Hot-Bites, Volume Two by Jenika Snow

Epilogue Two

Coach Big

Ten years later

All I can do is smile. Hell, I’ve been perpetually smiling for the past fifteen years, ever since I first saw Lily and knew she’d be mine.

And look at us now.

I was her coach. I probably should have stayed away, but I knew she was the one. The woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, and the future mother of my children. And damn, I had been right.

I spear the fork in the steak I’m grilling, and glance up when I hear the twins arguing with each other. All I can do is shake my head.

Daughters sure do know how to age you pretty damn quickly. Then again, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Lily is by the pool, my girl looking fine as hell in her little red bikini. Even after all these years and having my two kids, Lily is smoking hot.

And she’s all mine.

She stands and stretches, the girls now fighting over the iPad they decided to bring out by the pool.

“Girls, put that away. Enjoy the water,” Lily calls out, annoyance in her voice. She walks over to me, her white Jacki-O style sunglasses and that little red bikini making her seem like a teenage boy’s wet dream. Hell, she still is mine.

I set the fork down and when she’s in reaching distance, I wrap my hand around her waist and pull her in tightly. I claim her mouth with mine, thinking about all those people who said we’d never last, that I was too old for her.

That said this was wrong.

Well, fuck all of them because I have my girl … girls, and no one and nothing will ever take that from me.

The End