Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow

Chapter Two


Ipull my truck into the parking lot of the motel in town, but keep the engine running. I glance over at her and see she’s stiff as fuck, probably nervous as hell. I can tell she’s a little unsure of the situation, and I don’t blame her. I am a strange guy who picked her up on the side of the road. I could’ve snorted at that fact. It sounded like a bad horror movie plot.

I never asked her what she was doing or where she was originally going, but it isn’t my place anyway. But when she told me just to take her to the motel, I didn’t question her.

“Harvey runs the motel, but he’s usually asleep in the back room watching MASH reruns. Just keep ringing the bell and he’ll finally get his old ass up.” I chuckle and see a small lift of her lips as she smiles. “There it is.” She glances over at me.

“There what is?”

“A smile to let me know that you’re still alive.” I chuckle again and she starts laughing softly. “Listen, I’ll wait out here until I see Harvey come out to help you. Sound good?” She licks her lips and looks back through the front window of the motel. The lights are on and I can see a faint light flickering in the back room. Yep, Harvey’s back there.

She looks at me again and gives me a small smile. “Okay. Thanks again.”

I watch as she climbs out of my truck and heads inside. I can’t help but zero in on her ass, at the way her jeans mold to the twin globes. She’s a beautiful woman, with long brown hair and eyes the color of the sky. My cock starts to get hard, lengthening, stiffening up against my zipper. I reach down and adjust myself. I’m being a dirty fucker right now, but not having sex in a long damn time will do that to a man.

It’s a few minutes before Harvey finally comes out of the back room, rubbing his eyes, the old fucker far past retirement. He is well into his seventies, maybe even tipping into the eighties. I’ve lost count over the years. But still he refuses to retire, refuses to give up the motel even if he hardly ever gets business.

Shelby is a small town, and because of that, the only business he does get is from people passing through. And even that is far and few in between. But a woman like Cassie definitely gets noticed, and a part of me wants to make sure she stays in town, so I can get to know her really well.

She turns around and lifts her hand in a wave, giving me a small smile. My heart jackknifes in my throat and I lift my hand in return. My cock is throbbing, demanding to be free.

Looks like I’m going home and jerking off with thoughts of some pretty little brunette etched into my brain. Although that isn’t a hardship, I’d much rather have her in my bed, naked and spread for me, crying out my name as I make her come.