe and leaving her nest. It was fine. They were still hers. She was still theirs, and she would come when they needed her. Now, they had to figure out how to bring up their names decorously.

She returned to Ford and crawled into the nest near but not touching him. He pulled her in close. “Hmm. Smells like you had some fun.”

“Dexter needed me, so he acted as bait and called the others once I was there.”

“What’s wrong with Dexter?”

“Growing pains, apparently. He’s having his final growth spurt.”

Ford squeezed her. “How big is he gonna be?”

“Six-six. Six-eight. No idea. I don’t even know how old he is. He won’t tell me.”

Ford chuckled wickedly. “He’s twenty-one. He’s been designing jewels for select clients for years, but two years ago, he met the other two, and since there aren’t many feline alphas, he moved in immediately.”

“Oh, god. I’m a cougar.” She covered her face.

Ford kissed her shoulder and stroked a hand between her thighs.

She hissed. “Don’t. I’m a mess.”

He chuckled. “And yet, you are still delightful, but this makes you so slippery.”

She squeaked, and he started trying to see how many fingers he could get inside her. She squirmed and panted, “Ford?”

“Yes, honey?”

“Can you be inside me now? I am a little desperate, and the fingers are just a tease. Please, Ford?”

She looked at him over her shoulder. “Please?”

He rolled her over, and he narrowed his eyes. “Are you playing me?”

She held up her fingers about a centimetre from each other. “Just a little.”

He grinned, and his eyes were bright. “Maybe I will get inside you, just a little.”

She kissed him softly, and their tongues tangled together, sliding against each other until he pinned her down and took charge. His tongue’s slow thrust started to make her whimper and raise her hips to him.

“Oh, no, honey. You want me, so you are going to have me on my terms.” He nuzzled her cheek and slowly made his way down her body. She moaned, yelped, and giggled twice before he smiled and moved over her, sliding inside her.

She blinked. He was producing the same style of slick that she was. His cock felt nearly yielding but really tense at the same time. She arched back as he thrust into her, and the heavy waves of satisfaction rippled through her and had nothing to do with an imminent orgasm. He just felt so... good.

The slow roll of his hips pushed him deep, and there was no knot to deal with. She was surprised at how smooth it was, and she clenched around him. He paused and shuddered. “Gods. Do that again.”

She clenched, and he groaned, his throat vibrating. She clenched, and she purred. His eyes went wide, and he shoved deep. “Honey!”

Olivia felt every spasm and every twitch as he came. She held him when he collapsed on her. She calmly wrapped her arms and legs around him, giving him a smacking kiss to the jaw.

He groaned, and she purred.

“How are you doing that, honey?”

“I don’t know. I used to do it for pain control. To keep me calm. Don’t other omega’s do it?”

“None of the women I know do it. I can, but it took practice. I was referring to the death grip you have on my cock. Alpha females have a lock like that, but it isn’t something I expected.”

She sighed. “I can stop.”

His head lifted. “No!”

She laughed and slowly rolled her hips against him.

His erection recovered, and he gave her a smug look. “I have a quick recovery time.”

“I am suitably impressed.”

“I also cum a lot, so if you thought you were messy after your three, you haven’t seen anything yet.” He kissed her. He moved his fingers between them and stroked her clit as he moved up her body and moved inside her at a different angle.

He pushed up against her g-spot, and she whined and began to tremble against him as he stroked inside her.

“Oh, I like that sound, do that again.”

She glared at him, but he struck that spot again, and the whine came out. She shuddered, and he played her body, eliciting the sounds he wanted in the order he wanted them. She came twice during his exploration and only managed to squeeze him tight once.

He shuddered and kissed her neck. “Oh, honey. I could drown in you happily.”

She blushed. “You keep cumming, and I will be drowning from the inside out.”

He nuzzled her and slid free, moving down her body to lie with his head between her breast. “There, that should let you drain, and then, I can fill you up again.”

She blushed and held his head as he rubbed his face between her breasts. “Don’t you need to get some sleep?”

“Ah, honey, this is better than sleep any day.”

Her face remained warm, but she was pretty happy with the evening’s events. She had her guys, and Ford was really good at sex, so she had folks who could make her feel good, which meant that she was ahead of the game from two weeks prior, if she was counting score... and she was.