No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Nine

The scent of bacon got her up, and she sat bolt upright, pawing her hair from her face. She was hungry.

She untangled herself from the pillows and got a change of clothing. The stuff she had arrived in was all sweaty and rumpled.

She put on a slip and a sundress made of a silky fabric with buttons down the front. She undid a few of the buttons, ran her fingers through her hair, and went in search of bacon.

She stopped to brush her teeth, just in case more kissing was on the menu before she ate.

* * * *

Argus’s heart nearly stopped in his chest when Olivia came around the corner. His growl and deep purr rumbled the cutlery on the table.

She was wearing a soft blue dress that hung to mid-calf. Tiny buttons marched up the entire thing, but she had left the top six open, showing the white slip she had under it, and by the sway of her breasts, it was all she had on. Her nipples poked at the fabric as he watched. The scent of peaches filled the large kitchen.

Ambrose paused and turned. Dexter put the bacon on a warming tray and looked up. “Holy... Olivia, you look beautiful.”

She blushed hot pink, and her grey eyes smiled before she looked away. She bit her lip. “Um, is there a chance of coffee?”

Ambrose nodded. “Of course, but first, house rule. No matter how pissed you are at us, a kiss when you see us first and a kiss before bed, unless we aren’t home, in which case, we have to find you before we sleep.”

She nodded, stiffened her shoulders, and approached them like she was going into battle.

Ambrose got to her first, and he cupped her head in his hands. The brush of his lips against hers and the deep rumble that he was putting out must have worked on her nervousness because she went up on her toes and pressed her hands against his chest when he leaned back. She slid a hand up his chest and pulled his lips to hers with a hand around his neck. Her own purr rumbled free as Ambrose took his time with her.

Argus watched as Ambrose pulled their omega close until she was plastered against him. She squeaked a little as he lifted her, but when she pulled back, he let her slide down his body.

Dexter made sure nothing was on the oven as he walked around, and when Olivia stepped away from Ambrose, Dexter held out his hand, and she went to him. Dexter’s kiss started slow and picked up intensity as Olivia responded. She was wrapping herself around him when he slowed the kiss and backed away.

Olivia was panting, and her pupils were wide as she turned to Argus. Her small bare feet carried her toward him, and she paused a few inches away. She looked up at him with her grey eyes windows to her arousal. “Hey, Argus.”

“Hello, Olivia. Do you feel settled in?”

“Um, getting there. Do I have to ask for a kiss?” She looked up at him, hypnotized. “They told me at the centre that consent was important.”

He quirked a grin, gripped her waist, and turned to put her butt on the counter. “That is absolutely correct. If we do something you don’t like, let us know. Once we know, we can do more of the things you like.”

She inhaled sharply as he stepped between her knees and put his hands next to her on the counter. Their faces were on the same level. He leaned forward and rubbed his cheek along hers, and her purr broke free again. Argus smiled and leaned in. “You never have to ask. We are yours for the taking.”

Her breathing came faster as he leaned in, and when he made contact, she let out a little mewl. He brushed his lips against hers, backing up each time until she followed him. She scooted forward, and it put her hips against his erection. She paused for a moment and then continued the kiss, undulating against him, her hips rolling against his cock through his jeans until she was trembling and her rhythm broke. He leaned toward her, his hands gripping her thighs and pulling her into him, rocking against the slick-coated fabric of her dress. Their rocking together got violent, and then, she let out a wail against his lips, and he continued to rock against her as the aftershocks ran through her. Her hands were clutching at his shirt, and she whimpered at every slow roll of his hips.

She gasped and blushed as she licked his lower lip and pulled her mouth away. Argus glanced over, and Ambrose had a wry expression, and Dexter looked stunned. “Can we do that?”

Ambrose chuckled. “You can if she consents.”

He clapped his hands together. “Ohh boy. Brunch is served.”

Olivia chuckled and pressed her forehead against Argus’s shirt. “I need to change my dress.”

“No need, kitten. You can just sit on my lap.” Argus chuckled. “I am already covered.”

She blushed hot pink. She opened her mouth, and he kissed her and tapped her lips. “Don’t apologize. I am delighted that we could arouse you to this degree.”

Ambrose added. “It was a group effort.”

Dexter grinned. “I will happily take some credit.”

She looked down and up at Argus. “Um, so this is normal?”

He stroked her cheek. “I certainly hope so.”

* * * *

She was slick and sticky at the same time. Olivia swallowed and tried to hide the flex of aftershock as she let Argus set her on her feet again. Internally she felt a flutter, and she wanted to cuddle against him again.

Argus led her to the table, and she held the skirt away from her skin. He sat down and patted his thighs. She sighed and climbed onto his lap.

“You have to get used to us, Olivia, and we would like it to be sooner rather than later.”

He wrapped his arms around her, and she breathed him in. She leaned against his chest, and Ambrose prepared a plate for her. “What’s for breakfast?”

“Brunch. They said they would feed you.” Ambrose scowled.

“Oh, uh... I was too nervous to be hungry.” Her stomach snarled, casting its vote for food.

Argus sighed. “Well, we need to fill you up then.”

She gasped, and the others grinned. She pushed away the mental images and hid against Argus.

She was lifted and moved to another lap. “No letting Argus have all the fun, Olivia. We are all yours, and we will take care of you. It is our joy and our pleasure.”

She smelled cinnamon buns with vanilla. She looked up at Ambrose and smiled. “That sounds really weighty.”

Dexter got her a cup of coffee and handed it to her. “We had to do research to get authorization to get an omega. There was study, psychological evaluations, and bloodwork. We are all disease-free if it matters.”

“Uh, yeah. It matters. So, thanks for checking.”

Ambrose chuckled and murmured in her ear, “Breakfast is poached eggs, hollandaise, bacon, toast, and fruit salad.”

She perked up. “Hollandaise?”

He pulled a plate toward her, and there was the most desirable eggs benedict she had seen in her life because she didn’t have to make it for someone else. Someone had made it specifically for her.

She turned, but he held her in place. “Um, I am not going to be able to cut it at this angle.”

“I will feed you.” He reached around her and sliced the food into small wedges. He picked up the first piece. “Open.”

She looked at Ambrose, and his expression was kind with heat in his gaze. She opened her mouth, and he put in a wedge of food that exploded on her tongue. She moaned happily, chewed, and swallowed before she grabbed Ambrose’s hand and sucked the sauce off his fingers.

“Good girl.”

She sucked on his thumb, and she felt his erection swell against her hip. She rolled her eyes to meet his as she released him. “That was really good.”

He smiled. “Back at yah. Now, we can save the play for later; now, I want you to eat.”

“Yes, Sir.”

She ate, and Dexter and Argus did as well. She paused and sipped some coffee. “You aren’t eating?”

Ambrose said, “After you have yours, you will feed me mine.”

“Yes, Sir.” The reference wasn’t lost on her. Everything they said was going to revolve around sex until they actually had it. So, the references would probably stop by that afternoon.

She was full when the second piece of toast was finished. She looked at Ambrose, and he licked his thumb and forefinger. She looked around the table. “Um, where is your plate.”

He chuckled. “Who said I was going to need a plate?”

He wrapped his arm around her and got to his feet, setting her on the countertop. He eased her skirt up, and she watched him in shock. “What are you doing?”

He ran his hands along the inside of her thighs. “What does it look like?”

“Um... I have no idea.” His fingers were tracing around in the slick that she had slowly been leaking during him feeding her.

“Allow me to demonstrate. I fed you; now, you are returning the favour.” His nostrils flared as he bent his golden head.

He flipped her dress and slip back, exposing her to the bright light of the kitchen, and she flinched and ducked her head.

“Oh. Lovely, Olivia. So slick and pink and wanting.”

To her shock, he pulled up a bar stool, settled on it between her thighs, and he feasted.

At first, with his tongue, she registered warmth. Then, she took in the slightly rough texture of his tongue, and when he licked her folds in one long swipe, she jerked and whined, unable to balance and grip his hair when he pulled her feet up to splay her thighs wide on either side of her hips. His hands kneaded her ass as he pulled her to his mouth, and he dove in, tongue swirling as she whined and tried to find something to grab hold of.

Pumpkin spice filled her senses, and Dexter gripped her hands, giving her an anchor point as her hips rolled and rocked against Ambrose’s mouth.

Dexter kissed her softly, and she returned the delicate touch with a frenzy. She moaned, and her tongue licked and danced with Dexter’s in a disorganized panic. Ambrose’s tongue was circling her clit. Slick was coming out of her in rivulets, and he lapped it all up. Dexter took her hands and pinned them over her head while caressing her breasts with his fingers through the fabric of her dress. Her small cries became frantic, and she pulled and twisted under their touch and tongue, and then, she shattered apart into a million bright pieces. She shrieked, and Ambrose kept thrusting his tongue into her, feeling her fluttering spasms inside. He let her go on and on until she lay back with a moan, and Dexter smiled against her lips. The kiss softened, and he took her lower lip between his, plucking it softly as he raised his head. Ambrose kept going until the soft flutters led her to a sob, and after one last kiss and suck to her clit, he lifted his head. He rested his chin on her mound and said, “I could get used to breakfast like that.”

She was sweaty, gasping, and exposed to the bright light of morning from the waist down. She stared up at the ceiling and shook her head.

Dexter stroked her cheek. “What are you thinking about?”

She murmured, “Honestly?”

All three said, “Yes.”

She sat up with Dexter’s help. Ambrose’s mouth and cheeks were still shining, and she stroked his face, wiping herself off. “I am thinking about the nutritional value of slick.”

They laughed, and she chuckled, trying to close her thighs. Her perfume filled the kitchen.

Dexter and Argus each leaned in for a lick in turn, and she had her hand over her mouth. On the phone, they had told her they wanted to lick her pussy; she just thought it was something guys said. Apparently, they did it as well.

Ambrose pulled her toward him, and she landed with a thud on his lap. He murmured, “Do you want more?”

She blinked and then caught on. She nodded. “Yes.”

“Then, pick one. It doesn’t matter which. Today is your choice.”

She looked around and turned to Argus. She held out her arms, and he lifted her up, setting her on her feet. He smiled. “You want to be with me first?”

“Yes. You, then Dexter, then Ambrose.”

Ambrose chuckled. “Why me last?”

“Because you like things to go a certain way, and you have more patience. You can wait.”

Ambrose chuckled. “True, but I will be thinking of ways to make you regret making me wait, precious.”

She shivered. “It is a risk I am willing to take.”

Argus swung her into his arms and carried her to his room.

His space was blue and brown, with black dotted around the room. His bed was a king, and he set her down next to it while he pulled off his clothing while she scrunched her toes against the thick carpet.

She looked at his sculpted body and stifled the giggle at his divided tan. He was bronze to the hips and then a pale gold down his legs. His chest was broad and his pecs rock hard, the rippled muscles of his abdomen demanded that she reach for him, and his cock had something at the top, under the band of his knot. She frowned. “What’s that?”

He chuckled. “It’s the mating spines. They cause inflammation after we withdraw, having the effect of causing your body to tighten and hold in the cum. They have evolved into this form in feline alphas and are usually the first thing we notice when we go through puberty. Mine aren’t very abrasive, but it’s a good thing that Ambrose is going last.”

She shivered. “Will they hurt?”

He beckoned her closer. “Touch them. See for yourself.”

She stepped toward him and reached out, stroking over him with her fingertips. The slightly rough skin was fine if she stroked down his cock, but when she stroked up it, they had some resistance. She looked up at him. “How does it feel to you?”

He inhaled slowly. “It feels amazing, but you could hit my dick with a brick, and I would think it felt awesome.”

She chuckled. “That is some biased cognition.”

His eyes burned with delight. “Those are some fancy words.”

“I got a hundred percent on my English exams. I know a lot of really fun words.”

She knelt and stroked him. “Beautiful. Smooth.” She leaned forward and lapped at him. “Salty. Musky.” She licked off a thick pearl of precum. “Creamy.”

He groaned. “I am supposed to be seducing you.”

She wrapped her lips around his head and sucked lightly. “You are doing an amazing job. Can’t you tell?”

Her perfume thickened the air and wrapped around them as she moved her head to take him deeper. Practising on a toy had nothing on sucking him into her mouth and feeling the pulse, tasting the dribble of precum and enjoying the heat as she moved her head. She took him nearly to the band of short spikes, and he stroked her cheek. “Time to stop playing, Olivia.”