The Meeting Point by Olivia Lara


It is absolutely surreal to see things from Max’s perspective. It’s like being in his mind.

Now I know what Alisa meant when she said his version of events is different than mine. He saw me. He knows what I look like. I never imagined he made it all the way to the airport that day. I wish I knew. I wish I’d have lifted my eyes and looked on. Maybe I would’ve spotted him.

It makes me laugh seeing he also thought what we did was crazy. It was. The craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. And it’s interesting that so far, only my name is true to what happened. He changed David’s name, although he kept it close.

I read on. I’m dying to know more.

June After Midnight

Chapter 20

Would she freak out if she knew I boarded the Carmel bus with her? Would she think I’m a weirdo who follows women under the pretext that he’s trying to be nice and helpful? Probably. Is it too far from the truth? For one thing, I’ve never done this before, so there’s that for an excuse.

My intention was definitely not to scare her. I just want to make sure she’s alright. Just want to keep an eye on her. I do feel responsible. Typical me. I do something out of character, and then spend an eternity trying to fix it. It’s only for one day though. Not even a full day. A few hours. Tomorrow she’ll be on a plane to New York and that will be it. She’ll get back to her life and I’ll get back to mine. No harm done. But, if I do my job right, perhaps she will always remember this day. And not for being cheated on, but for having a great adventure.

I sat in the back of the bus and made sure I put Daniel’s phone on silent. Who doesn’t have a password on their phone in this day and age? A stupid guy. I didn’t mean to go through his photos and messages, or maybe I did, I don’t know. I wanted to find something more to justify my actions, I guess. There are tons of women’s numbers in here, so, even if I had any doubts—which I didn’t—now they’re gone. He’s a big douche. He’s on Tinder too, wow! Why would he be on Tinder if he’s in a serious relationship?

There are some text messages between what I think is a friend and Daniel. The guy says Daniel could do much better and then goes on to describe Maya physically in not so flattering terms. My immediate reaction is to feel even worse for her, then I feel rage against him when I see he’s agreed with the friend. Is he blind? She is beautiful. To me, she is beautiful. I don’t know what that guy is talking about. There is nothing wrong with her hair, her face or the way she dresses. I think she’s quite special.