Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 2


Dark Overture.

I’d been in several offices over the years but none as posh and incredibly spacious as the one I was standing in. Even the receptionist area had marble floors and the kind of art on the walls that I’d never be able to afford. I’d never felt so out of place in my life. I couldn’t even stand the thought of sitting on the gorgeous leather furniture.

Sighing, I paced the floor, loathing the way I looked. I didn’t need to own expensive clothing, thank God since I couldn’t afford them, but I was significantly underdressed. The simple black skirt and basic crisp white tee shirt was all I’d been able to muster together given the short timing. I was nervous, finding it almost impossible to breathe.

“Stop worrying, Ms. Rapshire. Mr. Darke might seem formidable but he’s really a pussycat once you get past his crusty exterior.”

I almost laughed hearing the receptionist’s short description of him. She was as lovely as a person could be, very down to earth and almost motherly. But looks could be deceiving. “Have you worked with him for long?”

“Oh, yes. He’s difficult to say no to.” She winked then returned to whatever she was working on behind the desk.

A lump formed in my throat as I tried to take several deep breaths.

One minute passed.


I had difficulty breathing at all.

When I heard a buzzing sound coming from behind her desk only a couple of minutes later, I thought I was going to jump out of my skin.

“Yes, sir. I’ll send her right in.” She gave me another far too perky smile. “Mr. Darke is ready for you. He apologizes for the delay. Just go to the end of the hall. You can’t miss his office.”

I nodded, trying to get my legs to work. I hadn’t been in a pair of heels in so long I felt awkward, certain I looked ridiculous. As I headed down the corridor, I took comfort in the fact there were several other people in various offices. At least it was a real company. Mr. Darke’s double door seemed larger than what would be considered normal. Maybe the man had a God complex.

I barely placed my knuckles on the wood when I heard him calling from behind the door.

“Come in, Devon.”

As I opened the door, I thought twice about backing out of the meeting. What did I have to prove to myself? Right? Courage. I had to find some level of courage. I walked in with my head held high, almost immediately slumping from seeing the gorgeous office complete with floor-to-ceiling windows and a corner bar.

The man himself was just as I’d expected, debonair and sexy, although with his dark suit and tie, he appeared standoffish. While he wore no expression of any kind, his eyes were electric in the way they gazed down the length of me. The look wasn’t one of lurid longing but sizing me up.

For what?

“I’m Daniel Darke. I’m glad you decided to accept the invitation. Please have a seat.”

While I did as he asked, I remained on the edge, staring at him with just as much scrutiny as he gave me. “What is this place? Who are you? What do you do? And why would you be offering me a job of any kind? You don’t know me at all.”

He seemed amused that I was prattling on with questions, his slight smirk turning into a smile. “All in good time, Devon, but I do know you better than you realize.”

“Yeah? How is that possible since you just met me?” I knew the defiance in my voice likely pissed him off. So what?

Exhaling, he retrieved an iPad from his pristine desk, entering his code then taking his time to scroll through his files. “You were born in San Diego but when you were eight, your family moved to Madrid given your father’s work with the state department. You were formally educated there until your family’s return when you were seventeen. That’s where things went awry for you given your attachment to a boy who led you into a criminal life. Before you reached the age of eighteen, you’d successfully pulled off two of the largest and most difficult jewelry heists in Washington, DC.”

He stopped long enough to glance in my direction, his eyes glistening as if the damn information was juicy instead of old news.

“Fortunately, your father had kept his diplomatic influence, his power and contacts keeping you out of jail. However, the deal that was made still tarnished your record, preventing you from obtaining any security clearance as well as squashing many job opportunities. You currently work at Rowdy’s, a country western bar and restaurant, but you also translate romance novels into Spanish. Even with the two jobs, you’re barely able to make your rent. Your favorite color is purple, your favorite band Disturbed, and you prefer red wine to white. While you’re highly educated, you can certainly handle your own, including protecting people who work with you in extremely difficult situations. What you did last night was extraordinary, a true depiction of your character. How am I doing so far?”

I was floored, shaken to my very core. My record had been sealed, at least for the most part, although my name had been libeled in the paper years ago. The little bastard from the night before had tattled on me. Had the fucker been watching and following me? Oh, my God. How stupid could I have been? “What do you want from me? Who are you?”

Mr. Darke took a deep breath, lowering the iPad and leaning over his desk. “Fair enough. I know about your life, but you know little about my company. Dark Overture is a firm catering to mostly men, although we’ve certainly had our share of female clients, who are looking for a perfect companion to work with them for a short period of time.”

That was it. I moved to a standing position, giving him a nasty hiss. “No way. I had a bad feeling about this. I’m not a prostitute, Mr. Darke. I hope in that little file you have on me it tells you that I haven’t even had a boyfriend of any type in two freaking years. I also hope it tells you that my father died of cancer, which drained almost every penny from my parents’ bank account. My mother went soon after of a broken heart. Did you get that in your great dig into my life?”

“I am sorry about the loss of your parents. I know how lonely that can make a person feel. As far as a special someone in your life, yes, I’m well aware that you’ve shied away from dating, which also makes you perfect.”

“Perfect? For what? Do you have some crazy, ugly billionaire standing behind door number three that you’re ready to sell me off to? Or is this about some kinky prince from a godforsaken foreign country who wants to sell me into slavery? I want nothing to do with shit like that. I might not have a penny to my name, but I do have my integrity and I plan on keeping it.” When I turned away, storming toward the door, I wasn’t certain what I expected, but it wasn’t total silence.

I managed to grab the handle when he cleared his throat.

“Are you finished with your tantrum so we can discuss the arrangement I mentioned?” His question made me furious.

His quiet demeanor also made my curiosity go through the roof. I took several deep breaths before turning to face him. “Make this quick. I don’t have all day.”

He chuckled. “I assure you that the arrangements are not sexual in nature, although what you do behind closed doors is your business. Some of our clients have found the attraction irresistible. However, I have strict rules that must not be crossed. I will cut to the chase since I can see your time is precious. My client is interested in your perfect Spanish as well as your ability to understand and appreciate culture in Spain. As you know, the dialect is entirely different than what is spoken in the United States. In addition, there are other skills that he finds perfect for him.”

“Uh-huh. Let me guess, it has something to do with my ability to steal precious gems.” I was guessing, maybe even bluffing, but by the look on his face, I knew I was right. Crap.

“That is a discussion to be held with my client.”

I took a long hard look at the man again, realizing that his suit was handmade, his tie of raw and the finest silk. He was suave and polished and if I had to guess, well connected. “All right,” I mused as I walked closer. “If I agree to this charade, what kind of money are we talking about here?”

“I’m sorry, Devon. The actual full terms are disclosed after the two of you have had a chance to meet. If you both agree to move forward, then the final contract number will be provided to you to look over. However, I assure you that the sum is substantial, and it does include payment for taking your time to meet with him as well as for any expenses you might incur.”

The dude was actually serious. He really thought that any woman in their right mind would go along with some crazy scheme. I folded my arms, moving closer to his desk. Maybe I could at least get enough money to keep myself afloat for another couple of months until things picked up. “Payment, huh? This client is wealthy?”

“Yes, Devon. He is also a very powerful man.”

“Why would he do this? If he’s wealthy, then I’m certain there are hundreds of women who wouldn’t mind getting to know him better.”

He smiled. “Do you honestly think a man would seek out my help had he not already attempted to find what he was looking for?”

For some reason, his comment made me shiver. “Okay. Then if this person is so well off, I won’t meet with him for anything less than five thousand dollars.” As if Mr. Darke was going to go for that kind of money. He’d throw me out for attempted extortion.

The man laughed. My God, he had the freaking nerve to laugh at me. “Trust me, Devon. You will be extremely happy with the sum that you receive. If that means you agree to meeting with him, I’ll need you to sign a nondisclosure agreement and money will be wired to your account this afternoon.”

“That means you have my bank account information.”

He tugged papers from his desk, lifting a single eyebrow. “Yes, Devon. I take pride in the information I can acquire, but I promise you that what I’ve learned will never be used in any other manner, and none of this will be brought up again once an agreement has been signed. I am reputable and plan on keeping it that way.”

Maybe I should ask him for references. Somehow, I had a feeling that no one would ever admit using his services. I fought the inner girl inside, the one who’d been able to shut down the world she’d allowed herself to get sucked into. She was a risk taker, a woman who refused to take any shit. But I was still terrified of life, the loss of my parents only two years before difficult to get over.

“Okay.” Okay? That was all I could say to the man?

“Excellent, Devon. I have the paperwork for you to sign. This is nothing but your assurance that you won’t talk to anyone about the experience. The work we do is confidential.” He pushed the papers across the desk and I’d never felt so nauseous in my life.

Yet I walked closer.

“What is his name? Can I at least have his name? By the way, I will only meet him in a public place. No secluded homes.”

“We only use first names at this point. The man you will meet is Santiago. And yes, I require that you meet in a public location for the first time. You have nothing to worry about.”

I took a deep breath before taking the papers into my hand, reading them over thoroughly. There was nothing abnormal, no oddities that I could see. The paperwork was simply stating I wasn’t allowed to go public about the company or what I learned. I’d scrawled my name before I realized what I was doing, still terrified I’d made a huge mistake.

“Where am I meeting this guy?” Santiago. The name sounded like some of the names out of romance novels for the big, brawny alpha men. They were always gorgeous. They were always muscular. And they were always powerful, passionate lovers, taking what they wanted. Not from this girl. No freaking way.

“I will have the particulars of your meeting emailed to you by the time you return home. You should block out time in your schedule today as my clients make their decisions quickly. I will also have a copy of the nondisclosure sent over for your records.”

“Then what?”

He took the paperwork, pulling it across his desk and giving me a warm smile. “If your meeting with him is successful, then you will have twelve hours to decide to continue on. When you do, we will go over the contract as well as other requirements.”

“How long? As in how long will I be in this… man’s employ?”

“From my understanding, as long as it takes, but for a minimum of thirty days.”

“The pay had better be worth the disruption in my life. It’s not easy to find a job in this city.”

Daniel Darke gave me another one of his knowing smiles. “I assure you, Devon, that when and if you decide to return to work, it won’t be at a rough and tumble bar like Rowdy’s.”

Now I was intrigued.

Santiago. At least the name floated off my tongue. While I walked out of his office, I allowed myself to envision myriad heroes that had been depicted in so many romance novels. Maybe I’d get lucky and the man I was going to meet was a real hero.

I laughed all the way to the elevator. They didn’t exist. Might as well remember that going in.

* * *

“I can’t believe you called in sick from work,” Jodie said as she stared at me from just outside the bathroom.

“You were the one who pushed me into this. Remember?”

“I had no idea that it was going to lead to some crazy concept of working for some wealthy dude. What the hell do they want from you?”

I took a step away, glancing down at my dress. “Are you trying to suggest that a girl like me would never interest a powerful millionaire?” While I was just teasing her, that’s exactly the way I was thinking about the entire situation.

“Oh, my God. I could beat you. That’s not what I’m saying. You’re a tough cookie as well as a smart girl. You don’t know what the hell is going on here. That entire meeting could have been about smoke and mirrors. You know that,” Jodie huffed.

“Yes, I know.” I shimmied past her, moving into my bedroom and yanking open one of the drawers. “I will say this, that damn payment for going out with this guy better come through. I spent almost the last of what I had in my checking account to purchase this dress.”

“And it’s gorgeous too. That doesn’t mean I’m not worried. How much are you getting paid to meet him?”

I finally found the necklace I was looking for. “I don’t know. Mr. Darke just said it was substantial.” After pulling the chain around my neck and fastening it, I walked to my phone. “Why don’t we see if the asshole kept up the end of this seductive bargain.”

“Where are you meeting this guy anyway?”

“Another thing I don’t know. I was told a car would arrive for me promptly at six-thirty.” I gave her a sly smile, although butterflies remained in my stomach. Yes, I was nervous as hell, although more comforted from the information in the email as well as a single article penned on the company.

“A car. The driver could take you anywhere. For all I know, you could be off to Spain by this time tomorrow.”

“Jodie, stop being melodramatic. I’m not a fool, you know.” I yanked my purse off the dresser, showing her the small handgun I’d purchased almost a year before. A girl couldn’t be too careful living in a city by herself.

She shuddered but gave me a respectful nod. “I hope that’s enough. What if he has men working for him, you know, like really bad men? Criminals?”

Now I had to laugh, rolling my eyes as I tried to look at my account. “You’ve really been reading too many novels lately.”

“Look who’s talking.”

I studied the screen, trying to catch my breath. No, this couldn’t be right. “Shit. They made a mistake.”

“A mistake? What are you talking about?”

She yanked the phone from my hand, her eyes opening wide. Then she shifted from one screen to the other with her fast fingers. “It looks legit. A real transaction number and the bank it came from a huge one out of New York.”

“How the hell would you know?”

“One of my many careers was being a bank teller. Did you see the amount?”

I sucked in my breath, my legs quivering. “Yes.” Five thousand dollars was an insane amount for a single meeting. What in hell was this guy into?

“Oh, my God, sunshine. Five thousand dollars for meeting some guy. That’s wonderful!”

“That’s insane and it has to be a mistake.”

“Well, if it is, don’t tell anyone.”

Hearing a knock on the door was enough to make my knees knock. I put on a brave front, but I wasn’t certain I could go through with this.

“Do I look okay?” I asked as I grabbed my purse, shoving my phone inside.

“You look fabulous. Why don’t you send me a text later so that I know you’re alive? If you don’t, I swear to God I will call the police.”

I squeezed her arm. “Stop worrying. I can take care of myself.” As I opened the door, I held my breath.


The man reminded me of a chauffeur in his black suit and crisp white shirt.


“I’m Jackson. I’m here to take you to your meeting.”

His smile was pleasant enough, not that I would know a murderer when I saw one. “Thank you. Can you tell me where we’re going?”

He kept the smile as he took a step back, allowing me to see the limo parked by the curb. At least Santiago had pulled out all the stops to impress me.

My God, the man was a chauffeur.

“I’m sorry, Devon. That’s something I can’t do. Santiago would not like it if I spoiled the surprise. In fact, he would be extremely angry. However, I can tell you that the drive will take us about thirty minutes.”

That left several parts of town the man could be driving to.

“Wow. At least you’re going in style. I still don’t like this,” Jodie hissed from behind.

“Lock up when you leave,” I managed.

“Call me.”

Famous last words.

* * *

The driver had been pleasant although refusing to offer any other information. He had plied me with champagne, Kristal to be exact. While I enjoyed a delicious glass of bubbly, the fact Santiago was doing everything in his power to show off pissed me off instead of impressing me. I was already weary of the asshole, and I hadn’t even met him.

I closed my eyes, thankful I’d brought a weapon with me. There was no other reason other than my hackles remained raised over the entire situation. When I opened my eyes again, I realized that we were in one of the artsy districts near downtown. The recent renovations had created a magnificent space with restaurants and galleries, swanky shops and specialized stores. There was a main square with glorious fountains and festive lighting, a location for bands and other musicians. I’d seen the area on television, but the location was completely out of my price range.

As the driver pulled to the curb, I was at least thankful the area was filled with people. Jackson opened the door, taking my hand and helping me onto the cobblestone sidewalk. I stood admiring the lights for a few seconds until he beckoned me to follow.

“We don’t have to walk very far,” he said encouragingly.

As we approached a small gallery, I couldn’t help but notice the gorgeous works of art.

When he placed his hand on one of the massive steel handles, I had to admit that I was impressed with Santiago’s choice. There was something so calming about walking inside, my senses immediately on overload from the wonderful Spanish guitar music coming from unseen speakers, the dim lighting creating a powerful ambiance while pointed LED lights highlighted the various pieces.

“This is gorgeous,” I whispered, although more to myself.

“Yes, ma’am. Please come this way.” He led me toward the back of the room, allowing me to see an entire table filled with tempting food. From fresh fruit to a display of shrimp on ice, caviar and other delicacies, there was obviously an event ready to take place.

When he retrieved a long flute, grasping a bottle of already opened champagne and filling the gorgeous crystal, I had a feeling the night was going to be very interesting.

He gave me a nod as he handed me the glass, a slight smile curling on his lips. “Santiago expresses his wishes for you to indulge in whatever your heart desires. He will be with you shortly.”

“Thank you, Jackson. When does the event start?”

“It already has.” As he walked toward the door, I realized he was whistling. After heading outside, I watched as he pulled a sign in front of the door, blocking the entrance. What in the hell was going on?

I took long strides toward the double glass doors, taking a deep breath as he walked toward the limo. This was more than interesting. This was…

Exhaling, I moved back to the main portion of the gallery, hating the fact my hand was shaking. I positioned my purse on the end of one of the overflow tables, able to get to it quickly if necessary. The champagne was perfectly chilled as well as delicious and as I roamed around the gallery, I was drawn to several of the magnificent pieces. I took my time gazing at one then another, finding myself close to the table of goodies once again.

I was way out of my element, thankful I’d found a lovely dress that accentuated my light eyes. It also hugged every curve, making me more self-conscious than normal. I was used to jeans and a tee shirt, not a sexy dress and high heels. Still, my attire was perfect for the evening.

And for meeting a mystery man.

After snagging a strawberry, I checked my watch. The man certainly liked to make an entrance. What the hell. There was nothing wrong with enjoying the moment all by myself. I nibbled on the luscious berry, the fruit sweeter than anything I purchased in the grocery store. I pretended as if I knew what I was looking at as I moved from piece to piece, the music soothing my nerves at least to a point.

I was lost in a particularly erotic photograph taken in black and white when I felt his presence. There’d been no sound, no footsteps echoing in the open space, but I knew he stood right behind me.

He remained quiet and I refused to turn around. If he enjoyed a game of cat and mouse, then he had no idea who he was sparring with. I found myself swaying to the music, still nibbling on the strawberry. However, I could feel his hot breath skating across the back of my neck as he inched closer. The moment I inhaled, his rich scent filtered into my system, the fragrance exotic yet so masculine. The combination of spices and a hint of sandalwood was almost intoxicating within seconds.

“There is nothing so beautiful. Don’t you think?”

While I’d learned his first name, that hadn’t proven his heritage. But when he spoke, the deep, velvety baritone and his accent were what I’d remembered from my time living in Spain. The deep husk of his voice created instant tingles. I was almost lightheaded, fearful of turning around.

“Yes. The photograph is lovely,” I managed.

“While the work of art is impressive, that’s not at all what I’m talking about.”

As I slowly turned, I held my breath. The man standing in front of me was exactly what romance novels were made of. At least six foot three, his dark wavy hair and long eyelashes accentuated his luminescent emerald green eyes and chiseled features. I was struck by his voluptuous lips, the kind that authors wrote about in their novels. They were meant for long periods of kissing on a cold winter night in front of a roaring fire.

He took a step away, allowing his gaze to fall to my heels then ever so slowly back to my face. After narrowing his eyes, he reached out, dragging the tip of a single finger across the bottom of my lip.

I was shocked by his actions, the way he brought his finger to his mouth. Then I realized that juice from the strawberry must have trickled from my mouth. A wave of embarrassment rushed up from my chest, tickling both cheeks. I couldn’t take my eyes off the way he suckled his finger, his eyelids partially closing. There was such electricity shared between us, the current enough to ignite all the embers I’d long since thought extinct.

Then he took the remaining bite of fruit from my fingers, bringing that to his luscious lips, a slight growl pushing up from his throat as he finished it off, chewing ever so slowly. The man had seductive down pat.

While well dressed in dark gray trousers and a matching jacket, he’d selected a simple royal cobalt tee shirt instead of a more formal shirt. The material stretched over his muscular chest, allowing me to imagine what the rest of him looked like.

I forced myself to look away, trying to keep from hissing under my breath. I wasn’t going to be that easy, falling under his spell like some love-struck schoolgirl. Hell, no. I took a purposeful step away, giving him a sterner look. “I presume you’re Santiago?”

He laughed, the sound sending another powerful ripple of electricity, leaving me wet and hot all over as well as hating my body’s reaction. This was ridiculous. He was gorgeous, but that meant nothing at this point.

“Yes, I apologize. I was mesmerized by your beauty.”

I took a deep breath, shaking my head. “You can cut the crap, Santiago.”

He seemed more amused than irritated at my sudden change in demeanor. “You are very direct.”

“Yes, that’s the kind of person I am. I’m Devon and you requested this meeting. I do appreciate the pomp and circumstance, but I think we should get down to details. Don’t you?”

Santiago kept the amused look on his face as he walked toward the table of refreshments. The bastard was actually waiting to give me an answer. While I had no desire to trail behind him, I found myself doing just that.

He took his time pouring a glass of champagne, glancing at mine then walking toward me with the bottle in his hand. “I would think that given your very careful nature that you would want to spend some time getting to know each other. Wouldn’t that be more practical?”

I didn’t move a muscle as he refilled my glass, still moving deliberately back to the table and easing the bottle into the chilled bucket. I had no idea what to think about this man. He was obviously well versed in the art of seduction, but I wasn’t falling for anything. Not now. Not ever.

“All right. We can play your game,” I said quietly as I continued to study him.

“I assure you that this is no game, Devon. I have a need that requires being filled. Daniel Darke is very good at what he does. I trust in his selection given his reputation. He is a very astute and observant man.”

“We’re not here to talk about Daniel. We’re here so that I can learn what this is all about.”

“I do enjoy your candor. As I said, let’s take some time to share an enjoyable evening. I have nothing to hide, and you will learn everything you want to know by the end of our time together. Is that fair enough?”

I thought about his words then nodded. “All right. I can do that.”

“Excellent.” He took a sip of his champagne, his eyes never leaving mine.

He made me entirely too uncomfortable, but I continued to be intrigued. I walked away once again, knowing he would follow. As we went from piece to piece, he made a few comments. When I ended up in standing near what I considered to be the most provocative photograph of the entire collection, I’d never felt so aroused or so embarrassed. The lovely young woman was in the throes of ecstasy, the sheet barely covering the long arc of her back as she tipped her head back.

What I didn’t realize at first was that the man in the background was holding a belt in his hand, her moment of intense passion based on the punishment she’d received. I realized my legs were quivering, my heart hammering to the point there were echoes in my ears.

“There is nothing more erotic than a photograph being taken in black and white. And before you ask, Devon, no, that does not mean that every pose needs to depict something so private and beautiful. Something as benign as fruit on a table or a beautiful waterfall can have the same effect.”

“I agree with you.”

He took a deep breath, the sound exaggerated. “However, I cannot lie that there is also nothing more beautiful than a woman who enjoys sharing her passion and her body.”

I dragged my tongue across my lips, trying to keep my composure. “Where are you from?”

“A beautiful seaside community in Spain. I admit I haven’t been there in a long time. I miss the ocean, the cresting waves and gorgeous sandy beaches. Even the quaint cottages and seaside cafés I used to take for granted. I long to return.”

“And why don’t you?” I asked, curious as to what he was going to say.

He hesitated before answering, “For one thing, my parents moved the family to Barcelona when I was still young. However, there are times when memories are simply too difficult to allow to resurface. I’m certain you’ve experienced that in your life, sweet Devon.”

“Yes, I have.”

“I’m also aware you spent time in Spain with your parents.”

“Of course, you would know that. Yes, my father was a diplomat in Madrid. I was lucky enough to be able to explore several European countries during the years we were there.”

“Do you miss Spain?”

I had to think about his question. “Yes, actually I do. However, I was so young that I don’t think I appreciated being there.” A rush of images and memories shifted into my mind. I had been very lucky to spend so many years overseas. I hadn’t thought about it that way in years.

“That is a shame. Spain is one of the most beautiful places on Earth. And yes, I do plan on returning, but not to my hometown just yet. That will take some time.”

I had a feeling that whatever this deal was about included returning to his home country. That was, if he was telling me the truth.

“Is that what this is all about? You have a reason to return but you need some kind of help.”

He gave me a sly smile before walking toward the next piece. While not nearly as provocative, the artistic design was spectacular in every way. “You are as intelligent as Daniel mentioned. Yes, I need your help for a particular mission that I’ve been working on for some time.”

“Mission. That sounds fascinating. What kind of mission could you possibly have? Maybe I should ask you what you do for a living, Santiago? Is that allowed?”

“My family has been blessed with significant wealth, Devon. Sadly, I am the only one left.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Yes,” he said, a haunted look forming in his eyes. Seconds later, he tried to hide it. “I am now considered the patriarch of our family business.”

“Which is?”

“You will learn that soon enough. Tell me, why are you working as a translator for books? Do you find that interesting?”

“Yes, actually I do, although there doesn’t seem to be enough work at the moment. Hopefully, that will change in the future.” My answer was as perfunctory as I could make it.

He took another sip of champagne, eyeing me intently. “Is that what you’d like to do for the rest of your life?”

I laughed, turning my attention away. I remained tingling all over, doing everything I could to keep both my arousal and my anger in check. He already had a way of getting under my skin and I couldn’t allow that to happen. “Not really, but it can be good money. I need to make a living.”

“Fair enough. What if I could offer you an entirely different lifestyle?”

The way his eyes twinkled told me in no uncertain terms that he was a dangerous man. “Are you that powerful?”

“Absolutely. There are men who cower in my presence, fearful of what I can do to them.”

I shook my head, my head spinning from the thoughts of what he could do. “And you enjoy that. Don’t you? Do you like making people afraid of you?”

He lifted a single eyebrow, his smile bordering on evil. “Actually, I do. However, you didn’t answer my question. What if I could change your life?”

“It would depend on what I had to do in order to achieve it. You should know up front that I’m not a call girl. I’m not arm candy or anything of that nature. If that’s what you’re looking for, both you and Daniel selected the wrong person.”

Very slowly he backed me against the wall, the move surprising me. “What I’m looking for is someone who can provide me with an opportunity that has been eluding me for years. That will entail being what you call arm candy for a few select events and yes, you need to act as if you and I are very close, intimate in fact. As you mentioned, this isn’t about playing games, although there will be a need for a part to be played. I’m certain you will be able to handle that, even though I’m told you are rough around the edges. I can help refine the woman inside begging to be released, to help her find the joy and passion she’s been seeking her entire life.”

There was no reason for his comments to infuriate me the way they did, but I was finished with toying around whatever the hell was going on. He was one of the most arrogant men I’d ever known, and I’d met plenty of them. Something boiled inside of me that fueled an entirely different kind of fire.


There was no amount of money that could make this situation palpable. “How dare you, Santiago, if that’s even your real name. I might be rough around the edges, but I’ve been forced to be that way in order to provide a life for myself. Like you, I am all alone. No brothers. No cousins. No large inheritance. My guess is that you’ve never had to work a single day in your life, always pampered and provided with the finest in everything. That isn’t the kind of life I want to live or the type of man I could ever consider being with.”

There was something so dark about the look in his eyes, a primal hunger that was both thrilling as well as terrifying. The flash in his eyes was also entirely different, as if the rules of the game had just changed.

As if I’d passed some test.

And as if he’d made a decision.

“You will learn.”

His words were laced with defiance.

“What do you think I can learn?” I struggled to whisper the question. When he placed one hand on the wall next to my head, leaning in, I could swear he was going to kiss me.

“You are exactly the kind of woman I desire, Devon, and I’m going to make you a promise. Before the night is over, you will become mine.”