Psycho by Onley James

August sat reclined in his office chair, Vivaldi playing in his ears. He’d canceled lunch with Lucas for a mentor meeting with a new student in the department. He normally wouldn’t do that, but Bianca had asked for a favor since it was apparently her student.

There was a tentative knock on the door. August removed his earbuds. “Come in.”

August’s brows went up when Lucas stuck his head in and said, “Professor Mulvaney?” as if he had no idea who August was. Was Lucas having some kind of dissociative episode? And when did he start wearing glasses? Not that August objected to the thick black frames. They were sexy as hell on him.

August frowned but decided to play along. “Yes?”

Lucas raked his gaze over August in a way that made his cock take notice. “Hi, I’m Luke. Bianca sent me to talk to you?”

August glanced down at his calendar and realized the name of the student was, in fact, abbreviated as Luke B. A hint of a smile formed before he schooled his features into one of casual disinterest. “What can I do for you, Luke?”

Lucas slipped in, closing the door and leaning against it, his fingers slipping behind him to twist the lock into place. He was certainly not dressed like himself. Lucas favored dark wash denim and cardigans for work. Luke, it seemed, preferred well worn jeans and a form fitting t-shirt the same shade of green as his eyes.

Lucas pushed his fingers through his blond hair and bit his bottom lip as he moved into August’s space. “I don’t know if Bianca told you anything about me, but I’m in a bit of a…predicament.”

A slow smirk crept across August’s face. “Do tell.”

Lucas pushed the glasses up the bridge of his nose. “See, there was a mix up at the registrar’s office and I was supposed to take your class but they never added me. If I don’t have this credit, I can’t graduate.”

August gave him a pained expression. “I’m sympathetic to your cause. But I’m afraid classes are well underway and there’s a wait list for my class.”

Lucas dropped down to his knees before August, parting his legs with purpose. “That’s the thing…Professor. I don’t actually want to take the class. I was just thinking—hoping, really—that maybe you could say I took the class, and, in exchange, I could do something for you.”

August shifted in his seat, hips sliding forward. “What exactly is it you have that I might need, Mr…?”

“Blackwell,” Lucas offered, looking up at him behind those dark frames, his palms running over August’s thighs before he let his fingers trace the bulge behind his zipper. “Surely, you could think of something to do with me?”

August sighed, running his thumb over Lucas’s full bottom lip. “If you want to receive full credit for a class like mine, I expect excellence. I need you to wow me. Do you think you can wow me, Mr. Blackwell?”

“I’d love to try, Professor.” Lucas’s nimble fingers made short work of August’s belt and pants, freeing his now throbbing erection. His eyes got wide with mock innocence as he jerked him. “Oh, you’re so big, Professor.”

August snorted, but it quickly became a groan when Lucas’s mouth closed over him, swallowing him down, only to drag his mouth almost completely back up. “Christ.”

Lucas began to bob his head, giving August the sloppiest and most enthusiastic blowjob of his life. August had no idea what was happening, but he had to say, Lucas had committed to his part and he approved. His eyes rolled back as Lucas worked him over, taking him to the back of his throat until the muscles contracted around him.

Lucas pulled off, licking up one side of August’s dick and down the other before slapping it against his tongue, his glasses fogging. “Mm, you taste so good. Am I doing a good job?”

August leaned forward, removing the glasses before closing his hand around Lucas’s throat. “Very good, but I said you had to wow me.”

The smile that spread across Lucas’s face was borderline alarming. “I thought you might say that, Professor.” He stood, turning to face August’s desk, dropping his jeans and lifting his shirt. “Can you help me with these?”

August leaned forward, unable to stop himself from biting at Lucas’s side before hooking his thumbs in the waistband of Lucas’s black boxer briefs, pulling them down to mid thigh. Lucas leaned forward, arching his back and pushing his hips into August’s face.

That was when August caught sight of the hot pink plug nestled between his cheeks. Had he been wearing that when they left for coffee this morning? Had he lectured all morning knowing he was going to bend over for August later? He couldn’t stop himself from squeezing Lucas’s lush ass, spreading him apart to look, running his finger around his rim.

“Are you wowed, Professor?” Lucas asked, looking back over his shoulder, a smirk spreading over his face.

August didn’t answer, just pushed the plug in deeper, his cock leaking as Lucas moaned long and low. “Bend over for me. That’s it. All the way.”

Lucas let out a shaky breath but did as August asked. He hooked his finger in the ring at the base of the plug, tugging it experimentally, almost as turned on watching Lucas’s reaction as he was at the notion of burying himself inside him. After the tiniest bit of resistance, the plug slipped free, but August didn’t remove it. He placed his hand on Lucas’s lower back, fucking the plug in and out of him, watching as he tried to fuck himself on it.


August’s hand cracked over his ass, earning a shocked, hazy look from Lucas. If he wanted to play, they’d play. “What did you call me?”

“Sorry, Professor,” Lucas managed, voice no longer teasing but raw. He flicked his tongue out to wet his lower lip.

August wanted to explore the handprint blooming on Lucas’s flawless backside. So, he did, running his lips across the heated flesh before he stood, letting the plug fall to the floor. He drove into Lucas in one easy motion, burying himself deep.

There was no time to muffle his shout and if August was being truthful, he didn’t really want to. He pulled him upright, wrapping an arm around his chest, not even thrusting in and out of him but just rolling his hips, going deep the way Lucas liked.

“Touch yourself,” August rasped against his ear. “I want to feel you come.”

“Fuck me hard?” Lucas asked, wrapping his hand around his cock.


August gripped his hips and gave him what he wanted, pounding into him, praying he could hold out long enough for Lucas to find his release. But it was impossible to slow his movements. The euphoric feeling rolling through him had him chasing his own pleasure, wanting Lucas to come along but helpless to stop working himself in and out of the tight heat of his core. He was so fucking close. “Come on, umnishka. I’m barely hanging on.”

“Can I?”

August didn’t need him to clarify what he was asking. Could he drop his shields, could he ride August’s orgasm? “Fuck yes. You never have to ask.”

Lucas didn’t have to ask, but August did have to slap a hand over his mouth because once he was in that headspace, Lucas lost all sense of reason. He was moaning, cursing, all but sobbing as August used him. When he finally went over the edge, Lucas came, too, his body spasming around August’s cock, dragging out his orgasm until his brain went completely offline.

He fell back into his chair, pulling Lucas with him. They both sat there, sweating and panting, both of them looking like they’d run a marathon in the summer heat. “Well, that desk planner is ruined,” August teased.

“I’ll buy you another.”

“What—” August tried again. “What was that for?”

Lucas’s face fell in a look August was certain he’d practiced before he’d arrived. “You don’t remember?”

“Remember what?” August asked, hooking an eyebrow up so Lucas knew he was onto him.

Lucas grinned. “It’s our seven week anniversary.”

“Our what?”

“You said you didn’t care if it took seven weeks, seven months, or seven years. We made it seven weeks. Happy anniversary.”

August snorted. “Please, tell me you didn’t tell Bianca this was all part of your little plan? She’ll be downright insufferable if she thinks she helped me get laid.”

“I didn’t tell her all the details. Just that I wanted to surprise you for lunch and that it was hard to do that when we have lunch every day. Now that she’s right across the hall from your office and not mine, she was much more inclined to oblige. She probably wanted to eavesdrop.”

Now that they’d finally arranged the offices by department, Bianca was his new hallmate. When the blinds were open, she could stare straight into his office. August now kept his blinds closed.

Lucas waved a hand. “You know her. She likes to be included. Besides, she thinks if we’re BFFs then she’ll get all the hot gossip about us first.”

“There’s hot gossip about us?” August asked.

Lucas scoffed. “Didn’t you know? There’s a whole very sordid tale about us. Even the students know.”

August raised a brow. “And what’s that?”

“That I, the crazy, slutty—but super hot—mental patient, seduced you, the sweet, oblivious—but also super hot—billionaire into moving in with me after just seven days. And ever since then, I’ve been keeping you sated with my kinky, sexual exploits while I slowly syphon all your riches into an offshore bank account so I can leave you for the pool boy.”

August grinned. “Wow. All that and grading finals. You’re quite the multitasker, umnishka.”

“I know, right?” Lucas said.

“We don’t have a pool boy,” August remarked as an afterthought.

Lucas shrugged. “We don’t have a pool. It seems silly to hire a pool boy.” He seemed to reconsider. “It might be fun to watch him walk around in one of those little Speedos, though. No?”

August pinched him hard. “You will not be watching anybody in a Speedo.”

“Except you?” Lucas asked hopefully.

“I’m not wearing a Speedo.”

“Please?” Lucas asked.

“Maybe for our seven year anniversary,” August teased.

Lucas’s face grew serious. “Do you think you’ll still want me in seven years?”

“Don’t ask stupid questions. I’ll want you forever. The question is, will you still want to put up with me in seven years?”

Lucas laughed softly. “The psycho and the psychic. We’re truly not fit for anybody but each other. We’re stuck together.”

August kissed his forehead. “That suits me just fine.”

“Me too,” Lucas said before adding, “But I’m serious. We’re literally stuck together. Let’s go home so we can clean up properly.”

“I have afternoon classes. So do you,” August reminded him.

“No, you don’t. I had Cricket ask your TA to take your afternoon classes. I pawned mine off on Robert’s TA. We’re free for the rest of the day.”

August had hired Cricket as his secretary after his old assistant had retired. She mostly answered phones and ran errands but she was a quick learner, efficient, and got to take classes at the university for free. Plus, she didn’t mind taking on any non-school, family related assignments. The kind August could have never entrusted to his last assistant. It turned out having some people in the know actually worked out quite well.

“If anybody ever takes a blacklight to this office, we’re both getting fired,” Lucas teased, cleaning up at the sink before tossing the wet washcloth to August to do the same.

August pulled himself together, saying, “If they ever put a blacklight to my car, we’re probably going to prison, so this is preferable.”

“No, you’re going to prison. I’ll be running away with the pool boy and your millions,” Lucas teased. “Oh, don’t forget our butt plug, Professor.”

August retrieved the toy and hastily stuffed it into his pocket. They were almost to the door when Lucas stopped him. “I love you.”

“I know,” August said.

Lucas’s mouth fell open. “Did you just Han Solo me?”

“Would you prefer thank you?” August asked.

“You’re so going to regret that when me and Orlando, the pool boy, run away together.”

August pushed Lucas up against the door, wrapping a hand around his throat. “I know you’re baiting me.”

August hadn’t known this side of Lucas existed. The side that teased and taunted and pushed August. The side that needed a little brute force for him to feel like August really meant it when he said they were forever. It soothed Lucas’s frayed edges somehow. He wasn’t a completely different person, but without the threat of death looming over him, he was…lighter somehow. Freer.

“Any man who touches you will find himself becoming acquainted with my father’s woodchipper. Is that clear?”

“Crystal,” Lucas murmured, leaning forward and licking his way into August’s mouth. “Now, tell me you love me.”

August didn’t hesitate. “I love you.”

Who was to say what love was to them? Maybe love to them was fighting and fucking and watching reruns of shows they didn’t like just because the other person did. Maybe love was Lucas letting August have the last slice of cheesecake or August always making sure Lucas took his meds and saw his therapist. Nobody got to dictate what their love looked like. So, when Lucas needed the words, August gave them freely.

A smile split Lucas’s face. “That’s better. Now, tell me we’re getting cheesecake.”

“We’re getting cheesecake,” August said dutifully, opening the office door, letting Lucas lead the way out.

Lucas waved to Cricket, who sat at her desk, headphones firmly jammed in her ears. She waved back.

“Now, tell me you’ll buy a Speedo.”

August rolled his eyes. “I’m not buying a Speedo.”

“You should totally buy a Speedo,” Bianca called as they passed the door of her new office.

“See!” Lucas cried. “Please?”


“But it’s our anniversary.”

August rolled his eyes. “How about we go home and you drop your shields and I’ll psychically project me in a Speedo directly into your brain. You can even pick the color.”

Lucas pretended to pout. ‘Ugh, fine.”

August slipped his hand into Lucas’s. It was better than fine. It was perfect. Lucas was perfect. Perfect for August. He was August’s person. And August was his. Nothing else mattered but that.

the end

* * *

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