Vic Vaughn is Vicious by J.A. Huss


Welcome to the End of Book Shit. This is always the last chapter in all of my books and I use it to just say whatever I was thinking about during each particular story when I wrote it. They are never edited so if you see typos, just pretend you didn’t. :)

This book right here night be the highlight of my life. Writing those first few Vic chapters was probably the easiest thing I’ve ever written. I had this whole scenario planned out about Vic not paying attention to all Ronnie’s kids and accidentally mistaking his unknown daughter as his niece for a day. So everything about that was just joy.

I have been thinking about Vic and this kid since I wrote Mr. Mysterious back in 2016. That’s Cinderella’s book, remember? Cindy and Mr. Mysterious were a thing. And Cindy, true to her Ron the Bomb mom heritage, is a fucking firecracker in that book. She’s all grown up. All these kids you meet in this book (if you’re new to this world) are all grown up in the Mister Series. Oliver and Cindy both have their own books (Mysterious and Match) But Princess Little Mermaid has a pretty big role too. And then, of course, Princess Rory, AKA Snow White, gets her own book with Five (in the actual book called Five).

And Mr. Mysterious was the first time I ever mentioned Cindy’s “cousins”. And for some reason (at the time I wrote Mysterious) I was picturing Vic living out on a farm on the “wrong side of the freeway” east of Fort Collins.

If you’ve never been to Fort Collins you don’t really get what that means, but there is a freeway (I-25) that runs up the central part of Colorado. And on one side of this freeway are all the beautiful Rocky Mountains. And on the other side is the Eastern Plains. Almost no one lives on the “wrong side of the freeway” because there’s literally almost nothing out that way. Farms. Lots of farms. And a few scattered towns. And then a lot of really ugly fucking wild grass that is almost never green because contrary to what people think about Colorado, it’s very dry up here. Especially on the Eastern Plains.

So that was stuck in my head when I decided to make Daisy the daughter of a dairy farmer.

But Vivi wasn’t given a name until The Boyfriend Experience (Book three in the Jordan’s Game series). Vivi was Oaklee’s partner in crime for that little caper. Vivi was all grown up in that book too. I won’t tell you what she was doing so I don’t spoil anything if you haven’t read it yet.

As far as Vic goes, he’s been around since Spencer’s novella, Bomb. Which is now just part of ‘The Spencer Book’. Vic is in Bossy Brothers: Tony too.

And of course, Vic is the one who busts Five and Rory on their Christmas Eve “date” in Happily Ever After. The kids also appear in Wasted Lust—this is the story behind the unicorn leather jacket Vic dressed Vivi up in for their dragon sidecar ride to the swap meet. It’s was Sparrow’s birthday party in that book and this was a biker-themed party the kids had at the Shrike Bikes showroom, so kid-sized biker jackets were a thing.

And then… going all the way back to Manic, Rook & Ronin Book Two, we have Sheriff Asshole (Scott!). When I realized I already had a sheriff as a character in this world I almost fell off my chair. Scott was the deputy who pulled Rook over when she was driving Spencer’s truck. He was an asshole in his twenties and nope. He never grew out of it.

This is a standalone book. You do not have to read any of the other books to fully get all the happiness out of this story, but almost everyone in this book has been around the block in my writing career. Even Bobby’s brother, Trev, makes an appearance in Bossy Brothers: Tony.

I just wrote the EOBS for Damaged Gods yesterday (this is my paranormal monster romance that I released in July 2021) and I was gushing over how much fun that book was to write because I had just come off two years of writing TWO seven-book series (Bossy Brothers and Harem Station). And it’s such a relief to write a new ‘book one’ or a standalone because I’m not constrained to all those twisted plot points in previous books.

But that was not the case for this book. I had a lot of fun writing it. Vic Vaughn is Vicious is right up there with Mr. & Mrs. As far as fun books go. But you guys. Oh, my god. Keeping up with the ages of all these kids almost killed me!

I needed them all to be a certain age, too. Because I needed Vivian to be right about the same age as the “middle girls”, but still far enough off for Vic to wonder about it casually when Vivian gives up that she’s going in to first grade.

So, of course, this puts these damn kids at the age before the Happily Ever After book. When I figured that out, I was like fuck. So it’s possible I messed up some of the ages. But I did my best to keep it all straight.

I was originally going to do a spin-off series of all the Vaughn brothers, and I know the very first question I’m going to get is will Vonn and Vinn get a book? I don’t know about that. Vann didn’t get ‘a book’ all to himself, but his love story is in Bossy Brothers: Tony. So maybe there are more Sick Boyz stories coming, or maybe not. It took me a LONG time—like seven years, you guys—to actually be ready to write this book here. So maybe there is a story out there for Vinn and Vonn, but I don’t have one at this time. Vic Vaughn is Vicious is NOT a Sick Boyz Book One.

Perhaps I will do one big Bossy Brothers/Sick Boyz HEA?

We’ll see.

Right now I’m working on finishing up the Creeping Beautiful series. And once those last two books are done, this Company story line will be at a natural stopping point. That doesn’t mean I won’t write any more Rook & Ronin, Sick Boyz, Bossy Brothers, Company books, but if I do more, they will come later down the road.

Gorgeous Misery and Lovely Darkness will be released in early 2022. I KNOW I promised you guys that these would release fall of 2021, but listen. I can’t do it. I need more time. This Gorgeous Misery book is complicated. VERY. Complicated. And I want to do it right. I would simplify it and write it quicker, but I don’t want to. I only get to finish that Creeping Series once, ya know? I want to do it right. I want to tie up all the loose ends, answer most of the questions, and make the story unique and interesting.

And this is why people buy my books, right?

Anyone can write a romance. Thousands of people are making a living doing this as we speak.

But what I write is different.

I want to make every book special.

So I’m pretty busy with new stories. I’ve got so many of them on my to-be-written list. And as fun as it is to visit all these favorite characters, it’s nice to make up a brand new world every once in a while. And I will have more news on what’s coming up for the JA Huss name in the EOBS of Gorgeous Misery. I’m sure by the time that book release I will have already written my next standalone and I’ll be ready to spill the deets.

I guess that’s it for now.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little trip back in book time and had fun catching up with Spencer and Ronnie while meeting new family members. Thank you for reading, thank you for reviewing, and I’ll see you in the next book!


JA Huss

May 19, 2021

Oh! P.S. – If you are new to me and this world and would like more of all these characters then you can keep reading. I have a full reading order list with all the major characters (and ages) for you on the next page!

Meet Vic Vaughn for the FIRST time in the Rook & Ronin Series BOX SET!


She's on the run from a horrible past - he's got an offer of a lifetime


More than 1500 pages, millions of copies sold, nearly 10,000 five-star reviews, 3 USA Today Bestsellers, and a whole world of steam, swooning, and suspense! The unforgettable bad boys of Fort Collins are all together in one BIG BOX SET!

They’ve got MONEY. They’ve got LOOKS. And they’ve got FAME.

Ronin – The Charmer.

Ford – The Alpha.

Spencer – The Boss.

Now they want to settle down and work on that happily ever after with the women they adore.

But they’ve got baggage too.

And just when they think they’ve put it all behind them… everything and everyone they hold dear is in danger.

You will fall in love with their town, and their girls, and their kids. This box set contains five full-length novels and two novellas:

1. Tragic

2. Manic

3. Panic

4. Ford (contains the books Slack and Taut)

5. Spencer (contains the books Bomb and Guns)