Illicit Proposition by Piper Stone

Chapter 12



I should feel nothing but cold, hard fear from the ridiculousness of the operation that Santiago was insistent on concluding. However, the hard pumping of my adrenaline was a direct reminder of the way I’d felt all those years ago after securing the gorgeous and very expensive pieces I’d been paid to steal. There was nothing like the rush, the intensity of the moment given the danger.

That’s exactly what I felt as I made my way down the corridor.

I’d taken pride in how I’d managed to break down every security system, never damaging anything else in the location. There’d also never been a single innocent person hurt in the attempt.

The concept sounded ridiculous today. What I wouldn’t give to go back to that moment in time. I’d tell the rebellious girl not to waste her time on the boy who’d dragged her down a wrong path. I’d also make certain she knew that there was only a limited time to spend with her parents before her entire world would be shattered.

There was no going back, no way of altering my life.

But I’d seen the look in his eyes after he’d heard about my parents. While the story had likely taken him back to ugly memories, I’d been able to tell he was upset for me. He had empathy as well as a moment of unselfishness. But I could have sworn I’d seen more.

Including love.

I bit my lower lip, trying to hold back unwanted tears. This was no time or place for an emotional breakdown, for God’s sake. But damnit, I did care about the man. Why? Why would I open up to him?

Because he’d acted like he cared.

Then he’d shut down all over again, pretending as if his need for revenge was the only thing that mattered. Oh, who was I kidding? He was using me for my particular skills and nothing more.

Even though the passion was off the charts.

Even though the electricity was explosive.

There could never be anything more.

Even if I wanted there to be.

I leaned against the wall of the corridor, trying to regroup. I couldn’t seem to take my mind off him. He was so enigmatic, powerful in every way. And so damn sexy. I closed my eyes briefly, admonishing my ridiculous thoughts. What did it matter at this point?

Stop. Just stop feeling sorry for yourself. Do the job. Get the rest of the money. Change your entire world.

That was the plan, at least as long as I lived.

At minimum the pep talk did me some good. I was able to plaster a smile on my face, putting one foot in front of the other.

As the corridor gave way to another beautiful atrium-style foyer, I managed to take a deep breath. There were colorful lights hanging from the wooden beams, tropical plants swaying the open air, and gorgeous pillar-style candles adding a warm glow.

At least there were several guests who’d made their way to the various rooms, the majority of which housing beautiful works of art. From what I could guess, my presence wouldn’t draw unnecessary attention. However, I couldn’t help but continue to pay attention if I was being followed. No one seemed to notice me or care.

I found the room and it was exactly where Santiago had remembered. The door was open, the shimmer of lights indicating admittance was allowed. When I walked inside, I was impressed that Santiago’s memories of the dimensions were almost identical. The location was indeed set up as a library of sorts, only there were several ornate columns holding all glass boxes with objects positioned inside. I inched closer, hating the way my pulse continued to increase.

Two of the secured boxes highlighted rare first editions of books. Another presented two incredible pieces of jewelry. Still another housed a vibrant sculpture.

But in the center of the room was the crest. The stolen piece seemed to be the most prized possession of all. As I walked closer, I kept my eye on the door initially before shifting my attention to the corners and along the ceiling. There were no visible cameras, but I had a feeling they were in position in nondescript locations.

I inched closer, studying the magnificent piece. It was truly a gorgeous presentation. I could see why it meant so much to Santiago, but I wasn’t certain the crest was worth dying for. The glass was at least an inch thick, sensors located in several areas, which made the container all but impenetrable.

The lock on the box itself had a code. Sighing, I realized it was going to be next to impossible to break that without the will of God intervening. I turned toward the set of windows, inching closer and peering outside. At least the room was located on the first floor; however, there was a relatively steep drop-off after a few feet. That meant the entrance and exit would need to be through the auxiliary door. I was beginning to believe the task was next to impossible.

“You’re interested in the family’s lovely works of art?”

His deep baritone came from right behind me, a voice I recognized. Emilio. Stiffening, I shifted around to face him. The man had obviously followed me and the way he was staring at me indicated his interest had nothing to do with art.


This couldn’t be any worse.

“Very much so. My mother was a painter before she became very ill.” I maintained the lie in case Emilio asked questions of his goons holding court at the entrance.

“I am very sorry to hear that,” he half whispered, his tone just as sultry as Santiago’s. What was it about Spanish men that seemed so sexy?

“Thank you. You do have some beautiful pieces.”

He inhaled in an exaggerated manner. There was no doubt the asshole was undressing me with his eyes.

I stood my ground, keeping a smile on my face.

“There are some things much more beautiful than steel and rubies.” He reached out, acting as if he was going to touch me. While I didn’t flinch, I hardened my look.

The sound of laughter caught his attention. Emilio hissed as he glanced toward the couple entering the room.

“Emilio. I was hoping we would run into you,” the man stated as he walked closer.

“And you’ve found me. I will be right with you.” Emilio’s smile faded as he shifted back in my direction. “Tell me, lovely princess. Are you happy with your bodyguard and have you known him long?”

Laughing, it was easy to tell he was fishing. “I’ve known Santiago for almost four years. I assure you that he made my time living in Madrid much easier.” Sighing, I dragged my tongue across my lips.

He studied me intently before reaching for my hand. “Well, as I said before, I do hope you’ll save me a dance. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the Martins are old family friends. Please enjoy the works of art. If you have any questions, let me know.”

“Thank you, Emilio. I very much appreciate your offer.” I held my smile until he walked away, cursing under my breath as he greeted the couple with open arms. I had to play this out as well as keep my cool.

Sadly, there was no way I could take pictures or anything else. I clutched my small purse, trying to pretend like I was enjoying studying the various books on the shelves, moving from one to another.

“This is magnificent,” Mrs. Martin stated in a gleeful tone. From her southern accent, I could clearly tell she was American. And she was pointing to the crest.

“Yes, a family heirloom,” Emilio said, the husky tone in his voice sending a chill down my spine.

“You Europeans value your family crests,” Mr. Martin said in a joking tone.

“Our family goes back several generations. The piece has been with us for years.” Emilio’s answer almost made me laugh. Who the hell was he kidding? I was able to read the De Leon family name easily. “And yes, we value our family heritage very much.”

“Would it be possible to hold the lovely piece?” the woman asked.

I held my breath. Would he be so stupid to allow her to see it?

Emilio seemed to hesitate, and I continued to feel the heat of his stare. “I think that would all right given how close you are to my father. However, just for a few moments.”

While I glanced over my shoulder, I shifted to another location in closer proximity. He’d blocked the couple from being able to see the numbers he punched in, but I was able to see a portion of the console. Sadly, I could only make out two of the numbers. Damn it. I was starting to have a very bad feeling about this.

When he lifted the glass, the female guest gasped. “That is just exquisite.”

“Be very careful,” Emilio instructed. “This is delicate.”

I found it difficult to take my eyes off the interaction as he placed the sacred piece in the woman’s hand. Santiago had been right about my abilities. I’d been good at what I did because I’d learned to trust my instincts. Mine was screaming to get out of here. I had a very bad feeling the entire scene unfolding in front of me was nothing more than a setup.

Before I had a chance to get the hell out of the room, the sound of a single gunshot being fired erupted into the room.

Oh, my God.


No. No.

Fear rushed into me, my thoughts drifting to the man who possessed me. What if he’d been shot? What if…

Images of the man flashed into my mind. His face. His body. I could almost hear the sound of his voice.

Stop it. Breathe and think.

I pushed the thoughts aside, realizing I had to follow my instincts, or I wouldn’t be able to get out of here. I would find him. Everything would be all right. He’d take me away from here and that would be it.

Emilio reacted likely out of instinct, yanking the piece out of the woman’s hand as he cursed under his breath. He barely slid the crest back into place, smacking his hand on the glass before yanking a gun into his hand. “You need to leave. Now,” he barked.

The couple backed away, heading for the doorway.

I heard loud voices, the angry sounds floating into the room.

There would be no better time to try to get the hell out of here. My gut told me there was no time to waste.

Emilio took a few seconds, walking closer. Then a series of shouts drew his attention again. “That includes you, lovely princess. You need to leave.”

I nodded, inching a few steps closer as he took long strides out the door.

A smile crossed my face as I walked closer to the box, once again darting a glance toward the door. It was now or never.

Within seconds, I fled the room, taking a deep breath. There was nothing like the sound of a weapon being fired to create panic. The three dozen or so people who had ventured into this section of the house were trying desperately to get out of the confined space.

I simply became one of them, trying to keep my head low as the group moved toward the main hall, constantly searching for Santiago. My throat tightened, my nerves on edge as my heart hammered against my chest. I shifted my gaze back and forth the second I was out in the open. Dozens of guests were shifting toward the entrance even though Rafael was attempting to calm down the crowd.

There was still no sign of Santiago. What the hell was I supposed to do? I thought about his soldiers and their location. The only thing I could do was attempt to get to one of them. I headed for the door, still searching for any sign of him. What could have happened? Now I was terrified, goosebumps popping along every inch of naked skin.

When a hand wrapped around my arm, yanking me into another room, I almost screamed. A second hand was placed over my mouth, my body dragged backwards easily. “Sshh…”


Relief flooded me, yet stars continued to dance in front of my eyes.

He eased his hand away from my mouth, pulling me around to face him. For a few seconds, there was no one else around us. I clung to his jacket, tilting my head. Just the scent of him was enough to send an eruption of electricity dancing throughout my body.

“I thought something happened to you. I thought you were…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. Maybe I just didn’t want to.

Lowering his head, he captured my mouth as he held me, sweeping his tongue inside. I was mesmerized by the few precious moments, my heart racing. He slid his hand around my neck, squeezing in a possessive hold. No one was going to take me away from him.

The moment of passion could have lasted forever, the taste of him delicious, but that wasn’t possible. When he broke the kiss, he issued a husky growl.

“You scared me, Devon. The bastard didn’t hurt you, did he?”

I shook my head. “No.” I could tell he was ready to rip out the man’s throat. “What are we going to do?”

“We’re going to leave like everyone else out the front door. Are you sure you’re okay?”

His tone was comforting as his hot breath floated across my neck. I nodded as I placed my palm on his chest, wanting nothing more than to feel his beating heart.

He cupped my jaw, his eyes sweeping down my face. “You’re certain.”

“I’m fine. Do you know what happened?”

Santiago hissed. “An argument of some kind.” He brushed his fingers across my skin, shifting his gaze to the other room. “We’re leaving now. Just stay calm.”

I could tell he was hiding something from me. At this point, I didn’t care.

He pulled me into the open space, walking toward the front door. Once safely outside, he studied the area before heading toward the valet stand. I was observant enough to know Rafael had even more soldiers than before. As if he was planning an attack.

“I’m sorry, sir. I’m going to have to give you your keys,” the young man stated. “There’s too much for us to handle right now.”

He appeared terrified, his eyes constantly darting from right to left.

“That’s acceptable. Romero is my name. A black Ferrari.” Santiago refused to let go of my arm, his eyes constantly scanning the darkness. I’d never seen him this much on edge.

The valet was just as rattled as the guests, fumbling for thirty seconds before finding the key fob. “You can take that pathway. I’m sorry, sir.”

“No need to apologize.” Nodding, Santiago pulled out his wallet, placing money in the valet’s hand before heading toward the path noted.

There were no issues as we followed several other guests, but I could tell that Santiago remained tense. When we were able to reach the car, he wasted no time throwing open the passenger door and ushering me inside. I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he headed around the front of the vehicle. His expression was stone cold, but I’d been able to see the fury in his eyes.

Something had changed.

He yanked a weapon from under the seat, also retrieving his cellphone. After getting into the car and closing the door, he slid his finger across the screen of his phone.

“Diego. The party was compromised, shots fired. We’re leaving now. No, I don’t think having one of the men follow us will be necessary. The chaos at Rafael’s estate should buy us some time.” As he started the engine, he darted a quick look in my direction. “Yeah, I know. Soldiers were definitely doing a search through the crowd.”

He continued to talk to one of his men. I eased my hand across the bodice of my dress, praying to God I’d done the right thing. While there were a line of cars attempting to leave the party, at least they were moving without being stopped by soldiers. Unable to take the suffocation of the mask, I ripped it over my head, realizing my hand was shaking. I felt helpless as well as frightened.

I took several shallow breaths, wanting nothing more than to crawl under the covers, pretending as if I’d never met Santiago. But then I wouldn’t have felt the kind of raging passion or desire that continued to burn deep within me. Why had I bothered to tell him about my parents? Why had I dared to share anything so painful with him?

“The men need to remain on high alert, including keeping an eye on the roads. I refuse to be ambushed. At this point, I’m not returning to the estate. I have something I need to do. However, after I do, there will be some business to take care of.”

As he discussed his plans, I shifted my attention in his direction. He still wore his mask and damn if he didn’t remind me of Zorro in absolutely every way. He was debonair, even more dangerous behind the thin black piece of material. I bit back a whimper, which was ridiculous.

I couldn’t want him.

I couldn’t need him.

But I did.

Every fiber of my being hungered to be in his arms.

“Call me if you see anything. Make sure and put the word on the street. I need to know what Perez is planning. Then we need to be ready.” He ended the call, rubbing his jaw as we neared the exit of the estate. He kept his gun in his lap, prepared to use it at a moment’s notice.

“Is everything all right?” I asked, hating the terrified tone in my voice.

“No, attending the party wasn’t in our best interest. There will be no way to obtain the crest at this point, but I have to concentrate on other aspects.”

“Like killing him.”

He shot me a quick look before staring into the rearview mirror. I was certain he was making certain we hadn’t been followed. Damn the entire situation.

I remained covered in goosebumps, unable to fight the chill coursing through my body.

Hissing, he finally ripped off his mask, tossing it aside, his grip on the steering wheel remaining firm.

“Where are we going?” I finally asked, trying my best to calm my nerves.

“For now, we’ll go into the city. We’ll have a drink. I also need to meet with someone, but only for a short period of time.”

“You’re going to leave me after this?”

He reached for my hand and as much as I wanted to pull it away, I couldn’t.

“I will not leave you. Relax. I’m talking five minutes or less. Then we’ll return to the estate.”

“Then what?”

He didn’t answer as he squeezed my hand.

Relax. How could I relax after what had happened? I eased my head against the headrest. A part of me was excited about sharing a drink with him. That didn’t make any sense after what we’d been through.

There was no other sound but the roar of the massive engine as he sped around curves. While the vibrations were somewhat comforting, the darkness seemed more oppressive than normal. I remained jittery, wanting nothing more than to figure out what to say to him.

Five minutes passed, the tension between us growing.

Ten minutes and the silence became too much to bear.

“Did something happen at the party?” I asked.


“Please talk to me, Santiago. I’m not your enemy.”

He snorted then gave me a long look. “No, you’re not, Devon. As a matter of fact, you’ve become very important to me.”

“Why? Because I’m your possession?”

“No, because you’re—”

A flash of bright light shot into the car, instantly blinding me. I threw my arm over my eyes, trying to figure out what the hell was going on.

“Fuck. Hold on,” Santiago growled as he pressed down on the accelerator.

In the next few seconds, the sound of my rapid heartbeat pounding against my chest was only interrupted by the screeching of tires.

And bullets.