Hunt For Her: Black & White by Xyla Turner

Chapter Two


That punk assbitch was a fake from the beginning. Fake politician, fake businessman, not a defamed President. I knew that shit, but the current club president felt he would achieve our agenda.

He did not.

Our club, The Purebred Society, had been deemed a white Supremacist Group or the invisible empire and a danger to society. We owned every bit of it, if that meant that we would fight for our fellow white brethren, as we were an endangered species and the white race of America needed to be protected.

That motherfucker fucked everybody and got fucked right up the ass his self. He never gave a damn about us. He did not stand for liberation. That orange turd stood for the mighty fucking dollar. On top of that, his dollar. I knew that shit, and the club knew I made it vocal.

Sitting at the team meeting, I decided not to say shit because I was over all of this bullshit. We stormed the capital like he said. We didn’t hurt nobody like he said. We let them have it back as he said. Now, he’s in Florida chilling, and we are back at square one with some of our members locked up, and he ain’t doing a motherfucking thing about it. I knew he was chicken shit when that Russian bitch came over here and lied, and he blamed the FBI. One thing about us, we had loyalty with our brethren. We took care of our own. He didn’t have that, and now, we have to sit here and watch them eat their words.

“Listen, we know you’re upset, and things didn’t turn out the way we thought,” Malvo, the current club President, kept hitting the gavel. “We’ve been in contact with Eagle, and he assures us that these things take time.”

“We don’t have no fucking time,” somebody yelled out. “This is our country, and we need to take it by force. Fuck Eagle.”

“Yeah, fuck Eagle,” someone else barked.

Then the chanting began.

“Fuck Ea-gle! Fuck Ea-gle!”

However, Hitto, Burt and I sat back and just looked at the foolery. This shit was getting old.

And fast.

We all got paid because the club owned a bunch of shit and we all had stocks in God knows what. All I knew, was I got a check every couple of weeks, because I was a member and they took out dues. Hitto knew all about that shit, but I ain’t have to have a 9-5 job. Didn’t need one really, with my mobile home, I paid the parking fee, which was shit, water, electricity, trash collection, and gas. I ain’t need nothing else, besides beer and food.

“Calm the fuck down!” Malvo barked as he threw the gavel towards the back of the room.

That got folks’ attention.

“Dammit!” He snapped. “I know this shit is fucked up, but we can’t fall apart like this. If you don’t want to wait for Eagle, fine. But then we need to go to another plan.”

“Hunt had a plan,” a brother chirped.

“Sure did.” Another brother added on.

I know Malvo wanted to shit a brick at that. He and I didn’t see eye-to-eye. He was the ranking President of this chapter, but I’d been the President before him. However, at the rate this motherfucker was going. I’d be the President again.

He believed everything Eagle said and spouted. I believed in actions, not words. Eagle was full of shit before he got into office as a businessman. His being a politician made him no better. He was just furthering our agenda, or so they thought. He always had his own itinerary.

I was well acquainted with folks that had their own agendas. I knew it well. Ma’s was to not have kids, and whoever the fuck my pop was - his was to not have a gotdamn thing to do with Ma. My older brother turned sixteen and hopped on a freight train, never to return. All Ma said was, ‘fuck 'em.’

After a while, that was all I said about him too. At the age of fourteen, I was cleaning up Ma’s shit. She drank and drugged her life away, that when the lung cancer took over at the age of 35, she was barely making it. She ain’t believe in doctors and damn sure wouldn’t go to a negro one, according to her. They were charity doctors, she said. So, she stayed home and withered away. Still drinking and drugging, but she said that was to take the pain away, but that seemed to be all the years I knew the woman. Numbing pain, spewing crazy shit, and all while living in the trailer near the city dump.

Ma used to always say, “We in shit, smell like shit, and during trash day, the sun shines on shit.”

As I grew older, I learned, the woman told no lies about the shit. I barely made it through school, but Ma made me stay in, so she’d get her benefits. Those fuckers ain’t care about us at the school, so I didn’t even go to my graduation. Me, nor my best friend, Hitto. He lived in the trailer, around the other side of the dump. About a mile or so away from the club.

We cut school together, set shit on fire and hopped on the train to take rides to other towns. There wasn’t shit to do in Manville. Eventually, Hitto’s Uncle had us join his club, The Purebred Society, where we became brothers. They taught us everything we knew. How to be men, how to get women, even about politics and shit. We would have visits from different powerful people across the world who believed in our brotherhood. They understood strong minds, great hearts and true faith. Eventually, I became one of the youngest Presidents for my local chapter, as there were many clubs over the entire country. When my term of two years was up, I remained true to the cause. However, this new President was stupid as fuck.

“Hunt,” Malvo murmured. “Care to share?”

“No,” I commented as all eyes turned to me.

“Come on, brother,” Burt elbowed me. “Tell ’em.”

Slowly turning my head, I looked at him and shook my head in the negative.

“I’m tired of speaking. It’s not my turn to speak. Malvo’s got it.” I stood up. “Let ’em know the plan, Pres.”

Then I turned and walked out. My mind was on something else. Quickly pulling out my phone, I called Kizzy to see if she was available. I dared not ask to go over tonight because I was too upset and didn’t want to hurt her - but definitely tomorrow. One hit from her, and I’d be good for a few days. I tried not to wear her out. I knew I wasn’t the only guy she was fucking around with. We had our parameters around exclusivity, and both shared we would not be. I feed her, we might watch some television, and we fuck like crazy.

Nobody knew about how I wet my dick, and it wasn’t any of their fucking business. However, when I was the President of The Purebred Society, I wouldn’t have dared. I’d seen some fuckable colored ass, but I didn’t dare touch them. It was important to me to model what we taught. Hitto’s uncle definitely used to fuck around with them, because he told us. He said it was like they had magic pussy or something, but he’d never claim them. Never go raw, he’d tell us. We’re purebreds for a reason.

Yet, Kizzy stood out in a way I don’t really try to think about to even explain. Curves in all the right areas. Big breast, big ass, thighs, pretty as shit and long hair that I can fucking pull when we were fucking.


Even thinking about her has my cock hard.

“Yo, man. Don’t look now,” I heard Burt say behind me because he must have followed me outside.


Quickly putting my phone away, I turned to see almost all eighty of the members followed me too.

Oh fuck.

“Hunt, what’s your plan, man?” Celly asked. “We ain’t got time for that traitor to speak from on high. We need to do this shit ourselves.”

Double fuck.

Kizzy came to mind as the pairs of eyes stared at me, waiting for me to answer. Then I wondered what she’d think of me if she knew who I was. I’d seen different images in her apartment on the east side, with African art. Maybe she wouldn’t care. She didn’t seem to care that a grandpa and the house wench were in office. She said the same thing we always said. Those fuckers in office ain’t never done shit for us, including the one they ran up out of there. That coming from a colored woman was not only rare, but it made me realize, we may not all be so different. I never brought it up again because I doubt, she’d think we were the superior race, even though all proof showed that we are. She probably wouldn’t like the fact, or maybe she wouldn’t care.

The truth was Kizzy seemed like she was finding herself like me. I was okay with that because that meant I could grace her doorstep. The shit was selfish, but I never claimed to be anything else.

Burt elbowed me again as he cleared his throat.

“The plan,” he whispered.

“Right,” I blinked, clearing the dark woman from my mind. “My plan is simple, gentlemen. Very simple. Follow me.”

The next day couldn’t come fast enough, as I hit up Highlanders on my way over to Kizzy’s. She lived in a run-down area, filled with drugs and the same shit I lived in. Just her part of town was black, didn’t have the city dump as the focal point, and therefore didn’t smell like shit. Just weed. We, on the other hand, are good ole pure breeds. Trailer Park shit, weed, drugs, and meth labs, but we were pure.

Two knocks and she opened up with a smile.

“Hey Hunt,” she looked up at me with that wide smile, full lips and her hair pulled back in a ponytail that would definitely come out tonight.

Kizzy was dressed in a halter top, with no bra, perky but round breast, grey sweats that hung low on her waist, and socks. This was enough to have my dick go from relaxed to standing at fucking attention.

“Wow, that smells good,” she inhaled, and I found myself wrapping my free arm around her to take in her warmth. We weren’t the type for all the affection, but this woman stuck with me. I didn’t pay it much attention; for fucks sake, I could never bring her home or around my friends. She was like forbidden fruit, which is what I kept telling myself was the allure to her. I couldn’t have her, so that is why I wanted her more.

That was all to it.

She was a negro, for fucks sake.

Like, a straight-up dark brown, curly head woman who lived in the hood. I wasn’t judging since I lived in a different color hood. Trailer park hood, but it was the same shit, though.

“Hey,” she looked up at me with surprise, but she didn’t push me away. “You alright, Hunt?”

“Yeah, you coming to the door like that ought to be a crime.” I dipped my head down to nip her bottom lip. She’s short, petite, and thick in all the right places. My cock continued to grow from the looks of her.

“I’m starving,” she hummed and grabbed the food from my hand. She put it on the dining room table, then turned around and smiled, “Oh, and it’s still hot.”

Yeah, it is, I think, as I peruse her sexy ass body up and down.


“Want a beer?” She asked me as she made her way to open the refrigerator and proceeded to stick her ass out as she searched.


She had to know what she was doing. That waist-to-ass ratio was nobody but the blessed Father.

“Yeah,” I replied with more growl than I anticipated.

Moving my ass to the couch, where we usually ate and chatted, I waited for her without looking back. Hitto’s uncle used to always comment about women and their figures, but he always warned about the dark berry, colored women. I concluded that it was because it was forbidden. Pussy was pussy, right. But forbidden pussy was the best.

Hence, Kizzy.

I’d been with another black woman, and it wasn’t quite like Kizzy. Well, nothing like her, negro or purebred, to be honest, so that fucked up my theory. Kizzy was just better. I don’t fucking know; maybe it was innocence or a sense of wonder. I was horny as hell, and this woman, black or green, was about to work miracles. She did every week, and I made sure not to miss out with her.

“Here you go,” I heard her right behind me.

In front of me sat a tall, frosted bottle of Heineken. My favorite. She knew this, and sometimes I thought she kept it special because of me. Maybe she liked this brand too. I didn’t know, but this was not something to really focus on.

In and out.

Something caught my eyes as I took the beer from her hand.

“Thanks,” I opened it and pulled the stack of papers out of the chair next to me.

Hmm, it was a community college application. She was applying to get in. The funny thing was, I kept saying I wanted to do the same thing, but I never lifted a finger. Not even to see what was needed.

Kizzy did.

Smart woman.

“Thinking of college,” I called back as she had gone back to put our food onto plates.

She rushed back towards me and grabbed the papers out of my hands.

“Uh, no.” She cleared her throat and looked around like she wanted to hide. “Just uh, looking. You know.”

Then she threw the papers on top of the television and quickly moved back into the kitchen. I’m not sure what all of that shit was about, but I put my beer down and followed her.

“Nothing wrong with bettering yourself, Kizzy,” I told her as I stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

She looked up at me, then put her head back down to our plates.

“It’s no big deal.” She muttered.

“Yeah, it fucking is.” I refused to let it go. “You want to better yourself. Own that shit. Anybody who says differently is an idiot.”

This caused her to look up at me with a tentative smile.

“Yeah?” She smiled.

“Yeah, sweetheart,” I confirmed. “Good for you.”

She gave me a full smile and said, “Okay, well, let’s eat. Thank you for dinner. I cannot wait to eat this.”

Then we ate, watched Family Feud with that black guy with big teeth and a mustache. He was sort of funny. His mannerisms and the way he said words even.

Once we were done eating and the show was off, right there in the living room, Kizzy took off her halter top, revealing round, brown and plump titties.


She was fucking sexy as hell. It really should be a crime.

“Well, stranger. Time for you to put me to bed,” She stretched and climbed on top of me in the chair.

Her face was inches from mine as I looked into her beautiful eyes. A man could get lost in them; that was for fucking sure. She caught me off guard, to be honest. I was always the one to make the first move, but this lady tonight, she was feeling froggy, and I was ready to leap.

I bit at her lip as she pulled back, then I stood up, using all the strength in my thighs so that I could lift her and put her ass to sleep. This I could do.

Yet, any other night, I was always the one to lead, but Kizzy, that night she flipped my ass over, so my back was on the bed, and got in the driver’s seat. I wasn’t complaining because this type of treatment could have me knocking on her door two times a week.

Maybe three.

“I see you’re feeling feisty,” I murmured as I bit down on her brown nipples.

They were so plump and round. Perfect in my hands, and I squeezed them every chance I got. Once the condom was on, Kizzy sat on my bad boy and began to ride like it was her favorite pastime.

Holy fuck.

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I held on to her undulating hips, letting her rock me to a hard ass orgasm and trying to put my ass to sleep.


“Kizzy,” I moaned as I began to feel that fire coming down my spine. “Fuck, I’m coming, sweetheart.”

“Yes,” she sighed. “Come, baby!”

She sped up on the ride, and I bust inside of the condom as she continued to twirl those hips of hers. Kizzy climbed off after she rubbed her pussy until she came and then fell face down on the bed.

With my back plastered against the bed, I just laid there, catching my breath and waiting for that dazed feeling to fall away. “Fuck, woman, what’d you do?” I called out after some moments, and I was still dazed.

“Rode the fuck out of that dick,” she laughed and pulled the covers over her.

There would not be a round two that night, but I had a good mind to not slink away in the middle of the night and wake up with Kizzy’s lips wrapped around my dick. Shit, even the unthinkable. My face in between those legs of hers. I never serviced her like that. Just thought that was a lot more intimate than she and I were.

She was almost asleep as I was drifting too, then I heard a faint, “You really think I could go to school, Hunt?”

Draping my arm around her back, I answered, “Yeah, sweetheart. You could, and you should.”

She let out a small chuckle, and shortly after, I heard small snores. I joined her soon, but not before thinking that I’d probably lose her. It was a random thought, but with all the shit that the men had going on and this fucked up political bullshit. She was moving on to do better things. Our days were numbered, but all fuck buddies were. They weren’t meant to last a long time. Just to scratch the itch and then keep moving. I’d done it all the time, but this one would be a loss, I concluded.