The Clone’s Mate by Susan Trombley


Apparently, I still had some fluid in me because I must admit, I peed a little when he grabbed me. I’m not proud of that, but hey, you try getting snatched up by a killer monster bug-man and see if you hold onto your bladder completely.

The fact that I didn’t pass out or have a heart attack was a victory over common sense, in my opinion. I was certain I was about to die, but damned if it wasn’t taking him way too long to strike the killing blow. I guess he liked playing with his food. I knew for sure that the asshole alien captors weren’t going to rush to my rescue when he got all handsy like this.

“Whoa there!” I squeaked as one of his lower hands probed at my mound, the sharp ends of his claws scraping along my naked flesh to dive through the curls covering it.

The extended pincers on his upper hands snapped shut with an audible click, then retracted to fold back onto his forearms, leaving his upper hands exposed. One of them covered my mouth as his head cocked above me, his insectoid eyes staring down at me, unblinking.

“Uh,” I said, my breath hot against his palm, “that’s-hey! That’s a little too friendly for a first greeting!”

Although, I guess technically, this wasn’t our first greeting. I might have been a little too friendly myself saying hello to him last time by tonguing his dick. I wondered if he thought he was returning the favor as his clawed fingers felt me up in a way that had me both aroused and worried those sharp points would stab me.

He lifted his hand from my mouth, then turned his palm to study it like he’d never seen it before. Then he held it over my mouth again, barely hovering it in front of my lips, rather than covering them. At the same time, the hand questing through my curls and folds, teasing over my tender nub—unintentionally, I figured—paused before sliding down to my entrance. I could already feel my own slick making my inner thighs slippery.

“Okay,” I whispered, “this is the strangest—”

He pulled his upper hand away from my mouth again and turned his palm to look at it a second time, then touched it with the claw tip of his other upper hand, tracing over the strange, small chitin plates that covered it.

Then his head lowered, and he moved his mandibles until they hovered right next to my lips without touching them.

My lips parted as I exhaled a breath, both nervous and turned on, despite how alien he looked—and was acting. His lower hand remained motionless on my mound, just resting there. It felt smooth and cooler than my body temperature, which in that area felt much hotter than the rest of my body.

I was certain by this time that he was pumping out some “mating pheromone” or whatever magic scent the jerky aliens thought he would be putting out before, because I was seriously turned on—in a situation where I shouldn’t be.

He shifted to bump my lips with his mandibles. Not knowing exactly what he wanted, I pecked a kiss on the smooth chitin. Then another. I moved my hands towards him, but he caught my wrists with his upper hands, holding them away from his body.

I wondered if it was a defensive instinct, or if he really didn’t want me to touch him. I figured if it were for the second reason, I couldn’t explain why he seemed determine to make me desire him.

As if in answer to my question and doubt, he pulled one of my hands up to touch his palm, where my breath had brushed against it when he’d held it over my mouth. He lifted his head from mine and turned to study my hand against his.

I was much smaller than him. That was already obvious by the way he towered over me and was only reinforced by how tiny my hand looked in his. And he had four of those suckers!

I felt my need growing painfully strong as he seemed more inclined to investigate my body—the less interesting parts of it. I rocked my hips against the hand he still had settled on my mound, trying to send an unmistakable message that I was already ready to go.

He broke his gaze away from our hands and looked down, the hand over that part of me sliding further towards my entrance, delving between my generous thighs.

Normally, I’d be a lot more uncomfortable to be this naked in front of someone, but this time, I couldn’t care less. I was way too aroused.

“I’m so down for this,” I said on a breathless moan.

He moved his face closer to my lips. My moan grew louder when his claws slid through my slick as my legs parted.

He released my other wrist and lifted a hand to trace my lips with his claw tip. Then he made that weird chittering sound. His mandibles moved against his mouth as he tilted his head, nudging my lips again with them.

As I pressed another kiss to them, one of his fingers pushed inside me, claw and all. I tensed even as I sighed in pleasure against his mandibles, knowing that one wrong move would have that claw cutting into some extremely sensitive flesh.

Then he shocked me, even in my aroused state, when the lower half of his face just split open, his mandibles parting to reveal that he had lips and a nose under there, rather than the hideous mouthparts of an insect.

I gasped, noting very quickly how nice his lips looked, even if they were bisected by a line from just below his nose all the way down his chin. He also had two lines that looked like cuts, though they weren’t bleeding or scabbed over, on his face on either side of his nose.

Then his eyes split open.

Well, the chitin around them separated, just like his mandibles, and I realized that they covered another set of eyes, like goggles.

Bug man had a handsome face under all that creepy stuff. It was actually more unnerving to look into the nearly human eyes of his exposed face than into those bug-like goggle eyes.

It wasn’t that they weren’t beautiful, though the irises were completely black, so there wasn’t a differentiation between pupil and iris. He had nice, enviably long lashes too.

It was just that they looked cold as hell. I didn’t see any sign of emotion in them, nor in the expression on his handsome, oddly scarred face. It was more like this face was the mask, rather than the goggle eyes and mandibles that had concealed it.

His expression was neutral, his gaze studying my face like a scientist rather than a lover. Still, when his finger probed deeper inside me, I gasped and then moaned with my arousal.

He put his lips against mine, just like he’d done with his mandibles. They were cool, firm, and that odd bisection in them felt obvious when they brushed over mine.

I didn’t care. I wanted to kiss him, as alien as he felt against me. I pressed my lips more firmly against his, then moved them to caress his. He remained motionless, almost like he was waiting, as he’d done before. His stillness made me think of a predator preparing to ambush unsuspecting prey.

Frustrated by my inability to affect him the way he was affecting me, I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth, feeling it split at that bisection in a way that was alarming enough that I pulled my head back, breaking the kiss.

He made a chittering sound again, and I realized it came from somewhere in his throat, seeing the chitin at his neck shift now that I was this close to him. Then his lips moved as if he was trying to say something, but his expression screwed up into a scowl, his upper lip pulling back from his teeth like he was angry.

His teeth were perfectly straight and white and looked as normal as any human teeth behind those split lips. The lower lip pulled back together where I’d split it.

Anger isn’t necessarily an expression I want to see on a man when he has a clawed finger deep in my lady bits, but at least it was an expression. It gave his face a more “alive” appearance, rather than some handsome wax figure. His shiny black eyebrows drew together, forming little frown lines between them that I felt a desire to smooth out with my finger.

He didn’t react well to that, by the way.

I realized right at the time his stingers stabbed into my sides that I probably shouldn’t touch the exposed parts of his face. As I sagged in his arms, feeling paralyzed by the venom that pumped rapidly through my blood stream, I berated myself mentally for forgetting I wasn’t dealing with an ordinary man.

I couldn’t move any longer, but he certainly had no problem moving. He gathered my lax form in his lower arms and darted towards his crevice.

And I mean darted—as in, he moved so fast my vision blurred. Also, I was struggling to breathe as the paralysis in my limbs spread to my lungs and throat.

Apparently, it was my time to die. The fact that I wasn’t ready for that yet didn’t seem to faze my killer, but I guess you don’t touch deadly insects without expecting some negative reaction.

Like getting stung.

He crouched at his crevice, still carrying me as if it were easy for him to haul around such dead weight. I didn’t want to think about that, nor about the fact that I still felt ridiculously aroused, given my imminent death.

It was just unnatural!

The inside of the crevice was black as pitch. I felt the sand beneath my back as he laid me down, and sensed his presence as he crawled over me, but couldn’t see a thing. Now, my breathing became labored, stars appearing in my vision.

I barely felt the stings he gave me, but the rapid relief of my paralysis was amazing. I sucked in a deep breath, my chest rising so my breasts brushed against his chitinous breastplates. That let me know he was lying over me, no doubt supporting his weight above me with all four of his hands.

He hadn’t killed me. At least not yet. But I was now his prisoner, hidden inside his crevice with him. I had no idea what he intended to do with me.

For the moment, it appeared he intended to keep touching me, because two of his hands returned to my naked skin. This time, they brushed over my breasts, without any obvious intent to arouse me, but my nipples still hardened at the feeling of his cool hands covering them.

This appeared to get his attention, and he focused on them. First, his fingers swept over them again, then I felt the brush of his mandibles against one hard peak, then the other.

I moaned, my back arching off the sand as my inner muscles clenched with need. He was barely touching me, had just nearly killed me, and had human bones all around his lair, and I still wanted him with a ferocity I had never felt before in my life.

“Please, don’t make me wait any longer,” I pleaded. “I need you inside me!”

I felt a hand cover my mouth, then lift, then a claw tip traced my lips. The chittering sound he made was loud in the cramped space of the crevice, letting me know it wasn’t much bigger than the two of us. I inhaled his heady scent and my head spun from it, like it was a drug.

Or maybe it was all the venom he’d pumped into me.

He made an odd growling sound, then another loud chittering. Then he growled again, pushing his lips against mine. I felt them brush mine as he moved them. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to kiss me like I had kissed him or trying to form words.

Whatever he was doing, it made his wings buzz, and I felt the breeze from them, wafting more of his scent into my nose. I sucked in another deep breath and fought the urge to grab him by the neck and pull his lips harder against mine.

Don’t touch the insect, I’d learned.

Despite my hard-won lesson, I still rocked my lower body upwards, bumping my pelvis against his hips as I parted my knees to fall open on either side of him.

I didn’t feel his erection at first and began to worry that I didn’t arouse him the way he did me, but then his pelvis pinned mine to the sand, part of it pushing against my slit. With a suddenness that stole my breath, his phallus everted right into my sheath.

It was bigger than I remembered, though I’d been out of my head the first time. This time—though I was extremely aroused—I still felt like I had more awareness than when he’d injected me with the aphrodisiac venom.

He filled me completely and stretched my inner muscles tight around his shaft. Given my state of arousal, he felt incredible. Especially when his body began to vibrate in that strange way that caused his plates to rustle and his wings to buzz—and his shaft to throb against my g-spot. With his pelvis pressed against my clit and his vibrating erection inside me, it didn’t take long for me to climax.

He made another chittering sound, added a growl for good measure, then slowly shifted his still vibrating length inside me. It wasn’t a thrust, exactly, more like he was reacting to my convulsions. I wondered if he considered them an attack of sorts, or what he was thinking about them. Whatever it was, he clearly didn’t feel as threatened by my muscles gripping his shaft as he had when I’d tried to smooth the line between his brows.

Maybe it felt much better to him. It sure did for me. Especially when he started shifting within me. I figured I’d help him out a little and began to pump my hips. At first, when I rocked my pelvis back, his length pulling part of the way out of me, his lower hands caught my hips, tightening on my generous curves until his claws dug into my skin to hold me still. When I obeyed by not moving, he loosened his grip and I thrust my hips forward, driving him deep inside me.

This earned a chittering sound that I swore was startled. I pumped my hips backwards again, and this time, he didn’t stop me. When I rocked them forward again, he had already figured out what I was trying to do and met my thrust with his own.

“Oh! Yes!” My eyes rolled back in my head as he drove so deep I felt him against my womb. “That’s what I was looking for!”

I wasn’t certain whether he’d imprinted on me or not, but he wasn’t killing me at the moment, so I figured I might as well enjoy myself, since he’d now figured out how to thrust, while still vibrating. It wasn’t long before he drove me to another climax.

That’s when I figured out that he probably liked the feeling of my internal convulsions, because after that second one, he seemed to make it his mission to cause more.

I had no idea how long he remained inside me before I finally succumbed to exhaustion and fell asleep in the arms of the scariest monster I’d ever seen before.

Would he eat me alive now? At this point, I couldn’t find it in me to care.

There were worst last moments than this one.