No Reservations, Part One by Viola Grace

Chapter Seven

She waited in the outer room and paced. She bit her nail and fidgeted while her exam was marked. Her perfume was broadcasting her distress, but her guys weren’t here, and no one else gave a rat’s ass.

The invigilator came out and smiled. “Olivia Haven, ninety-six percent. Well done.”

She sighed and nodded. “Yay. Thanks. So, it’s a GED?”

“No, it is a high school diploma. We would classify you with a GED if you were in the sixty to seventy percent range. Well done, Olivia.”

“Wait. So, you can just classify me with a high school diploma? From what high school?”

He grinned. “Omega Tech. To be frank, you aren’t allowed to work in the majority of occupations without being supervised by your alphas, but this at least lets you pursue education without limit.”

She blinked and nodded. “Okay. Thank you. Can I get something printed out? I am talking to my pride tonight, and I want to show them.”

Margot appeared behind her. “Why don’t you just tell them in person? You are ready for your handoff, you little twit.”

She paused while the air went out of the room, and then, she said, “Fucking excellent.”

Margot chuckled. “We will be taking you to them tomorrow.”

“Do they know?”

“They do. They are getting their house ready for you. They went a little crazy for a moment when we told them. I would recommend you avoid phone sex tonight. Pack your things, and we take you tomorrow morning. It’s a four-hour drive, so you are going to need to get rest tonight because the odds of you resting tomorrow night are slim to none. I will say, they have been rather well-behaved for alphas.”

Olivia smiled brightly while her skin tingled in anticipation. “They are ambush predators. They can wait.”

“You are still going to call them and tell them you passed?”

“Yes, but I am not going to tell them my score.”

Margot took her out of the waiting area and walked her down the hall. “They have arranged a therapist for you, set up a nest, and gotten you a wardrobe. They will bring you to any depositions you need to attend regarding the original matter that brought you here. We have your video testimony, and sixteen investigations have been launched from the data we found at your family home. You might save some lives with your honesty.”

“If I can stop one woman from getting that done to her, it is all worth the exposure.”

“And we are happy that your alphas feel the same.” Margot smiled. “They are bringing you to one of the fundraisers later in the year. If there is anyone who exemplifies what we are supposed to be doing... it’s you.”

“I can’t argue there. Everyone has taken good care of me and been very professional while I worked my way through my heat.”

“Ah, about that. I will warn your alphas, but you are rapidly cycling into another heat. We did the bloodwork this morning.”

“Oh, that is what the command to medical was about.”

“Yeah, we need to make sure that everything is right before we let you out into the world.” Margot chuckled. “You are in excellent health, your body has recovered now that we have gotten the last of the stitches out, and your IUD is in place, so you won’t need to worry about pregnancy for the next two years.”

They were walking back to her room, and Olly wrinkled her nose. “I am on lockdown?”

“Until we come get you tomorrow morning. Early. Four in the morning early. Call your guys. Tell them that you will see them in the morning. Weirdly, not one of them minded that we were dropping you off on a Friday morning.”

Olly smiled. “Yeah, that doesn’t surprise me. They have been very attentive with their schedules, and yes... I know that it won’t last. It is nice for now.”

Margot smiled. “You never know. They are all from good families who are still together. It’s a good sign that they have seen and know how to execute a solid family.”

“I haven’t asked them about their families yet. We are going to ease into that.”

“Oh, good to have some conversational gambits.” Margot snickered. “You want to work up to that.”

Olly grinned. “Are you referring to my virtual sexual exploits?”

“I would never mention whatever it takes to get you out and enjoying your life, Olivia.”

“Thank you, Margot. Your help and support have really meant a lot.”

Margot paused outside her door. “Having you up, whole, and ready to leave under your own power to the men of your own choice is our goal. Still stuck on your alphas?”

“Oh. Yeah. For the boys if not for the guys. There is nothing like cuddling with a big cat and feeling that purr take the day away.” She smiled. “Can I give you a hug?”

“Yes, but no rubbing.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” Olly went in for a hug, and Margot held her, squeezing her tight.

“I am very proud of you, Olivia. You are going to do great things.”

“If I do anything, I will call it a win.” She rubbed her cheek against Margot. “Oops.”

Margot sighed. “Now I am going to smell like you until I dry clean this jacket.”

“Sorry. I can pay for the cleaning.” She blinked and leaned back. “Eventually. I just realized that it is a throwaway phrase I can’t back up.” Olivia couldn’t help it. Her chin wobbled.

“Oh, hey now. Your guys have to set you up with accounts as well. It’s part of the care agreement. It might not be much, but it will be enough to get your scent out of strangers and friends.” Margot booped her nose with a finger.

Olly chuckled weakly and let Margot go. “Thanks for the hug. Sorry about the jacket.”

“It’s fine. We have nullifying spray in the office. Password is bring me to the boys.”

Olly nodded and headed into her room. She was upset at a realization that she should have had earlier. She needed money in the normal world. She wasn’t a prisoner anymore, and she was going to need money to be able to buy ice cream and coffee like a normal person. Damn. She wanted normal with everything in her.

She got changed into her comfort clothes. Argus’s shirt on her, Dexter’s shirt around her main pillow, and Ambrose’s shirt around another pillow. The stuffed animals were at her back, and she felt safe. She checked the time and video called Argus.

He smiled, and he looked sweaty and rumpled. She started purring.

“Hey, kitten.”

“Hey, Argus. So, I just heard I will be seeing you tomorrow.”

He grinned wide. “Yeah. We have been waiting patiently for you.” He ran a hand through his hair, and she caught the greying white against his tanned skin.

“Uh, Argus, are you wearing the scent band I sent you?”

“The third one out of the set of twelve. You make a sturdy product, kitten.” He brought it to his nose and inhaled, then shuddered.

She hugged the Ambrose pillow to her nose and nuzzled it. “You look like a junkie.”

“And you look adorable. Is that your nest?”

She looked around and nodded. “Yeah.”

“So, your head is on a pillow wrapped in a shirt. Whose?”

“Um, you want the tour?”

“Please.” He sat back and smiled.

“Um, Dexter is my sleeping pillow, Ambrose is my body pillow, the boys are at my back...”

He gave her a slow grin. “Where I am?”

“I am wearing you. I save this for when I am nervous or upset.” She put her head down and rubbed against Dexter’s scent.

He frowned. “Nervous about tomorrow?”

She shook her head. “No. I forgot something important on the way to normal, and now, I feel like an idiot. Such a basic thing.”

“You forgot about money.” Argus sighed. “I figured that one out a while ago. You have only ever worked for family, and they didn’t pay you, so the bare necessities were always just covered. Don’t worry. You have an account, cards, cash, whatever you need is waiting.”

She peeped at him from behind Ambrose’s pillow. “I still feel stupid.”

“You will feel less stupid tomorrow when you are in our arms. Do you wanna talk to me while you pack?”

“You look sweaty. You should take a shower.”

He chuckled. “I busted my butt to get stuff done today so I could spend all day with you, kitten. And all weekend. And possibly part of next week. Can I take you with me into the shower?”

She blinked. “Will you keep the camera above the equator?”


She sighed. “Darn.”

“I shower, you pack. We sent you some luggage. Did you get it?”

“Yes. I got it.” It was hard-sided, hot-rod red, and when she had looked it up, it cost a lot. That made her nervous.

She set the phone on its stand and carried it to where her meagre closet was. She set it on a dresser and started to pack.

“First, pick out tomorrow’s outfit, kitten. Make sure it’s comfortable. You are going to be in that car for a while.”

She nodded and picked out underwear that she liked. There was a heavy purr, and she blushed when she realized he was going to be seeing it in person fairly soon. She picked some strappy sandals, and that was her outfit sorted. “What will the weather be like tomorrow?”

“It’s going to rain.”

“I will ask for an umbrella. I don’t have a raincoat.”

“Okay.” He stripped off his shirt and set the phone down on what seemed to be a ledge in the shower. He carefully removed the small wristband embedded with the scent from that first time, and he peeled off the rest of his clothing. She heard it and quickly turned to packing when he started the water. She was packed when he said, “Since you don’t have a lot of stuff, is it okay that we bought you some?”

She chuckled. “It is either that, or I run around the house naked to save wear and tear on the outfits I do have.”

He groaned. “Oh, promise me you will do that at least once.”

She snickered. “As long as I don’t have to make breakfast. Nudity and bacon should never be combined.”

He shampooed and said, “I can’t believe it is tomorrow. You worked so hard to get to us, kitten.”

“Get to you, get out of here. It all blurs together.”

“That is going to earn you a teasing smack on the backside. Are you going to call for a group event tonight?”

“Um, no. I am under orders to go to bed early and be ready to leave at four.”

“Yeah. We offered to come meet you, but they said they didn’t want the transfer recorded as a highway incident when we pulled over to fuck you.”

Her body clenched, and she nearly folded over. She whispered hoarsely, “That wouldn’t look good for the centre.”

“No, so they are taking you before dawn. You will be with us for a late brunch. Ambrose is already planning it. Come hungry.”

She nodded. “I will text you when I am on the way. You guys can jerk off a few times, so you don’t maul me.”

He chuckled and rinsed off. “Oh, kitten. We are going to maul you anyway. The boys are excited. They treat those chew toys you made like they are baby dolls.”

She sighed. “They are supposed to rip them to bits. I filled them with jerky and everything.”

“Yeah, kitten, but they smell like you, so they are going to be cherished whether you like it or not.”

She sighed. “Nice tile. Glazed porcelain?”

He paused and looked into the camera. “Yeah. How did you know?”

“I did all the renovations at the B&B by hand. I made up materials lists and got my sister to pick up the orders.”

“You did all the work yourself?”

“We hired guys to help with the demo and disposal, but I wasn’t in heat, and they were betas, so it was fine.”

“Wait, so you decorated the rooms?”

“Yeah, all of them. Why?”

He chuckled and rinsed the shampoo out of his hair. “Just trying to think of income streams for you. You might want to look for interior design distance-learning courses. Just in case.”

“Oh, uh... why?”

“Sometimes I do a build, and the owner has financing issues for the last instalment. Sometimes I just want to build a house, but in both cases, I need it decorated and designed. I can give you a budget, and you design an interior on the computer. Ambrose can help, and if I like it, you can pick up the occasional job.”

She smiled. “And if you don’t like it?”

“You can either try again or be lightly punished for not doing your best.”

“What is a light punishment?” She bit her lip.

“Aw, kitten, I don’t want to spoil the surprise.”

She felt her chest tighten, and she whispered, “I really don’t need a surprise that ends in punishment.”

He blinked and looked at her. “Ah, right. A light punishment would just be an open hand applied to the delightful curve of your ass. A heavy one would be using an implement that left hot stripes on your skin.”

She blinked. “Oh. No broken bones? No punching?”

He looked horrified. “No, of course not. Kitten, we aren’t going to hurt you.”

She wobbled a little, blinking tears from her eyes. “Okay. I will see you tomorrow.”

He didn’t look happy, but he cut off the call with a, “See you tomorrow, kitten.”

She closed her suitcase and crawled back into her nest. Dawn was going to show up after she had left. She set her alarm for three and tried to sleep. It was only by taking deep drags of Argus’s scent that she was able to rest.