Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Acid burns my throat.The air in my lungs seems not to exist. My heart seizes so forcefully, pain overpowers everything. If I could squeeze my fists any tighter, I might break the bones in my hand.

My little lamb is a Bailey. Not just any Bailey. The daughter of the head of the clan, Rory Bailey. How is this possible? Gemma has to be lying. Nothing is coming to mind about why she would concoct this story. Yet, I can't wrap my head around it.

The Baileys rule the southern part of the country. It wasn't always that way. Over the years, the war between our families created a border. Our grandfather met with the head of their family to stop the bloodshed. They created a treaty. The Baileys got the southern half of the country, and we got the northern part.

It should have solved our silent war. For a few years, things calmed. Both parties kept their word. Then our grandfather died. The running of their clan fell into Rory Bailey's hands. He and his brothers had just arrived from Ireland and didn't have any intention of keeping the status quo. Everything he did proved he was a new level of vicious. My father had just stepped into power and was unprepared. In no time at all, the agreement fell apart. Rory didn't even wait a week after taking over before he started moving in on our territory.

A new war began. The man who murdered my uncle—the one I killed in revenge—was Rory's cousin.

Rory's ego was too big, and he thought he was untouchable. He went down for a double homicide. For over twenty years, he's sat in a jail cell, on the floor above where I slept for fifteen years. It was the warden's attempt at keeping peace in prison. Baileys lived on the fifth floor. O'Malleys on the fourth. It worked for some things, but inside the concrete walls, the threat of violence between the families was a daily occurrence. Everywhere I went, I watched my back. It wasn't a secret Rory wanted me dead.

Rory might be locked away, but he's continued to call the shots. His brother Mack implements all his orders. Over the years, the Baileys have become more violent. In addition to their drug and gambling earnings, human trafficking has become a big income for them. Thinking about it makes my stomach churn. The more money the Baileys get, the more powerful they become.

Every ounce of control I have not to tear down the bathroom door is now on display. Several times, I step forward, and Finn pushes me back against the wall.

"Wait," he advises.

"You let the enemy come into our house," Nolan seethes.

"Quiet! We don't know if the woman is even telling the truth," Declan claims.

I sniff hard and turn. All I see are Killian's eyes in hot flames. I have no right to pray, but I find myself begging God for it not to be true. Then my mind wanders to what it means if my little lamb is a Bailey and if she could be a pawn sent to spy on me.

She never saw me until I approached her at Nora's reopening.

It could have been part of the plan.

Jesus. It's Hales. There's no way she's a Bailey. Gemma is lying.

Why would she lie?

What if their blood is tainted?

"Sean and our father are dead because of the Baileys," Nolan fumes.

"Enough," Declan reprimands.

The door opens, and a lump forms in my throat. The acidic bile fills my chest, and I lock eyes with my little lamb. Her blue orbs flare with so many emotions, I can barely breathe. Is it that they've blown their cover? Is it fear of what we will do? Is it confusion?

I thought I knew Hailee, but I suddenly feel as if I don't know anything about her. If she is a Bailey, then how can I ever touch her again?

Tears stain Gemma's cheeks. Her eyes are red. She's shaking harder than Hailee. My little lamb protectively keeps her close to her side as if to shield her from us.

Us. The O'Malleys.

Them. The Baileys.

More bile rises at the thought, and it takes everything I have to swallow it down. Two beautiful women, with the blood of Satan swirling in their veins. How is it possible?

"Is she lying?" I force myself to ask.

Hailee defiantly sticks her chin in the air. Her glare makes my stomach churn faster. "My sister isn't a liar."

"But you are?" I hurl, bracing my hands against the wall, trying to stop the rage and hurt spiraling through me.

"We didn't know!" Gemma cries out and sobs.

Hailee tugs her closer. "Why are you so angry about this? We're the ones who should be upset. We're the ones who just learned we're part of some family we've never heard of."

"Are you kidding me?" Nolan growls, and Gemma jumps.

"Nolan," Declan warns under his breath.

Hailee's eyes dart to each of my cousins then land on me. Her lips tremble. She quietly asks, "Liam?"

"Your family helped murder our brother. It was after they killed our father. Let's start with that," Nolan barks.

Gemma gapes at Nolan then turns to Hailee. "We need to go."

Hailee furrows her brows. She finally tears her gaze from me. She turns to Gemma and quietly says, "Let's go." They take two steps, and I step in front of her. "The door is that way." I point to the back exit.

Fear fills both women's faces. Disgust hits me. My little lamb is scared of me. It isn't something I ever wanted. And I might be more confused than she is about what Gemma revealed.

If she isn't trying to trick me.

Jesus. It's Hales.

She didn't deny it. She's a Bailey.

Hailee tightens her arm around Gemma. "We aren't going in the alley. We're going out the front door. Now move, Liam."

Blood pounds between my ears. It may be the sickest I've ever felt. "No. My car is parked out back. You're coming with me."

Gemma's voice shakes. "You're going to hurt us now? Because we're part of a family that we don't want anything to do with?"

"Don't fall for it," Nolan orders.

"Watch your mouth," I bark back.

He steps toward me, but Killian grabs the back of his shirt. He yanks him backward.

"Get off me!" Nolan shouts.

"I said to calm down," Declan orders. He and Finn exchange a glance. They form a wall around Nolan.

Finn motions toward the door. "Go."

I put my arms around Hailee and Gemma and guide them past my cousins and into the alley. Knox opens the back door of the vehicle. I order, "Get in."

Gemma gives Hailee a questioning look. My little lamb hesitates.

My stomach twists tighter. They think I'm going to do something terrible to them. I can't believe these thoughts are running through the mind of the woman who was my everything until a few minutes ago. I hate I'm not sure if she still is or will be in the future. I quietly say, "I'm not going to hurt you, Hales. We can't stay here right now. Let's go."

Her blue eyes peer out under her long lashes. "How do I know you won't hurt us?"

Emotions I don't want to deal with attempt to break through the surface. "I'm not the one who's changed, little lamb."

Hurt fills her eyes. "You think I have?"

"Didn't say that," I reply with my heart pounding against my chest cavity.

Her eyes turn to slits. "Didn't you?"

I avoid answering her. "Get in."

"Where are you taking us?" Gemma demands.

I don't take my gaze off Hailee. I'm searching for something, anything that will reveal the truth about her knowledge in this matter, but the same defiant, fearful expression stays present. "My place. We need to talk."

"What if we don't want to go?" Gemma asks. Her voice sounds strong, but her body hasn't stopped shaking.

I look over my shoulder at the door then at Gemma. "Would it be better to go to your mother's? After all, I do have questions for her."

"No!" Gemma cries out, and her face crumbles.

Hailee turns to her. "Get in the car, Gemma."


"Please. Do what I ask."

Gemma sniffles and nods. She gets in the car, and Hailee turns to Knox. "You get in the car, too, please."

He glances at me, and I motion for him to get in. Hailee shuts the back car door, and Knox closes the front. We stare at each other in silence for a brief moment.

Hailee clears her throat. "I-I didn't know, Liam. Before tonight, I never heard of these people. I'm sorry for what they've put your family through, but you have to believe me."

I want to tell her I believe her. That no matter what, we'll get past this and nothing will break us. But the Bailey name alone makes me feel so much hate, I don't know how I can look the other way. There are too many questions and too much bloodshed between our families to pretend everything is fine without doing my due diligence. I finally admit, "I want to."

She blinks hard. "But you don't?"

"I didn't say that."

"Stop using your noncommittal bullshit on me, Liam," she angrily spouts. She rips the door open. "Gemma, get out."


She spins. "They've threatened my sister. They want to kill my mother. My father, who I didn't even know the name of until tonight, has plans for Gemma and me. They scare the shit out of me. And if you aren't going to help us, then I don't have anything else to say. I don't answer to you, Liam."

I slam the door shut and step forward so she's against the car. I fist her hair and tug it back. She gasps, and all the years the Baileys stole from my family reach a boiling point. Maybe it's some sick, twisted karma that Rory Bailey's two daughters are in front of me, needing protection from him. Satisfaction creeps into my bones that I've fucked his daughter in too many positions to count. But it's a fleeting, selfish feeling. It reconfirms I'm a bastard, because the only thing that matters is I get to the bottom of the truth. Looking into Hailee's eyes, I already know she could never lie to me about this. I don't know what his plans are for her, but at this moment, it doesn't even matter. "You forgot something, little lamb."

Her eyes glisten in the moonlight. She chokes out, "What?"

"You're mine. And you do answer to me. I'm in charge of your protection. So get your ass in the car. When we get to my house, you and your sister will tell me everything you know. Then I'm going to call the shots. Not you. Not Gemma. Me."


"He can want you all he wants, Hales. He's not getting you. If you told me you knew all along, he still wouldn't get you. I would chain you up and keep you hidden from everyone. You'd never escape. I'd make sure of it. I could say it would only be to hold over him, and God help me, I would enjoy every second of knowing how much it eats at him to know that I have you. But the craziest part is, as much as I despise the blood that flows through your veins, it's only a small crumb about why I would keep you."

She swallows hard. Her breath merges with mine. "This is some sort of sick revenge for you, isn't it? The fact you've had me, and I'm that vile man's daughter."

I lean closer and brush my lips against hers. "I said small crumb. The rest of the loaf he doesn't get to taint."

"So I'm your pawn against my father? That's all I—"

"Jesus, you need to listen better, Hales," I growl.

She bites on her lip. Her forehead creases with wrinkles. "I'm not playing your game."

"No?" I drag my finger down her cheek. "From the brief discussions we've had about him, I always got the impression you hated your father."

"I do. And especially now," she blurts out.

I trace her lips with my finger. "Are you going to stand here and tell me you don't like sticking it to your father by fucking an O'Malley, now that you know there is bad blood between our families?"

She deeply inhales and doesn't reply. She tries to look away, but I hold her chin.

I lean into her ear. "Admit it, little lamb. Admit you love me, but you also are going to love fucking me and knowing how much your father would hate us being together."

"You're sick," she whispers.

I kiss her but don't deepen it. "Yeah. I'm sick. I'm also in love with a Bailey. So I'm going to enjoy every warped second of it. And I promise you this, when I get through with him, there will be nothing but dust blowing in the wind."

Her expression never changes, but it doesn't fool me. Things I couldn't figure out about Hailee now make sense. Her stubbornness. The fight within her. And my naughty little lamb who looks so innocent but really isn't.

"Admit you're just as depraved as me. This new reason to love me is an added bonus you're going to enjoy. I'm right, aren't I?"

Time seems to stand still. Heat flares in her eyes. She finally whispers, "Yes."