Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 28


Aiden stepped into his rental car and turned it on at the same time his phone rang. It was a video call from Daegan. He settled back in his seat. Was this what parents felt like when their kids called? A touch of worry mixed with relief that they called at all?

He held his phone up and answered it. “How’s it going, Daegan?”

Daegan scrunched his face. “I’ve got a ten-page paper to write before the weekend is over.”

“Ouch. Need help?”

“Nah, my research is done.” Daegan shook his head, his strawberry-blond hair mashed flat to his head like he’d forgotten to style it. Aiden’s image-conscious brother must be having an off day. As if to confirm Aiden’s thoughts, Daegan added, “If I can get myself to concentrate, the paper will write itself.”

A few silent beats passed before Aiden realized the homework wasn’t the issue. “So what’s really going on?”

“I don’t know. It’s all Camille’s fault. No, it’s Cade’s fault. Seriously, the two of them are singing the same song these days.”

“And what song is that?”

“Marriage.” Daegan ran his hand down his face. “I’m two minutes younger than Cade, which also means I’m younger at heart. Just because he’s serious about Raina doesn’t mean I have to be serious with Macey.”

Aiden rested his phone hand on the steering wheel. “No one is trying to pressure you to do anything you aren’t ready for.”

“No one but Macey. She confessed her feelings last night. I’m sweating bullets over it. If it weren’t for Camille’s interference, I would’ve taken out this new girl, preventing Macey from telling me anything in the first place.”

“Did you tell Macey you weren’t sure about your feelings?”

“No, I kissed her.”

Aiden bit back a laugh. “And you thought that was a good idea?”

“Well, yeah. It felt good listening to her say all those nice things about me. The mood was perfect.”

“If I were in the same room as you, I’d probably smack you in the back of the head.” Aiden loved Daegan, but sometimes his brother’s cockiness drove him crazy. Half the time, Daegan was just trying to be funny, but the lighthearted stuff felt like a cover-up for something else.

“I don’t need abuse; I need advice.”

“You know what my advice always is.”

Daegan sighed. “Pray about it. I knew you’d say that.”

“And did you do it?”

“I guess I’m a little scared what the answer will be. Macey is really great. She’s not the problem. It’s me. I always thought I’d get to this point and have more than an inkling of my future, but I’ve got nothing. Time isn’t my friend either. I should be starting applications for dental school, and if I get in, I’ll be gone by next fall. What if Macey and I can’t mesh our lives before I have to leave?”

Aiden didn’t say anything, which was fine since Daegan didn’t need a response. He just needed to talk things out.

“I don’t know what to do, Aiden. If I’m going to play the game, I want to commit a hundred percent—and not just my loyalty, but I want to be the person she needs.”

This was a rare moment, and Aiden couldn’t help his grin at the growth he was seeing in his brother. Finally someone had gotten under his skin. “It sounds like you’ve got some big decisions to make.”

“And apparently some praying.”

“Do it. You won’t regret it.”

Daegan laughed softly. “You sound like a dad.”

“Maybe I can hand the role of primary caretaker to Macey if you get the affirmative.”

His brother’s eyes softened. “Deal.”

Aiden ended the call and shook his head. Marrying Camille had really shaken things up for his whole family. Should he be worried? Because, from where he sat, his brothers weren’t in a hurry to leave the house, and the greater threat was them marrying and bringing all their new wives to the farm. Aiden’s stomach sank like a raw potato. He hoped that wouldn’t happen, because Camille would flip.