Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



A few weeks later

"To Darragh,"Declan shouts, raising his shot of whiskey high in the air.

"To Darragh!" the clan repeats, mimicking his motions.

I toss the liquid in my mouth and force myself to swallow it quickly, feeling the burn travel down my stomach and forcing myself not to get emotional. I nod at Declan, grateful he made a speech and I don't have to. I can't talk about my dad. It's too painful. Everyone is already looking at me, assessing whether I'm going to be as good of a leader as my father was.

"Stop questioning shit," Finn mumbles and hands me a Guinness.

I turn to him. Like my entire adult life, he can tap into my mind and know what I'm thinking.

Finn takes a big swig of his beer. "Jack's company went public. When Obrecht gets back from his honeymoon, he's going to want to finish him off."

I shrug. "Let him." I chase the burn of the whiskey with the cool stout.

"The stock hasn't gone up enough yet. Better to keep the status quo the same until we reach the correct level and can place our short positions, don't you think?"

I close my eyes. "Finn, I promised Obrecht he only had to let him live until his company went public."

"We lose a billion if we do it right now."

I sigh. "You deal with it. I did everything I could to keep that bastard alive. If you want to extend his life, you convince Obrecht."

"I will. He owes me after shooting Mack," Finn claims.

Hailee puts her arm around my waist, and I turn. She rises on her tiptoes and kisses me. She gives me a small smile and softly says, "Hey."

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. You?" Concern fills her face. It's an expression I wish I could take away from her. I hate her worrying, but I know it's because she loves me.

I force myself to smile. "All good. By any chance, have you seen Nora?"

"She's in her office trying to get Shannon down for a nap."

"I need to talk with her quickly. I'll be right back, okay?"

Hailee nods. "Sure."

I give her a chaste kiss and go into Nora's office.

She gently places Shannon in the bassinet and looks up. A sad, sympathetic smile forms. She whispers, "Everything all right?"

I take the seat across from her. "I'm dealing."

She tilts her head. "It sucks, doesn't it?"


Silence fills the air. There's always been loss in the O'Malley family, but nothing has ever hurt as much as losing my dad. But I also know I need to move forward. I clear my throat. "Are you free tomorrow?"

"I can be. What's going on?"

Flutters fill my stomach. "I want to pick out a ring for Hailee, but I don't even know where to start. I was hoping you'd come with me so I don't screw it up?"

Nora's face lights up. "Ummm, yeah! And no matter what you get, you won't screw it up, Liam."

"Thanks. Does eleven work?"


"Great. I'll pick you up then." I get up and glance in the crib. "She really is adorable."

Nora beams. "Yes, she is."

"Thank God she looks like her mom." I wink and leave. I find Hailee. She stays by my side the entire time, and we spend the rest of the wake talking to different clan members. At the end of the night, we drop my mom off, then go back home.

The next day, I pick up Nora. When I walk into the penthouse, she points to the couch. "Sit down."

"Okay, boss," I joke.

She sits next to me and hands me a small box. It's Kelly green and faded. There's a gold Celtic symbol embossed on the lid.

"What is this?" I ask.

"Open it."

I lift the lid, and my heart stammers. I trace the gold trinity knot with emeralds and diamonds then glance at Nora. "Nana's necklace?"

She smiles, and her eyes glisten. "The night of the pub reopening—the same night you met Hailee—your dad gave this to me. He said Nana gave it to him before she died. She told him she prayed every day you would get out of prison and find a good lass to make you happy. She also wanted your wife to know she was welcoming her into our family. Even though she wouldn't be here in body, she would be here in spirit." A tear falls, and Nora wipes it. All my cousins and I were close with our nana, but she and Nora had an extra-special relationship.

I stare at the necklace in shock, once again, holding back the overwhelming feeling of grief I can't seem to shake. I take several deep breaths, pulling it together before I look at Nora again. "The last thing she ever said to me was after I got arrested. She said I shattered her already-broken heart."

"She loved you, Liam. Besides me, you were her favorite," Nora teases, but we both know it's true.

"I think Nana had this pipe dream I wouldn't become who I am," I admit.

Nora puts her hand on mine. "She wouldn't like either of us involved in what we are. It is what it is. And it's our lives to live. But she loved you to pieces, Liam. She'd be thrilled you found Hailee."

I study the necklace I remember my nana wearing anytime there was a special occasion. "I think Hailee will love this."

"She will," Nora insists.

I put the lid back on the box. "Thanks for giving this to me."

"It was an honor to hold on to it. Your dad said I was the only granddaughter Nana trusted," she says, smiling at the memory.

I glance at the window, staring at the waves of Lake Michigan, blinking hard. I quietly say, "I miss him. I'm not sure how to do all this."

Nora sniffles and squeezes my hand. "I do, too. But you're already doing it, Liam."

I compose myself and rise. "We should go."

Nora and I spend several hours at the family jewelers. I finally settle on a princess-cut diamond with a Celtic pattern on each side and a matching band. I have them engrave on the engagement ring, My Little Lamb. On the wedding band, I have them engrave, My Forever Queen.

I drop Nora off, pick Hailee up from school, and go to dinner. I don't eat a lot. I'm too anxious about when or how to ask her. I wanted to be able to give her a school before I proposed. Jack's company has gone public, but there are more moving pieces I didn't anticipate. I don't know how long it will take to start seeing the money. It should be soon, but there are no guarantees.

My father's voice never leaves my head. "You're Liam O'Malley. It's the only important thing you give her."

Hailee grabs my hand across the table. "Liam, are you okay?"

I pick her hand up and kiss it. "Yeah, little lamb. You ready to get out of here?"

She glances at my plate. "You've hardly eaten."

"I'm not hungry." I rise and throw cash on the table. We leave and go home.

The dozens of things I could do or say don't seem right or even quick enough. I finally step in front of her, fist her hair, and kiss her.

When I pull back, she holds my cheek. "I love you."

I stop analyzing how or when. I drop to my knees and glance up.

She runs a hand through my hair.

"I don't have all the things yet that I'll someday give you. Most days, I don't know if I'm making the right choices or not. The only decision I've ever been sure about was you."

Tears fill her blue eyes. She smiles and strokes my cheek.

"I'm going to make one promise to you. No matter what, I'll always give you me. You know my faults and strengths better than anyone. And you still stand by me. So I always want you by my side. Forever." I pull the ring out of my pocket and hold it up. "Will you marry me?"

She puts her hand over her mouth, and her eyes dart between me and the ring. She whispers, "Liam."

My heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest, waiting for her to answer. I finally say, "You need to answer, little lamb."

She blinks and dips close to my face. "Yes."

"Thank God. You about gave me a heart attack."

She laughs, and her tears drip on my face. "Sorry!"

I slide the ring on her finger and kiss her, happier than I've ever been, knowing she's my forever.

"I have something else for you," I murmur in her mouth.

She glances at the ring. "Besides this stunning, most perfect ring ever?"

I smile, relieved she loves it, and pull the necklace out of my pocket. "Nora gave this to me today. It was my nana's. My nana said she wanted my wife to have it so she knew she was welcoming her into the family."

Hailee gapes at the necklace. "Liam, this is gorgeous."

"You like it?"

Hailee studies it closer. "It's amazing."

I unclasp it and put it around her neck.

She touches it and smiles. "Thank you."

I rise, kiss her again, then say, "I'm going to go sit on the couch. You're going to strip out of everything but your jewelry."

She softly laughs. "No. Not out here."


Her eyes brighten, and the naughty expression I love forms on her face. "I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"Close your eyes and don't open until I say you can."

I obey her.

She takes my hand, pulls me into the bedroom, and says, "Okay, you can open now."

"Wow! Is that the chair?" I ask.

"Yep. Do you like it?"

I run my hands over the ornate wood. The plush padding is Kelly green with a gold Celtic pattern. "I can't believe you did this. It's amazing."

She smiles and orders, "Sit."

I take a seat, and she straddles me. "Do you like our new bedroom accessory?"

I arch my eyebrow. "You aren't going to sell it?"

She leans into my face. "No. The king of the O'Malleys needs his own throne. Now, tell me to strip."