Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 4



My father had explained years before that power was all in the mind. It wasn’t necessarily about the use of force or violence, although certain situations often required it. It also wasn’t all about money, although extreme wealth certainly created additional avenues when solving an issue. His thoughts were that true power came from within one’s mind, the ability to act on your feet while outsmarting your enemy.

I’d subscribed to his methodology even after his death, although I’d come to realize that I was a brutal man, much more so than my father. He’d been forgiving far too often, which in my mind had led to his murder as well as my brother’s. He’d allowed a single weakness to provide the ammunition needed in order for his greatest enemy to take the upper hand.

It was past time to crush that hand.

I didn’t fear death. In fact, I relished the understanding that when my time was up, there was nothing I could do to stop the inevitable.

I’d witnessed death on several occasions; seen the terror in a person’s eyes just seconds before the person holding the gun pulled the trigger. I’d been splattered with blood, watching as they crumpled to the floor, eyes now lifeless.

I’d also been forced to observe what some would call a massacre, unable to take my eyes off the carnage.

And I’d only been a boy at the time.

Even though my father had scooped me off the Barcelonan street, trying to keep me protected from the evil unfolding in front of me. My mother and father had expected I’d have nightmares, but instead, my imagination had taken hold, allowing me a much better understanding of the ways of the world.

Powerful men ruled with an iron fist. They were also rewarded with all the perks in life, luxuries that the majority of people couldn’t afford. That included my family. While my father had never been considered the most influential mafia Don within Europe, he’d amassed not only respect but his share of wealth as well. That had allowed our family to enjoy the finer things in life.

Then my mother had been murdered in front of my eyes and everything had changed. My older brother had immediately returned from college, both men determined to hunt down the person responsible.

They’d found the lone gunman without issue, the man only attempting to steal money from the cash register of the store my mother and I had gone to on a beautiful sunny afternoon. I would never forget her last words as she’d reached out for my hand.

“I love you.”

Nothing had been the same in our household after that.

“Have you managed to take care of everything, Samuel?”

“As requested, Santiago, including the purchase of the two automobiles that you wanted. Red and black. Primal colors. I will say that I’m still surprised you’re returning after all this time. And I am pleased. Everything with the business is in order. I’ve made certain of that. While this is what your father would have hoped for, I do have concerns,” he stated with apprehension in his voice.

The truth was that my father had hoped my brother, Manuel, would take over.

Samuel Torres had been my father’s most trusted friend, also his closest advisor as well as the family attorney. He’d also been responsible for doubling my family’s wealth over the years, even though he’d been uncertain if I would ever return. The legitimate aspects of the corporation had flourished more than I would have thought. I owed him a debt of gratitude for looking out after my parents’ estate as well. I hadn’t been able to sell the beautiful location. I’d always known that one day I would return.

What I hadn’t told him was about my plans for taking out my revenge. I hadn’t wanted to hear his pleadings to change my decision.

“That is, I assume you’re taking over the business,” he said when I didn’t immediately respond. “You know that’s risky.”

“Yes, I’m well aware of the risks involved, Samuel. I assure you that I didn’t make this decision lightly. However, I refuse to allow my father’s greatest enemy to achieve any further success. Fuck him. So you know, I’ve made certain powerful connections during my travels. We should be able to expand, returning to the glory we had a long time ago.” I could tell I’d caught him off guard.

“You’re turning out to be more like your father every day.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment. I’ve also made a decision I’ve been thinking about for a little while.” That was a lie. It had been my intent since the day I’d left. Although I’d finished college in France, taking some time to travel the world, in my mind I’d always known that one day I would return to the location where my family had settled after my father’s rise in power.

“Which is?”

I thought about what I should tell him. The less he knew the better. “We’ll talk about it when I arrive.”

“All right. I must ask, why two vehicles? Are you bringing a guest with you?” There was a lilt in his voice, as if he was prepared to learn a burning secret. I hadn’t informed him about the majority of aspects of my life, including my plans for enlarging the family.

“Yes, although she is my assistant and nothing more.”

“Uh-huh. Assistant. Since when have you needed an assistant?” He laughed heartedly.

“Very funny. You know I’ve been working on expanding the De Leon Empire for several years.”

I could tell he wasn’t necessarily happy with certain decisions I’d made. While the majority of businesses I’d resurrected were entirely legal, including olive oil and cigarettes, I’d ventured once again into Perez’s territory of importing various illegal drugs. Rafael Perez had truly believed that by killing my father, he could manage to destroy his regime.

Soon, I would be the most powerful Don in Europe.

Sighing when he spoke, I knew his words were said out of concern. “Santiago, with all due respect, you can’t handle this alone. The decisions you’re making could cost you your life. Your father spent two decades obtaining both the power and the influence to rule a portion of Spain. You’ve been gone for far too long.”

“I suggest you remember your place, Samuel. While I consider you a good friend, you are still on my payroll. The decisions I make are final. I will regain my father’s empire and I assure you, I’m hungry for more. Rafael Perez will be forced to slither into the darkness where he belongs.” I’d never spoken to Samuel in this manner. There’d been no need.

I could tell by his ragged breathing that at least he’d gotten the point not to cross me.

“All I can do is provide you with counsel. There has been peace in the region for some time. I’m certain that with careful consideration, you can live out your days without fear. Rafael Perez is certainly not the man he once was. In fact, there are rumors that Emilio is set to take over almost any day. Perhaps that will bode well for your future.”

Emilio Perez was almost exactly my age, his birthday only a month earlier. We’d even been friends during the time when the mafia Dons would actually engage in conferences, working together in order to solve whatever issue was at hand. But I couldn’t trust him any more than I could his father.

“I left for an education, which is what my father wanted. Perez in no way brings fear to my heart or soul.”

“Yes, yes, but you knew there was a price on your head. I’m certain there still is,” Samuel said quietly. “Without interference, the Perez family shouldn’t bother you. Maybe it’s time to bury the hatchet.”

I had every intention of burying the hatchet, just not in the way he intended.

“You know what I want more than anything, Samuel. I want what was stolen from my family. You also know what I pledged to my father the day I stood over his bloodied body. I will have my revenge one way or another.” When he’d last seen me, I’d been nothing but a boy, uncertain of how to rule.

Not only would I return as a man.

I was returning as a prince.

He cursed under his breath, which was very unlike him. “You’re actually going to attempt to retake the crest?”

“That’s exactly what I’m going to do. If Rafael gives me any trouble, I will slit his throat.”

“Jesus Christ,” he managed. “I do understand, Santiago. I know how much the crest means to you, but I doubt your attempt at obtaining it will be met with anything but difficulty. The man will kill you. Do you understand that?”

“He can try. He won’t succeed.”

“Don’t be a fool like your father, Santiago.” He sucked in his breath after making the statement. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”

“Yes, it was.”

“Again, I meant no disrespect. You know how much I cared about Antonio. He was important in my life too.”

Sighing, I realized how much I’d missed being around Samuel. He’d always been the voice of reason no matter the issue. “You haven’t changed at all, my friend.”

“No, I guess I haven’t. Except for my hair. I have gray hair now.”

“I’m certain that makes you look as distinguished as you really are.”

“I hesitate to bring this up, but there have been rumors about an assassin removing certain former associates of Don Perez. Have you heard about that?”

I walked toward the window of the house I’d purchased sight unseen, staring out at the pristine backyard. It was complete with a pool and a lovely swing meant for lovers. That was far too romantic. “In truth, I haven’t been paying attention to the whereabouts of my father’s former enemies. As you said, years have gone by. I’ve been concentrating on building the business.”

Perhaps there was no reason not to tell him the truth, but until I returned to Barcelona, I wanted to make certain everything was in order.

“Be careful. You’ve worked too hard to secure the kind of life you want to live. Don’t do anything foolish.”

“Don’t worry, Samuel. I only do what’s necessary. I’ll see you in a couple days.”

“I’ll have the house stocked with fresh food and have one of the cars left for you at the airport. Just check with the information desk for the keys and location.”

“That sounds fantastic, but there’s something else. No one is to know I’m coming in town or that I’m bringing a guest.”

“I wasn’t born yesterday, Santiago. No one is going to pay attention as long as you stay under the radar. My guess is you’ve changed.”

“Significantly. Remember I’m using my mother’s maiden name at least for the time being.”


As I ended the call, I had a gnawing in my gut. I shoved the cellphone into my pocket, returning my attention to the landscaping outside. I would also miss the Georgian-style home. Almost.

Within seconds, my thoughts drifted to the night before. Devon was certainly a handful. Opinionated. Passionate. Formidable in her own right. To think she’d brought a weapon with her was interesting. Good girl. There was significant evil in the world. My thoughts turned vile, images of her gorgeous body wrapped in the lovely dress floating into my mind. I couldn’t wait to explore every inch of her.

There was no doubt in my mind she’d accept the terms of the contract.

Hearing footsteps, I tensed, although there was no reason.

“Were you able to contact Samuel?” Diego asked.

“Yes. I don’t think he’s happy with my decision to return.” I turned to face him, unable to get Devon off my mind.

“He’s likely just concerned.”

“Perhaps. My new associate and I will be leaving tomorrow. Make certain everything is ready.”

He lifted a single eyebrow. “You’re certain about this girl. Last night must have been powerful.”

“She is exactly what I’ve been looking for. I assume you can handle finishing our work here including dumping the house?” I grabbed my keys, glancing at my watch. I found it odd that Daniel wanted to meet at a local restaurant. However, after the night before and the time spent with the lovely Devon, I had a feeling she’d already made her decision.

The chemistry we’d shared had been undeniable.

“Of course,” he stated with his usual bravado. “I’ll arrive the next day. That should give me enough time. Do you want any of the men to go with you?”

We hadn’t called the brutal men working for me soldiers on a regular basis. However, they would have new duties once in Spain. “Not necessary. Give them seventy-two hours to make their arrangements.”

“I’ll let them know. As far as the house, there’s already a contract in place. Everything is in order.”

The man was almost as aggressive in business as I was. Making him vice president of the corporation had been one of the best decisions I’d made. However, soon, he would work under the title of Capo. “Perfect. You’ll stay at one of the villas on the property after our return until you can find a place to call your own.”

“I must admit I’m looking forward to getting home. America doesn’t have the same appeal.” The grin on his face made me laugh.

“You are right about that, my friend. Remind the men that they are to maintain silence after their return. I don’t want to tip off Perez’s hand until I have everything in order.”

“All right. You’re that certain this girl is going to agree to this charade?”

I glanced at Diego and smiled. He’d been by my side for years, serving both as a parttime bodyguard given his extreme height and weaponry expertise, and as a friend. He’d been one of the few men I’d trusted over the years, his loyalty to the De Leon family known long before the demise of the organization my father had commanded.

He’d carefully hand selected men to serve in my regime the day after I’d graduated from college, heading to America to begin a new chapter. They’d known from day one the likelihood they’d be forced to make a move. Other soldiers would be needed in the near future.

His friendship was significant.

“I’m positive. She’s perfect in every way.” When he shook his head, I walked closer. “Do you have something to say to me, Diego?”

“You know I do. I don’t think you’re going about this the right way.”

“And what way should I?”

“Since you’re returning home, I hope that means you’re prepared for a fight.”

I laughed as I yanked my sunglasses into my hand. “I’m surprised you’re questioning my intentions after all these years.”

“It’s time the Perez family is taken down a notch or two, Santiago.”

“I agree with you and that’s what I intend on doing. However, I want the crest in my possession. Then I take care of Perez as well as his son.”


“Yes, Samuel tells me the man is poised to take over for his father. That could prove to be interesting.”

“Or extremely dangerous.”

“That’s why you’re hiring additional soldiers. Correct?”


I could tell by the mischief in his eyes that had already been done. “I see you’re one step ahead of me. Are you having any issues?”

He kept his grin. “Not a single one. In talking with several of your father’s most trusted men, they were excited to be working with the new Don of the De Leon family.”

I was damn glad he wasn’t working for the enemy. “First things first, Diego, and this is important. Yes, I’m going to be spending time in my father’s house, but initially, no one is to know that I’m in town or that a guest is staying with me. At least not until I’m completely ready to infiltrate Perez’s organization. In order to do that, I’ll need the help of this lovely American. I need time to prepare before I strike. I do not want her arrival mentioned to anyone.”


“I’m serious.”

Diego grinned. “I got it, boss. Just be careful you don’t lose your heart along the way.”

I shouldn’t have mentioned a small portion of what had occurred the night before. “That’s never going to happen, my friend. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy her feminine wiles along the way.”

“You are a bastard.”

“So I hear.” As I walked out into the sunshine, sliding the dark shades over my face, my thoughts drifted to Devon once again. Her long blonde hair. Her large ice blue eyes. Her voluptuous body, curves that could ignite any man. Even the lilt in her voice, although she did everything in her power to act like a tough girl, was exciting.

I’d taken a forbidden taste. While I might pay a price, that didn’t matter to me in the least. Money I had.

The drive was exactly what I needed. With the top down, the rental convertible was perfect for a glorious and sunny day. Maybe I was just in a good mood, prepared to enter phase two of the plan. There was nothing Daniel could say that would alter my opinion.

I found it interesting that he’d selected a restaurant on the river, a choice that seemed out of character for him. It wasn’t five stars by any means, but the exterior of the building was colorful. The hostess led me outside onto the deck and to a table sitting almost entirely by itself. Nothing about Daniel Darke surprised me any longer.

Well, perhaps the fact he was enjoying a glass of wine in the middle of the afternoon was perplexing. “Daniel.” I yanked out the seat, gazing at the relatively rough-looking river. The shaggy shoreline and dirty water certainly weren’t anything like the seaside town I’d been lucky enough to grow up in or the gorgeous views of my parents’ estate.

He remained quiet until the waiter took my drink order. “Do you mind telling me what the fuck you thought you were doing?”

A smile immediately crossed my face. “My little kitten informed you of our powerful connection last night.”

“Let’s get this straight, Mr. Romero. Until the day Devon signs the contract indicating her full intention of fulfilling her obligations, she does not belong to you on any level. You can’t harass or coerce her. You’re not allowed to visit her home or her place of business. I thought I made myself clear. And you’re certainly not advised to fuck her.”

I kept the smile, giving the waiter a nod as he placed the wine in front of me. I swirled the glass, keeping my eyes on his. “You made yourself perfectly clear, Daniel. However, I refuse to be told how to handle an employee. And she will be my employee to do with what I want when I want no matter what’s asked of her.”

He sucked in his breath, staring out at the water. “While you might do things differently in Spain, this is an entirely different country. She is not your slave or your employee. She is a woman who was offered an opportunity and nothing more. And yes, she provided a fairly interesting account of what occurred last night. I daresay you’re lucky that she didn’t call the police.”

Laughing softly, I took a sip of the dark cabernet, fighting not to make a face. Even the wines had become boring in taste, not nearly as robust as I was used to. “You underestimate me, Daniel. She was intrigued last night, her mind accepting what her body had refused to her entire life. She requires a dominant force in her life. I gave that to her and so much more. I have no doubt she accepted the contract and after this quaint lunch where we’ll pretend that we can tolerate each other, she’s coming to your office to sign the final paperwork.”

I’d never been a patient man. Maybe that was the single trait that I should have learned, but I’d always found waiting for what I wanted never worked in my favor.

The moment I’d allowed the driver to take her home, I made a decision.

She would be mine, just like I’d promised her.

Mine to taste.

Mine to enjoy.

Mine to fuck.

I was pulled back into the moment when I heard Daniel exhale.

The look he gave me was one of disdain, but it was quickly replaced with a cunning smile. “I know who you are, Mr. De Leon. I am well aware of your family’s previous influence within Spain. I’m also aware of what happened to your father and brother on one cold, dark, and rainy night. The fact the Perez family allowed you to live must weigh heavily on your mind.”

He knew exactly what to say to rile me. I couldn’t stop the anger jetting into my system. And damn if the man didn’t widen his grin.

“You’re an arrogant prick, Santiago. It’s obvious that you don’t remember that our fathers were good friends or that you and I met once before,” he continued.

I was taken aback, trying to figure out why he would bother telling me. “My father had a lot of friends.”

“Yes, he did. Because even though he was considered a dangerous man, he was also generous and caring. That set him apart from the other monsters in the world of organized crime.”

“And he lost his life for it.”

Daniel took a deep breath, enjoying some of his wine before bothering to answer me. “While that may be true, he enjoyed the time while he was living. I should ask you if you are capable of doing so.”

I slammed my hand on the table, prepared to get the hell out of the restaurant. I wanted no part in his barrage of hatred or games. “Tell me I’m wrong about Devon deciding to sign the contract. I want to hear it.”

Very slowly he lifted his head. There was contempt in his eyes, but the man was cool and collected. “You are correct in that she has agreed to sign the contract; however, she made certain to let me know she would not accept without a renegotiation.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. “The lovely Devon is a true shark is disguise. What does the beautiful woman want?”

“Three million dollars.” The look on his face was entirely too smug, but he’d made his point.

“Why the hell not?” My thoughts drifted to her from the night before. Perhaps I’d underestimated her on every level. “Everyone has a price. Isn’t that true, Daniel?”

“Always. That’s something you should keep in mind.” When he pulled a file from his briefcase, all I could do was continue laughing. He’d been certain I would sign on the dotted line. “I’ll have a copy of the final signed contract delivered to you by courier. You will need to transfer half the money by this afternoon, or the agreement will be considered null and void.”

“Of course.” I flipped through the pages, finally able to see her entire real name. Devon Rapshire. It suited her.

However, soon she would have a new last name.

And it would be mine.

Mrs. Devon De Leon.

* * *


“You did what?” Jodie asked, her tone absolutely confrontational. I hadn’t expected this kind of response from my best friend.

“I accepted the terms of the contract.”

“Including a freaking medical examination? Are you out of your mind?” She stood in the doorway of my bedroom with her arms crossed, glaring at me as if I’d grown two heads.

I stood just outside my tiny closet, the garish light highlighting my poor selection of clothing. I’d heard what both Santiago and Daniel had told me.

Everything I could ever want or need would be provided for, but I wanted my own things, at least a few of them. I needed to feel the comfort of home, especially since I had no idea what I was getting myself in the middle of. I still didn’t know enough, although from what Daniel had told me, or maybe I should say the way he carefully warned me, my instincts were right about Santiago.

He was one dangerous, merciless man.

Especially since his father had been considered a mafia Don before his murder. I’d managed to figure out some of the details, searching online until I’d located what I was looking for. The events surrounding his father and brother’s murder had been horrific. I couldn’t imagine what Santiago had gone through. Maybe I should be afraid, although if the few news articles I’d read were accurate, Santiago had left that life a long time ago.

Then why did a cold shiver trickle down my spine?

Sadly, the man hadn’t come to visit, explaining every detail of what was expected. The bastard was keeping me in the dark. All I knew is that I would be required to secure an item that had belonged to his family, stolen from them over a decade before.


I’d been right in my earlier assumptions. I’d been selected because I’d become well versed in bypassing various security measures used by jewelry stores and art galleries. However, that had been years before. There’d been many new methods created since.

“The exam was harmless really.” I wasn’t going to tell her just how embarrassing it was, every crevice prodded, blood taken. I’d been sick at my stomach the entire time, already regretting that I’d signed on the dotted line. At least I’d learned the man’s full name and that we were going to Barcelona.

She stomped further inside the room. “Do you hear yourself? You’re being taken out of the country, going with a man you know little about, except his father was the Don of some mafia family. You were forced to have a medical exam, as if you are going to allow that pig to touch you. And they want you to use rusty skills for something that almost cost you your life outside of prison. Do you see the insanity of this?”

“Well, how about for three million dollars?” When I didn’t hear a word, I finally turned my head in her direction. “Did you hear me?”

Her mouth went slack, her eyes growing larger. “You’re kidding me.”

“I wouldn’t kid about a thing like that. I upped it from two million.”

“Way to go, girlfriend.” She shook her head, walking even closer. “This whole thing is still nuts. What does this guy look like again?”

I dragged several items out of the closet, dumping them onto the bed before answering. I’d found it difficult to think of anything else but what had occurred the night before. Santiago had been so demanding, taking what he’d wanted. And I’d allowed him to. I’d honestly expected that Santiago would refuse to up the ante, allowing me to get out of the contract gracefully. The fact he’d not even second guessed it meant he was richer than sin.

“He’s gorgeous. Tall and dark with gorgeous green eyes and a killer body. I can only imagine the way his butt would fit in a tight pair of blue jeans. As if they’d been made for him. And the way he kisses is…” I realized what I’d said much too late.

“What?” Now Jodie was screeching.

“Take it easy.” I yanked my suitcase from the top of the closet, more nervous than ever. And I fucked him too. What do you think about that?

No way was I going to tell her what had really happened.

“What do you mean take it easy? That’s insane. Is this all about sex?”

“I honestly don’t know if he’ll even touch me. I think he just wanted to disarm my defenses.”

“Did that work?” she demanded.

I chewed on my bottom lip, feeling the same warm flush creeping into me. “I don’t know, Jodie. There’s something about him that is enigmatic and powerful but haunting and even sad. It’s difficult to put into words.”

“I think you’re in over your head. I don’t like this one bit, but I do like the money aspect.” She finally grinned, flopping onto the bed. “Are you going to call me?”

“I will if I can. He has rules.”

“Rules? Jesus.”

I nodded as I tossed a few items into the suitcase, loathing the fact I hadn’t purchased anything new, other than the dress, in a long time. Even my nightie was nothing more than a men’s tee shirt that had seen better days. It was simply going to have to do. “I assure you that he and I will have a discussion about that.” Although I doubted that he would allow me to get away with anything. Every time I moved in my jeans, I was given a stark reminder of the spanking two nights before.

The one I’d thought about every hour since.

Along with the way his cock had felt buried deep inside of me.

I was pathetic, unable to control my emotions or my mental state.

Jodie sighed, picking at my clothes. “And a new wardrobe?”

“That’s what I’ve been told. Evidently we’re going to several swanky parties. You are going to check on my place from time to time until I come back. Right?”

“Of course. What about the rent?” She groaned seeing my face. “Never mind. How long will you be gone?”

“I’m not entirely certain. A month. Maybe three. I’ll just play it by ear. Everything is paid up for four months.”

“Well, at least you’re going to a gorgeous city spending time with a handsome man. Let’s just hope he doesn’t get you killed in the process.”

Another cold shiver drifted down my spine. That was the exact thought I’d had since signing the contract.


Something I feared the most.