Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



The clawingin my gut hasn't stopped since I met Hailee's mom. I'm not sure why she acted freaked out when I mentioned my family name. After I show Hailee the house, we go to the pub and have lunch since we haven't eaten. But she's quiet and just going through the motions. When we get in the car, it's midafternoon.

"Are you okay, Hales?"

She smiles, and it's the same tight-lipped one her mom wore. It looks forced. She says, "Yeah."

I lean closer to her face. "Are you going to lie to me now?"

She shuts her eyes and sighs. When she opens them, she stares at the ceiling. "At some point, I knew I might have to explain things to my mom, but I'm not ready. And the only thing I can think is that she must know. She must remember your trial on the news or something from fifteen years ago."

My gut sinks. I ask the question I already know the answer to. "And she'll never approve of us? Well, I should say me with you."

Hailee's face scrunches. She slowly turns toward me. "I don't know, Liam. I would hope she wouldn't let what my dad did rule her ability to see what I see in you, but I don't know. I'm...I don't even know how to discuss this with her."

"Do you want me to meet her with you? I can explain things."

Hailee shakes her head. "No. I think it's best if I talk to her alone. Can you drop me off at my place?"

Every fear I have seems to grow exponentially. I roll the divider window down and tell my driver to take us to Hailee's. When it's closed again, I pull her onto my lap. I hold her head so she can't escape looking at me. I speak slowly but firmly. "Whatever I need to do to help smooth things over, I will. I don't want to lose you, Hales."

She strokes the side of my head. "You haven't done anything, Liam. Whatever my mom knows, it's not her business. She doesn't know you or have a right to judge you. You served your sentence. I'm sorry about this morning."

"You don't have anything to apologize for," I state then repeat, "I don't want to lose you."

She kisses me, and I put everything I have into that kiss, but she still doesn't tell me I won't lose her. When I drop her off at her apartment, she promises she'll call me after she talks to her mom. I leave feeling as if I'm leaving my life behind.

The rest of the day, I sit on pins and needles. I don't hear from Hailee, and at ten, I try to call her. It goes to voicemail. So I text her.

Me: Hales, can you call me?

Hailee: I just got home. It's been a long day, and we didn't sleep a lot last night. I have to teach tomorrow. Can I call you after work?

I scrub my hand over my face. I contemplate going directly to her apartment and banging down the door until she lets me in. My rational side talks me out of it.

Me: Okay. Get some rest.

Hailee: You, too. Night.

I don't sleep. The next morning, my driver arrives at four a.m. to go downstate and pick up Finn. Killian is already in the car. I read and re-read Hailee's and my text messages, watch the video she sent without the volume on, and pretty much stay in the torture zone until seven a.m. hits.

Me: Morning. Did you sleep?

Hailee: A little. Did you?

Me: Honestly? No.

Hailee: Okay, I lied. I didn't, either.

I call her. It rings twice and she answers. There's background noise, so I can't hear her very well.

"Hales, where are you?"

"On the bus."

"What bus?"

"The city bus. I'm on my way to work."

The hairs on my arms rise. I never thought to ask Hailee how she gets to and from work. The thought of her walking to the bus stop in her neighborhood doesn't sit well with me, but the one her school is in freaks me out. Anyone could easily hurt her. "I'll have a car waiting to take you home when you get out of work tonight."

"What? Don't be silly. The bus is fine," she insists.

"No. It's not. Knox will be waiting if I'm not back in time."


"Don't argue with me, Hales. This isn't up for discussion," I bark.

"Don't act like you're the boss of me, Liam," she angrily snaps.

Rage boils in my blood. I squeeze my hand in a fist. I avoid Killian's questioning expression, and in a low, controlled voice, I state, "This isn't the issue to make an independent, feminist point about."

"Excuse me?" Hailee seethes.

"You heard me. The car will be waiting for you."

"Well, it'll be sitting there all night since I'm taking the bus home."

My skin crawls. "No, you aren't."

"Watch me," she belts out.

"Hales, if you—"

"I have to go, Liam. Boss your guys around or something." She hangs up.

I stare at the phone in shock. "She just hung up on me."

Killian grunts. "Told you she was high maintenance."

"Shut up. No, you didn't. You said she was innocent." I call back, but it goes to voicemail.

Me: Pick up the phone, Hales.

I don't hear back from her. After several minutes, I call again. Once again, it goes to voicemail.

Me: This is childish.

Several more minutes pass.

Me: Are you seriously going to ignore me?

More time passes.

Me: If you don't call me right now, I'm calling the police to make sure you're okay. Then I'm calling the school. Make your choice, and don't test me, Hales. I'm warning you.

A minute passes.

Me: You have two minutes, and then I'm dialing 911.

Ninety seconds go by when I get a text.

Hailee: Stop being psycho. I was walking into school. I don't wave my phone around during my commute.

Me: You should wave a gun around in that neighborhood.

Hailee: This is totally inappropriate. I have to work. Don't harass me the rest of the day.

Me: Harass you? Because I want to make sure you're safe?

Hailee: I survived without you up until now. Nothing's changed. I'll be fine.

My pulse beats so hard, I get dizzy.

Me: What the fuck does that mean?

Hailee: What does it sound like it means?

Me: Sounds like you're acting like I'm not in your life.

Hailee: Jesus, you're dramatic.

Me: I don't know what you're trying to prove, but this is the wrong way to go about it.

Hailee: I'm at work. I'll talk to you later, Liam.

Me: Yeah, tonight.

Hailee: No. When I say.

I growl in rage and start texting her back when my phone rings. "Great." I answer the phone. "Make it fast, Dad."

His smoker's voice hits my ear. "Why? What's got you tied up on the way downstate?"

I blow out a big breath and almost smack Killian for his smug, amused expression. I firmly say, "What do you need, Dad?"

"Your mom wants to know what you want for dinner tonight. She's going grocery shopping."

This is my fucking life.

"Nothing. I'm a forty-year-old man. Do you think you can reiterate that to her?" I bark, sick of my mother smothering me and feeling like I have no control over anything.

"Don't be disrespectful," my father warns.

"Liam. Chill," Killian mutters.

I scowl at him. "I need to go, Dad." I hang up. I know I'll hear about it later, but I don't care right now. I toss my phone on the seat.

Killian shakes his head. "I told you going after that girl was asking for trouble."

"Shut. Up," I warn through gritted teeth.

"Jesus. You're totally pussy whipped already."

"I swear to God, if you don't shut your face, this car is going to be a bloodbath."

Killian snorts. "Bring it." His phone rings, and he glances at it, then sends it to voicemail. It rings again, and he does the same.

After the fourth time, I ask, "Who's trying to call you?"

He annoyingly replies, "Becky."

"Why aren't you answering it?"

He shifts so his back is to the window. He stretches his legs, and they hit the door. "I told her I didn't want anything serious with her. She suddenly can't seem to abide by our agreement. So I ended it with her last night. I'm about to block her if she doesn't stop calling me."

I lean closer and point. "And you want to talk shit about Hales and me?"

He scoffs. "Do I look all pissed off with my panties in a twist? No. I don't wear panties. You sure as hell look like you do right now."

"Fuck off, Killian."

He grunts. "Seriously, you need to chill out, Liam. We've got bigger issues right now. Deal with it when you get home."

The car stops, and our driver knocks on the divider window. I stare at the building I lived in for fifteen years and only escaped less than a few months ago. The burning in my stomach starts and climbs up my esophagus. I stare at the razor wire and gate.

The entryway to Hell.

"You all right?" Killian asks.

I don't answer. I get out and wait in the cold air next to the car. Killian steps beside me, and we say nothing.

When the gate opens, Finn steps out. His green eyes pierce into mine. A hardened expression fills his face. A tidal wave of emotion rolls through me.

He's been my rock for so long. I would have died by now if it weren't for him. These last few months have been a concoction of confusion in so many ways. But now, it's my turn to make sure he gets everything he deserves and not an ounce less. And once we make happen what we've been planning, he's going to finally have the life he should have instead of the shitty one he's been living.