Daddy’s Sweet Little by Scott Wylder

Chapter Three









Two weeks passed quickly, and even though I felt as if I’d never worked harder in my life, I also felt better than I’d felt in a very long time. Marcus filled my days and thoughts of him filled my nights. Kendra and I became fast friends and spent a great deal of time together. She and her husband had a nice house just a short walk from the lake and I’d been fishing there twice now.

The candy shop closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays so that became our weekend. The second Wednesday, and the second time I fished with her, I asked a question I’d been burning to ask her since I first came to her house.

“Do you have kids?”

She was busy putting a bright yellow marshmallow onto my three-pronged fishhook when I asked and she shook her head.

“Nephews? Nieces?”

She turned to me and said, “No. Why do you ask?”

I felt a touch of embarrassment and I said, “You have coloring books on the coffee table and you have a lot of stuffed animals, too.”

She smiled. “They’re all mine.”

“Cool,” I said. What I wanted to do was talk about how I still loved to color and I always had six or seven on hand; not coloring books for adults, but the normal everyday ones for kids. I also had a room filled with stuffed animals and they sometimes felt like my most reliable friends. I’d always been a little ashamed of it all, as if I was holding onto childhood in ways that weren’t appropriate.

She looked at me for a moment and said, “Want to color with me, some time?”

I couldn’t believe how wonderful the idea sounded and I nodded a little too eagerly. She smiled and said, “It’s on then.”

We fished for a while and then she abruptly put the pole down.

“Let’s have a coloring party,” she said.

A moment later, we were back in her house and she had made a few phone calls. Inside of thirty minutes there were five other girls there, all of them between my age and hers. She set out punch and cookies and we all ended up on the floor coloring and giggling.

It felt just like I was a little girl again, and the feeling had to be the most liberating thing I’d ever experienced. One of the girls, Jenna, had gone to high school with me. Back then, we’d known each other well enough to say hello but we didn’t really hang out. She’d gone out of state for college and then come back. She ended up next to me and showed me pictures with the same kind of excitement one kid would show another and I did the same with my coloring.

“I didn’t know you were a Little,” she said. “That’s awesome.”

“What’s a Little?” I asked. All eyes turned to me.

Kendra said, “She’s a Little. She just doesn’t know it.”

The rest of our time was spent coloring, while they filled me in on their relationships. They all had significant others. Kendra was married to Art, whom I’d met already. I knew none of the others but one similarity they all shared was that they called their husbands or boyfriends, “Daddy.” Each Daddy not only had a typical romantic relationship with them but also cared for them and protected them as if they were little girls. However, they didn’t have to feel ashamed about sometimes wanting to get into the mindset of a little girl, just coloring, playing, and feeling safe, secure, and free from responsibility. It sounded… It sounded like the most perfect and beautiful thing I had ever heard before.

“But… how does a relationship like this even happen, and how do all of you…” I just couldn’t wrap my head around it at all.

Jenna said, “My Daddy, Carmine, and Carla’s Daddy, John Michael, moved here about fifteen years ago. They were already Daddies, and Carla and John Michael were already married.” She smiled at me and said, “It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?” I nodded and she said, “Have you ever heard of BDSM?”

“Um… like in that movie?”

“Well, that movie doesn’t really show it very accurately. The whole idea of BDSM can be confusing because it’s actually three things, not one. They’re really only grouped together because… God, I’m explaining this really poorly. BD stands for Bondage and Discipline. That’s the really kinky stuff. I’m not into it, though a nice spanking is fun.” Everyone laughed and I blushed. “The SM part stands for sadomasochism. That’s people who enjoy pain and people who enjoy inflicting it. I’m not really into that either.”

“Scary!” I said.

“It takes a whole lot of trust,” she said. “That’s for sure. The part that I like and that really has the most to do with Daddy Doms and little girls is Domination and Submission. That’s the DS together in BDSM. In that, a submissive submits to the will of a Dominant. A little girl submits to the will of her Daddy.”

“Submitting to someone else’s will seems scary, too,” I said. Even so, I could feel my nipples growing very hard at just the thought of it.

Kendra said, “Think about it as like power. You could come over here right now and break the vase on the coffee table.”


“You have the power to do that,” she said. “But you give up that power willingly, right?”

“You mean just because I can break that vase doesn’t mean I will?”

“Exactly. Now, let’s talk about it in a relationship. You have the power to decide whether or not you’re going to eat Italian food or Chinese food for dinner, right?”

“Um, yeah, of course.”

“Okay. Now if you have a boyfriend and he wants spaghetti, but you want sweet and sour pork, what happens?”

“One of us gives in.”

“Right. One of you willingly gives up your power to choose. You’re making one person the dominant decision maker and the other one is submissive to that dominant. The BDSM that I like the best is Domination and Submission like that.”


“In a BDSM relationship, someone gives up their power to choose, only it’s about different things. It might be about how you have sex or even if you can have an orgasm. It might be about how you dress or how you talk.”

“But why would someone give up all that power?”

Jenna said, “It’s like the Chinese vs Italian thing. You do it for the relationship.”

Kendra said, “But there’s more to it, too.”

“Oh yeah,” Jenna said. “A whole lot more. Like in my relationship, I love Chinese food, but whenever I eat it, it makes me feel sick for a few days. I just can’t eat it without hurting myself. If I were left to my own devices, though, I’d still eat it three days a week.”

I laughed. “I’m like that with peanuts. I’m not desperately allergic, like some people, but I’m allergic enough to feel sick when I eat them. But, there’s this candy bar that has them and I can never resist it.”

“Well, what if you told someone you trusted about it and agreed to give him power over that? So, you were no longer in charge of yourself when it came to those candy bars?”

“So, I didn’t abuse them anymore and end up sick, you mean?”

“Right. So, you’ve just submitted to someone who will be dominant in that area of your life.”

“Domination and Submission!” I said. The way she explained it, it made a lot of sense. “And when little girls submit to Daddies, it lets them be little girls again. We can color, we can play games, and we can let someone else handle responsibilities for a while!”

Hannah, a sweet girl, who was older than the rest of us, smiled at me and held up a coloring page. It was a zebra with a bow and arrow aiming at a target. She’d colored it beautifully. “You just hit the bullseye, Nina,” she said.

Bullseye seemed like a pretty good description for me. Sitting with these new friends, I realized that what they described seemed to be a picture of something heavenly; something I’d been seeking for a very, very long time. I couldn’t fully grasp the emotions running through me and I knew I would have to process it all for a while. I colored and visited and enjoyed the time with them, but the truth was I wanted to get home and really think about the ideas swirling around in my head.