Hunt For Her: Black & White by Xyla Turner

Chapter Six


Meeting with Kizzyon Saturdays was fucking killing me. She was smart, sexy and difficult at the same time. The type of woman, I’d want to do more than fuck. There was one alt against her and that was the fact that she was black. There would be no acceptance of her in my tribe. She’d be considered a chimpanzee and I’d probably be the one to go ape shit.

Why her though?

Of all the women who would drive me crazy, she was the one that really pressed me out in ways I didn’t know I could be. A simple comment, like, how many black people I’d been around. The truth was none. Ma thought the same way I did. We kept ourselves away from the segregation of the schools. We had our own club and that meant, we abided by the rules. The very rules I was breaking.

That all came to a head, when I was spotted with her by Hitto.

He waited until Friday at the bar to confront me about it, while everyone else was playing pool.

“Got to ask you something, Hunt,” he lowered his voice and leaned into the space between us in our private booth.

“Yeah?” I said while taking a sip of my beer. “Saw you last Saturday with some black bitch in a coffee store. Y’all looked pretty cozy. Anything you want to tell me?”

Hearing her be called a bitch, made my eye twitch and my fist clench. Hitto was a longtime friend, dating back to middle school. We’d went to the same schools, held the same beliefs and have fought for and with each other. However, I was seconds from jumping on his ass.

“If there was something to tell, I’d tell.” I lowered my beer and looked over it to eye my longtime brother.

“Well, I’m just saying, you looked rather cozy. Thought you might have been tapping the dark berry. Figured it was good and maybe you wanted to share?”

Fuck me.

There was a lot I could take. He still had teeth after calling her a bitch. Questioning me was another thing that gave me the fucking hives. Because I ain’t never answer to any of these people. I’ve been running my own life since thirteen. I will not let anyone start to tell me how to live it now in my thirties.

Lunging over the table, I grabbed Hitto by the throat and tried to squeeze the life out of him.

“Don’t you ever, in your whole fucking miserable life, say another word about her!” You hear me, I sneered in his ear.

The whole bar erupted as they saw two friends wrestling, well, me choking the shit out of Hitto. A few people grabbed me and finally pulled me off of him. The crazy part was I didn’t care if he said anything or not, but he better not ever say shit about her to my face. I’d kill him.

Fuck it all. I would kill that bastard.

Jerking whoever the fuck was holding me, off, I got out of there and started to drive. I didn’t know where to go, then I found myself near the college. None of my folks knew I was enrolled in college. I didn’t want their opinions or thoughts about shit. That was for me. None of the guys had been to school. I mean, out of a hundred of these fuckers, none of them had been. How the fuck was that possible?

It was something about Malcolm X message that kept appealing to me. He talked about his pilgrimage. I ain’t never left the country. Hell, barely left the state. Surrounding areas should not count. Does a school field trip count?

I wondered if I traveled or had other opportunities, would I be this way. Would I have turned out different with half-decent parents? I couldn’t see myself being a preppy sort of guy, but I could have had a fucking fighting chance. To be better. To be different.

There was nothing on the radio and after seeing a bar on the side of East 43, I pulled out my phone because I really needed to get laid, drunk or just to get my mind off of the shit that was swirling. The shoulda, woulda, couldas. The what if scenarios, that I tried not to drown in, but the shit was hard. No, it was suffocating.

A notification came up on my YouTube and I swear my heart skipped a beat. The topic was Fix Your life. That is what I needed and without thinking, I clicked on the short video.

The first thing the guy said was to stop blaming others for where you are in life. It’s not their fault, because you are the author of your story. Blaming other people for where you are, makes them the author.


I could have stopped right there, but I needed to hear this shit. For most of my life, I had a finger to point to. My chest hurt too much; I barely could breathe from his words alone. They cut me in a place that I didn’t know needed to be mended. It wasn’t a butcher, but a clean cut and that made me feel open and vulnerable. It felt like people were looking at me, but I didn’t care. I needed to hear what these guys were saying. I needed a change in my life and it was time. Not tomorrow. Now.

When he finished, I felt for the first time in almost twenty years, wetness around my eyes. I found my mom passed out and thought she was dead; I cried and called the police. When she got out of the hospital, the woman beat the shit out of me for calling the ambulance because the bill was too high. Even though she almost overdosed. I think something in me broke that day and I could not muster up a tear. Not until now. The shit hurt. Everything hurt.

Almost on automatic, I called the one person who I prayed would listen. She was not obligated to, but fuck, I needed her.

“Kizzy,” I called.

“Hunt? You alright?” She asked with urgency in her voice.

“No.” I answered. “Can I see you? Please.”

“Hunt, are you alright?” She repeated.

“Kizzy, can I fucking see you, please. Please.” My voice was about to start rising and I was going to beg. I didn’t care anymore, I’d beg.

“Hunt, just tell me you’re okay.” She sounded upset.

“Yes,” I answered. “Kizzy?”

“Yeah, Hunt.” Her voice lowered. “I’ll text you, my address.”

“Thank you.” I hung up the phone, wiped my face and waited for the text.

When it came through, I plugged it in my GPS, and made my way to her place, which was only ten minutes away from the school. Thank God.

When I arrived, she was peeking out the window of the second-floor apartment building. It’s in a better neighborhood than her last, but she belongs in her own home. The curtain closed as I got out and then I heard her coming down the stairs.

“Hunt,” She opened the front door with alarm etched in her eyes. “You okay? You sounded terrible. Like…I don’t know.”

“Fine, now,” I say at the bottom of the front steps. “Just needed to see you, sweetheart.”

“You’re not okay,” she says as she shakes her head.

Then bolts down the steps and grabbed my arm, pulling me inside the duplex and up the stairs. Once we’re in her place, the room smelled of some frilly shit, but it was calming.

“What’s that smell?” I asked.

“Lavender, cause you’re causing me to stress.”

She locks the door and then turns to me.

“Now, tell me what’s wrong?”

I just shake my head and repeat what I said earlier. “Fine now that I see you.”

“Nope!” she shook her head. “Are you going to allow your panties to be in a twist or tell me what the fuck is going on?”

She was using my own words against me and I fucking loved it.

Moving towards her, she looked back as if she didn’t know where to retreat.

“Hunt?” she sang. “What are you doing?”

“What I’ve been dying to do for months now,” I tell her, as my lips come crashing down on hers.

At first, she did not respond, almost until the point that I was going to pull back. Then she opened her mouth, like she used to and took me in, wrapping both of her arms around my neck.

There she was.

My sweetheart.


Picking her up, I pushed Kizzy’s back against the door and fucking ravished her. We’d never been like this, but it was explosive. The woman was trying to tear off my flannel as I was pressing my rock-hard cock into her center.

“The bedroom,” she gasped and tilted her head to the right.

Without saying another word, I kissed her again and headed in that direction with Kizzy wrapped around me. Throwing her on the bed, I took off my shirt and watched her rip off her clothes. It already looked like she was ready for bed, but those checkered pajamas came off with what looked like one-move.

“Yeah, sweetheart.” I shook my head. “I’m much better now.”

Grabbing the condom, I threw it on the bed, knelt before her open legs and for the first time since she and I began fucking, I buried my head in her sweet pussy.

Couldn’t tell you what the difference was, but the woman was getting claimed. I don’t give a fuck, what I had to do for it to happen, but I would. She was mine. Nobody else’s.

“Hunttttt,” Kizzy hissed as I began to suck on her wet clit. “Fuckkkk.”

With her head tilted back, those round breast in the air and her stomach caved in, Kizzy looked like a piece of art or a model. I’d love to get a silhouette of us like this. Just the contrast of our skin tones, made it damn near poetic. It was not the disgust that I was taught to believe. I never believed the black woman was disgusting to be truthful. Just off limits.

She was so fucking sweet to the taste. I could become intoxicated in her sweet nectar. Those nails of hers scraped my scalp as she dug in, as I must have hit a spot. Those thighs began to close and that is when I began to suck on her clit, instead of pushing my tongue inside. It was then that she began to use my face as leverage while rubbing her sweet pussy up and down my face.

Fuck me.

This had to be a sin.

I was so drunk on her, I almost missed that she was coming, but with her thighs damn near cutting off my circulation, I pried them apart as her hips began to jerk uncontrollably.

“That’s it, sweetheart,” I said right before lapping at that warm essence.

As she came down, I stripped, slid on the condom and entered her slowly. Kizzy was tight and wet, just like I liked it. More importantly, those eyes were on me as I entered what I could call heaven. Her mouth in an ‘O’ shape and those beautiful brown eyes were filled with wonder and admiration, if I dared. She was fucking breath-taking.

Lifting her leg with my thigh, I pressed my body into hers as I took her lips in a long kiss. Gotdammit. I closed my eyes as we both drown in what is something that only we can create. Nobody has even felt like this. Not just physically, but emotionally. It’s a connection that I don’t know if I have the right words to describe. It’s just been a go from the very beginning.

It has been her.

Pushing in and out of her tightness, has me losing my fucking mind.

So tight.

So wet.

Kizzy’s nails drag down my back, as she moans her pleasure in my mouth. Each stroke, I’m going deeper and on an angle that must be her spot. Holy fuck.

She bit me.

Jerking back, I stopped and looked at her with confusion. Maybe I was misinterpreting the scratches that definitely broke skin.

“Sorry, sorry,” she breathed. “I got carried away.”

“You like teeth, huh?” I swear my cock grew harder.

“I like more than teeth,” she followed up with a cunning smirk.

Shit, say less.

Slamming into her tight pussy, I dove in and bit her bottom lip, just as she gasped. Holy shit balls. This girl would be the end of me. As I drove into her, all of the shit from earlier began to float away. The fight with Hitto, the shit about my Ma and all of the looming weight of my fucked-up life. My decisions or indecisions. Even about Kizzy. The shit just went away as I plowed into her, losing myself. Through her growls, bites, and scratches. It all fueled me as I moved like a machine in and out of my lady with those toned legs wrapped around my back.

“Fuck,” I moaned as I felt the fire making its way down my spine. “Kizzzzzyyyy. Sweetheart. Fuuuccckkkk.”


I came hard and nearly collapsed on her as I lost her mouth. Instead of moving, Kizzy, wrapped me up even more with her arms and legs as I stayed seated in her pussy. Condom and all. I was going soft, but I think I was temporarily paralyzed. She did this to me. We did it together.

“Hunt, you okay?” I heard her voice penetrate through my haze.

“Mmm,” I mumbled.

I felt Kizzy move, but I rolled to my side, pulled her back in, so her head was in my chest.

“Sweetheart, stay with me. Please?” I asked and found myself saying that word again. “Just stay with me tonight.”

“Yeah, Hunt.”

Her body relaxed and for the first time since I last slept with her, I slept like a fucking baby. No nightmares, mom didn’t OD, no waiting for Superman to come and rescue me, no hate, just fucking peace.

For once.