Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow

Chapter Four


Ishift on the seat of his old pickup truck, the engine rumbling, the country passing us by. I still can’t believe I agreed to let him take me to Boise. I know this is insane, that going with a virtual stranger could likely get me killed, or worse. But for some reason I feel like I can trust Michael, like he will protect me no matter what.

Or maybe I am just going insane.

The truth is, he doesn’t even know why I need to go to Boise. He didn’t push or pressure me into telling him. Michael just accepted the non-answer I gave him and offered his help.

I glance over at him, this big, strong man sitting beside me, his hands curled around the steering wheel, his focus trained on the road ahead. He is so much bigger than me, all man, masculine and powerful. And I feel like this damsel in distress, too embarrassed to tell him why I really need to go to Boise.

Facing the road again, I try to get my wayward arousal under control. It is hard sitting next to Michael, though. Even though there are undertones of motor oil in the air, grease stains on his clothes, and holes in his worn jeans, I am still so wet.

Clenching my thighs together, I grit my teeth and focus on the road, watching as the country passes by. I don’t know how long we sit there in silence, the low rumble of his engine masking the music that is currently playing on the radio.

“Thanks again for taking me,” I say. I know we have a long drive ahead of us.

“It’s no trouble,” he says, glancing at me momentarily before turning his attention back to the road. “I know you’re in a hurry to reach Boise, but if you’re okay with it, I might stop for the night. I didn’t get much sleep last night, and I can’t see myself driving safely without getting a good night’s sleep.” He looks at me again. “If that’s not okay, we’ll work something out.”

I shake my head. “That’s fine.” I look out at the road again, realizing he deserves to know the reason why I have to go to Boise. He’s taking time out of his schedule, using his gas, his vehicle to take me where I need to go, so the least I can do is fill him in on everything. But the truth is, I’m embarrassed to admit what business I have there.

“So, Boise,” I mumble, looking back at him. “My brother is in Boise. That’s why I have to go there.” I purse my lips as I think about my brother Brandon.

Michael doesn’t say anything, just stays focused on the road. For some reason, I know he’s letting me say what I need to say in my own time.

“I didn't want to say why I needed to go there because, frankly, it's embarrassing as hell.” He looks at me then. “Brandon has problems with … the law.” I say that last part quickly. “He’s currently in jail, needs me to bail him out and take him to rehab.” I see Michael lift a brow in question. “He doesn’t know about the rehab part, but I’m tired of him getting into trouble and dragging me into it.”

I rest my head back on the scuffed-up and torn leather seat. Michael doesn’t say anything in response, but he didn’t need to for me to sense his anger. He’s upset about something, and I don't know what it is.

“So I’m dragging Brandon’s ass back to rehab for the third and last time.” I see Michael curl his hands even tighter around the steering wheel, his knuckles white.

“Well, I’ll tell you one thing, your brother won’t be dragging you into his shit again.”

I glance at Michael’s face, see his jaw clenched tight. “What’s wrong?” I shift on the seat again. “What are you upset about?” The air in the interior is thick, getting hotter despite the window cracked and the wind moving through the truck. The sudden change in him and the fact he’s actually telling me Brandon won’t be “dragging me into his shit again” has me confused as hell.

I rest my head back on the seat and stare out the passenger window, not thinking too hard on why Michael seems so upset. Before I know it, my eyes are getting heavy and sleep is starting to take over. Truth is, I didn’t sleep well last night either. Thoughts of going to Boise and dealing with my brother had me up all night.

But I’d also been thinking about Michael, taking this trip with him, the attraction I felt for him. Despite not knowing him, there is something about him that draws me in, and has me more aroused than ever before.

I am inexperienced in all things sexual, and the truth is, I’m still a virgin and that embarrasses me. I’m in my twenties and I haven’t been more than felt up. Surely a man like him, attractive, well-built, and masculine, has been with plenty of women. He is no doubt very experienced.

I let myself drift off with thoughts of Michael and all the things I want him to do to me.

The feeling of the door closing wakes me up. I shift on the seat, straightening and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I don’t know how long I was sleeping, but the sun is already starting to set. In front of me is a small motel, one of the ones that remind me of what would be in a horror movie.

I can see Michael through the front office window, leaning against the counter, the man on the other side assisting him. We are out in the middle of nowhere, this motel built right off the side of the highway, nothing but fields surrounding it. It’s creepy yet intimate all in the same breath.

And despite the fact I should have red flags going up, about to shack up with a man I don’t even know, all I can think about is exactly what we could do sharing a room.