Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Several Weeks Later

The soundof the car door slamming reminds me I need to cool it. I take a few deep breaths to simmer my building rage. I just left Obrecht's. Adrian's ex-wife, who has always been trouble, showed up in town. She's making deals with the Polish mob in the Ivanov name. I've never liked Dasha, but she's gone past the point of no return. She's running drugs for them. Her dealings interfere with O'Malley business. I don't do drugs, and I don't like my family's involvement in them. Things are also changing. Many states are legalizing different ones, which means our business isn't as lucrative as before. There are numerous reasons why I'm working so hard to change the path of my family's future income. I want out of that industry, but until I pull off Finn's and my plan, Dasha playing drug dealer for the Poles in my territory isn't going to fly. She's also putting my family at risk. And a threat to the Ivanovs puts Nora and the baby in danger, and I'm not letting anything happen to them.

If that were the only thing going on, I wouldn't be so pissed right now, but Adrian and Obrecht just warned me to stay away from Hailee, without using those words. As if I could. I don't need them or anyone telling me my little lamb is a good person and a better woman than I deserve. I already know that. Nothing will change the facts. But there's no way I'm giving her up.

They're such hypocrites.

My guess is over the last fifteen years, they've killed more men than I have. Adrian was my best friend when he came to the States. We hit it off playing sports in physical education class, and before I knew it, I was teaching him, Obrecht, and his mom how to speak English. Adrian became the brother I never had. Then Dasha came into the picture, and I got involved in my father's affairs. We gradually split apart. His offer to grab a beer before I left sounds good in theory, but he doesn't trust me.

Who am I kidding?

No one except Nora and her brothers and Finn have full confidence in me. Some of the Ivanovs seem to be coming around, but I have a long way to go. Every moment of the day, I'm in a constant battle trying to make better decisions and regain the trust I used to have with people. It's exhausting. I wonder if I'll ever be able to regain it. You would think I did something personal to them. I've never harmed any of them—only the man I killed who murdered my uncle. Yet, all I see when I look at them is distrust.

The car stops and Finn gets in. It's a sunny day, and the first signs of spring are showing. He takes off his sunglasses and cleans them. The inked snake that weaves through the bones on his hand flexes. He asks, "Why are you scowling?"

I grunt. I almost tell him it's nothing, but Finn raises his eyebrows. I've never lied to him, and he can always see through me. If anyone can understand how I feel, it's him. "I can handle the 'I don't trust the felon' bullshit, but I draw the line where Hales is concerned."

His eyes turn to slits. "What was said?"

There's no point rehashing it. I force myself not to wallow in my misery and waste Finn's time. "Nothing I don't already know. Anyways, how are we going to get the dirt we need on Jack Christian and Judge Peterson?"

Frustration fills Finn's face. "I can't get access. They're clean as a whistle, except for the club. And you know I can't get in with my felony."

Acid creeps up my esophagus. It started happening recently and seems to increase throughout the day unless I'm with Hailee, except when she's stressing out about her mom's continued attempts to get her to stop seeing me. The only reason her mom will give her is that I'm an O'Malley and we're a crime family. I don't want my little lamb at odds with her mother. I keep hoping time will make things better.

When Jack's company goes public, it'll be on the stock exchange. It will forever change the O'Malley future. And that bastard and the judge deserve everything they have coming to them. However, if we can't get dirt on these pricks, I'm unsure how we can take them down.

"We need someone else. Declan would be good. Or Nolan. He's quieter and more inconspicuous," I offer.

Finn shakes his head. "You all were at my trial. We can't take any risks even though it was over two decades ago. I'm laying low, especially when Jack and the judge are together, but even those times make me nervous."

"Did you find any leads on Brenna?"

Finn's face turns harder than usual. "No." He glances out the window.

"Dad hasn't found anything, either. But we'll keep looking. She's out there somewhere."

Finn lowers his voice. "What's her life like? What if I find her and I blow up everything she has going on? I don't want to destroy her twice."

"You won't," I assure him.

"You don't know for sure."


"I have to go. Figure out a plan B. We need to get into the club. Once we do, everything will go as planned. Then, I have something to offer her when I find her." He opens the door and leaves before I can respond.

My phone rings. Obrecht's name flashes on the screen.

"Miss me already?" I answer.

His voice lacks all emotion, as it usually does when he's speaking to me. "We've got an issue we need clarification on."

"What's that?" I ask, tired of it but knowing I have no choice but to prove to everyone I've changed. In the past, I acted before I thought things through. That's no longer me.

"Not over the phone. Where are you?" he replies.

I glance out the window and recognize the storefront we're passing. Hailee's getting out of school soon and I'm picking her up. I glance at my watch and say, "A few blocks. I can turn around. Meet me when I pull up. I don't have a lot of extra time."

"Fine." Obrecht hangs up, and I tell my driver to return to his building.

Adrian and Obrecht get in the car. The moment the door shuts, Adrian accuses, "Why is one of your guys following Jack Christian?"

My stomach flips. "What business do you have with Jack Christian?"

"We've been trying to find dirt on him. You?" Adrian replies.

"Figuring out how to take him down once his company goes public and gets listed on the stock exchange."

Adrian's eyes turn to slits. "Why?"

"That's O'Malley business. Why do you need info on him?"

"He's in the middle of a divorce. Kora's representing his wife. He threatened both of them. I'm pretty sure his wife has already seen his wrath."

The timing on this can't be more perfect.I ask, "You need enough leverage for him to finish the divorce?"

"That's my guess, but Sergey wasn't specific."

I tap my fingers on my thighs. "Are you willing to share your intel with me? After you get what you need?"

Adrian shrugs. "Sure. I don't mind seeing the bastard further destroyed."

I scratch my chin. No red flags are popping up about why Adrian and Obrecht wouldn't get approved for the club. I finally say, "You need to become a member."

"Of what?" Obrecht's eyes flash his distrusting glare.

The acid burns in my gut. I attempt to ignore his look. "There's a private club. It moves locations and events are pop-up style. Jack never misses. My guy can't get in because of his record. Neither can I, plus, I'm an O'Malley. They don't let anyone linked to crime families inside. It's mostly politicians and businessmen. But you two, well, you would be their ideal candidates. You've got money and your name isn't associated with anything bad. Plus, it's easier to hide in a group than by yourself if you're trying to get proof of things while you're there."

"So it's a sex club?" Adrian asks, scowling.

My pulse increases. Finn and I need this, or we're going to lose our window to make it happen. "Yeah. You get a notification an hour before your entrance time. If you don't arrive at the exact time, you don't get in. There are no other warnings. Once you're inside, everything goes. You two up for it? I guarantee you'll get everything we both need on Jack."

Obrecht grunts. "Why do I have to get pulled into this? It's Adrian's assignment."

"There's another man I need dirt on, too," I admit and brace for his backlash. "As I said, a group is less noticeable than a lone wolf in these types of situations. Once you pound the hammer down on Jack, you won't get back in."

"So now I'm doing O'Malley jobs?" Obrecht grumbles.

He's getting too predictable.I shake my head. "No. We're exchanging favors. You got a problem with that?"

"What do we need to do to get a membership? Sergey's all over my ass, and I'm tired of my guys following this dickhead," Adrian admits.

I raise my eyebrows at Obrecht. Time to admit you need my connections, asshole.

Obrecht scowls. "Fine. Don't get used to me working for you. Who do you need dirt on?"

"Judge Peterson."

His face hardens further. He glances at the ceiling, shaking his head, then pins his steel gaze on me. "Who's the guy with the hand tattoo?"

"Finn O'Malley."

"Who is he?"

"My cousin. He went inside before you immigrated. He got out a few months after I did."

More distrust crosses Obrecht's expression. "What was he in for?"

God, I hate this. You can do your time, but it doesn't erase the stain, even with other criminals."Murder. You want me to set up your membership or what? The woman who runs it will allow me to vouch for you."

"But she won't let you in?" Adrian suspiciously asks.

I swallow the acid rising in my chest. "My record doesn't allow me entry for a lot of places. Doesn't mean she's not in my pocket."

"Fine. Do what you have to do. Get us in. We'll get your info for you, but I don't work for you, Liam. Neither does Adrian," Obrecht states.

"Yeah, I'm clear on what this is," I seethe. I'm not looking for the Ivanovs to work for me. We have an alliance. Some of them, Obrecht especially, can't seem to understand I take that seriously.

Obrecht nods and they get out. I drive off and stop at my parents' house. I walk inside, and my dad hangs up the phone. "Liam. Your mother is going to be upset you missed her."

As expected, my mother wasn't happy when I moved out. I'm remodeling things at my new place, but I decided to live in it and work around it. It's better than her smothering me. Plus, after a few days of being trapped inside the house during the snowstorm, Hailee and I put a plan together on what to remodel first so it was the least inconvenient. She impressed me with her construction knowledge and reiterated she wanted to help. She had a social media site where she had pinned different photos to boards. There were a lot of great ideas, and I told her to choose everything. Whatever my little lamb wants so she enjoys being at my house, I'll make happen.

When I shrug, my father shakes his head. He lights up his pipe. After he takes a lungful of smoke, he slowly exhales. "Your mother is going to need you when I'm dead."

The burning in my stomach reignites. "You think I don't know this?"

His cold green eyes pierce mine. "She needs something to make her happy right now. She's having a tough time."

Guilt eats at me. "I love Mom, but I can't live with her. I'm sorry she's upset—"

"I'm not talking about that."

I cross my arms and sit in the chair. I sigh. "What do you want me to do, Dad?"

"You haven't invited her to your new house."

"She's been to Nora's house before."

"It's not Nora's anymore. Don't you think your mother deserves an invite?"

"I'm remodeling it. I thought I'd have her over after."

My father erupts in a coughing fit. When he finishes, the blood spots appear larger than normal, or maybe it only seems that way.

Sometimes it's easier just to do what my dad wants. I cave. "I'll ask her if she wants to come over."

He nods. "Today would be good."

"I'll call her when I leave. Hey, I've got to pick up Hailee soon. I need to get Adrian and Obrecht a membership for the club Jack and the judge go to. Can you work on that?"

Suspicion crosses my father's face. "Why did they agree to do O'Malley business?"

"They need dirt on Jack, too. I convinced them to get it on the judge for me while they were at it."

My father sits back in his seat and scratches his head. "You just invited trouble into your plan."

My stomach flips. I firmly reply, "No. I just solved our dilemma."

My father takes another deep drag off his pipe. I sit in nervous anticipation as he exhales. "Did you make it clear no one touches Jack until after his company has gone public?"

"They just need it to move Jack's divorce along. We get what we need, and so do they. It's a win-win," I inform him.

He leans forward. "Son, nothing is ever straightforward. Make sure they are crystal clear that nothing happens to him until the bell on the stock market rings and those shares pop up on the screen."

I shift in my seat. No matter what decision I make, I always seem not to have all the pieces together. My father finds a lesson in everything. Every time he teaches me something else, I have to push the nagging thought out of my head.

What if I don't learn everything before he dies?

His phone rings, and I rise. "I have to get Hales. Can you get them into the club?"

"Yeah. I'll let you know when they're approved."

"Thanks." I pat his back and leave.

I'm arriving at Hailee's school when Killian texts.

Killian: Pub tonight?

Me: I'll ask Hales. Who's going?

Killian: My brothers and Finn said he'll try.

Me: I'll let you know.

The busses take off, and I text Hailee.

Me: I'm outside but no rush. Killian said my cousins are all at the pub tonight. Want to go?

A few minutes pass then I get a response.

Hailee: I'm wincing asking this. Can I bring Gemma? She had a day off and volunteered in my classroom. She was super helpful and is with me right now.

Gemma sounds like a handful, according to Hailee. I haven't spent any time with Hailee's family besides the few minutes at breakfast. She told me Gemma knows about me and is cool with my past. Hailee also made her agree not to mention anything to her mom, so we still don't know if her mom is aware I was in prison. She holds firm to her statement that the O'Malleys are a crime family.

Me: Yep. Tell Gemma drinks are on me.

Hailee: You might regret that. Please limit her.

Me: Do you want me to give her drink tickets?

Hailee: Not a bad idea.

Me: I'm sure she isn't that bad.

Hailee: You've never seen her in action.

Me: Looking forward to it.

Hailee: Honestly, it's not pretty. We'll be out in ten minutes, okay?

Me: No rush, little lamb.

Hailee sends me a kiss emoji. I call my mom and invite her to see the house this week. She sounds happy, so I check one thing off the list. Hailee and Gemma come out of the school building. Hailee gets in the car and I pull her onto my lap and kiss her. "Did you have a good day?"

Her eyes sparkle, and the little jolt of happiness I get whenever I'm around her springs to life. "It was. Gemma was a big help."

I glance past Hailee. "Where is she?"

Hailee turns and groans. "She's talking to Knox. Or should I say flirting?" Hailee sticks her head out the door. "Gemma! We need to leave! Get in!"

I chuckle.

Hailee shakes her head. "She never stops."

Gemma slides into the car and shuts the door. She beams. "Hey, Liam! What's Knox's situation?"

Hailee groans. "Gemma!"

"What? He's superhot with a bit of penitentiary vibe. No offense, Liam. And don't worry, you've got it, too." She winks at me.

Well, at least someone is digging my record.

"Gemma!" Hailee reprimands again and slides off my lap.

I put my arm around her and kiss her head. "Gemma, I think you're the only person on earth who's excited I was in prison."

Hailee elbows me. "Don't encourage her."

"Ouch! Easy there!" I tell Hailee.

Gemma grimaces. "Sorry. I didn't mean anything offensive. It was a compliment."

"It's okay. Your sister digs the penitentiary vibe, too," I tease then pull Hailee closer. At least Gemma doesn't give me the same feeling everyone else does. She shouldn't think prison is cool. If she is seriously looking for a guy who's been in prison, then I'm going to need to sit her down and have a little chat. However, I assume she's joking. I'm happy she isn't scared of me though. In some ways, she reminds me of Dmitri Ivanov's wife, Anna. Since we met, she's been nothing but sweet to me, and I know she knew from the moment she met me, I was in prison. So it's nice to have someone not judge me.

Hailee puts her hands over her face. "Seriously. Don't encourage her."

Gemma playfully kicks Hailee. "Don't be a downer, Hailee."

I roll my head so my face is next to Hailee's. I smirk. "Yeah, Hales. Don't be a downer."

She grabs my chin. "Are you trying to annoy me?"

I peck her lips then turn back to Gemma. "Did Hales make you do crazy stuff today?"

She chirps. "Nope. We kept it pretty tame. Oh, except when Carlos and Mark decided to use their scissors as swords. That was fun. It's a good thing safety scissors don't have sharp edges!"

Hailee snickers. "Gemma also got asked out."

"By who?" I ask.

Hailee sinks into my chest. She sings, "Mr. Bonwilder."

"Who's that?"

Gemma rolls her eyes. "A super boring dude who teaches in the class next to Hailee. He always stares at me whenever I come in, often at my boobs. He asked me at lunch. And he's so not my type."

Amused, I ask, "Why is that?"

"You're so mean. Barry is super sweet. And he's a great teacher," Hailee claims.

"Don't be calling another man sweet," I tell her.

Gemma laughs. "Trust me, Liam. You have nothing to worry about unless Hailee decides she'd rather be with Mr. Dorkfest Boob Pervert."

"I thought you liked the perverts," Hailee teases.

"Ha ha! Funny!"

"That's not nice to say about Barry though," Hailee chastises her.

"But true. He wears knit button-down sweaters with suspenders underneath, for crying out loud. And has he eaten lately? The guy is skinnier than your school kids."

Hailee playfully kicks Gemma's leg and laughs. "That's so—"

"True! Admit it!" Gemma cries out.

"Fine. You're right. But he's nice."

"You sound like Mom now. If I have to hear about getting a nice, dependable guy one more time, I'm going to scream. I don't need boring in my life," Gemma drones.

"I'm nice and dependable," I state.

"Yes, you are," Hailee agrees.

Gemma leans forward. "You left out boring, which is why you aren't in the same box as Barry. Now tell me about your single cousins, Liam. They'll be there, right?"

Hailee rolls her eyes and kicks Gemma again. "You said you'd behave."

Gemma's eyes widen. "What? I am!" She looks at me and waits.

I chuckle. "Killian is a boxer and pretty outspoken. I'm closer to him than Nolan or Declan. Nolan is a few years older. He's a bit quieter and has a crazy-high IQ. He's one of the smartest guys I know and big into algorithms."

"He sounds boring. Is he a nerd?"

"Gemma! That's so not cool. Nolan is nice," Hailee claims.

Gemma smirks. "Killian sounds way hotter. Okay, who else do you have?"

"You can't talk bad about my boys," I warn Gemma but say it in a teasing tone.

"Ugh. Fine. Nolan sounds amazing!" she declares with a big smile. "Now what other hotties are related to you?"

Hailee shoots me an annoyed glance, and I hold back more laughter. Gemma's refreshing in some ways. She speaks her mind, which everyone might not appreciate, but I do. And at least she seems not to be scared of me or disapprove of Hailee's and my relationship. Since she's Hailee's sister, it makes me appreciate her more. I wish I could figure out how to help their mom give me a chance, but I'm still unsure of the best avenue to take. "Declan is the oldest. He's really into tech, too."

"How?" Gemma asks.

I shrug. "He has some mad hacker skills."

"Oooh! Now that's hot. And he's older? Like how old? Are we talking 'be my dirty daddy' material or 'too wrinkled to go there?'"

Wow. This girl might be a tad crazy.

Hailee gets down and dirty.

Behind closed doors.

Hailee's face turns red, and she scowls. "Oh. My. God! Gemma! You seriously need to listen to yourself one of these days!"

"Whatevs. Liam? Which is it?"

"Mmm...not sure. I'll let you judge that one."

She sighs. "Fine. Do you have any more cousins?"

"More than I can name. But the only other one who might be there is Finn."

"He's single?"


"What does that mean?"

My chest tightens. "Nothing. I'm not even sure if he'll show up."

"What's his story?"

"He just got out of the prison I was in."

Gemma's eyes light up. She wiggles her eyebrows. "Really? I definitely want to meet him."

"Oh my God!" Hailee mutters, further mortified.

And she isn't just joking. Time for a chat.

I remove my arm from Hailee and lean forward. In my firmest tone I say, "You should not be looking for a guy who has been in prison. Most of them are monsters. You could get hurt or killed."

She gives me a defiant stare. "So Finn is a monster?"

"No. But that doesn't mean you should go looking for trouble."

"I can handle myself."

In a firm voice, I warn, "Gemma, you're a gorgeous, nice girl. I'm pretty sure you can get any guy you want. Stay away from the ones who have been in prison."

She smirks. "You sound like our mom."

"I'm worried about you. This isn't cool," Hailee frets.

The acid in my stomach crawls up my chest. "Your mom isn't wrong."

The car stops in front of the pub. Gemma jumps out, and Hailee gives me a nervous glance. I kiss her quickly then motion for her to get out. I lead both women into the pub and to the bar. Darcey, Nora's manager, is behind it.

"Hey, Liam and Hailee! Good to see you. What can I get you?" she asks.

"Hales? Gemma?"

"I'll have an Irish Fix," Gemma says.

"What's that?" Hailee asks.

"It's good. Try it."

Hailee shrugs. "Make it two, then."

"Guinness for me." I glance around the crowded bar, trying to find my cousins.

Gemma grabs my sleeve. "Please tell me that hottie is Killian or Finn. He doesn't look old enough to play Daddy."


I get over my shock and follow her gaze. "Nope. That's Nolan."

"What?" Confusion fills her voice. "He looks like a total bad boy, 'please take me behind the bar and do indecent things to me,' kind of man."

"Yep," Hailee chirps.

"Hey!" I chastise her.

Hailee laughs. "What? It's true. Nolan's smoking hot."

I lean into her ear. "I'll take you behind the bar and show you what's up and who's smoking hot, little lamb."

Hailee gives me her innocent little smirk, and my dick twitches. If Gemma weren't with us, I'd take her out back right now. Instead, I wave to Nolan.

He makes his way toward us. Darcey sets our drinks down. Gemma clinks glasses with Hailee and downs half of it.

"Liam. Your dad said to tell you it's confirmed." Nolan pins his eyes to mine.

A chill runs down my spine. Our guys in prison murdered Bruno Zielinski's sons and pinned it on the Rossi family. We designed it to break the alliance between the two crime families. It also guarantees a battle between them. My father doesn't seem to make mistakes, but I still ask, "It went our way?"

Nolan nods.

Gemma clears her throat next to me.

Nolan assesses her until her cheeks turn bright red. Then he embraces Hailee and kisses her on the cheek. "Hailee. How are you doing?"

My little lamb smiles, lighting up the room. "Good. You?"

"I don't have any complaints."

Gemma straightens. She sticks her hand out. "I'm Hailee's little sister, Gemma."

"By a year," Hailee mutters.

Nolan scans her body again. He takes her hand. "Nice to meet you. I'm Nolan." He drops her hand and spins toward Darcey. "Hey, Darcey. Can I get a bottle of water?"

"Sure. You aren't drinking tonight?"

"No. I'm only staying for a bit. I have work to finish."

"Well, that doesn't sound like fun," Gemma taunts.

Nolan takes a sip of his water and shrugs without glancing at her.

One of the servers comes behind the bar. She beams. "Hi, Nolan!"

"Hey, Molly."

"Thanks for fixing my mom's laptop," she says.

"No problem. Glad it's working again."

"Hailee, is this your sister? You look a lot alike." Molly redirects a friendly smile at Hailee and Gemma.

Hailee confirms, "Yes. This is Gemma."

Gemma steps next to Nolan. She gives Molly a dismissive smile and focuses on him. I don't miss Molly's irritated expression. She's been friends with Nolan since we were in school. Gemma puts her hand on Nolan's arm and bats her eyes. "So you're a computer guru? I thought you'd be the boxer, at first glance." She squeezes his biceps.

He stares at her with a neutral expression. "Yeah? Well, I'm not. Nice meeting you." He turns to Molly. "Are my brothers in the game room?"