Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow

Epilogue One


Five years later

Ismooth my hands down my pants, feeling nervous, tense. I hear the front door open, the sound of Markus’s footsteps coming closer having me sit up straighter in the chair.

I’ve been sitting here for the last half hour waiting for him, waiting to talk to Markus, to tell him this.

He rounds the corner and smiles when he sees me. “Hey, baby.”

I don’t say anything as he tosses his keys on the counter and walks toward me, helping me off the chair and pulling me into his arms. He buries his face in my hair, inhaling deeply.

As I always do, I melt against him, nothing else mattering.

He pulls back and looks at my face, this concerned expression covering him. “What’s wrong?” He grows serious all of a sudden and I exhale slowly, not wanting to worry him.

So I let the smile I’ve been holding in finally come out, let it wash across my face. I can see him visibly relax after that.

“Sit down. I need to talk to you.”

He’s reluctant at first, but finally does what I ask, his big body resting against the back of the little wooden chair. Over the last five years we’ve grown closer, closer than I ever thought two people could be honestly.

I finished college, getting my assistant physical therapy degree and working at an outpatient clinic. I love every minute of it, and realize it’s my calling, to help people.

Running was always my outlet. It is still something I do to let off steam, but once I started studying at the university, my priorities shifted. I used the scholarship I’d gotten for track, worked my ass off during competitions and meets, but soon realized that wasn’t what I really wanted to do with my life.

And through everything, Markus was there every step of the way. Not just as Coach Big, but as the man I was madly, deeply in love with.

So after I graduated, we got married, his idea to wait until after school. Hell, I would’ve married him as soon as I was done with high school, but I’m glad we waited.

I’m glad he reminded me I needed to spread my wings and live my life first.

I look down at my hand, at the wedding ring on my finger. It’s bigger and flashier than I ever imagined, and although it isn’t the most expensive thing that is probably out there, it’s perfect because Markus had it custom made just for me.

There’s a small white box on the table, and I look up as I push it toward him. Markus knits his eyebrows and looks from the box to me, and back to the box again.

“What is it?” He looks a little apprehensive, and I can’t help but chuckle.

Here is my big strong protector, my husband, the man I will spend the rest of my life with, but he seems scared of the small white box in front of him.

“Just open it,” I say with the smile still on my face.

I can see the way his throat works as he swallows, and then he’s opening the box, pulling the tissue paper out, and staring inside. For a second he doesn’t move, doesn’t even seem to breathe. But then he reaches in and pulls out the little stick. The pregnancy stick.

He stares at it, not blinking for long seconds, then lifts his gaze to mine. “You’re pregnant?” he asks with shock in his voice.

“I’m pregnant,” I finally say, smiling as I nod, feeling like the world has just finally opened up. My throat is tight, but the happiness I feel is overwhelming and consuming.

I wait for him to respond, to say something, anything.

He looks back down at the test. “A baby?” Markus glances up at me, the shock on his face instant. “A baby?” he asks again, laughing and smiling at the same time.

I feel my smile grow.

“Yeah. Wild, huh?”

He lowers his gaze to my belly even though I’m sitting down and the table is in the way.

“I’m only about six weeks so I’m not showing yet,” I say and laugh.

“Damn, Lily. This is fucking incredible.”

“Yeah, it’s pretty incredible.”

Markus stands and moves so he is hovering over me a second later.

He has me in his arms quickly, cradling me close, keeping me that way. I cup his cheeks, the scruff under my palms tickling my flesh.

“A baby,” he says. “Our baby.”

I nod and rise on my toes to press my lips to his.

He groans, hugging me even tighter, lifting me up so my feet are off the ground. I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to pull him even closer, needing him pressed right to me. He kisses me, finally leaning back, gently setting me on the floor and immediately falling to his knees before me. Markus pushes up my shirt and places his hand on my belly, staying silent for a moment, just staring at me, as if he’s marveling at it all.

“I love you,” he says softly and rests his head on my stomach now. “I love you both.”

I spear my hands in his hair, sliding my fingers through the soft, short strands.

He stands and cups my cheeks, kissing me softly.

I love this man so much. Markus is my rock, it will always be that way, and I’m so lucky to have him in my life. We’re both lucky. I place a hand on my stomach and smile.

“You’re my life, and this little baby growing inside of you, a piece of you and me, is my world.” He pulls me into a hug and I rest my head on his shoulder. “My wife, my partner, and now the mother of my baby.”

Who would have thought I would have married my coach and would be having his baby?

This is what life was about, what being in love feels like.

And God …. it is beautiful.