Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 29


The time crawled by slower than slugs on a driveway. It was Saturday night again, revealing the truth that the weekends were the loneliest for Camille. She glanced out the window. It wasn’t juvenile to wish on a star, was it? Or was it just desperate? Because she was thinking along the lines of wishing for a husband who lived in the same house, a mother who cared about her enough to call, say, once a month, and a body that felt more normal.

With her lack of faith in wish fulfillment, she abandoned her star-gazing and dragged her laptop to the couch. She would spend the evening reading about the different stages of a baby’s growth. Her phone buzzed beside her. It was a text message from Emma.

It looks like speed dating runs in the family. Sage and Flynn went ring shopping last week without telling any of us! Flynn came over to get Sage and was acting super nervous. Text me if you hear any announcements!

Camille’s mouth dropped. She’d had no idea Sage and Flynn were that serious. She drummed her fingers on the empty cushion next to her. They had been dating only a month. Camille laughed at the irony behind her concern since her own dating had been shockingly short. She had a hard time keeping up with her brothers-in-law and their relationship statuses. Flynn was the hardest to keep tabs on because he was home the least. Camille tapped the buttons on her phone and sent an affirmative response back to Emma.

It was nice to know someone was thinking about her enough to send an update. The simple gesture lightened her mood. She scrolled down to an ultrasound picture of a gummy bear–sized baby right as her phone rang. Aiden. Camille’s pulse sped up a notch. She pushed the answer button and said hello.

“Hey, what are you up to tonight?” Aiden asked.

“Feeling a little lonely for my husband. What about you?”

“My boss invited me to go clubbing with him. Don’t worry; I politely declined. Instead I’m watching an old John Wayne movie in my hotel room.”

His voice wrapped around her like a hug. “That sounds like the perfect movie for you.”

Aiden exhaled into the phone. “I’ve seen this one a few too many times, but I can’t stand the silence if I turn it off. When you’re raised with a lot of brothers, silence isn’t normal.”

“It’s pretty quiet over here, actually.”

“Where is everyone?”

“I think the majority of them have dates tonight.”

“Dates? Are you joking? My brothers don’t date.”

Camille scrolled through the information and images on her computer as she responded. “They do now. In fact, I think a couple of them could consider themselves attached.”

Aiden chuckled. “Even with your updates, I’m still in denial. My little Millie the Matchmaker worked her magic.”

Camille rolled her eyes. “I can’t take credit beyond introducing them to some pretty amazing women. Nature took its course.”

“I thought you were going to be crushed when no one liked your friends as you’d imagined they would.”

Aiden shouldn’t be missing seeing his family so happy. “Not all of them are dating my friends. Daegan has Macey, Cade has Raina, and Flynn has Sage, but Easton is dating a woman named Wendy. Benson . . . well, I think he likes Daisha, but he might like Emma.”

“Emma?” Aiden guffawed. “No, Benson does not like Emma.”

Camille looked at her phone, then put it back to her ear. “You can’t tell from all the way over there. I’m serious. Benson took Emma out the other night. I was surprised too, but I guess the matchmaker struck out on one or two of her matches.”

Aiden made a sound that resembled muted laughter. “Trust me when I say he does not like Emma.”

A sneaking suspicion came into Camille’s mind. Did Aiden know about the flowers Benson had sent to Daisha? So Camille’s gut response was right after all! “Tell me what you know!”

“Brothers don’t rat each other out. I know you and your friends like to share everything with each other, but brothers aren’t like that.”

Camille smiled. He was exactly right. She didn’t like vicious gossip, but harmless juicy details were what made romantics like her happy people. She suddenly saw something from the corner of her eye. The porch light in the backyard had automatically come on. Strange. No one was home. “Oh, snap! Someone is in the backyard. Do you think it’s a robber?”

Aiden’s practical voice soothed her. “Go lock your door and look out the window. It’s probably one of my brothers walking around.”

“In these temperatures? At night?”

“The winters don’t get us like you out-of-state foreigners. All Petersons like fresh air, regardless of the season.”

Camille pressed the phone to her ear as she quickly darted to the back door and locked it. She stared out the window uncomfortably. “Oh, it’s Flynn and Sage.” She turned to go back to the couch when a thought stopped her midstep. “Wait! What if he’s proposing?”

“Right now?” Aiden’s tone was incredulous. “He’s probably wasting time because he didn’t plan anything for his date tonight. Leave the lovebirds alone.”

Camille hunkered down by the edge of the window and lifted her head enough to see outside. “I can’t see anything. Oh, wow. He sat down on the bench. This is it!”

“They’re sitting on the bench?” Aiden was clearly not impressed. “We sat on that bench, and I wasn’t proposing.”

“Aiden, I have to call you back. I need to call Emma. She wanted to hear first thing.”

“Camille, do NOT call your friends and tell them Flynn is proposing when you have no idea if he really is.”

“What are you going to do, wrestle the phone from me?” Camille was playing coy, and she couldn’t help teasing him a little more. “Guess you shouldn’t have moved to another state. I’ll tell Emma he might be proposing.” She peered out the window again and grinned. “Aw, he’s kissing her. Wait, should I be watching this? Oh, duh, I’ll record it. He’ll thank me later.”

“I can’t listen to this. You’ve gone all lovesick, and it isn’t even about me. You should get in your car and come see me. Focus that giddiness on your husband.”

“I’ll call you back!” Camille hung up, hit Emma’s name on her phone, and waited for the ring.


Camille tried to hold back the squeal that made her sound like a thirteen-year-old. “Are you busy right now?”

“No, I’m eating ice cream and watching a movie with Daisha, who is eating celery with natural peanut butter. Natural, as in no oils at all, except for what came from the peanut.”

“Forget the peanuts. Flynn might be proposing right now.”


“They’re in my backyard on the bench.” Camille put the phone on speaker and flipped to video mode. She gasped. “I might be wrong, but he just handed her an envelope. That seems awfully out of the norm, don’t you think?”

“Envelope?” Emma asked. “Don’t worry. My shoes are already on. We’ll be there as fast as we can!”

Camille didn’t think they would make it in time, but she would have it all on video so they could watch it either way. “Don’t run any red lights!”

The phone call ended, and Camille dialed Aiden’s number. “Flynn gave Sage an envelope.”

“It’s probably his letter to Grant and he’s asking her for stamps. Don’t read too much into this. In fact, you should probably not be spying through the window.”

Aiden wasn’t seeing what she was seeing. She hit the record button. Okay, so she wasn’t seeing much either. It was pretty dark, and the bench was a little too far from her view.

The front door opened. She recognized Benson’s voice talking to someone.

“We’ve got company. Should I stop recording?” Camille whispered into the phone.

“Yes!” Aiden practically shouted. “Turn it off before someone reports you for breaching privacy—someone like Flynn.”

Benson and Easton walked into the room. She hastily stopped recording and put the phone back to her ear. She called casually to them. “Hey, guys! What have you been up to?”

“We were boot shopping in Bozeman,” Easton answered. “Were you just taking pictures of the backyard?”

“What? No.”


Camille put the phone away from her ear and stared at the incriminating device. She gave the boys a sheepish face. “I forgot to take Aiden off speakerphone. I was just recording . . . myself talking to Aiden.” She looked at her phone. “It’s just Benson and Easton. They say hi.”

“Hi.” Benson’s tone betrayed him. There was no way he believed a single word.

Easton walked past her and scanned the view through the window. “Were you spying?”

Benson joined them at the window. Three was a crowd, so Camille had to back out of the way.

“I think Flynn might be proposing,” Camille announced.

“Camille Peterson! Quit spreading rumors!” Aiden’s voice blared.

“Shh! You’re ruining the excitement of the moment!” she said. She pointed to Sage. “He gave her an envelope.”

“Flynn said nothing to me,” Benson said.

“Me either,” Easton added. “But he spends every free minute with Sage. He just sleeps here. I wouldn’t be one bit surprised.”

Camille nudged Easton’s arm. “I’m hoping to record the moment. Do you mind?” She motioned to her spot at the window, and Easton stepped over enough that the three of them were all able to stare outside.

“What’s that under the bench behind Flynn’s feet?” Benson whispered.

“I don’t see anything,” Camille whispered back.

“Why are you whispering? They can’t hear you,” Easton said in a normal voice.

“Spies whisper. It’s what they do,” Camille whispered.

“I’m still here,” Aiden said. “Remember? And I’m not okay with you guys spying. Am I the only adult here?”

Camille chuckled. “You aren’t here. This is payback for leaving us. Now you have zero control. I guess you’d better hurry home, because your brothers are under my bad influence.”

“I bet that dark thing is flowers,” Benson suggested.

Easton shook his head. “I bet it’s a cat.”

“Flowers are such a sweet touch! It’s probably flowers.” She pulled her phone back into position and pressed record.

Aiden sighed long and loud. “I’m gonna jet. I think John Wayne needs my attention. You guys are making me nervous.”

“I’ll call you when the action is over.” Camille ended the call but kept recording. Someday she would show the video to Aiden, and he would appreciate her efforts.

Several minutes passed. Sage read what appeared to be a three-page letter. Flynn scooted closer to her, removed a glove, and held her hand. Their heads were bent together as they talked and pointed at different parts of the letter.

“She must be the slowest reader ever,” Easton said, stepping back. “I think even the cat fell asleep. Nothing is happening here. I’m getting a snack.”

Benson stepped away as well. “It isn’t any of our business anyway. He’ll tell us the minute they’re engaged.”

Camille watched with disappointment as the two of them started rummaging through the fridge and cupboards. For a moment, she had forgotten about her loneliness as well as the ever-present, hovering nausea.

Camille hit stop on the camera and put her phone down on the counter. She should probably find a snack too. She heard the front door open again, followed by two different giggles. Emma and Daisha came into the kitchen with their arms linked conspiratorially.

“Sorry, we didn’t ring the bell in case it made a noise and interrupted the moment,” Emma said, her soft voice bubbling with excitement. Her huge smile froze on her face when she saw Benson and Easton. Camille watched her eyes. Which one had made her freeze? Or had both of them affected her that way?

Camille blew her hair out of her face. “It was a false alarm. Love note, probably, but nothing else. How did you guys get here so fast?”

Emma nudged Daisha, who started laughing. “Daisha has a lead foot.”

Benson offered the women some Oreo cookies. Emma accepted, and Daisha, naturally, rejected.

“When was the last time you ate an Oreo?” Benson asked her. He pinned her with his probing gaze.

Her mouth pinched to one side. “Junior high, maybe?”

Benson shook his head, disgusted. “I’ll make you a deal. If you eat a cookie and drink a glass of milk, I won’t report you to the police for breaking into our house.”

Daisha’s smile disappeared, and with all seriousness she replied, “No, thanks. I don’t eat hydrogenated oils or drink milk, unless the milk is raw or rice, coconut, or almond.”

Benson eyed her, then clucked his tongue. “Pity. I thought I would spare you the police record.”

Easton grabbed a cup, poured milk into it, and held it out to Daisha along with a cookie. “Jesus created hydrogenated oils. Don’t diss the cookie, or you might get struck by lightning.”

Daisha took the milk and tried to hand it to Emma. Emma held her hands up like she wouldn’t take it. Daisha rolled her eyes. “We both know you aren’t going to call the police, so it doesn’t really matter.” She handed the milk back to Easton.

Benson pulled the phone from his pocket and hit a few buttons. His face was deadpan serious, but Camille didn’t buy it for a second. She knew he was joking. His somber exterior hid the sweetheart he was inside.

“I’m good friends with our neighbor Sheriff Dan Fields.” He showed Daisha the name on his phone that read Sheriff Dan. To Camille’s surprise, he hit the call button. Then he hit the speakerphone icon.

“Hey,” a voice answered.

“Sheriff Dan! I wanted to call to report a breaking and entering at our place tonight. Do you think you could stop by?”

Camille couldn’t believe what was happening, and she couldn’t argue when he was on speakerphone. How could he do this?

“Uh, do you need me to come right away?”

“No!” Daisha said loudly. Then she whispered no again and made a hand motion back and forth by her neck to suggest he end the call.

Benson handed her a cookie, and she shoved the whole thing into her mouth.

“No, Sheriff Dan. That won’t be necessary. It looks like it was a raccoon. Sorry to bother you.”

“No problem. See you around.”

Benson hit the end button and handed Daisha another cookie. “For good measure.”

Easton extended the glass of milk toward her once more. Daisha chewed furiously and took a long swig of milk. Everyone waited silently as she took the second cookie and this time took a bite instead of shoving it desperately into her mouth.

“Good, isn’t it?” Benson leaned against the counter toward her.

Daisha glared at him. “Just because I might like how it tastes does not mean my body thanks you.”

Benson’s straight face cracked, and he busted up. Easton did too. Emma smiled at the scene before her and crossed to the window.

“Guys!” Emma said, waving her hands for them to come see. “Flynn gave Sage flowers!”

They all raced to the window, the women with their heads low so the men could see over them.

“He really is proposing!” Emma squealed. “Let’s go outside so we can hear what he says!”

Easton tugged on Emma’s dark ponytail. “You can’t go outside. Flynn would be livid.”

Camille didn’t miss her friend’s blush at his touch. Emma totally still liked him.

Daisha pointed to the bushes that trailed behind the bench and led all the way to the house. “We could crawl behind there and get a better view.”

“What if one of you women giggles? Then what?” Benson’s question gave him credit. Women were notorious for giggling during romantic scenes. Camille was no exception. This whole night had turned her into one giant, sappy romantic.

Emma crossed her heart with her finger. “I would never jeopardize a proposal.”

“For all we know, you boys will start giggling.” Daisha threw the rest of her cookie at Benson. “Stick that in your mouth so you don’t ruin their moment!” Both women darted in the direction of the front door.

“Wait!” Camille said, grabbing her phone. “We’ll go halfway so they can’t hear us, or we don’t go at all!”

Easton grabbed his jacket. “I’ll lead the way since this is my backyard.”

Benson sighed. “If anyone ruins this for my brother, we’re calling Sheriff Dan back.” Easton and Benson shared an amused smile, but no one else enjoyed the comment.

In a matter of seconds, Emma, Easton, Daisha, Benson, and Camille were around the side of the house and crawling on their hands and knees. Beautiful drifts of white snow sloped against the bushes, making for the perfect barrier between the spies and the lovebirds. Camille had covered her hands with the ends of her coat sleeves, but she nearly shrieked as the moisture soaked through her pants. It wasn’t cold enough to make her want to miss the proposal though.

Camille glanced back at Benson, who was on the other side of Daisha and last in their train. She had a hard time believing Benson would go along with their scheme. He was too private of a person to be willing to spy on anyone. She knew he was groaning and moaning inside, and she had to suppress her laugh. Easton, on the other hand, energetically led the way. He seemed to be enjoying himself, despite how much he protested the reality of there even being a proposal tonight.

He held up his hand when they had gone far enough and crawled back enough to whisper to Emma, “Camille can video from here. It gives her a good shot, even though we might not be able to hear them too well. I don’t feel good about going any farther.”

Emma was in front of Camille, so she turned and repeated Easton’s words. Camille turned and passed the applicable information to Daisha and Benson. The five of them peered through the bushes and waited. They crouched on their feet, giving their knees a break from the icy cold. Camille put her phone into a ready position. Her finger hovered over the record icon as Flynn stood up. He looked right at them and started walking toward them.

Camille remembered her first morning at the Petersons’ home and the abrupt way Flynn had acted. Her heart started pounding. He would be ticked! He stopped a few feet from them by a tree, and Camille nearly fell off her perch on the balls of her feet. She stopped breathing as he reached behind the tree and pulled something large and black out from its hiding place. Air poured silently out of her. He hadn’t seen them.

Relieved, her brain started working to connect what the dark object was. Ah, his guitar case. She’d seen him carry the black case enough times that she didn’t have to wait for better light to be certain.

Flynn called over to Sage, “Remember how I mentioned you inspired me to write a song the first time we were introduced? I think it’s time you hear it.”

As he crossed back to her, she said, “Flynn Peterson, you’re the most romantic guy I’ve ever met!”

“Remind me after I play this, because I’m pretty nervous.” He sat back down next to Sage and unzipped his guitar case. He pulled out the instrument and strummed a few times as he tuned it. When he was satisfied, he cleared his throat and started humming.

Camille nudged Daisha, happy to see her ever-practical friend beaming over the scene.

Flynn’s smooth voice easily carried over to them, a sweet song about how he’d fallen for an angel. If she had to guess, she’d say he’d composed it himself.

After a minute of listening to Flynn’s romantic song, Sage wasn’t the only one teary-eyed. When Flynn finished, Camille’s breath caught. He slid onto one knee and popped open a ring box. It was the moment every girl dreamed about.

“Yes!” Sage said with a squeal. She bowled Flynn over in a bear hug. They laughed and slid back onto the bench, where Flynn slipped the ring on Sage’s finger. She dove in for a kiss, and Flynn caught her face in his hands. Camille averted her eyes. The camera was still rolling, but she could give them a little privacy.

She turned to see the reactions of her coconspirators and saw Emma and Easton lip-locked. She stared for a minute in disbelief. She whipped her head to gauge Benson’s and Daisha’s reactions to Emma and Easton’s kissing, but their eyes were ignorantly glued to the scene on the other side of the bushes, and they hadn’t noticed anything amiss. Camille knew her phone blocked their view a little, but it seemed the whole world should be stopping to witness the insanity next to her.

Camille wanted to crawl and hide in a frozen hole. Easton had a girlfriend! Emma had gone out with Benson, who was only three or four feet away. This might be a regular thing for high schoolers, but she was not going to encourage a dramafest with her family and her best friends. Unfortunately, there was no escaping the awkwardness.

Plastering her eyes forward did not prevent her ears from overhearing Easton’s whispered accusation: “You kissed me!”

“I didn’t kiss you! You kissed me!” Emma argued back.

“I admit I kissed you, but you met me in the middle. And you definitely kissed me back.”

Emma giggled. “I did, didn’t I?”

Benson and Daisha made shushing noises.

Easton’s whisper was not any quieter than before. “We need to talk.”

“I’ve been wanting to tell you how I felt for a while, but I only see you during tutoring.”

“I’ll drive you home tonight, and we can figure this out.”

Camille waited for a response, and when there wasn’t one, her eyes darted sideways. It took effort to force her mouth to close. Flynn and Sage were wrapped around each other, kissing again. Aiden was right. They probably should’ve waited away from any windows or bushes for an announcement.

Benson motioned with his hand, and the five of them started crawling back toward the house.

“What was that?” Flynn’s voice made them freeze.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Sage said.

“It was probably nothing. Sit tight for a second. I’m going to unplug the lights before we head back inside.”

“Duck!” Benson whispered loudly. “He’s coming our way!”

Since they were all in crouched positions anyway, Camille couldn’t duck any lower.

Flynn’s footsteps were coming closer, and this time it wasn’t for the guitar.

They all looked guiltily up at Flynn, who glared down at his discovery.

“What on earth? Are you guys in second grade?” Thankfully, Flynn acted more annoyed than angry.

“Is something wrong with the cord to the lights?” Sage called from her position on the bench.

“No, it’s my brothers—er, buggers.” Flynn wasn’t the only one worried about Sage’s response to people spying on his proposal. Camille’s heart raced.

“Bugs? Sweetie, it’s November . . . in Montana.”

“Not buggers,” Flynn clarified. “Boogers. I have a little problem with some boogers. Nothing I can’t get under control.” Flynn turned to Camille and the others and whispered fiercely, “Get out of here!”

“I have a Kleenex in my pocket.” Sage jumped up from her seat and hurried toward them.

“Go, go, go!” Benson ordered. They started crawling but not in time to prevent Sage from seeing them.

“What’s going on?” Sage put her hands on her hips, putting dents in the sides of her fluffy snow coat. “Flynn, please tell me you did not invite an audience to watch tonight.”

Flynn’s furtive gaze moved from the bushes back to Sage. “Uh . . .”

“Flynn! I can’t believe you! I’m so embarrassed. I thought we were alone!” Sage stalked past the group toward the front of the house.

Camille stood awkwardly. “I’ll fix it. Let me go talk to her.”

Disappointment filled his features. “This was the best night of my life up until this second. I’ll fix it myself.” He stalked after Sage, leaving the others to glance at each other guiltily.

Camille turned to Daisha for ideas, but her friend groaned. “Daisha, please tell me we did not just ruin this for them.”

Emma linked arms with Camille. “We didn’t ruin anything. When Sage chills out, she’ll thank us for the video. She’ll understand when we tell her Flynn had no idea about it.”

Camille cringed. “I hope you’re right.”

Benson put his hands out to motion them to move inside. “If we’re going to cry about it, let’s do it inside so Camille can make us hot chocolate.”

Camille nodded. “It’s the least I can do.”

Once inside again, Emma texted Sage an apology on behalf of the five of them. Easton didn’t wait for the response. He announced Emma wouldn’t need a ride home because they were going to head to the library for a math study session after drinking some hot chocolate.

Daisha didn’t flinch at the new arrangements, but Camille had trouble keeping a small smile hidden. She might not agree with the situation, but what could she do about it? She knew love didn’t follow predictable rules. It snuck up on people, put its hands over their eyes, and left them to guess at the answers. Shy little Emma had taken a chance and had stirred the pot tonight. Camille had been praying her friend would find confidence, and it seemed she had. Now she would pray that Easton would receive guidance in his relationship with Wendy. She could hardly wait to hear how this study session turned out. But how would she ask about something so personal?

Benson volunteered to start the hot chocolate, and Daisha offered to help him. When Daisha started to take off her jacket, he reached over and assisted her. Easton and Emma were wrapped up in conversation, oblivious to Benson and Daisha, but Camille felt like she was intruding. A longing for Aiden hit her so hard she had to grip the countertop to steady herself.

“Want some more Oreos?” Benson asked.

“Ha ha.” Daisha’s sarcasm was lightened by her wide smile.

Benson’s lips quirked up at the edges. “You did admit to liking them.”

Their friendly banter provided the perfect excuse for Camille to tiptoe to the bathroom. Her bladder had been her worst enemy the last month. She came out of the bathroom right as Flynn and Sage waltzed in.

Camille started clapping, and the others joined in.

“Don’t worry; Camille will send you the video!” Emma assured them.

Sage stuck out her tongue, and everyone laughed. As a sign of peace, Sage lifted her hand and showed everyone her ring. They all crowded around to see it.

“The woman is prettier than the ring, but from now on, the ring is all any man is allowed to look at,” Flynn bragged.

Slowly everyone paired off. Sage and Flynn left to make phone calls to the other brothers and Sage’s family. Camille held back while Benson and Daisha turned to each other. While bent over their steaming cups of hot chocolate, Benson challenged Daisha to some one-on-one basketball. The loser had to eat the rest of the package of Oreos.

Camille was left alone with Easton and Emma, who were standing a few feet apart and looking awkward. Easton pulled out his phone and started scrolling. Emma glanced in the direction of the front door. Camille had two choices: let them work things out naturally and risk it never working out at all or level up her matchmaking skills. Maybe it was the proposal she’d just witnessed, but Camille felt like taking chances.

Thinking quickly, she cleared her throat. “You two want to join me on a ride to town? I really don’t want to drive in alone.”

“Where are you headed?” Easton asked.

She shrugged. “I’ve hardly been out of the house all week, and I’m not up for being by myself . . . again.” After playing on their sympathies, she followed up with, “Are either of you hungry?”

Easton slipped his phone into his pocket and turned to Emma. “I’m game.”

“Yeah, sure,” Emma answered.

The three of them made their way to Camille’s car, where Easton insisted Emma sit in the front passenger seat. That setup wouldn’t allow for the couple to have any private conversation. Any decent matchmaker would have solved that problem by the time they made it to car. Camille, on the other hand, was a novice.

“I could drive us to get a treat or maybe a sub sandwich,” she said as they all settled into their seats. “Emma? What’re you craving?”

“I’m good, but I don’t mind hanging out while you two eat.”

Scratch that. Food wasn’t the answer. “Actually, I’m not that hungry either,” Camille said. “Any other ideas of where we should go?”

Silence dispersed through the car until Emma said, “Why don’t we head to the top floor of the student center. It should be quiet up there on a Friday night. If we get bored, we can walk around and check out the paintings. They have some pretty remarkable art there.”

Camille glanced over her shoulder to see Easton nod in agreement. They were soon on the road, the freshly fallen snow lining both sides of the street while only a dusting on the black asphalt was highlighted by her headlights. Camille gripped her steering wheel tighter, more worried her interference would make things worse for Easton and Emma than that the road conditions were hazardous. A few minutes into the drive and so far no one was talking.

As if Easton had read Camille’s mind, he leaned forward in his seat. “How are your classes going, Emma?”

Just like that the conversation started and flowed the rest of the way to the student center. After Camille parked, Easton darted out of the car to open the door for Emma. Camille hunched down so she could see Easton’s awkward smile through the open passenger door. When Emma reached to unlatch her seatbelt, Camille caught her answering grin.

The three of them stepped onto the cement path leading to the main doors of the building. When they detoured around a patch of ice, Easton caught Emma’s hand. Camille only noticed because Emma gave a squeak of surprise.


Camille squinted at Emma next to her. Was she a ventriloquist? Her mouth hadn’t moved.


They all turned to look behind them.

“Wendy?” The pitch of Easton’s voice was higher than normal.

Camille grimaced. If only Emma really did have ventriloquist powers. What were the odds of Wendy—the girl Easton had been dating—being behind them at the exact moment he was holding Emma’s hand for the first time? If Camille had thought nearly ruining Flynn’s engagement was bad, they were really in trouble now.

Easton should’ve dropped Emma’s hand, but instead he clung to it like a lifeline and even stepped closer to her. “What are you doing here?”

Wendy folded her arms across her chest. “I just finished taking a test. I parked over here.” She glanced down at Easton’s and Emma’s hands, then back to Easton’s face. “Do you want to introduce me to your friend?”

The pink tinge on Easton’s cheeks was likely as due to his flustered state as the chilly evening. “This is Emma. Emma, this is Wendy.”

Emma smiled and said hello—she was so cute and innocent. And she was so going to hate Easton when this was over, thanks to Camille and her wretched timing. She’d just had to go into town. Why hadn’t she suggested a movie at home?

“Nice to meet you, Emma,” Wendy said, her voice icier than the mountain air. “I hope you don’t go for guys who date two women at once. I didn’t think I did, but apparently, I was wrong.” Her smile was smug. “Well, I’ll let you guys get back to whatever it is you’re doing.” Her fiery gaze connected with Easton’s. “Don’t bother calling me ever again.”

Wendy’s fur-lined boots crunched an angry staccato through the snow as she stalked off toward the parking lot.

“I’m so sorry,” Emma said. “I never should have come tonight. I’d heard you were dating someone, but when you kissed me, I thought you must’ve ended things.”

Easton’s guilty expression changed in an instant. “Wait, I didn’t kiss you. I met you in the middle, remember?”

Emma gave an awkward laugh. “Yeah, I guess you did.” Without her glasses her eyes stood out like two big blue moons. Camille stepped back a bit, wishing she could hide until their conversation was over.

“Wendy and I have gone on a few dates, and I’ve been trying to figure out whether or not we were going anywhere. I think I got my answer. I’ll give her a call tonight and apologize.”

“You can still go after her. I’ll take all the blame.”

Easton shook his head. “It wouldn’t be fair to her. I like someone else more.”

“You do?”

Easton rubbed his thumb across Emma’s hand, and Camille averted her eyes. “I’ve wanted to take you out since last semester when I sat behind you in humanities class.”

“Humanities?” Apparently, love at first sight could be one-sided. Emma didn’t even remember.

Easton nodded. “I noticed you sat in the same spot every week. I couldn’t get my courage up to ask you out. When I saw your name as the tutor for my calculus class, I signed up even though I didn’t need the help.”

Emma sucked in her breath. “You always caught on so quickly. I just assumed I was a good teacher.”

Camille eased back another step. At this point, Emma had every reason to scream, “Stalker!” and run for the nearest building, but she didn’t move. She didn’t even release Easton’s hand.

“You’re a good teacher,” he said. “I’ve always liked that about you.” He studied her countenance. “Am I scaring you yet?”

Emma held back an obvious smile. “No, just surprising me. I thought you’d given up when you asked me out after tutoring and I turned you down. What changed tonight?”

“It wasn’t planned.” Easton blew out a long breath. “I’ve been fighting my feelings for you all month, telling myself Wendy was better for me. But when you gave me those doe eyes and leaned in . . . I couldn’t resist.”

Emma hit his arm playfully. “I did not give you any doe eyes. I was checking to see if you thought Flynn’s song was as romantic as I did.”

Camille cleared her throat. “I just remembered I never called Aiden back. Why don’t you two walk through the student center and I’ll hang out in the car.”

Emma blushed. “Camille! I forgot you were standing there.”

Easton just grinned. “Thanks, Camille. We won’t be too long.”

Nodding, she turned around. As she walked away, she heard Easton say, “Are we to give Flynn all the credit? Here I was assuming you couldn’t resist my charms any longer.”

“No, it was definitely Flynn’s song,” Emma retorted.

“I’ll tell Flynn that Sage has competition.”

Their laughter was the last thing Camille heard before she reached her car. Not every day could two people walk away from an uncomfortable situation smiling, but love made even the rough times feel like a joyride.

Slipping into her car, she pulled out her phone. A sharp ache of longing caught her off guard, making her drop her phone into her lap. Reaching for her wedding ring, she twisted it back and forth. She wanted what Flynn and Sage had—the newness of love without all the struggle.