Psycho by Onley James

Thank you so much for reading Psycho, Book 2 in my Necessary Evils series. I hope you loved reading this book as much as I loved writing it. Look for Atticus’s book, Moonstruck, coming soon.

If you’ve read my books before, you have probably come to realize that I have an addiction to writing about the psyche and exactly how both nature and nurture often play a part in who a person becomes. I spent years working as an RN in a psychiatric hospital, most of those years I spent with children aged anywhere from five to eighteen. It took a big toll on me and my own mental health, which is why writing these characters has become my own form of therapy. While sociopathic bodyguards and megalomaniacal cult leaders are all works of fiction, my heroes and villains are all drawn from real people who I encountered in my time as a nurse.

The extreme violence towards women depicted in Psycho, while fictional, is sadly a reality for some. The statistics involving indigenous women and the rates at which they go missing is also unfortunately 100% true. If you want more information or feel called to help visit:

This is all a rather maudlin way of saying thank you for reading my books and loving my characters and allowing me to use these books as my own therapy sessions.

If you guys are really loving the books, please consider joining my Facebook reader group, Onley’s Oubliette, and signing up for my newsletter on my website so you can stay up to date on freebies, release dates, teasers, and more. You can also always hit me up on my social media and find all my links here. You can find me literally everywhere, so say hi. I love talking to readers.

Finally, if you did love this book, (or even if you didn't. Eek!) it would be amazing if you could take a minute to review it. Reviews are like gold for authors.

Thank you again for reading.