Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 9


Jerkoff. Asshole. Creep. Bastard.

Muttering the words over and over again did little to reduce my anger. I’d let Santiago crawl under my skin all over again, pushing my fury to the limit while enticing the dark needs that had developed since meeting him. He was irritating on every level, and I couldn’t seem to break the cycle.

I tried my best not to rip the expensive dress as I removed it, tossing it into the corner of the room as if the lovely frock was worth nothing. I’d felt like a fraud standing in high heels that hurt my feet and a slinky dress meant for going dancing. The way he’d looked at me, undressing me with his eyes, had yanked me back into thinking about the contract and nothing else.

I kicked off the shoes one at a time, laughing when one of them flew into the mirror. Good. I hope the damn thing cracked. When I yanked open the drawers, I knew I’d find at least one swimsuit. Whoever had purchased the new wardrobe had thought of everything. There were three slinky two-piece suits that were entirely too provocative and a one-piece that at least would cover my breasts and ass.

As I struggled into it, I hated the fact my nerves remained on edge. I’d thought of nothing all day but how the man thought I would be able to steal this jeweled crest. Santiago’s need for revenge could get us both killed. As I stood in front of the mirror, I twisted and turned, studying my reflection in the swimsuit. I hated the look on me.

I headed for the bathroom, grimacing from the way the material shifted across my bottom. It still ached. After quickly pulling my hair into a ponytail, I yanked a towel from the closet, padding out of the room. I had no idea where the staff were hiding, but they certainly managed to avoid being in the master of the house’s presence when he was home. I didn’t blame them, considering the way he’d barked at Juan. During the day, there’d been a flurry of activity, people cleaning and adding fresh flowers, landscapers keeping the limited grass cut to a perfect three inches.

And there’d been people attending to the gorgeous pool, spending hours making certain not a scrap of debris floated in the crystal-clear water. I’d watched them, almost in awe at how meticulous they were in their work. That’s what money bought. Perfection.

I did everything I could to avoid running into Santiago, taking the long way to the pool. I’d explored the house, finding nooks and crannies, admiring artwork and sculptures. And I’d walked the grounds, even if I hadn’t been told that was within the rules.

Yeah, I was a little rebel.


When I headed outside, I finally took a deep breath. The warm air still managed to make me tingle. There were no lights with the exception of those glowing from the bottom of the pool. They created a shimmer at the surface, adding to the ambiance. Various palm trees and other tropical plants were positioned all around the thick stone wall, a cabana-style house positioned on one corner. There were dozens of lounge chairs and tables, the beautiful area ready for a spontaneous party.

I tossed the towel onto a chair, taking my time walking to the massive steps located at the shallow end. The pool itself had been carefully crafted to look as natural as possible, rocks flanking the steps, a similar design at the opposite end. I could hear the splashing sounds of the small waterfall from yards away. At least that allowed me to smile.

As I stepped in, the warmth of the water was somewhat surprising and within seconds, I realized it was a saltwater pool. How wonderful. There was nothing like the way the water instantly soothed my aching muscles. I swam slowly, taking my time to enjoy the sensations as I headed for the waterfall. Even the scent of the flowers was welcoming, fragrances I couldn’t identify.

How could anyone live like this? Would you take it for granted after a period of time? Would you even bother using the pool? I moved to the other side and to the edge, folding my arms onto the surface and kicking my feet in the water. Tickling beads danced across my back creating goosebumps.

I wanted nothing more than to shove my mind into a blank state, but even as I closed my eyes, images of Santiago rushed into my mind. He had a powerful way of commanding a room just by entering. So authoritative.

So demanding.

So… intoxicating.

Ugh! I hated thinking about him at all. Even though the night before had been sinful and filthy, delicious, and passionate, I was no fool. He was simply using seduction as another way of controlling me. That’s what men like him did. I thought about his bruised hand and the blood I’d seen on his shirt. What was he really capable of? What would happen if the mission he’d planned failed? A knot formed in my stomach, my breathing suddenly ragged.

Yet another round of prickling sensations vibrated down my arms and legs. He was here. I was certain of it.




Very slowly I lifted my head, unable to see anything in the darkness, but there was no doubt he was sitting in one of the chairs, keeping his eye on me. I swam closer to the building, scanning the perimeter. Even though my eyes had gotten used to the limited light, there were far too many shadows created by the overhang of the estate. Swallowing, I tried to ignore him, swimming a few laps, but after every one of them, I attempted to find him once again.

This was getting ridiculous.

“I know you’re here, Santiago. Why don’t you come and join me instead of hovering like a hawk?” As expected, there were no sounds, no comments of any kind. Just silence. “You know what? You are a real prick.”

The silence continued, making me think that I’d been wrong. Huffing, I swam an additional lap then moved to another location closer to one of the doors, lifting my body partially out of the water. “Yes, you’re a true asshole. You summon me when you want. Fuck me when you want. Discipline me when you want. But you can’t talk to me. What’s wrong, Santiago? Are you terrified that you might actually enjoy the experience?”

While the silence continued, I was rewarded with a sudden orange glow coming from twenty feet away. As the scent of a cigar wafted in my direction, I shivered all over again. He was such a creep, his inability to carry on a normal conversation irritating as fuck.

“I was right. You’re nothing but a bastard. Have it your way, fucker.” I knew I was pushing the limits to the breaking point. I was simply exasperated from not getting all the answers. I swam a few additional laps, unable to get the stench of the cigar smoke out of my nostrils. A few seconds later, I was finished with being the subject of a voyeur.

I finished my swim, moving up the steps and toward my towel. Thankfully, I’d positioned it a good twenty-five feet away from him. Sadly, I’d have to walk past him to get to one of the two doors. Damn it. The man continued to have control without even trying.

After drying off, I threw the oversized towel around me, as if that was going to provide any kind of real protection, then kept my gaze opposite of the monstrous man as I headed for the interior.

“Come here.”

The two deep words reverberated in the night air, my pulse quickening. “Why?”

“Because I told you to do so.”


“Devon. Do not cross me at this point. Come. Here. Now.”

I realized my mouth was bone dry, my heart hammering to the point I was forced to gasp for air. Why did this freaking asshole have such a commanding effect on me? I inched closer, finally able to see his silhouette in the slender light of the moon.

He studied me as he puffed on his large cigar, leaning back in the chair as if he had no cares in the world. He’d lost his jacket, unbuttoning his bloodied shirt. I hated everything about him at that moment, including the way he had his head cocked. I didn’t need to see his expression clearly to know he was amused.

I remained quiet as I stood in front of him, as if waiting for his illustrious instructions. At some point, I’d rake my nails down the side of his perfect face.

Santiago slowly placed his cigar in an ashtray on the small table beside him, taking his time to stub it out. He took a deep breath before leaning forward. “Come closer.” He pushed his drink onto the table, twisting and turning the glass after doing so.

While I did as he requested, I still kept a few inches away from him, struggling to control my breathing.

He planted his elbows on his knees, flexing the fingers on both his hands open, touching the tips together. The man continued to contemplate what he was going to do. Reaching out, he dragged the towel away, leaving me feeling even more vulnerable. After he tossed it aside, he beckoned me with a single finger.

With every inch I drew closer to him, the more intense the heat became swelling between us, the jolts of electricity powerful. I took shallow breaths and the second he brushed a single finger down the length of my arm, I was pulled into a vacuum, only able to hear the hard pounding of my heart.

“You enjoy calling me names, dulce niña?” he asked.

I wasn’t his sweet baby girl or anyone’s for that matter. “You deserve them.”

“Yes, I believe I do.” He intertwined his fingers with mine, pulling me even closer. “However, if you believe they bother me, you’re wrong. They only arouse me even further.”

The huskiness of his voice was far too sensual, the tone sliding across every inch of my skin oh-so slowly. I could listen to him talk for hours, only that wasn’t his style. I had no idea what to say in any kind of retort. Maybe I was far too mesmerized by his sultry voice to think clearly.

“But I can’t tolerate your continued insolence. That isn’t going to bode well when I need to protect you.”

“What will you need to protect me from?”

He squeezed my hand before answering. “There are some very dangerous people who will not appreciate the fact I’m back in town.”

“The person you’re stealing the crest from. The person you want dead.”

“As I said, I’m only collecting what rightfully belongs to my family.” His slight chuckle meant I was continuing to amuse him.

“Who is he, Santiago? Why can’t you even tell me his name?” I doubted imploring him was going to do any good.

Looking away, he took another deep breath. “His name is Rafael Perez, likely considered the most powerful man in all of Spain.”

“More powerful than your father was?” I was shocked there’d been no hesitation.

My question brought a laugh as well as the man bringing my hand to his mouth, rolling his lips across my knuckles. Why was my body swaying from the gentle touch?

“While my father was ruthless in business, he made certain to cross only the lines that were required in order to keep the peace. Perez is another animal entirely. He is vicious and cruel, fearing no one or any ramifications that might be issued. A man with no conscience will never feel any remorse or regret. A truly dangerous man.”

“And you aren’t?” I asked, my voice little more than a whisper.

He continued rubbing my hand back and forth aimlessly, one foot tapping on the ground. Something had pushed him to another edge altogether. “Yes, I am, more so than I was before I left my beautiful country.” When he lifted his head, I didn’t need any additional light to allow me to catch a glimpse of his inner thoughts. He was uncertain of the outcome of his project, but there was even more.

Lines had become blurred between us.

“Why can’t you go into a room in your house? I overheard the conversation you had with Frances.” I could tell instantly my question hadn’t just caught him off guard. He was furious. I almost backed away when he started speaking, fearful of what he would do, but his grip had tightened.

“My father and brother were murdered in my father’s office. I was the one who found them.”

I felt as if I’d been pulled into a horrible vacuum, yanking into his pits of hell. “I am… My God, Santiago. I’m so sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Devon. Rafael was the man responsible. You wanted to know the gory details, well, you might as well understand how difficult it was for me to return to Spain.”

“Were you forced to leave?”

He nodded. “Yes, given an ultimatum if I wanted to live. Now it’s time to take out my revenge. Don’t worry, my beautiful guest. You will not be in danger’s way. I will make certain of that. Whatever happens, you will be well taken care of, returned to the United States.”

“Wait a minute. You’re prepared to die.”

He pulled me closer, absently kissing my hand. I was struck by how calm he was. I was also surprised that I wasn’t anymore terrified than what I was. There was no doubt he’d do everything in his power to protect me.

“I don’t have a death wish if that’s what you’re asking. However, I’m a realist. Rafael is a powerful mafia leader, the strongest in Europe at this point. He had my father murdered in order to take over my family’s share of power.”

I could tell by the odd sound of his voice that there was more to the story. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, Devon. Perhaps I should have told you the truth from the beginning; however, I needed your help.”

“The theft of the crest is bothering you that much.”

“Yes, it is. I hope you can understand that.”

I thought about his words, able to accept them because he’d dared to open up to me. “Yes, I can, but you need to heal, Santiago. The need for revenge has eaten you up inside. Ask yourself if you want to spend the rest of your life that way.”

“I am certain you are giving good advice.”

“But you’re not ready to take it,” I half whispered. A few seconds passed, the sensations as he caressed my hand building to a frenzy.

“Remove your swimsuit, sweet Devon.”

His command caught me off guard. The guilt for surviving must be eating him alive. At that moment, I felt so sorry for him, wishing that I could help rip away his armor. Only he could make that happen. “What are you going to do?”

“Do not question me. That can never happen again.” He let go of my hand, easing back in his chair, pulling the glass into his hand. I couldn’t take my eyes off the way he licked the rim before taking a gulp. I’d also been able to tell how aroused he truly was, his thick cock pressing hard against his pants.

I backed away by several feet, darting a look over my shoulder before complying with his ridiculous request. I’d already been seen in a compromising position. What would it matter if it happened again? I closed my eyes as I removed my swimsuit, my fingers chilled to the bone and making it difficult to fight the dense material. After I stood completely naked in front of him, I expected him to drag me over his lap, spanking me like a bad little girl.

When he rose to his feet, tugging then yanking his shirt over his head, my legs began to quiver, my nipples hardening. As he kicked off his shoes, slowly unfastening his belt then his trousers, I could feel trickles of pussy juice slickening my inner thighs.

And when he was completely naked, I was forced to blink several times. I walked backward until the moonlight cast a warm haze over me. As he followed, standing only a few inches away, I was finally able to admire his gorgeous physique. He was muscular in all the right places, every inch of him carved as if out of the finest stone. Long legs and chiseled hipbones eased into six-pack abs and a broad chest. The way the light breeze shifted through his shoulder-length dark hair made my mouth water.

He was enigmatic, his strong jaw adding to his aristocratic features. But every part of his soul was as black as the way his eyes looked in the darkness. He took his time walking closer, cupping both sides of my face. “You drive me insane.”

“You mean I challenge you.”

Chuckling, his hot breath cascaded across my face, creating the kind of burning desire that shouldn’t be acceptable but every part of me tingled. I was so alive, my pulse skipping. The man had a way of generating a firestorm within my body. When he rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks, I could feel a round of heat rising from my jaw. “I will break you, Devon. It’s just a matter of time.”

“You will never break me.”

A sly smile crossed his face as he dropped his head even lower. “Challenge accepted. This isn’t about romance, Devon. You don’t give a shit about flowers and walks on the beach. This is about conquering you exactly as you’ve always craved.”

His words smashed into me like a pinball hammer, cracking open the last of my armor.

“No. That’s not true. I—” But I was never able to finish my rebuttal.

He’d kissed me before but as his lips pressed against mine, I was instantly lightheaded, fearful I would slide to the ground. As he brushed his lips back and forth, taking his time in every action he took, I wrapped my hands around his wrists. I could feel his heart pounding by the simple touch, accentuating the force shared between us.

He pulled me onto my tiptoes, stretching my neck as he parted my lips, darting his tongue inside. I arched my back, my body swaying. The hint of bourbon staining his lips was even more of a magnetic draw. While I was still embarrassed by my reaction to him, there was no denying the dazzling vibrations. I wanted him to kiss me, devour me. I longed to feel his hard body pressed against mine.

Exhaling into my mouth, he pushed the lightheaded feeling into overdrive, and I was forced to cling to him, digging my fingers into his skin. He pushed his tongue further inside, dominating mine as the kiss became more intense, a growl erupting from his throat.

I dared to release one of my hands, rolling it along his arm and over his broad shoulder, tangling my fingers in his hair. My thirst only grew, becoming insatiable. He seemed to sense my increasing desire, his hold on my face tightening. When he began to devour my mouth, his guttural sounds floating between us, I was lost in the power of the man as well as the moment. I couldn’t think clearly and there was no way I was letting go of him for fear of falling.

As the intimate moment continued, he finally wrapped one arm around me, cupping and squeezing my bottom before pulling me all the way against him. As he ground his hips back and forth, his cock pushing into my stomach, I moaned into the kiss. For a few incredible moments, he couldn’t seem to get enough of my mouth, drinking in my essence, the tip of his tongue slicing back and forth across the back of my throat.

I wrapped one leg around him, pulling him even closer until our bodies became one. There was no way to break the chemistry we shared, the longing that only seemed to increase with every passing hour. His growls became carnal, his actions even more brutal as he lifted me off the concrete. I was forced to slide my other leg around him, my pussy aching to have him thrust hard and deep inside.

He refused to let me go as he started heading for the pool. I was thrown by his more romantic actions, the soft caresses in direct conflict to his rough kiss. I had no doubt the man was going to ravage me, pushing me into another wave of beautiful ecstasy.

As he stepped into the water, slowly moving down the stairs, another rush of sensations blanketed me. There wasn’t an inch of my body not covered with goosebumps. Only when his legs were submerged in water did he break the kiss, yanking out the ponytail holder then fisting my hair. His breathing ragged, he kept our lips only centimeters apart.

I pressed my hand against his chest, kneading his firm muscles. The man was built like no other I’d been with, and I longed to spend hours in bed exploring and satiating my needs. I knew that would never happen. He wasn’t a romantic. He was right. There would be no quiet nights walking on the beach holding hands or even quiet candlelight dinners with soft music in the background. Santiago wasn’t that kind of man.

Still, the fantasy was delicious, but not nearly as much so as the man.

He nipped my chin, issuing another husky growl then yanking on my hair, exposing my neck. I stared up at the moon and stars as he dragged his tongue from one side of my jaw to the other, still grinding his hips. The friction was enough to splash water over a portion of us, only adding to the chills shifting down my spine. I couldn’t catch my breath, colorful stars floating in front of my eyes.

“So beautiful,” he breathed as he rolled his lips toward my ear, nipping my earlobe. “And I’m going to enjoy shoving my cock deep inside of you.”

“Yes… I…” Every sound seemed muddled, my heart thudding rapidly. A part of me still wanted to push him away, to try to regain the lost portion of my mind. Even as I struggled with the thought, I could feel my resolve breaking down even more. He’d managed to free a side of me no man ever had. Maybe in some small way I felt safe in his arms, protected against whatever evils he was fighting.

Santiago licked the shell of my ear as he turned in a full circle, teasing me as I’d done to him the night before. I managed to shift my hand between us, wrapping my fingers around his throbbing shaft. The second I began to stroke his cock, he threw his head back and roared. The sound alone excited the hell out of me.

I knew he wasn’t going to be gentle, his needs breaching every concept of rationality. I pumped up and down several times, squeezing his cockhead as his body shook. He lowered his head, gazing into my eyes.

He lifted me by several inches, giving me a salacious smile. I shifted his cockhead between my swollen folds, taking several deep breaths. There was no reason for me to be nervous, but everything about this moment was different, as if he wasn’t just fucking me for more control.

Even the way he slowly eased my down onto his cock, allowing my muscles to get used to expanding in order to accept his wide girth was caring. Gentle. There would be no way to figure him out, nor did I want to waste the time. But the moment he was fully seated inside of me, I tipped my head back and moaned. The feel of his shaft expanding, filling me so completely was breathtaking.

“Yes. Yes.”

“Mmm… You’re so tight,” he murmured as he nuzzled against my neck. When he raked his teeth up and down, another roaring set of shivers drifted into every muscle.

I squeezed my fingers over his shoulders, pulling back as I took several deep breaths. Then I gave him a mischievous smile of my own as I bucked against him.

“Bad girl.”

“Uh-huh.” When I purred, blowing hot air across his face, he slid his fingers down the crack of my ass, shoving one inside my dark hole.

“You’re going to need to learn you’re not in charge.”

“You’re so horrible.”

My comment forced a laugh from deep within him. He lifted me by several inches, bringing me down with enough force the wind was knocked out of me. Then he repeated the move with a series of rough and tumble growls.

I raked my fingers down the width of his neck in response, nipping his lower lip and holding the tender tissue in my mouth.

He pumped his finger in and out of my asshole as he pulled out, thrusting his cock back inside. Water splashed over our shoulders, the instant chill forcing me to jerk my head. “As I said, you will never be in control.”

Every word tumbling out of his mouth was laced with a primal need, his breath skipping. As he began to fuck me in earnest, I was blown away from the jolt of electricity. We were both on fire, ready to be consumed by our combined lust. I was thrown into such eternal bliss that I was forced to close my eyes. Everything around me seemed to be shoved into a vacuum, the pleasure that incredible.

As he pumped harder and faster, he added a second then third finger in my asshole, stretching them wide open.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.” The man was going to force me into a massive orgasm. I clung to him, uncertain if my grip was tight enough, yet as my pussy continued to clamp and release, I knew it was only a matter of seconds before I lost all control. He knew exactly what he was doing to me, driving me to the point of madness.

“Do you want to come for me, sweet Devon?”


He slowed down until he was only pulsing inside. Shocked, I opened my eyes wide. “What did I say about respect?” His question was rhetorical, but I couldn’t help but shiver.

“Yes, sir. Please, sir.”

My answer seemed to satisfy him and as he resumed plunging deep inside, his eyes never left mine. He tilted his head, releasing low-slung growls and I knew what he was doing, forcing me to wait. To obey him.

“You will wait until I give you permission.”

Was he kidding me?

I heard the whimpers pushing past my lips and was instantly mortified at the sound. As if I was whining. As if I was begging him. The smile curling on his lips indicated that’s what he believed as well. The bastard continued to drive into me, pushing the air out of my lungs.

Gasping, I did everything I could to hold back, but I was losing the battle. “Please. Please allow me to come.”

He dragged his tongue around my lips, taking at least ten seconds before answering. Ten freaking seconds. “Come for me, my beautiful woman.”

There was no holding back, no way I could stop my body from responding to such intense desire. As I erupted, every synapse burst into flames.

“Oh, God. Oh… Yes. Yes. Yes!”

He whispered in my ear, the lilting Spanish the most scintillating aphrodisiac of all. A single orgasm shifted into a second, more powerful than the one before. Every breath I took was labored and within a few seconds, I pressed my head against his neck, enjoying the warmth as my body continued to spasm. He was so hard, continuing to throb inside of me. Everything about the moment was as close to nirvana as I’d ever been.

“Mmm… You feel so good,” he whispered as he released my hair, rubbing his fingers up and down my back.

I was shocked as he returned to the stairs, taking them two at a time. He kept his hand under my bottom as he took long strides toward the door. It didn’t seem to matter we were soaking wet, water dripping everywhere. He had a purpose, one he refused to ignore. I was also surprised that he remained buried deep inside, keeping the heat and electricity.

The man was as bold and brazen as any I’d ever met.

As he threw open the door, I gripped his shoulders, trying to keep from whimpering. The fact he was walking through the house with both of us completely naked seemed taboo, a forbidden moment. But the dangerous hunk didn’t care who witnessed our carnal act. He wasn’t the kind of man to apologize for a single action he ever took.

I could swear we were being watched, members of the staff likely mortified at what they were witnessing. The thought almost made me laugh.

He headed toward the main stairs, peering down at me as he took the steps painstakingly slowly. I was shocked at the intensity of his gaze, his strong jaw clenched as he moved to the second floor. I had no idea what to expect or where he was taking me. For all I knew, there could be a dungeon setting somewhere in the house and he was prepared to lock me in a cage.

A moment of fear trickled into my system. I tangled my fingers in his hair, swallowing several times. When he walked into the master bedroom, I pushed against his shoulders. He was going to put me to bed. Really?

There were no words I could say, although another wave of anger rushed in.

He flipped on a single light, allowing a soft glow to flow into the room. Every move he took was methodical, his eyes boring into mine.

When he crawled onto the bed, using his upper body strength to continue holding me, I was no longer surprised at anything he did. He eased me down gently, nestling my head between the pillows.

“I can never get enough of you,” he said gruffly then yanked one arm over my head then the other. “Keep your arms over your head or I’ll have no trouble punishing you.”

I nibbled on my bottom lip as he lowered his head, breathing across my face then down to my neck. While I wanted nothing more than to be able to study his stunning body, he had other things in mind.

Santiago slowly licked along my shoulder blade, growling the entire time. As he brushed his lips to my breast, I arched my back but managed to obey him. However, when he wrapped his lips around my nipple, I almost reached down, fighting with myself as the tickling sensations turned explosive.

The man had no idea what he was doing to me. I was so aroused, my pussy clamping around his shaft. He didn’t seem fazed as he swirled his tongue around my hardened bud, taking his time to move to the other. The second he pinched my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, I couldn’t stop several whimpers from cascading from my mouth.

“Oh…” I arched my back even more, the pain and pleasure mixing together until I was even crazier with desire.

I had no idea how long he took tormenting me, moving back and forth from one breast to the other, leaving me sore and aching. When he finally pulled away, the look in his eyes was nothing more than a savage ready to finish his feast. He wrapped one of my legs around his hip then the other, rolling his fingers down the side of my thigh. I couldn’t stop tingling all over, another wave of spots and stars flashing across the periphery of my vision.

As he planted his hands on either side of me, lifting the weight of his body until he was several inches above me, I bit back another cry. I wanted to touch him, to tangle my fingers in his hair. I craved having the brush of his skin searing my fingertips.

But I obeyed.

I’d never obeyed anyone in my life, barely followed whatever rules were required by my various jobs. I’d enjoyed being a rebel all my adult life and here I was, obeying him.

As he thrust into me again forcefully, the sound of the headboard smacking against the wall made me smile. The time for him being gentle was over. I took several exaggerated deep breaths, the scent of testosterone mixing with his exotic cologne was almost overwhelming. I couldn’t seem to catch my breath as he pounded into me and within seconds, another climax caught me off guard.

“Oh, God. I’m coming. I’m…” Unable to finish my words, I jerked my head off the pillow, my moans strangled. The powerful orgasm was like a beautiful tidal wave sweeping over me, scorching my skin. Everything around us seemed altered. There was no light, no sound, no scents. Just the two of us locked in this amazing moment.

Santiago thrust harder and faster, growling the entire time. I could tell he was close to coming, his body shaking. Without thinking, I pressed my fingers against his arm. The moment I opened my eyes, I could tell I’d broken not just one but two rules. There was no turning back at this point. I would take whatever punishment he wanted to dole out, but this was far too delicious.

He never blinked as he continued driving deep inside, but the second I squeezed my muscles, his beautiful green eyes opened wide. Within the next few seconds, he lifted his head toward the ceiling, letting out a keening cry as he filled me with his seed.

“Yes!” His roar was primal.

I kept my legs wrapped around his waist, entwining my feet together. When he finally glanced down, a single beard of sweat dripped off his forehead, cascading ever so slowly onto my cheek. A wry smile crossed his face as he peered down at me, pulling one of my legs up further then issuing a series of wet kisses against my skin. “So delicious. So disobedient.”

I wasn’t certain what to say or even if I should try to get out of my predicament.

“I can’t let your infractions go without punishment.” Why was there a twinkle in his eyes after stating the words? He kissed my forehead before getting off the bed, wasting no time before he flipped me over onto my stomach.

“No. No! What are you doing?”

“Giving you a spanking before bed.”

“That’s not fair,” I insisted.

“Oh, it’s very fair. You knew the rules. You broke them.”

I could see what he was doing, but I could tell he’d gone into the bathroom. What horrible implement was he going to retrieve? When I heard the sound of his return, I stretched to try to find out. I didn’t have the chance.

The first hard crack was against his own hand, but I could tell by the thudding noise that there was wood involved.

“A bath brush. This will do nicely,” he stated with just as much sex appeal as before. There was even a different sound than his usual dominating force.

The man was enjoying the hell out of this.

He didn’t waste any time, delivering the second and third smacks against my bottom, moving from one side to the other. The pain was instantaneous, shooting down the backs of my legs.

“Oh. That. Hurts.” I could no longer recognize my voice.

“Because it’s supposed to.” He brought the horrible implement down several times in rapid succession, concentrating on hitting me on my sit spot.

I yanked one of the pillows, burying my face in the soft comfort. I couldn’t believe I was allowing this to happen. After kicking out my legs, a muffled moan managing to find the light of day, he pressed his hand against the small of my back.

“This is just a slight reminder that all rules are meant to be followed. However, if you don’t maintain your position, I’ll start all over again.”

Fuck him.

The words almost tumbled out of my mouth. It took everything inside of me not to jerk around and punch him as he continued the spanking with one after another in a crazy rhythm. The man knew exactly how to push me to the edge. I loathed the fact I continued to be hot and wet all over, as if I required pain to accept extreme pleasure. That was nuts.

I’d lost count of how many brutal smacks he’d given me, but after carefully placing the bath brush on the nightstand, he eased strands of wet hair from my face. “I think I’ll leave it there as a reminder. Now you need a good night’s sleep.”

He pulled the covers over me, smoothing my hair then walking away.

What just happened?

I rose onto my elbows, watching as he headed for the door, turning out the light.

Then he simply walked away.

The man had spoken about conquering me. In my mind he’d already done that and much more.

He was also breaking down the walls of my heart.

Damn him.