Love, Comment, Subscribe by Cathy Yardley



Lily felt excitement skitter across every nerve ending she had, but at the same time, she felt more confident than she’d ever been in her life. And more desirable. Which was weird, since she was currently strutting wearing nothing but a towel in front of Hayden, making her way toward Tobin’s bed.

“Hayden, don’t look,” Tobin barked out, wrapped in his own towel. His hair was tousled and his eyes were wild.

Hayden laughed. “Then how am I supposed to film, stupid?”

Tobin scowled. “I mean . . . ah, shit, you know what I mean.”

“Don’t worry,” Lily reassured him, clambering under the covers before releasing her towel and putting it on the floor. She laughed when Tobin smacked a staring Hayden in the back of the head.

“Holy shit,” Hayden said. “I mean . . . so y’all are really gonna be nekkid under there?”

“Apparently,” Tobin muttered. Lily noticed that he was walking a little funny, and that he essentially dived for the bed. He had a hard-on, she just knew it.

That made her feel confident too. And turned on. She felt her smile turn positively feral. She watched as Tobin dropped his towel off the side of the bed and snuggled in, and caught a glimpse of his hardness. Oh, yes. She cleared her throat. “So, let’s wrap this up, shall we?”

Hayden snickered again. “This is gonna be so awesome.”

“Shut up.” Tobin was blushing. But at the same time, his eyes were voracious, looking over every inch of her that was revealed—which, admittedly, wasn’t much, just her naked shoulders, collarbone. The hollow of her clavicle. She shifted, the covers lifting slightly, then burst into a broad grin when his eyes popped and his pupils blew wide. She saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed hard. “So . . . um. Where were we?”

Lily arched her back a little, like she was stretching.

“Jesus,” he breathed, his voice so low the mic probably couldn’t pick it up. “You are. So. Not. Fair.”

She laughed. “Well, Tobin, I guess that wraps up our video series. I’m sure we can do more in the future, but maybe not if everyone keeps making these ridiculous assumptions that we’re together.”

“Maybe,” he croaked, then cleared his throat. “Shit. I mean, maybe,” he repeated, more clearly.

She laughed. “All right, then. Good night,” she pretended.

“Good night,” he responded—then, just like they’d planned, he canted forward, pressing a kiss against her lips. It was just supposed to be a quick kiss; then they’d fade to black, like the lights had gone out.

The problem was, it felt really good. She purred, parting her lips slightly. Within seconds, she heard a low, rumbling groan—and his tongue teased her lips before tangling with her tongue.

Things went a little haywire from there, and she lost all perspective. She wasn’t even sure how long it was before the sound of Hayden clearing his throat theatrically pierced her consciousness.

“I said, I’m going to go now,” Hayden yelled, sounding utterly amused. “Which, by the way, I’ve been saying for a few minutes now.”

She blinked, and blushed all over, hiding her face in Tobin’s chest. She could almost hear the rapid beating of his heart, felt the heat coming off him like a bonfire. “Bye, Hayden, and thanks.” He looked over suspiciously. “The camera’s turned off, right?”

Hayden laughed. “I’ll leave it in your office, just so you’re sure,” he said. “And I’ll leave on that note. Oh, and I’ll lock the door behind me?”

“Great, whatever,” Tobin said, but it was clear he’d already moved on. Hayden kept laughing, but true to his word, he disappeared with the camera, shutting the door behind him. She heard the noises of Hayden puttering in the office, then heard the sounds of him shutting the front door with a slam and more laughter.

It wasn’t until they heard the roar of his engine—some souped-up penis-mobile, Tobin often joked—that Tobin turned back to her.

“You sure you want to do this?” he asked.

She couldn’t form words. She just looked at him, her eyes wide. His gaze was positively molten. She looped her arms around his neck, tugging him closer, then pressed her naked body against his. It was a shock. There was no other word for it. Feeling his hardness pressed against her bare belly seemed to set her entirely ablaze. She couldn’t remember wanting anybody the way she wanted him at this moment. They were kissing, their mouths fused together. She barely registered that she was making low gasps and mewling sounds in the back of her throat as her fingertips scrabbled for purchase against his heavily muscled shoulders, the ripples of his back.

Good God, he was absolutely gorgeous. How had she not known? He maneuvered himself so he was on top of her. She blinked at the suddenness, startled that he was in such a rush. But he wasn’t going for the main event, as it were. Instead, he moved that heated mouth of his from her lips, to her jawline, to the little hollow behind her ear. She shivered, stroking her legs against his. He groaned loudly, and she felt his cock jerk slightly. He moved slowly and thoroughly, kissing down the column of her neck, licking at the delicate hollow at the base of her throat. Then he took one nipple into his mouth, sucking gently. She was particular about this. She’d been with guys, like Rafael, who fancied themselves the best lovers in the world. She hated it when, without enough prep, they dove in and messed around with her boobs, either pinching, or sucking too hard, or, worst of all, biting. It jarred her out of the mood.

But Tobin seemed to know her body the way he knew computers. His fingertips danced over her skin, and he smiled at her, making her feel beautiful, as he toyed with her breasts until she was hot and flustered and slowly going out of her mind. Then he reached gently between her thighs as he pressed hot kisses down her stomach, nuzzling her belly button with his nose.

It took her a second to figure out where he was headed, mostly because . . . well, again, in her experience, oral wasn’t something guys were into, especially not the first time. “Oh, you don’t have to . . .”

“I’d love to, though,” he said. God, his voice ought to be illegal. She felt herself go wet just from the deep bass of it, rumbling over her skin. “So unless you hate it, can I?”

She couldn’t trust herself to talk, so she nodded. He smiled, took a deep breath . . . then dived in, as it were. He parted her folds, and she squirmed, partly embarrassed (because she always felt that way), but also partly because she was more turned on than she could ever remember being. Who the hell would’ve thought Tobin Bui would be this damned good at sex? She knew that he was better than anyone at driving her crazy; she just didn’t realize that this was part of his repertoire.

They could’ve been doing this for years, she realized.

“Hey, too much thinking,” he said, and his hot breath fanning over her exposed flesh made her quiver, made her moan lightly. He leaned down, and suddenly, instead of his breath, it was his tongue, hot and eager, curving around her clit, exploring every crevice. She gasped, then moaned even louder. His tongue seemed to take it as encouragement, moving more insistently. Delving into her. His blunt fingertip pressed in, gently but determined.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” she found herself chanting, as pressure began to build inside her. Without warning, an orgasm slammed through her, and she dug her fingers into the sheets, her hips shaking. He held her tight, his tongue relentlessly drawing every last drop of pleasure from her.

She was lying there, disoriented, when he lifted his head. “Do you want more than this?” he asked, between licks. “’Cause I can get you off like this again, if you want. In fact, it’d be my pleasure. I don’t want you to think we have to do anything more than this.”

“Are you bucking for sainthood?” she marveled, and was rewarded by his laugh.

“I don’t think this is the last time we’ll do anything, Lils,” he said with such quiet assurance that she felt more than just lust. She wasn’t sure what else she was feeling, and she didn’t want to examine it too closely right then . . . but he was right. There was going to be more than just this afternoon.

Still . . .

“I want more,” she said, tugging at his hair. He yelped slightly, then laughed, and she laughed too. This was . . . fun. This was unreal. He reached into a side table, pulling out a condom. She got her first really good look at him. He had a thick cock, not too long, with a deep-purplish head. She was panting, out of breath like she’d just run a marathon. He covered her with his body, notching himself at the juncture of her thighs.

“I’m sorry this is so fast,” he said, like he hadn’t just spent twenty minutes pleasuring her. She was still drenched from her orgasm, so despite his girth, he easily slid into her, letting out a long, low moan of pleasure. “Holy shit, Lils, you feel amazing.”

She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in even deeper, and he shouted, his hips jerking forward. She sighed. “You feel amazing too,” she rasped. He withdrew, almost all the way, and she let out a squeak of protest. He grinned, then rocked forward, filling her deliciously. He held her hips, picking up a steady rhythm that made her want to lose her mind.

After a while, she couldn’t believe it, but the pressure started building again . . . that wonderful, almost desperate sensation where she was close to the edge and just needed him to nudge her over. She lifted her hips with every forward thrust he pressed into her, gripping his forearms, which were bulging with effort.

“Gonna come,” she breathed. “Oh, God, Tobin . . .”

His tempo picked up speed and grew uneven. She could tell from the drawn expression on his face, the clenched eyes, that he was close. She squeezed her internal muscles, and his eyes flew open.

Lily,” he said, like he was being tortured, and his hips slammed forward.

It was just what she needed. The orgasm flung her out of her mind, and her vision whited out for a second. She cried out and arched her back, meeting him thrust for thrust, then collapsed against the bed. His hips stuttered, and she could feel his cock jerk inside her. He collapsed on her, breathing heavily against her neck.

She held him, her fingertips slicking over his sweat-dampened skin.

“That was . . .” She let the sentence peter out. There weren’t really words for what that was.

He propped himself up on his arms, then grinned. “It sure was.”