Unchosen Ruler by Maggie Cole



Finn finally comesinside when the Ivanovs return. Guilt plagues me about Obrecht taking Mack out. I should have at least attempted to warn Obrecht, but it didn't occur to me. I think Mack was lying about knowing anything about Brenna, but now we'll never know. Finn nor I will forget this mistake anytime soon, and it's apparent in his expression.

Although, I'm not sure it would have mattered if I said anything to Obrecht. The only reason Jack Christian is still alive is because I went to his penthouse and begged him to wait to kill him until Jack's company goes public. Selena stepped in and told him he isn't allowed to touch Jack until after the deal goes through, and I have to send her daily pictures of Jack in a cage. I'm more than happy to do that and relieved Finn's and my plan hasn't been destroyed, but it still doesn't help us get closer to finding Brenna.

Regardless, I can't dwell on tonight's mistakes. Time is running out. I tell Maksim, "I need your men."

His icy-blue eyes drill into mine. "For what?"

Acid curls in my stomach. Admitting to myself what Rory could do to my family is tough enough. Having to declare it out loud is another blow to my ego, but this isn't the time for pride. "If I don't take Rory Bailey out tonight, he's going to take us out."

Maksim's face hardens. He exchanges a glance with his brothers and Adrian then studies the women. "Our women go to my penthouse and stay there with security. Have you talked to Darragh?"

I swallow the bile crawling up my esophagus. "No. He's not doing well."

Sympathy floods Maksim's face. "Do you have the ability to direct all your men and access to all weapons?"

"Yeah. My father turned everything over to me."

Maksim pats me on the back. "Take us to your arsenal so we can see what we're working with. I'll have our guys meet us there."

I take Hailee's phone off her, direct her and Gemma to go with the Ivanov bodyguards, and leave. I climb into the SUV and send a text out to the clan to meet at the warehouse. When we get there, I punch the code to open the door to the weapons room.

Maksim mutters, "Jesus."

"There's enough in here to blow up the entire city," Dmitri states.

"O'Malleys don't fuck around," Killian boasts.

"Still prefer my knife," Boris mutters.

Hailee's phone vibrates. I remove it from my pocket, punch in her security code, and read the message. I groan. "Figures. Gary, Indiana. Whatever happens, we don't have the police chief to cover shit up." I hand the phone to Declan.

"I assume these are untraceable weapons?" Maksim asks.


Declan calls out, "The number the text came from shows he's there."

"It could still be a trap," Finn says.

"I don't get it. Why did he meet with us last night and give us a forty-eight-hour deadline to turn the women over if he's demanding Hailee bring them tonight?" Nolan asks.

My father's voice calls out, "Because you retaliated with a twenty-four-hour one."

The hairs on my neck rise, and I spin.

My father raises his eyebrows. "I listened to the recording you left."

My gut drops. "So this is my fault?"

My father's eyes meet mine. "Yeah. And Rory is going to be prepared for either situation to occur."

The confidence I've built over the last few months waivers. I ask my father, "What should we do?"

"You know what needs to happen, son."

Silence fills the air. I stare at my father in his tweed cap, his green eyes bloodshot and layers of clothes on his deteriorating body, which still doesn't hide the muscle or fat he's lost. He arches an eyebrow, waiting for me to do what he's done his best to prepare me for.

I spin. "Nolan, pull the map of Gary up."

We go into the next room, which has several large screens. Nolan pulls up the aerial map of the city that's full of abandoned factories.

"Put last night's footage on the other screen," I demand.

Years ago, my father installed a system that records coverage of Chicago. Since Gary is close by and lots of crime occurs there, he also has surveillance on it.

The side-by-side version of the two maps shows every difference between last night and now. I point on the screen. "That has to be the Baileys. Mark the address Rory sent."

Nolan types something, and an X comes on the screen. It's in the middle of his men, which doesn't surprise me.

My father steps next to me. "Locate his exit points."

We spend several minutes reviewing all the footage, and I gather my men. "O'Malleys lead. Ivanovs will trail."

"That's no fun," Boris mutters.

I ignore his comment. "Take them out. Leave no Bailey alive. Declan and Nolan will assign each of you a target on the way. Use the walkie-talkies. We need to go now."

The room clears, and I step out into the cool night air. My father gets in the car next to me. I ask, "What are you doing?"

He lights up his pipe. "I'm going to shoot some Bailey cocksuckers. What do you think I'm doing?"

I push down the emotions filling my chest.

He takes a long drag of his pipe and cracks the window. I watch him blow the air out, and he sighs. "Your mother won't stop bitching about me smoking in the house."

I stifle a chuckle. "That shit will kill you, you know?"

"No shit? Huh. Guess I'll have to look into that." He winks and takes another drag.

Several minutes of silence pass. I finally ask, "I shouldn't have given him a twenty-four-hour window, should I?"

My father turns to me. His green eyes glow in the dark, and amusement floods his face. "Depends on if we live or die tonight, son."

"Fuck," I mutter.

He pats my thigh. "There are no rules, Liam. I'm not sure what I would have done in that situation."

"Really?" My father always seems to know exactly what to do.

"Yeah. If you haven't noticed, I'm not always right."

"Really? Since when?" I ask.

"I wasn't right about you going after Adrian's shooters, was I?" he admits.

I sit speechless.

He takes another long drag, blows it out, and adds, "I doubt you'd have over one hundred Ivanov men trailing ours right now if you hadn't done that. It was a smart move."

Surprised, I ask, "You aren't still mad?"

"Nah. I have to say, though, I never thought your woman would be a Bailey or a Ryan."

My protectiveness over Hailee overpowers me, and I defensively blurt out, "She's not one of them."

An arrogant grin fills my father's face. "Still has their blood."

"Dad, don't—"

"She worth all this?"

I jerk my head back. "She's worth ten times this."

His eyes turn to slits. "Good. Make things right between your mother and her, then."

I sigh. "I am."

"Your mother is my heart. I expect you to take care of her when I'm gone."

I stare at the ceiling, grinding my molars, attempting to calm my insides. "I will."

"Good. You know your mother is going to be a pain in the ass when you get married."

I groan.

"I hope Hailee isn't a bridezilla because your mother will be. You'll need to manage that. And you will have a Catholic wedding. Like all O'Malleys, you'll go to confession before you say your vows. So will Hailee."

I scrub my face. "There's no saving me, Dad. You know this."

"Probably not. But it'll make your mother sleep better at night. So, when are you making Hailee into an honest woman?"

My pulse races. "After the deal goes through. I don't want to have nothing to offer her."

My father shakes his head. "Son, sometimes you know when to use your heart, and sometimes you don't."

"What does that mean?"

He studies my face. "You're Liam O'Malley. It's the only important thing you give her."

I think about his words then ask, "Why didn't you give me hell about staying with Hailee when we found out she's a Bailey and Ryan?"

He grunts. "I'm a dying old man. The only time I see you smile is with that girl. I also trust in your judgment. So, if you're confident she never knew and wants nothing to do with them, then it's good enough for me. Besides, I kind of like sticking it to Rory that his daughter prefers an O'Malley."

I snort. "Guess I get my warped side from you."

"Well, it's not from your mother."

Gunshots ring in the air, and men's voices begin coming through the walkie-talkie. We're taking them out from all sides, so there is nowhere Rory can run.

"Zone A cleared."

"Zone D cleared."

"Zone G cleared, but we've got a man shot."

"Shit!" I cry out. I press the button. "Status?"

"Arm only. I'm pulling out. Backup is coming in."

"Replacing zone G," a Russian accent comes through the device.

More cleared zones come in, more men hit, gunshots get closer and more frequent.

"It's a fucking war zone!" my father cries out and pumps his fist in the air.

I look at him in horror. "You shouldn't be enjoying this."

He huffs. "You lie in bed for months with your mother worrying about you. Judge me after that."

I shake my head, and Killian's voice fills the car. "Main target moving your way."

The shots lessen, and there are four more big booms. An SUV spins out a hundred feet in front of us.

"Got him!" Killian shouts.

"Make him get out. Shoot the glass," I instruct.

Gunfire fills the air, and the SUV's glass explodes. The door opens, and Rory and another man attempt to find cover while shooting their weapons.

The driver goes down with a bullet to the head. Rory crouches next to the flat tire and keeps firing. When I'm confident he's out of rounds, I stick my gun out the window and shoot near him to see if he'll fire back. He attempts to, but nothing comes out.

"Got you," I mutter.

"Careful. Never get cocky," my father warns.

"Noted." I pick up the walkie-talkie. "Don't take him out. Check no one else is in the vehicle."

Nolan and Finn cautiously search the SUV and nod it's clear.

I step out of the vehicle and keep my gun aimed at Rory. His smug scowl is on his face. But for the first time, I see fear in his eyes. I pause, taking in the man I've hated forever. The one who tried to suffocate me and almost did. The man whose blood courses through my little lamb's veins, yet he still threatened her life.

I kick him in the head with my boot.

He yelps, and blood spurts everywhere. I kick him again several times. Then I crouch in front of him, with my gun aimed at his bloody head.

"Just do it," he barks.

I laugh. "I'll do it when I'm ready."

"You piece of shit." He spits on me.

"There's only one thing I want you to know before I send you to Hell."

"I'll see you there," he growls.

I grunt. "You will. And your daughter, she may have Bailey and Ryan blood in her. But she's the queen of the O'Malleys. My queen. And she chose it and me."

He starts to say something, and I shoot him in the head. He flops to the ground. I rise, kick him once more, then turn.

My father's lips twitch. He pats my back. "I can die a happy man now."