Brides and Brothers by Anneka R. Walker


Thank you for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed it. This story wouldn’t exist without my loving Heavenly Father, who blessed me with the time and imagination to write it. I named the main character after my childhood best friend, Camille, who also loves to cook. I vowed I would name a child after her, and book characters are practically the same thing, right? My husband and children deserve my gratitude for the hours they let me spend typing away. One of the only old movies they will watch with me is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, so they loved the idea of this book. A big shout-out goes to my sisters and my brother. They are my first readers for each story I write.

Thank you, West Side Stories! My first writing group gave me precious feedback on this story, and I haven’t forgotten. Their encouragement stayed with me even after a move across the United States. Thank you, Sarah Eden, for being one of the first to critique the beginning of this story. I believed you when you said it was funny! Your words gave me the courage to submit the manuscript to publishers. Mandy, Kylee, and Emily—thank you for your fabulous feedback. Thank you, Justin and Jana Meredith, for answering questions about deployment. We love our soldiers!

Thank you, thank you, to the team at Covenant for scooping this manuscript out of the slush pile and for giving me a chance to publish. You have made my dreams come true! Covenant authors Tiffany Odekirk, Sarah Alva, and Chalon Linton offered valuable critiques and helped shape this story into something beautiful. My incredibly talented editor, Kami Hancock, is a pleasure to work with. I rely on her edits and encouragement with every book I write. I appreciate all the work our graphics team does for the cover and interior of each of my books. Amy Parker, thank you for the many hours spent getting my stories out into the world! Megan Duncan gets full credit for this fabulous cover! Cover love is real, and I’m so grateful for this one!