No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Twenty-Four

Her eyes were puffy, her chest felt cold, and her lips were numb when she left the new therapist’s office. The woman was very encouraging, very calm, and she supported Olivia’s efforts to document her life to date. She was to continue her writing until she felt comfortable with her situation and the people around her.

When she stumbled into the lobby, she looked for Rick and didn’t see him. Panic ensued, and she retreated to a corner. She picked up her phone and sent a text to Ford.

Where is Rick?

He asked if he could go for coffee. Why?

I am alone, and I don’t feel particularly calm.

Shit. Okay, he’s on his way.

Thank you.

Stay where you are.

Rick showed up with his coffee and saw her in the corner. He eased up on her and said, “Okay, Olivia. We can go home now.”

She nodded. “Okay. Thank you.”

She uncurled and walked with him to the car, silent and messed up.

She got back to Ford’s place, grabbed her laptop, and went out into the yard, climbing a tree to get herself up to where it was safe. She made herself comfortable with her legs braced in the branches, and she started writing.

It was about two hours before she felt tugs on her marks. She put her hand on them one at a time to notify them that she was okay.

Ford came out to the yard, and he called, “Olivia!”

She sighed and closed her computer. She climbed down from the tree, and he stared at her when she stood on the ground. “Hiya, Ford.”

He walked up to her. “Honey. Have you been up there since you got back?”

She nodded. “I needed to get some writing done.”

“You could have used my office.”

“I don’t know where that is, and you were busy.”

“I was talking with Yemeen. We were designing your outfit for the video.”

“Don’t let me stop you.”

Ford looked at her warily. “Are you all right?”

“I am still a little freaked out. I haven’t felt like that for a long time, and I had forgotten how bugged out it makes me.”

Ambrose was walking toward them across the grass. He picked her up and held her the moment he was close enough to grab her.

Ford blinked. “Why do you look so serious, Ambrose? She said she’s fine.”

“She isn’t fine. Her emotions are a raw riot. She’s scrambling around in there trying to find a way to escape.”

She let the big fat tears fall and held onto Ambrose with one hand. He took her computer and handed it to Ford, and then Olivia held onto him with both arms and legs.

Ambrose murmured, “Do you want to go cuddle in your nest, precious?”

She nodded.

Ford murmured, “Use mine. She’s comfortable there.”

Ambrose nodded and walked inside with her, stroking her hair and murmuring to her.

Yemeen looked at her. “What happened?”

Ford put the computer on the table, and Olivia heard as Ambrose walked up the steps. “I forgot that therapy sessions ended ten minutes early, and I sent her bodyguard away, so when she came out, there wasn’t anyone, and she was in a particularly raw state. So, she’s in a strange city with a new therapist, and she’s newly omega, and there were alphas in the area starting to watch her. Apparently, she perfumes when she is upset, which is progress. Fear used to shut her down.”

She didn’t want to discuss it, she just held onto Ambrose until they were in the nest, and he stripped her down to her underwear, did the same for himself, and then, he cuddled her under a furry throw. She blinked and relaxed against him; the scent of cinnamon buns and vanilla icing was right. It was her mate.

He traced her lips with his finger, and she licked it then sucked on it. He purred, and she lifted her gaze to his. “Ah, so precious. Stubborn, determined, independent. And very beautiful. I have been trying to treat you like a standard omega when you were born to be with off-standard alphas.”

She bit down on his finger gently, and he chuckled and stroked his fingertip along her tongue. “Aw, you don’t like it when I don’t say you have the best alphas ever? You had a trying day, huh?”

She nodded.

“Therapy is scary?”

She nodded again. She stopped sucking his finger, and he pulled it out from between her lips.

She burrowed her face against his neck. “So many things I don’t want to think about, and I have to, so they echo in my head for the rest of the day. Which is why they space it out. So, you don’t end up insane, but you do go there for a while when you talk to the therapist.”

“So, why do you do it?”

She knew he knew the answer, but she told him anyway. “Because someone I had to trust because they had the duty to care for and protect me denied me that care and protection. They hurt me, and when that couldn’t stop the manifestation, they had someone else hurt me. Then, it was endless rounds of beatings and verbal abuse.”

“How did he die?”

Olivia let out a throaty chuckle. “Like a man filled with rage should die. He had a heart attack while he was beating me. He told me to call for help, but I couldn’t move, and I didn’t know how to use his cell phone. So, I lay there, and he died next to me. Lara called for an ambulance, but it was far too late.”

“Good god.” Ambrose held her tight. “What did the authorities say?”

“What authorities? I was dragged into the screaming shed and locked there until the first responders were gone. When she let me out two days later, he had been buried, and Lara was in charge. She couldn’t hit as hard.”

“What about your injuries?”

“They healed. They always heal with no trace. There were other experiments that Lara tried, locking me down, so I am sorry that I can’t be the tied-up submissive that you long for who needs to take punishment to please you.” She started to cry big, fat tears.

“Aw, precious. My preferences were a toy to play with. They are my past. If my precious doesn’t want to play, we won’t play. Having you in my arms is all the blind trust I need.”

She smiled weakly. “And the occasional fucking.”

His arms tightened. “More than the occasional. It is a need now, through the link. When you brush against it while combing your hair, I ache. When your body throbs because someone arouses you, I feel it. All that feedback was dumped into me, and you weren’t here to hold. It hurt.”

She was going to apologize, but he pressed his finger to her lips again. “Don’t apologize. I was too smug, and I knew what I had asked of women before. But you aren’t the others. You are my mate and deserve my respect and my attention. I knew a portion of what you had experienced, and I still tried to control our interactions instead of just enjoying your presence. I tried to put you in a category that you didn’t belong in, and I am sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

He chuckled. “It’s therapy day.”

She smiled and kissed his chest. “Therapy can have benefits.” Her hands started to move over his skin and the taut muscles underneath.

“Really? I don’t think your psychologist would approve. Sleeping with a patient and all.”

She chuckled. “Good thing that you were just sharing and that I am not your therapist.”

He smiled slowly, his golden features glowing happily.

“What do you think if we can do if we keep some clothing on?”

He chuckled. “Something I haven’t done since I was a teen.”

“Well, I never got that chance, so let’s take something off my list.”

Ambrose kissed her and muttered, “One torturous teen make-out session with dry humping coming up.”

She giggled. “Oh, I doubt it will be dry, but do the best you can.”

He rolled her to her back, and with his mouth above hers, he murmured, “Challenge accepted.”

She laughed until the kiss got serious, and then, she let his caresses burn out the last bit of pain and fear to just leave heat.

* * * *

Ford watched Yemeen. “You look concerned.”

“She is so delicate, and she’s in therapy? What kind of omega is that?”

“A strong one. You don’t have to court the pride, you know. You can just let things be.” Ford watched Yemeen stiffen at his words.

The designer looked grim. “You are kidding, right? I can’t get the taste of her out of my head. She’s so clean and sweet with heavy overtones of sex.”

Ford laughed. “That is a good description. Don’t tell her about the overtones, though. She thinks she just smells like peaches.”

Yemeen looked at him and chuckled. “What is your CG budget for the video?”

“Non-existent. This is all on Leora. Ambrose is providing the locations. Argus is building any sets that we need, and Dexter is doing the accessories. If you help with the costumes and I provide the filming crew and editing, we are set.”

“Hmm. I had a thought about getting Olivia into as many costume changes as possible then putting the costumes up for auction or, at least, keep them to play with later.” Yemeen showed him the tablet.

Ford stared, and he looked back at Yemeen. “You had these waiting?”

“I drew them while we were talking. The moment I met her, my mind started filling with designs for her. I am going to start the courtship, but you had better brace for me to be here. I am going to be pursuing her between dates as well.”

Ford nodded and put the elegant and highly erotic images down. “I am sure the guys will be accepting... or you will have to head to the gym and wrestle out rights to time with her.”

Yemeen blinked. “They still do that?”

“It is the best way, given what they are. No teeth and hand to hand.”

“What are you getting out of this?” Yemeen asked him curiously.

“Ah, it is my chance to get an omega of my own and alphas that I want and trust. They have her, so I won’t push for a bond, and she is what I want. So, to have her, I need them. It is a trade I am willing to make.”

“I thought all male omegas were alpha crazy, male or female?”

He chuckled. “I want a woman that I can be the protector for. Olivia is tough, but she is also vulnerable as hell. It is quite the mix.”

“What about when she steadies herself?”

“Then, she is going to be spectacular. She has been out of her situation and community for less than two months, and she has already shed a lot of societal norms. I wouldn’t have guessed that she would have lost the urge for concealment. It means she’s feeling secure. That is definitely new.”

“Oh, you mean when she shot out of the water, and my cock exploded? Yeah, she’s pretty body confident. I mean, she has a right to, but it will be fun to design for natural breasts again.” He grinned. “Or any breasts, for that matter.”

Ford got a text from Ambrose, and he chuckled at the image of Olivia sweaty and spent across Ambrose’s chest. The attachment was what he had been waiting for. The pride was expanding, and they wanted kids. The house needed an expansion, and Ambrose had one ready to go.

Yemeen looked over at the screen. “What’s that?”

Ford projected it onto the screen that rose up from the counter. “That one there next to Dexter’s? That’s your room.”

Yemeen glanced over his shoulder. “A little presumptuous.”

Ford brought up the image of Olivia, sweaty and sleepy, with a slight smile on her face and her skin flushed. “Really?”

Yemeen started a growl that ended on a whine of need. “Fine.”

The expansion would provide quiet spots for Ford and Olivia, as well as some hidden spots that only they could access. Little cuddle spots where no alpha was allowed.

The upper floor was full of bedrooms. The central floor was full of family entertainment spaces, and the main floor was for public access. Ford still had to party, after all. The hidden nest in the basement was for heats. It would have supplies, a communication centre, and a few grosses of condoms. It also would have the ability to lock down the house when they were distracted and vulnerable. That was important. Ford had been caught unawares once, and once was enough.

Olivia walked into the kitchen with Ambrose, and she blinked to see the guys and Yemeen sitting around the table with Ford. “Uh, what’s going on? I am not defiling another countertop.”

Yemeen’s eyebrows hiked. “That sounds interesting.”

Dexter chuckled. “You have to be tall.”

Yemeen nodded. “I am tall.”

Argus brought Olivia a lemonade and kissed her forehead. “You okay, kitten?”

She drank it happily, “Yes. More please.”

He kissed her cheek and then pressed his lips to hers. “Hmm. You did drink it all. Good girl, kitten.”

She blushed, and Ambrose chuckled.

Yemeen got a curious look on his face, and he reached out to touch her chin, steering her face toward his. She saw his parted lips and winced as he kissed her gently, breathing in the scents from her mouth. He pulled back. “Hmm... you did drink it all.”

She blushed hot and put her head down on the table, covering her head with her arms. She could still taste Ambrose’s cum on her tongue, so she knew they could.

Dexter rubbed her back. “Don’t be upset. We are glad that you and Ambrose made up. Will you come home now?”

Ambrose smiled. “She is home. She has come further with a few days with Ford than with weeks at the Omega Centre. They gave her guidance and let her go. When it comes to dealing with Olivia, the pamphlets are useless.”

She sighed and mumbled toward the table, “The counselling helped. The writing helped. Being able to learn how to use the tech that everyone took for granted helped. Even getting a bullshit job from Ford helped.”

“Uh, honey. That job was real. You are really in the video, and I was even able to put in some of the real alpha chase to get the sense of deadly urgency. Leora is pissing herself with excitement, and so is her label. The twelve seconds I have sent them is having them slobbering with glee.”

She looked up. “You are kidding.”

Ford shook his head. “I am not kidding. I am the furthest thing from kidding. You were in a video, and there is a lineup of people who want you to do it again. It might not be what you wanted, but it is an actual job, honey. You actually got paid.”

She frowned and pulled her phone out of her jeans pocket. She pulled up her account and blinked. “What the actual fuck.”

Yemeen appeared stunned at her expression. “That is quite the change.”

She glanced at him. “Sex apparently makes me meek and pliable for a while. When something else distracts me, I get back to my practical self.”

He met her gaze with eyes so brown they were black. “I like the pliable, cuddly you.”

She laughed. “Then, you will have to earn it.”

The guys laughed, Ford laughed, and Yemeen looked around, and a slow grin split his features. Dexter nodded and said, “Don’t worry. If you need her compliant, we can help.”

Argus blinked. “I am out of that. I will take care of her however she comes and with whomever.”

She blushed and gave him a glance. “Thanks, Argus. My hero.”

“Ah, speaking of, I have an invitation to Paul’s engagement party. They issued the invitation to the pride, so everyone here is invited.”

Olivia froze. “You are kidding, right? They... are not going to like my presence there.”

“If they offer insult, we drive back.”

“Are you going to tell them I am coming?”

“Paul and Emily and maybe Uncle Derek. No one else.”

She nodded. “When is it?”

“Next weekend. If you want to skip it, we can.”

“Can I video chat with Emily?”

Argus smiled. “Sure.”

“If she is okay with it, I will go.” She pulled a lock of her hair around. “I am gonna need a trim, though. My split ends have split ends.”

Yemeen smiled. “I may be of assistance there. Before I was a designer, I was a hairstylist. Anyone has any scissors, a spray bottle, and a comb?”

Ford nodded. “Sure.” Ford got up and collected the items and a few other things that he thought might be needed.

The other three looked at each other, but they didn’t say anything. They were serious about allowing Yemeen in. Physical care of the omega was reserved for the pride. They could do it or arrange it, but the omega was in their hands.

She shivered, and when she was seated away from the kitchen table with a smooth towel around her shoulders, she laughed. “My aunt did this once. My mom had to hold me down.”

Argus chuckled. “I volunteer to hold you if you get squirmy.”

“The order is usually reversed. I get squirmy when you are holding me.”

Yemeen brushed, combed, and then started trimming her hair, one piece at a time. She breathed deep, surrounded by sweet almonds.

“When was the last time you had your hair trimmed? There is a weird pattern here.”

“Oh, six months ago. I did it with a kitchen knife.” She snorted. “For some reason, she thought scissors would be too dangerous.”

Argus lifted his head. “How is that going, by the way?”

“She has been charged with unlawful confinement, abuse, negligence, financial abuse, fraud, profiting from human trafficking, and hate crimes. Her lawyer is having seizures to avoid going into court to arraignment. The second that it is formal, the press is going to go insane.” She sighed.

Yemeen frowned. “How did she incur those charges?”

“Me. The way she treated me. She was just following a pattern, so you can guess how much fun my father was. So, this is why the therapy.”

Dexter shuddered. “When I heard about the damage, I puked. So did several of the med team.”

Ambrose growled, and Dexter winced. “Sorry.”

“It’s fine, Dex.”

Yemeen continued working and asked casually, “What damage?”

Ambrose sighed. “It healed, but...”

As he explained, Yemeen kept working until he had to stop and take a break. When he finished, he nodded and got back on his feet, finishing the cut and then massaging her scalp.

She started her heavy purr, and he paused before he chuckled. “I have never heard a woman with a purr so developed.”

She shrugged. “I have had a lot of practice.” She stopped her purr.

He frowned. “Did I do something wrong?”

“I thought you didn’t like it. I know it is primarily a masculine trait.”

“It just startled me. I like it. I like it a lot.” He purred to her while he kept massaging her scalp.

Her purr returned and blended with his. His pitch was different than her other guys.

When he finished rubbing her head, she was limp, and the air smelled like peach nectar.

He tilted her head back and gave her a kiss upside-down, his lips taking her lower lip between them and plucking it gently. She exhaled a whine of need as her sex clenched hard. Nothing turned her on more than careful handling, except rough handling and any handling, really.

She smiled up at him, and her purr still thrummed along. His upside-down grin showed her something that she hadn’t thought was possible. He wants to come to her not out of pity but just because of who and what she was.

At this moment, with her guys, Ford, and now Yemeen around her... she was enough.