Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker

Chapter 47


“Breakfast in bed for Mrs. Peterson,” Aiden announced, placing a tray of food with a small vase of flowers over Camille’s lap. He’d been home for less than twenty-four hours, and he wanted to spend every second showing Camille he was serious about his promise.

“Wow, frozen waffles. I’m impressed.” She pushed back her matted hair and smiled.

“I thought I would treat you for a change,” Aiden said, leaning down and kissing her forehead. He lingered for a moment, having missed her sweet smell and her soft skin. “There’s also yogurt and granola, depending on your mood. I know it’s not fancy; your mom offered to help me, but I wanted to do this myself.”

“You and my mom were hanging out this morning?”

“For the record, your mom likes me.”

“No way.”

“I winked at her and made her blush. I think she regrets the fact that she’s flying home this morning. She even said she’s going to take you up on your invitation and come back to visit in the spring.” He grabbed his pillow and tucked it behind Camille for an added cushion. “Oh, wait. I forgot something.” He returned with a small white pill and a glass of juice. “Your antinausea medication.”

Camille sank back against the pillows and smiled. “You thought of every-thing.”

“I couldn’t sleep last night, so I went to the store,” he admitted. “I’ve been planning for a while how to redeem myself, and I wanted to get it right.”

She fingered the vase with the small bouquet of cut tulips. “What do red tulips stand for?”

Aiden’s lips lifted at the corners. “Enduring love or undying passion. You can pick which symbolism you prefer.”

“I like them both.” The look she gave him, with her lashes lowered and her cheeks a soft pink, made all his preparation worth it.

“It’s Saturday. Do you have any plans?”

Camille shook her head. “Amy said she’d take my mom to the airport. Looks like I’m all yours.”

“Good, because I have lunch and dinner plans. I have a lot of time to make up for.”

While Camille showered, Aiden prepared his second surprise. When she walked out of their bedroom, he was ready.

“What are you wearing?” Camille asked. Her short hair was styled straight this morning, and her oversized sweater barely revealed her small baby bump.

Aiden put his hands on his hips and turned his head so she could see his good side. “What do you think?”

“I think I like a guy in plaid and a cowboy hat.”

“I need to make up for not only lost time but a few experiences you missed out on while I was gone.” He cleared his throat and in his best Western drawl asked, “Will you join me in the living room, ma’am?”

Camille laughed. “You bet yer tight pants I will.” She linked her arm with his, and his boots clipped against the floor all the way to their destination. “It’s quiet. Where are all your brothers? Where’s my mom?”

Aiden pulled open the double doors, and Camille covered her mouth with her hand. All his brothers were dressed in their cowboy best and standing in front of the piano. Flynn had his guitar slung over his shoulder. Her mother sat on the couch, with an amused expression.

“Don’t look at me,” she said. “I don’t have any idea what’s going on.”

Aiden chuckled. “You may sit by your mother for a little serenade.”

“A private concert?” Camille gave him a curious look.

Aiden didn’t answer but led her to her seat. He moved behind the piano and sat down.

Camille put her hands to her cheeks. “I didn’t even know you played!”

“The surprises just keep giving,” he said as his brothers circled around him. Flynn adjusted the microphone so it was at the same level as Aiden’s mouth. Aiden hadn’t played or sung for a while, but some things a person didn’t forget.

Flynn strummed a few chords on his guitar, and Aiden softly joined in on the piano. He put his mouth near the microphone and started to sing “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri. His voice was blessedly clear and sharp. Each note released an ache in his heart he’d been holding in. He met Camille’s gaze and saw a tear glide down her face. His brothers sang a soft harmony as he reached the chorus. It was a song about enduring separation and loving anyway. He and Camille had unknowingly been waiting for each other for a long time.

He sang about overcoming fear and about the promise of love. Camille had his heart, and he needed her to know it. He held out the last note, then slipped off the piano bench so Easton could replace him. Cade adjusted the microphone so now it was raised for Flynn to sing.

The brothers hummed the melody of one of Flynn’s compositions behind Aidan as he moved to Camille. He bowed and put out his hand. “May I have this dance?”

Camille wiped at her eyes and took his hand. He brought her into his arms and rocked her gently back and forth. Her gaze met his, and in that moment, everything was right in his world. Marriage was more than just living side by side; it was about overcoming difficulties, keeping promises, and striving harder to be what the other person needed. A good marriage wasn’t a matter of chance but a summation of everything both spouses put into it. Aiden wasn’t worthy of Camille, but he was determined to keep trying his best. He closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of the angel in his arms.

“I love you, Aiden Peterson.” Camille’s whisper was barely audible over the music.

“I love you too.” He leaned down and kissed her.