Vic Vaughn is Vicious by J.A. Huss


If you are new to me or have not read any of the other book sin this world, you can read about all the random characters who show up in Vic’s book by starting the Rook and Ronin Series

Everything start here but each series is also its own entry point. You can jump in and read them out of order as long as you follow the specific series reading order.

Rook & Ronin Series


Manic – Vaughn Family and Sick Boyz appear here.

Panic – Vaughn Family and Sick Boyz appear here.

Ford – Sasha Cherlin (age 12) and Merc first appear here

Spencer – James Fenici first appears here – Five is born, Vaughn Family and Sick Boyz appear here.

The Company

Rook & Ronin Spin-off – new entry point into the series

The Company – James and Vincent Fenici age 28, Sasha Cherlin age 13, Nick and Harper Tate age 18. This is the full story of the “Santa Barbara Incident” where Adam and Donovan’s fathers die.

Meet Me In The Dark – Merc, Sasha Cherlin age 21, Sydney Channing (Company Girl like Indie and Sasha)

Three, Two, One – STANDALONE BOOK – Jax Barlow first appears

Wasted Lust – Sasha Cherlin, age 24, with Jax Barlow. Rook & Ronin “kids”. Nick Tate, age 29, plays a major role and the rest of the Company characters also show back up. First appearance of Angelica Fenici and “other Adam”. Wasted Lust takes place DURING Creeping Beautiful. Specifically when Indie is 15 years old and the “Company falls” and when Nick meets Adam in Daphne, Alabama. Vaughn Family and Sick Boyz appear here.

The Mister Series

Rook & Ronin/Company Spin-off – new entry point into the series

Mr. Perfect

Mr. Romantic – First appearance of the Silver Society – i.e. The Company

Mr. Corporate – First appearance of “Five”

Mr. Mysterious – Spencer’s daughters

Mr. Match – All the Rook & Ronin Kids come back to play.

Mr. Five (or just Five) – Ford’s son and Spencer’s daughter

Mr. & Mrs. – Ford and Spencer show back up with all the kids. – Vaughn Family appears here.


The Bossy Brothers Series

Rook & Ronin/Company Spin-off – new entry point into the series

In to Her – STANDALONE BOOK – Logan first appears

Bossy Brothers: Jesse – First appearance of The Way – i.e. The Company

Bossy Brothers: Joey

Bossy Brothers: Johnny – Logan shows back up Indie first appears at age 14, Chek’s first appearance

Bossy Bride: Jesse and Emma – Chek and Wendy mentioned

Bossy Brothers: Alonzo – Chek and Wendy mentioned, Vaughn Family and Sick Boyz appear here.

Bossy Brothers: Tony – Vaughn Family and Sick Boyz appear here.

Creeping Beautiful

Rook & Ronin/Company Spin-off – new entry point into the series

The complete story of Nick Tate, James and Vincent Fenici, “Wendy”, “Chek”, Indie Anna Accorsi, Adam Boucher, Donovan and Carter Couture, Core McKay, and Nathan St. James.

Creeping Beautiful

Pretty Nightmare

Gorgeous Misery (Coming January 2022)

Lovely Darkness (Coming March 2022)