Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



The intercom beepsin my classroom. The disembodied voice of Marcia, the school secretary, booms through the speaker. "Hailee, you have a visitor."

It better not be Liam.

I'm on my lunch break and still fuming from our earlier text exchange. I'm more than capable of getting myself to and from work. If he thinks he's going to tell me what to do, he has another thing coming.

I press the button. "Who is it?"

"Your sister, Gemma. I'm on my way to Mrs. Smith's classroom to drop a few things off. Do you want me to escort her to you?"

What is she doing here?

"Yes, please."

I rise and pace my classroom. When I went to my mom's house last night, it didn't go too well, but I also didn't get very far.

My mother's face was full of fear. She said, "Hailee, the O'Malleys are a crime family. That pub used to be Liam's grandmother's. His father is the head of the clan. You need to stop seeing him, immediately."

I crossed my arms. "No. I'm not going to break up with Liam."

My mother's face turned pale. "Hailee, this isn't a topic to fight me on."

"I already know everything about him. You're going to have to accept him and what he's done," I told her.

Her eyes turned to slits. "What has he done?"

My gut twisted. She doesn't know?

Then why is she freaking out? Is it purely because of the O'Malley reputation?

I didn't have a chance to respond or ask her how she knew all this. My mother's boyfriend showed up with dinner. Gemma came out of the other room. Some weirdo at her apartment complex bought a bunch of cockroaches, termites, and mice as pets. The guy didn't even bother to keep them caged up. They infested the entire building. Gemma moved in with my mom while the landlord takes care of the problem.

"We'll talk about this later," my mother muttered.

As much as I wanted to ignore the topic and pretend nothing was going on, I stayed, in the hopes we could talk after dinner and get it over with. Before I knew it, it was dark and almost ten. I realized I wasn't going to get much farther with her boyfriend and Gemma there.

The door opens, interrupting my frustration and worries. Gemma steps inside my classroom and closes the door. "Jeez. It's like an airport around here. I almost throat-punched the security guard who took my metal nail file and box cutter out of my purse. She's holding them hostage until I leave."

I put my hands on my hips. "This is a school, Gemma. You can't bring weapons in here."

She waves her hand in the air. "Oh, please. I thought she was going to handcuff me when the metal detector went off. Personally, I think she wanted to frisk me."

"What is wrong with you?" Sometimes, I wonder how we're related. I'd ask her why she has a box cutter, but Liam is right about this neighborhood being unsafe.

She beams and chirps, "Let's change the topic to more interesting things."

"Gemma, what do you want? I don't have time for your games."

She twirls her strawberry-blonde hair around her finger. "Is that the welcome I get?"

I tilt my head and glare at her.

She wiggles her eyebrows. "You've been holding out on me, Hailee."

"What are you talking about? And why are you at my work? Don't you have your own job to be at?" I snap.

She strolls over to the table and pulls out one of the little chairs meant for the kindergarten kids. It's sturdy, and adults can sit on it, but it's lower to the ground. She pats the seat next to her.

I sigh and sit next to her.

"One, I have a day off. Two, I'm here so I can get details. Three, I didn't think you had it in you. I looked up your bad boy, Liam O'Malley, last night. He's a hard-core felon." Her eyes are bright with excitement, and she leans closer and lowers her voice. "How hot is the sex? Did he take out all his years of pent-up sexual frustration on you?"

Heat rushes to my face. I gape at her. My sister has always been the wild one, but this is a bit over the top, even for Gemma. "This isn't funny. Mom's having a fit. Did you two sit and talk about Liam and me all day?" I scold.

Her face falls. "No. Mom wouldn't tell me what was wrong and told me to drop it. Then she acted strange all day. She was so nervous, her hands were shaking at breakfast, and she could barely eat. I looked it up myself."

"And now you're here, at my work, gloating?"

She smirks. "Gloating? No. Giving you props? Hell yeah. It's about time you got rid of those boring guys you always date. I mean, that last guy you brought home was a nerd without the benjamins."

"What does that mean?"

She jerks her head back, as if in shock. "You know. Complete class-A geek. No money. If he was loaded, I could see why you would put up with it. After all, he did call his butt a fartbox, which might be hot naked since he had that fine bubble ass going on, but jeez. He was a downright dork with no bling. Now, Liam..." She breathes out a big breath of air and fans in front of her face. "He's Mr. Yum Yum with an extra side of make me super squirty. When can I meet these single cousins?"

My patience is about worn thin. "This is totally inappropriate right now. Do you realize you're out of line and in my kindergarten classroom? And FYI, it's not normal to be excited about guys who just got out of prison or go looking for one."

"Says the girl who's knocking boots with a murderer."

Anger sears through me. Gemma can push anyone's buttons, and I'm not in the mood. "You can leave now."

"Oh, come on."

"I'm at work."

"On your lunch break," she points out.

"I was working."

"Whatevs. I can't stay in Mom's house all day. And all my friends are at their jobs right now."

"Why aren't you again?"

She ignores my question. Her face turns serious. "I need a huge favor."

I sit farther back in my seat. Here we go. "What?"

"Can I move in with you until my apartment remodel is complete? I can't take another day of Simon."

The hairs on my arms rise. "Why? What's wrong with Mom's boyfriend? She's happy, and I like him."

"Nothing, except he and Mom are annoying me. I keep imagining them having sex, and..." She wrinkles her nose.

I make the same face. "Ewww."

"Tell me about it. I keep walking in on him whispering things in Mom's ear and her giggling. I feel like a third wheel. Please let me stay at your place. I'll even do your laundry." She puts her hands in the air, as if she's praying.

Normally, I wouldn't care. But now that I've hooked up with Liam, I'm not looking for a roommate. "The last time you did my laundry, my sheets turned pink."

"But they are so much better pink, aren't they?"

"Ask Ciara and Ella if you can stay at their place."

"Nope. They'll drive me nuts with their double-trouble twin powers. You know how they are. Come on, Hailee. Please. Save me from another night of thinking about Simon's wrinkly balls."

I wince. "Ugh! Why do you have to give me visuals?"

"Now you know how I feel. So you'll let me stay? After all, if you get tired of me, you can go to Liam's."

With his mother? I don't think so.

I snort. "So I'm supposed to leave my house so you can move in?"

She shrugs. "No. I'm just giving you options. It's only temporary. Please," she begs again.

"No. Sorry. You'll have to deal with it."

"Ugh. Haileeeeee," she whines.


The two-minute-warning bell rings, and she jumps and covers her ears. "That is way too loud."

I groan. "Gemma, you've gotta go. Mom's place is your best option right now."

She rolls her eyes and pouts. "Fine. But you owe me now."

I scoff. "I owe you? For what?"

"Not letting me stay and making me deal with Mr. Wrinkly Balls groping Mom. When are we going on a double date with one of Liam's cousins?"

"What? Gemma, I'm not—"

She slides down on her knees and looks like she's praying again. "Please! I feel like there are no good men in this city."

"You don't know anything about them."

"Ummm...do they look anything like Mr. Yum Yum?"

"Do not call my man, Mr. Yum Yum. Now get up, I have to get my kids." I reach for her hand and help her up.

"Please, Hailee. I'll help you with all your teacher projects for the next year."

"Don't sound so desperate, Gemma." I walk to the door and step into the hall.

She follows me. We walk toward the gym. It's sleeting outside so recess was inside. She replies, "Call me whatever you want. Just tell me you'll set it up."

We approach the front of the school. I force a smile. "This is where we part, Gemma. Next time, don't bring any weapons."

She groans. "Fine. I'll get my friends, and we'll stalk the pub."

I freeze and lower my voice. "Gemma, what has gotten into you? You're talking crazy."

"No, you're selfish. It's okay for you to be with Mr. Yum Yum, but I'm not supposed to find anyone. I'd help you if I knew of any—"

In my sternest voice, the one I usually reserve for my kindergarteners, I say, "Gemma, I have to get my kids. We'll talk about this later."

In Gemma's mind, that means I said yes. She hugs me then kisses me on the cheek. "Awesome. I'll text you. And think about me moving in and how much fun we'd have!" She bounces over to the security guard, Lucy.

I mouth, "Sorry," and Lucy shakes her head at me, then scowls at Gemma. I pick up my kids from the gym and take them back to class. I try to shake Gemma's visit out of my head, but I can't. In some ways, I'm relieved she's cool with Liam's past. At least one person is on my side. On the other hand, when Gemma wants something, she doesn't stop until she gets it. Her current revelation that she thinks it's cool to date a murderer, as if it's no big deal, bothers me. She could get hurt. Gemma believes she can handle anything, but one of these days, I fear she's going to get severely injured.

The snow continues to come down so hard, I can't see out the windows anymore. When the final bell rings, I put my kids on the buses, walk many of them over to the after-school program, and help those walking home bundle up with the scarves, gloves, and hats I bought for most of them.

On days like these, I usually take an Uber, but I'm still upset about my previous text conversation with Liam. To prove he's not going to order me around, I decide I'm sticking with the bus. I finish my work, fill my backpack, and bundle up. It's after six, and the streetlights are on when I step outside. A cold blanket of white wetness flies around me, and I can barely see.

This was a dumb idea.

Too late now. It's only a block away.

I go several yards and hear Liam shout, "Hales."

My stomach flips. I spin into his chest. Before I can say anything, he grabs my backpack and steers me toward his car.

"Liam! Give me my bag!"

"I will, once you're in the car." He opens the door. "Now, get in."

"You're out of line," I attempt, but it comes out weak. A warm car sounds pretty nice right about now. Regardless, my stubbornness won't let me take the easy route.

Liam grabs my chin and dips down so his face is inches from mine. His eyes are full of angry green fire. They glow, almost like a crazed animal. Snow covers his lashes. Through gritted teeth, he enunciates, "Get in the car. Now."

"Don't order me around, Liam," I bite back.

"I'm not telling you again, Hales."


"Ms. O'Hare! Is this man bothering you?" Lucy calls out.

Liam raises his eyebrows but doesn't tear his gaze away from mine.

I spin. "No, Lucy. Everything is fine, thank you. Go back inside."

She hesitates and eyes Liam over, with her hand on her gun holster. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'll see you tomorrow." I get in the car so she doesn't attempt to shoot Liam or call the police.

Liam follows. The car takes off the second the door shuts. I spin on him and accuse, "What do you think you're doing?"

He takes a controlled breath then faces me. In a quick move, he lurches over me, pins my arms behind my back, and restrains them with metal handcuffs.

I try to get out of the cuffs but can't free myself. "Liam! What—"

"You want to disobey me? Fine. We'll play this game," he growls.

"This isn't funny. Let me out, Liam."

"No, little lamb. You'll get out when I say you're ready to get out." He presses his lips to mine, and I turn my head.

"Liam, I'm warning you—"

He grabs my chin and holds my face in front of his. He kisses me again. I try to keep my mouth shut, but he slides his tongue through the seam of my lips. His delicious tongue rolls around my mouth until my heart is racing and I'm panting. He pulls back. His eyes still have the same crazed look, only hotter. Within seconds, he puts a blindfold over my eyes.


His hot breath hits my ear. "You've pushed me too far, Hales. And naughty little lambs need to learn lessons."