The Clone’s Mate by Susan Trombley


“Were you feeding me?” I asked 34, gesturing to his groin, the savory taste of the fluid he’d ejaculated still on my tongue. “With your-with… um… why use that particular body part?”

His erection had disappeared back behind the chitin codpiece that protected it, and his intent gaze still focused on my ear, his brows drawing together so closely now that the lines between them cut deep.

“Would you prefer he push food into your mouth with his chelicerae?” Nirgal said in a disdainful tone in my ear, causing Subject 34 to growl low in his throat in a way that seemed to blend with his angry chittering. “What other body part would he use? His stingers? Would you suck on those instead?”

“You know, dude,” I said, regarding Subject 34’s increasingly more intent glaring at that little speaker implant in my ear, “I don’t think he likes you talking to me. Not one bit.”

“Then tell him to speak directly to us, human. We would prefer to communicate with him, rather than through you.”

“He’s a used tampon,” I reminded Subject 34. “You should tell him to go fuck himself. Cuz nobody else would want to.”

“We sent you back into his enclosure to get him to communicate,” Nirgal snapped in his snobby scientist voice. “Your current behavior is counterproductive.”

“Seems like he has no problem communicating with me,” I said with snark, grinning at Subject 34, who remained crouching over me, leaning his body over mine.

At least he no longer poked at my ear. I could understand him wanting to put an end to the annoying sound of Nirgal speaking, but not when it meant pain and possible deafness for me.

He shifted his dark gaze from my ear to my lips, then lifted a hand to touch my lower lip. I reflexively licked it, tasting some of the savory flavor from the “food” he’d given me in the most bizarre method of feeding someone ever.

He poked my tongue with his claw tip. Then he pried open my lips and teeth to my vocal protest. I finally just let him look inside my mouth because it was better than trying to fight him and likely end up stung in the process.

He prodded my gums, tapped my teeth, and then touched my tongue with obvious curiosity. When he finally released my mouth, he straightened so that he wasn’t completely overshadowing me.

“Nnn-iiice ffaace.” He followed up these words that clearly gave him some difficulty to form by touching his own lips, then mine again. “Ron-daa liiike.”

I nodded, pleased to hear him forming words I could understand. Plus, it was the first time he’d said my name, though I’d repeated it many times when I was trying to get him to talk. “Yes, you have a very nice face, 34, and I like it.”

He cocked his head, then lowered it to press his lips to mine. I responded by kissing him, even though I was still a bit wary of what hid behind those lips. They tasted of iron, and that flavor reminded me of the gory meat he’d consumed very recently. Still, they smelled delicious, like the rest of him, and I felt aroused again.

“Thirrr-teee fforrr liiike Ron-daa,” he said after I broke the kiss—which was one-sided. He didn’t really know what to do when he pressed his lips to mine.

“Aww!” I lifted a hand to touch his face, then froze before my fingers made contact with his skin, recalling what had happened when I’d tried that before. “I like you too, 34.”

He caught my wrist when I went to lower my hand, then pulled it to his face. I flattened my hand as he pushed it against his golden skin, then drew my fingers over his cheekbone.

“This is truly remarkable,” Nirgal said, completely ruining the moment.

I was so going to beat him with that tablet!

Subject 34 pulled away from me, shifting his focus back to my ear. “Thirr-tee forrrr noot liiike Nirrgaall. Killl.”

“Ha!” I said aloud, then slapped a hand over my mouth. I loudly cleared my throat as I lowered my hand, getting control over my broad grin. “Ahem. Well, you can’t say I didn’t warn you, Nirgal.”

“He is still implanted with a control chip, human. I am not concerned. Besides, it is his nature to kill. The fact that he seems to have taken a liking to you and spared your life is the anomaly. One I’d dearly like to understand. At the moment, it is completely mystifying.”

“Nirrgalll isss tammmponn,” 34 growled, much to my hilarity.

If he hadn’t been crouching so close to me, I would have collapsed to the sand and rolled all over it, laughing my ass off, especially when Nirgal started saying all these weird alien curses in my ear. I finally managed to recover the ability to speak around my howling laughter that had drowned out Nirgal’s pissed off words.

I touched 34’s face without thinking, cupping his cheek with real affection for the monstrous alien male. “I think I like you, 34! I think I like you a whole lot!”

I only realized what I’d done when his body stiffened, his head lifting away from my hand as he straightened in his crouch. He touched his cheek where my palm had been, tracing over his skin with the tips of his claws.

I eyed his waist nervously, but his stingers were nowhere in sight. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have—”

He caught my wrist and tugged my hand back up to his cheek, nuzzling my palm like a cat. His skin was cooler to the touch than my own, perhaps even the same temperature as the enclosure we were in. I cautiously explored his features with delicate touches and slow movements, and this time, he let me draw my fingertip down the lines the formed between his brows. They remained creased as he studied me, watching my face intently as I explored his.

When I shifted my hand to touch one of his retracted mandibles, he sucked in a breath, turning his face so my hand came into full contact with his mandible. “Nnn-iiicee.”

I smiled as I stroked my fingers along the chitin surface, noting that it wasn’t completely smooth but had tiny, barely visible hairs poking from the surface that were so small that I hadn’t noticed them until I felt them. “You like when I touch you here?”


I lifted a hand to one of the retracted lenses that covered his eyes when he was in full armored mode. He captured my hand before I could touch the slightly bulbous surface of it. “Nnnottt liiike.”

“He’s probably concerned about damage to those lenses. They do not regenerate with the same rapidity as his other chitin plates. No doubt due to the complexity of the—”

“Shut up, Nirgal,” I muttered, returning my hand to 34’s mandible.

He didn’t release my hand, but I felt like it was because he enjoyed touching me, rather than that he feared I would damage some part of his body.

“I am quite proud of that adaptation, I’ll have you know,” Nirgal said as I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes. “I added it to his genome myself. It has improved this iteration of the athraxius hybrid, giving him an extra layer of protection the original subject did not possess.”

Subject 34 stared at my eyes, then he looked up, his whole head moving rather than his eyes. I chuckled, ignoring anything Nirgal had to say at this point. I couldn’t force him to shut up, but I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of responding to him.

“You just move your eyes to roll them, honey,” I said with a grin to 34. “Not your whole head.”

I demonstrated the eye roll for him, then chuckled again when his black eyes rolled upwards, making him look for a moment like a bored teenager who is so totally over it and literally can’t even.

“You know, you’re kind of adorable when you aren’t being all sting-y and gore-chomping.”

“He is a genetically engineered soldier!” Nirgal’s tone sounded supremely outraged. “He is not adorable!”

“Are you afraid I’ll make him soft?” I asked in a needling tone.

I leaned forward and pressed another kiss to 34’s lips. They remained still, but he didn’t pull away or sting me.

“You’re gonna be a big ol’ softy, aren’t you, 34?” I said after making a loud kissing sound. “A real teddy bear. You’ll never want to hurt anyone again after I’m all done with you.” I smirked, just knowing our captor was watching our every expression.

I’ll admit, I gained far too much entertainment from tormenting my tormentor.

“Waannt hurrt Nirgaall.”

I laughed at the outraged sputtering in my ear, then my grin faded as I noted 34’s cold, black eyes regarding it with an intensity that made even me nervous and would have caused Nirgal to poop his robe if he’d had an ounce of sense beneath all that blustery arrogance.

“The best way to hurt Nirgie is to ruin all his plans,” I whispered, giving 34 another peck on the lips.

This time, he pushed them against mine, tilting his head and mimicking my earlier attempts to kiss him. I moaned and parted my own lips, drawing my tongue along his lower lip. The bisection of it felt odd to me at first, but his response was worth that strangeness. His entire body vibrated as his scent seemed to increase into a heady aroma I knew would be difficult for me to resist.

I was soon tugging on my shirt, pulling it up past my bra and wondering how I could get it off without breaking the kiss. When his lips parted, I delved my tongue inside his mouth, forgetting for the moment exactly what the true structure of that mouth was. My tongue stroked over his, tasting the savory flavor of him, and he met it with an unpracticed eagerness that turned me on even more.

As our tongues tangled, mine bumped against the split in his upper palate, reminding me again of the way his mouth actually looked, but by that time, I was already too far gone with my arousal to care.

His two lower hands roved over my body, claws tugging on the fabric that covered it, much to my frustration. I now regretted that I wasn’t naked beneath his exploring palms. His upper hands cradled my face, not so much in a sweet, romantic way, but like he wasn’t about to let me pull away.

He tore open my sweatpants at my groin, the thick material barely resisting his strong tug. I moaned into his mouth as his claws trailed over my seam, still concealed behind the thin material of my panty. His clawed finger traced my folds, and I bucked against it as it passed over my clit, moaning again.

To say this caught his attention was an understatement. Suddenly, his intent focus seemed to shift to that part of my body to the point that he even broke our kiss to bow his head, his gaze lowering to where his finger stroked me.

“Yes, 34, I like it when you rub me right there.”

He cocked his head, pulling further away from me to my disappointment, but at least his hands remained on my body. Clearly, he had no intention of abandoning what we’d been up to. I realized he wanted a closer look when his upper hands dropped to the waistband of my pants. I thought he was going to tug them down my legs, but he gripped the sides of them and tore them in two like they were made of tissue paper.

I shrieked in surprise, then moaned in delight as he rubbed over my clit again, his dark gaze now fully fixed on my panty-clad mound. He dropped the two sides of my pants, his lower hands moving to my knees to push them apart so he could kneel between them.

I realized he was going to tear my panties a second too late. He shredded them with such a quick motion that my glistening wet seam was bared to him before I could suck in enough air to protest and show him how they could be properly removed.

It looked like I no longer owned a full set of clothing. Nirgal better hook me up with some new clothes after this! I didn’t mind being naked around 34, but I’d had it with showing off my goods to everyone else and their mad-scientist brothers.

It did occur to me that we were still being observed, but I found it awfully hard to care when 34 turned his full focus to my clit. His two upper hands gripped my waist as I bucked my hips against his stroking finger, and he trailed the claws of his other lower hand through my curls to touch my arousal-swollen flesh.

“Ah, yes, 34! I really like it when you rub me there!”

He fingered my clit for a few more strokes, pinning my hips in place with his two upper hands as if he thought they were rocking to move away from his touch. Two fingers on his other hand parted my folds, exposing the nub of nerves he’d been rubbing, now throbbing from my excitement.

“Fooddd?” he said, causing my eyes to shoot open with alarm that pumped a burst of adrenaline through my blood, pushing back the lust long enough for sense to creep in.

“What? No!” I tried to cover my clit as he looked up to meet my eyes. “You’re not supposed to eat me, 34! I thought we were friends!”

He straightened his upper body, shifting the hand that had been so nicely stroking me to his own groin. My gaze followed its movements, and I noted how the palm-sized, codpiece-shaped part of his chitin plating that covered his phallic slit retracted to sit just above it.

Then his shaft everted right into his hand, which encircled it. He stroked his thumb over the tip and drops of milky fluid welled from it. Then one of his upper hands lifted to my lips, his claws tracing them.

“Feeeding,” he growled.

I slowly shook my head, licking my lips. “I can’t do that, 34. My body doesn’t make food like that.” I realized perhaps the small nub of my clit had made him think it was akin to his shaft—not just a source of pleasure but also of nourishment.

This was the weirdest sexual relationship I’d ever had—not that I had much to compare it to. Michael had been an absolute bore in bed, but I’d been a dutiful and faithful wife.

“I mean, you could lick it,” I said a little breathlessly as my gaze fixed on his erection hungrily. “And suck it, like I sucked on yours, but no fluid will come out. It will just feel really good for me!” My eyes closed as I moaned at the thought.

Then I thought of his mouth as it really was. Then I thought again about his completely functional tongue stroking over my clit, and I forgot what I was thinking before that.

My eyes shot open as he shifted. My slit already dripped from my arousal, but it grew soaked as he lowered his head towards my clit. Still, he was unpredictable and not exactly familiar with my body, so I felt a little nervousness creeping past the arousal.

“No biting!” My voice shook as I moved my hips back, reminded again of just how dangerous his mouth could be.

He pinned them in place again with his two upper hands. One lower hand still parted my folds, the other encircled his own shaft. Then his mouth lowered to my mound, and his tongue stroked over my clit, just like his finger had earlier.

“Oh god, yes!” My upper back arched against the rock, my hips unable to move as he tongued my clit.

My legs trembled on either side of his broad shoulders as intense pleasure flowed through me, enhanced by the pheromone he was putting out. His body began to vibrate again, his wings buzzing so much that they kicked up sand.

Then his lips closed over my clit and he suckled it. The vibration of the rest of his body resonated in his lips and through his tongue. The feeling of it combined with the intense stimulation caused me to climax almost immediately. He held my hips in place with his upper hands and caught my knees with his lower hands, keeping my lower body immobile as I cried out with my orgasm.

His mandible shifted against my inner thigh as my cum welled from my entrance and slicked my skin. He released my throbbing clit and then his tongue licked down my folds to my entrance.

I clutched the chitinous plates of his shoulders as it delved inside me, my inner muscles still convulsing around the thick length of it.

He ate me out like he loved what he tasted, the vibration of his body growing more intense, until all his plates rattled, and the buzzing of his wings whipped my hair around my face like a fan. He finally lifted his head to meet my eyes, his lips glistening from my slick. He tilted his head as he regarded my face, my breath rasping out of me in the aftermath of the intense climax.

One clawed finger traced my entrance, then delved inside it. His tongue stroked over his lower lip. “Fooodd herrree.”

“Hm, I suppose he might gain some benefit from the biochemical components of your emissions,” Nirgal said in my ear, snapping me out of that post-orgasm glow as I jerked up into a straight sitting position with a startled yelp. “I would not have considered it nutrient-rich enough to qualify as nourishment, but 34 can do more with less. He likely views this as an exchange of resources. Interesting.”

“Dammit, Nirgal!” I shouted as Subject 34 growl-chittered, “I’m gonna be the one to kill you at this rate! You couldn’t give me five minutes to enjoy the afterglow before you started yammering?”

“More time than that has passed since your apparent climax, therefore—”

“You just can’t leave it alone, can you?” I asked, shaking my head as Subject 34 slowly rose to his feet, his gaze moving around the enclosure as if he searched for Nirgal.

“I fail to see why you are so upset,” Nirgal said in a defensive tone. “You appeared to enjoy yourself and were not harmed in the process. You should be thanking me for reuniting you with Subject 34. It appears to be working out well for you.”

Subject 34’s erection had disappeared, concealed again behind the armor of his chitin. His face had also closed, leaving only that blank, insectoid stare and hard mandibles as he stalked towards the wall, his wings flicking.

I sighed, pulling my torn sweatpants back against my skin, realizing that fun time was over.