Hot SEAL, Labor Day by Cynthia D’Alba

Chapter 11

Ana’s head jerked back. “What?”

“I said, let’s get married.” When she gaped at him, he said, “Look, it’ll buy you some time. As soon as this week is over, I’m being deployed. I can’t say where and I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, but a husband, even one who isn’t in the country, should be enough to stop you from being pressured into something you don’t want. And,” he hurried on to add, “this isn’t pressure. I’m just offering you an alternative.

His heart shook as he spoke. He hadn’t thought this out at all. His mouth had been fully engaged before his brain. Marrying Ana hadn’t been front and center in his head, but maybe it’d been way back in the recesses, in his subconscious hiding, ready to jump out and surprise him—and her—without warning. But now that it was out there, the idea—which should have terrified him—didn’t. He was all nerves about her answer. He’d live if she said no, but he’d die if she laughed.

But she wasn’t laughing. She was studying him. Her face wore an expression of confusion and questioning. No smile. No twinkle in her eye. She was thinking.

Involuntarily, he held his breath.

“Yes,” she said. “I will marry you.”

He dropped heavily into the captain’s chair. “I’m serious about this, Ana.”

“I am, too. I like you, Sawyer. I like you a lot. You make me laugh. You make me happy. Two things I haven’t experienced in a while. And I trust you. I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel like I can tell you anything, and you won’t judge me. There’s something about being with you that makes me feel stronger.” She sighed and her face flushed. “And I’ll admit, you’re the best kisser I’ve ever kissed.”

He grinned. “Is that so?”

She nodded. “But you need to know something.”

He didn’t respond, just gave her time to collect her thoughts.

“I’m not, well…” She scrunched her nose. “I’m not good at the whole sex thing.”

His breath caught. “Not good? Or do you not want to have sex with me, because hon, I definitely want to have sex with you.”

“Oh, I don’t mind having sex. I mean…” She shrugged. “It’s okay, I guess. I mean, sure, we can have sex. I don’t want you to get your hopes up with me.”

He bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing. “Ana, have you ever had an orgasm?”

She waved off his question. “That only happens in romance books for women.”

His eyes closed as he fought a chuckle. “No, hon, women have orgasms.”

“Really? I….”

“You never have. Well, I’ll have to see what I can do about that.”

“No, no. That’s not what I mean. I’m probably frigid or something. I’m warning you so you aren’t disappointed in me.”

“You’ve never disappointed me, even when you wouldn’t do the zipline on Sunday.”

She chuckled. “This may be scarier than a zipline.”

“True. Do you want to get married in California?”

She shrugged. “Let’s go to Vegas. I haven’t been there since I played with the Las Vegas Philharmonic two years ago.”

“Vegas, huh?” He scratched his beard. “Okay. I’ll need to get a haircut and shave.”


“Well, yeah. I’m going to marry a famous concert pianist. I need to look like I deserve to.”

She smiled. “I really like you, Sawyer.”

“Good. I really like you too, Ana. We might need to cut our day short if we’re going to do this.”

“Tomorrow is my birthday,” she said, as though he’d forgotten. “I want to get married on my birthday.”

“Okay. I can do that. I need to reach out to a friend. I think I can get us speedier transportation than my Harley or Barbie.”

She paddled to the boat. “Can I handle the hotel and wedding arrangements?”

“Of course.” He looked down at her naked body and got immediately aroused. “I assume you want to wait until after the wedding to sleep together? I mean, if not, I’m game to head back to the cabin right now.”

“I want to wait.” She gave him a sad smile. “Once you’re married to me, how awful I am in bed can’t scare you off.”

“Oh, hon. You can’t scare me off.”

“Can I have my swimsuit back?”

“I don’t know,” he said with a grin. “I need to see what I’m getting.”

“Sawyer. You think I don’t know you’ve been ogling me this whole time?” She lifted her hand and let water run through her fingers. “This water is crystal clear.”

He gave her a guilty grin. “You caught me.”

She rolled her eyes, and wiggled her fingers. “Please.”

He dropped the bottoms into her outstretched hand. She slipped them on and waited. When he playfully arched a brow, she sighed, tossed her float noodle through the open railing door, and climbed up the ladder. His heart almost stopped. Her breasts were perfect…full and round. Her nipples were rosy pink and erect.

“Look your fill,” she said.

“I plan to.” He caught her around her waist and pull her against him. Her breasts mashed into his chest. Nothing had ever felt that good. “Kiss me, Future Mrs. Beckett.”

She grinned and kissed him, her mouth open, her tongue seeking his.

He felt her heart pound against his chest. When he pulled his mouth back, she whimpered her protest.

“Let’s head back.” His voice was gruff.

“Let’s stay here and make-out,” she replied and kissed him again, this time rubbing her nipples through his chest hair.

He growled and pulled her firmer against him. “Keep this up and the wedding night will be tonight. We could get married right now. No need to go to Vegas. There’s no wait for a license in California.”

“I know this will sound crazy, but there’s something about a Vegas wedding.”

He leaned back until their gazes held. “And, if I’m understanding your mother, will it be the perfect ‘fuck you’ to your mother?”

“It would, yes, but I love Vegas. The lights. All the stars there. Marriage is a gamble, especially the way we’re doing it, so let’s do it there.”

“You’re crazy,” he said and leaned toward her to kiss her. “Luckily for you, I love crazy.”

They returned the boat and headed back to Harbin’s Harbor Cabins.

“Okay, I’m going to call my favorite hotel and book a room for us. Then I’ll find out about getting married tomorrow,” she said as they walked the trail to their cabins.

“Yeah, I’ve got a couple of calls to make. I’ll come back when I have my end lined up.”

When she’d packedto run away, Ava had mostly packed casual clothes. She’d had no idea how long she’d be gone. However, she’d stuffed a couple of her long performance gowns in Barbie’s trunk. She had no idea why she’d done that, but they were a couple of her favorites, and she couldn’t leave them behind.

Now, it seemed like those would come in handy.

It was close to five when Sawyer knocked on her door. Her heart jumped and bumped around in her chest. She was marrying that cute boy from Germany! This marriage was crazy, but most of her life had been nutso. This was just another piece in her life puzzle.

“Come in,” she called from the living room where she sat making a list of what she needed to get done.

“Hi,” he said, almost shyly. “Have you come to your senses and changed your mind?”

She laughed. “Not only have I not changed my mind, I’m excited. I got the hotel reserved, and the concierge was so helpful with the wedding plans.” She grinned. “I realized I could change the password on my credit card account so that Randall can’t see my charges. I don’t know why I hadn’t thought about that before now. What about you? Change your mind?”

“Oh, hell no. I am so marrying up.”

She laughed. “You say that now, but you haven’t met my family.”

He walked over to where she sat on the sofa, lowered himself to the cushion, and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m a SEAL. I’ve faced all kinds of bad people. Your family doesn’t scare me.”

Again, she laughed. “My grandparents could get Al-Qaeda on the run.”

“Perfect. We could use them in the military.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Want to hear the plans?”

“Sure.” He settled against the sofa back. “Then I’ll tell you mine.”

“Okay. We have a room at a hotel I want to surprise you with, but you’ll like it. I promise. We can fill out the marriage license application online today. It’ll be quicker. Now you tell me yours.”

“I have a friend whose family owns an aviation company. He’s flying a plane up to us here this evening so I can us fly to Vegas.”

“You’re kidding.”

Sawyer shook his head. “Nope. His name is Paul Grotto. He was a SEAL until he left a couple of years ago to join the family business. He owes me a favor or two.”

“I didn’t know you could fly a plane.”

“And a helicopter, if need be.” He shrugged. “Man’s gotta have hobbies.”

She laughed and snuggled into his side. “I wish we didn’t have to wait until tomorrow.”

“Hey, that’s what you wanted. I was ready the second you agreed.”

She sat up and looked at him. “He’s coming tonight?”

“Yeah. Dropping off the plane and taking my Harley back. I’ll fly the plane back to him when I leave. Why?”

“Well, this is a crazy idea, but let’s still get married on the ninth, but we can do it at midnight tonight. That’d be tomorrow officially.”

He smiled. “Pack up, Future Mrs. Beckett. Let’s do that.”

Since Sawyer’s friend was scheduled to fly up after the end of the work day, they had a little time to kill. Ana insisted they go ahead and fill out the marriage license form, which they did. Since neither had ever been married, and both were over the age of consent, it was an easy application.

Then Ana telephoned Caesar’s Palace to see if the Marc & Cleopatra suite was available for the next two nights. She smiled when she discovered it was, and now it was theirs. That suite was so over the top, she was sure it would blow Sawyer away.

The call from Sawyer’s friend came at close to eight. He was ten minutes out from the Lake Kincade airport, and he had a surprise with him. Sawyer rode his bike while Ana followed in Barbie since Paul intended on taking Sawyer’s bike back to San Diego.

Lake Kincade was small with only one landing strip, so finding Paul and his plane presented no challenge. A white and tan Cessna taxied to a stop. An attendant approached the plane, placing airplane chocks at the wheels. The door opened and a petite blonde with the figure of a Vegas showgirl hurried down the stairs and over to where Sawyer stood with Ana.

“Sawyer Beckett.” The woman raced across the tarmac and threw her arms around his neck.

Sawyer laughed and picked the woman up his arms. Then, to Ana’s shock, the woman kissed Sawyer on the lips!

“Hey,” a deep voice shout. “Get your hands off my wife if you know what’s good for you.”

Sawyer turned toward the large man stalking toward them. Ana would’ve run if she’d faced this man in a dark alley. He looked terrifying.

Instead, Sawyer released the woman and grasped the extended hand of the man.

“Paul. Thank you, man. I can’t believe Patty came.”

“I tried to leave her home, but you know Patty.”

The petite woman wrapped her arm around Paul’s waist. “When Paul told me what you were up to, do not believe for one second I wasn’t coming along to see the lucky woman who’d gotten you on your knees.” She looked at Ana. “I’m Patty Grotto, Paul’s wife.” Her eyes narrowed and after a long pause, she said, “You’re Ana Cristiano, right?”

Ana’s mouth dropped. No one recognized her outside of a concert hall. “I am. Have we met?”

Patty shook her head. “I’m a fan.”

“You’re kidding,” Ana said.

“I’m not. I am a classical music fanatic.” She tilted her head toward Paul. “This is Paul, my husband, who only listens to hard rock.” She leaned forward. “Gives me a headache.”

Paul held out his hand to Ana. “I’m Paul. I’m thrilled to meet you. Sawyer couldn’t stop talking about you on the phone. That’s why we’re little late. I had to get some work done, and he wouldn’t let me off the phone.”

Ana was suddenly engulfed in Sawyer’s arms.

“What can I say? I took one look and knew she was the one.”

“Well, I for one, am so excited,” Patty said.

Sawyer frowned. “Are you riding on the Harley back to San Diego with Paul?”

“No, silly,” Patty said. “As soon as Paul told me what was happening, I packed our bags. We’re coming with you. You’re going to need witnesses.”

And that was how Ana found herself in a seat next to a chatty woman she’d just met, while her future husband sat in the co-pilot’s seat next to Paul.

Patty grabbed Ana’s hand. “I am so excited…probably more than I was the day I got married.”

“You’ve known Sawyer long?”

“Gosh, at least ten years. He’s adorable, right? Well, of course, right. You’re marrying him, so obviously you think he’s adorable.” Patty squeezed Ana’s hand. “You’re a lucky, lucky woman. Now, I understand and forgive you cancelling your concerts this week.”

Ana’s eyes opened wide. “You had tickets to my concerto?”

“Yep. My sister and me. Our husbands are music heathens.” Patty laughed. “She’ll die when she finds out I got to go to your wedding instead.” Patty’s face got serious. “That’s okay, isn’t it? I didn’t even ask. If you don’t want us there, that’s fine, too. It was a good excuse to leave our kids with my folks and get away for a spontaneous vacation. But say the word, and Paul and I will disappear.”

Ana smiled. She liked this friend of Sawyer’s. Over the years, Ana hadn’t had many, or really any, good female friends. Gosh, or male friends either, now that she thought about it. Her life had been piano, Randall, Geoffrey, and travel. Patty would make an excellent maid of honor.

“Of course, I want you there. I need a maid of honor…if you want to do it.”

Patty hugged her. “I’d love it. Are you sure you have to marry tonight? We could do a last-minute bachelorette party. Hit all the bars.” Her eyebrows waggled. “Pick up some men.”

Sawyer turned in his seat. “Did I hear you encouraging the woman who’s going to be my wife to go to bars and hit on men?”

He fake-glared at her, which made Patty laugh. He looked pretty fierce to Ana, but she, like Patty, knew him well enough now to recognize his kidding.

“I want her to know she has choices,” Patty said, with a snort.

“No, she doesn’t,” Sawyer replied. “I got her to agree to marry me, Patty. I want to keep it that way.”

Ohh, so caveman,” Patty said.

“That’s okay, Patty. I know what’s out there for me, and I pick Sawyer.” Ana smiled at him. “He’s kind of perfect.”

“Yeah, I can see that,” Patty replied.

Ana glanced out of the window. “How far out are we? I’m supposed to let the hotel know our expected arrival time so they can send a car.”

Sawyer spoke with Paul and then turned to Ana. “About twenty minutes.” He pulled his phone from his pants pocket and handed it to her. “You can call now, as long as you have a signal.”

There was a strong signal. She dialed.

“Good evening. Caesar’s Palace.”

“Hello. This is Ana Cristiano. I have a reservation for this evening. I need the car to pick us up at the airport.”

“Hold please.”

Music played as she waited. Then, “Good evening, Ms. Cristiano. This is Charles, your personal concierge. Everything is ready for your arrival and wedding. Is there anything else I need to do for you other than send the limo?”

“Yes, please. There is another couple with us. They will need a room.”

“Yes, ma’am. Another suite, then?”


“On your tab, or will they be starting their own?”

“Mine, of course.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Yes. Did you make an appointment at the marriage license bureau for this evening?”

“The car will take you directly to the Clark County Clerk’s office. There might be a slight wait if someone is already being served, but you will go to the front of the line. Anything else?”

“No. That’s all. Send the car now.”

“Yes, ma’am. It will be waiting.”

She clicked off and handed the phone to Sawyer. “We are set and ready to go.” She wondered what Sawyer had brought in the way of clothing. It didn’t matter. This wedding would happen even if he wore shorts.

They landed and parked. As soon as they stopped moving, a red carpet was rolled out to the plane’s door. Patty was the first one off, followed by Ana, Sawyer, and finally Paul.

“Make sure the plane is gassed up and ready to go on…,” Ana looked at Sawyer. “Friday? Or Saturday?”

Sawyer looked at Paul for the answer. But it was Patty who said, “Saturday. I want to drag this out as long as I can.”

Ana chuckled. “Saturday, then.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

A silver Rolls Royce stood on the tarmac. A uniformed chauffer stood beside an open rear door.

“That’s our ride,” Ana said. Sawyer was looking at her like she’d grown two heads on the flight. “What?”

“I’ve just never seen you like this.”

She chuckled. “You’re in my world now, darling. This is my comfort zone.”

He put his arm around her. “Apparently.”

While they were loading into the back of the Rolls, their luggage was transferred from the plane to the car’s trunk. The chauffer slid into the front seat and clicked an intercom button.

“Good evening. I’m Samuel. There’s champagne and strawberries to enjoy on your trip. I should have you at the marriage bureau in about fifteen minutes. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to press the intercom. I’ll raise the glass for your privacy. And let me be the first to welcome you to Las Vegas and congratulate the happy couple.”

Happy couple. The words rang in Ana’s ears. Sure, she was happy. She was getting everything she wanted in the marriage, but what was Sawyer getting? A woman who didn’t like sex. At least she’d gotten the Marc & Cleopatra Suite as a surprise. She hoped he enjoyed it, and besides, it wasn’t as if she couldn’t afford it. At a little under twenty-thousand a night, she had enough money to practically live there if she wanted. Still, it had a piano, and for the first time in a very long time, she wanted to play…for him.

The stop at the marriage bureau was quick, and then they were back in the Rolls heading to their suite in under ten minutes. Filling out the forms online had expedited the process tremendously.

Back inside the car, Patty refilled champagne glasses for the return trip. “To your long life and happiness.”

“Agreed,” her husband said. “Congratulations, you two.”

Ana’s face heated. Paul and Patty didn’t know this was a sham marriage designed to get her out of another one. She thought about telling them, but then, Sawyer said, “Thank you. I adore this woman. I am the happiest man who ever lived.”

The four clinked glasses and drank. Well, she wasn’t going to be the one to spill the beans if he wasn’t.

“What about rings?” Patty asked.

“I’ve got that handled,” Ana said.

“You do?” Sawyer asked with surprised expression.

“You agreed to let me handle all the arrangements, so yeah. It’s handled. Trust me.”

He hugged her. “I trust you.”

And she realized how much she trusted him. And just like that, any reservation she might have harbored about this quickie wedding evaporated.