The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara


On my way to the cottage to change into work clothes, I call Alisa again.

“I know I’ve been driving you insane today. But guess what? I think I found him. And I didn’t need Mister Fancy Pants Writer to help me. Ha. In his face!”

“You found Max? No way! Who is he? Tell me, tell me.”

“He’s a Lift driver.”

“Obviously,” she says.

“He’s a sculptor.”

“OK. OK. So an artist like in the book.”

“He lives in Carmel.”

“We weren’t sure about that one, were we?”

“We are now,” I say. “And he’s been friends with Ethan since they were kids.”

“Then yes, it has to be him. What’s his name? Is he hot?”

“His name is Aaron and he’s definitely good-looking. I wouldn’t say I fell over backward when I saw him, but it’s just that I’m so guarded now because of this Ethan thing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know. I had such a strong reaction when I first saw Ethan and that reaction… you know led to chaos and—”

“I see.”

“And check this out. The first thing Aaron told me was that he knew a Maya once.”

“He had to throw it out there, I see.”

“And then when I asked him if he met her last year, he kind of dodged the question.”

“It has to be him. You found him! You’re awesome! Wait. But—now I’m confused.”


“Because if it’s him, he should’ve recognized you.”

“Why would he?”

“You have to read the book. Unless Ethan made up that part, which wouldn’t be surprising. He couldn’t have just told the events as they happened. Not that they weren’t exciting enough, but he’s a fiction writer. It’s what he does.”

“You’re not going to tell me what you’re talking about, are you?”

“Honestly, I haven’t read it yet either. I skimmed when I was looking for her name, your name, but I saw some things that made me believe his version of events is different than yours. The thing is, I don’t want to tell you just bits and pieces that don’t make sense.”

“Fair. I just got your package so as soon as I can, I’ll read it. Today, for sure.”

I walk into Café Azure, wondering if Ethan is back already, if he’s here and if he told Celine what happened. He’s not inside and judging by Celine’s wide smile when she sees me, she has no idea what went down between us earlier in San Francisco.

I know I’ll have to tell her. I’ll also have to move out. And I need to come up with a plan to talk to Aaron and get him to confirm he’s Max.

“You’re back,” says Celine and hugs me. “Did you have fun? Tell me everything.”

Where would I even start?

From the corner of my eye I see Ethan in front of the café. He’s about to come in when he sees me and turns around. I don’t know where he’s going, but I’m glad I don’t have to see him or be near him right now. I feel like punching him in the eye.