Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow



“What in the fuck are you doing?” My attorney’s voice grates on every nerve ending I have as I listen to him yell over the phone. I squint as my eyes do their best to get adjusted enough to focus on the clock.

“Trevor? Do you realize it’s only four in the morning?”

“I realize that your face is plastered all over entertainment television and those fucking rag-mag television shows.”

“Christ. What for now?” I ask, rubbing my hand over my face and making myself wake up. I look over my shoulder and Macy is slowly waking up. I hate that. I want her to sleep in, but at least this way I can fuck her again, make her moan out my name over and over…

“Are you even listening to me?” Trevor barks. I want to tell him no, that I’m envisioning sinking between the sweetest legs God ever created, but I don’t. Still, I can feel my cock harden and stretch against the thin sheet covering our bodies. I force my mind back to the conversation so I can hurry and get rid of him.

I definitely have better things to do.

Like my woman.

“Did I lose too much weight and they’re saying I’m on my death bed? Or did I go out with my jacket not matching my pants this time?” I mutter, because each of those have been reported on, believe it or not. “And while I’m asking questions, I have to ask why you’re concerned enough about this crap to call me before the damn sun is even up? You know how this bullshit is. I don’t give a fuck about it.”

“Son of a bitch, you don’t even know, do you?”

“Know what?” I’m frowning now, sitting up in bed and turning so I can put my feet on the floor. This keeps up I’ll completely wake Macy up and I want her sleepy and relaxed when I fuck her hard.

“Turn that entertainment channel on.”

“Trevor,” I growl, warning him. I can feel Macy shift behind me, turning on her side and sliding her warm body against my back, looping an arm around me as she hugs me close.

Christ, has anything ever felt this sweet?

“Just do it.”

I sigh, grabbing the remote off the bedside table and flicking on the television. I find the channel while moving so I’m lying back on the bed, pulling Macy’s warm, soft body against me. One of her legs drapes over both of mine, and her hand rests on my abdomen with her fingers softly teasing my skin. Her head lays half on my arm in the curve of my shoulder, and half on my body. Her sweet lips press a kiss on my chest.

Definitely nothing sweeter.

I keep my hand lying loosely on her thigh, loving the feel of her skin. I kiss the top of her head and let the pads of my fingers rake back and forth as I force myself to watch the television screen.

My eyes nearly close as I feel Macy move her sweet little hand down to wrap around my dick. She definitely likes my cock and I couldn’t be happier about that. I groan as she gives me a stroke.

“Jesus Christ, you’re with that bitch now, aren’t you?” Trevor growls.

“Watch yourself, Trevor. You’ve been my lawyer for a long time, but I can replace you easily,” I warn.

No one will talk about Macy like that. I’ll destroy them if they try.

“Look at your damn television, Braden, and stop thinking with your dick for a minute.”

I all but growl into the phone. The sound is intimidating and definitely meant to be. No one talks to me like that. No one. I don’t care if Trevor is a friend.

I’m about to tell him that when I look up and see a picture of Macy and me kissing outside my father’s estate plastered on the screen. My hand is palming her ass and I’m eating ferociously at her mouth. There’s no denying our chemistry, even if I’m pissed about the damn paparazzi grabbing a picture of us during an intimate moment. I should have expected it. I know how those assholes are, but I don’t want to control myself around Macy. Besides, I’m okay with them catching us kissing. I plan on doing it often and she’s going to be a permanent fixture in my life from here on out. It’s what I hear when I turn up the volume that has me flipping my shit. I don’t hear the beginning of the broadcast, but what I hear is definitely enough.

“…Billionaire Braden Harris is notorious for dating the hot and single in Hollywood. That’s why his latest arm candy is such a surprise. Entertainment Broadcasting has discovered exclusively that Braden Harris’s new gal-pal isn’t a Hollywood starlet at all, and she’s not the next model on the runway in Milan. She’s not used to runways at all, but rather jail cells…”

A picture of Macy and a not-so-great mug shot imposes over our kiss. It’s not a regular mug shot. I have to squint to see, but she’s clearly a juvenile in the picture. I may not have a law degree, but even I know there’s no way these vultures obtained that picture legally. Those files are supposedly sealed. Before I can bark orders at my lawyer and think to contain the situation, Macy cries out, tearing from the bed and racing to the bathroom.


“Trevor, I’ll call you back, but you get that shit taken off the air. Find out how they got the file on Macy when she was clearly underage and tell them by the time I’m done with them, I’ll own their fucking channel!” I slam the phone down, not waiting for him to reply, and take off after my woman.