Hot SEAL, Labor Day by Cynthia D’Alba


First, a big THANK YOU and hug to Delilah Devlin for working overtime on edits for this book. Love you.

Second. I couldn’t have done this without my beta readers who stopped what they were doing to read and give me comments and edits. Whew, ladies. I know I put a lot pressure on you so THANK YOU very much! Here are their names: Debbie Watson, Pamela Reveal, Teresa Fordice, Brenda Rumsey, Jill Duffy Purinton, Missi Adams Metz, and Jennie Grunden Fortna. Any errors found are solely my fault.

To Mandy Harbin - Thanks for letting me use your name as owner of the cabins.

To Parker Kincade - I hope you enjoyed your “personal” lake!