Sold to the Hitman by Logan Chance



Ever get that feeling?That feeling that something isn’t right? I’ve got this tingling traveling up my spine setting off alarms.

I glance through the small window.

“Where’s Blue?” I ask, scanning the top floor of the club. She’s no longer standing in the spot I left her in when I went to talk to Gunner.

“Is she downstairs?” Gunner hurries behind me as I race down the steps.

That feeling is back, moving up my spine and casting a dark shadow all around me.

I question the men on the first floor.

We talk to a few more men who said they saw her go outside. I rush out there, not even caring about anything, until I see the blue-eyed beauty standing safely before me.

But outside is empty. There’s a chill in the air. And the quietness creeps closer. I search around, not ready to give up just yet.

“We’ll find her,” Gunner says. “Calm down.”

“I can’t be calm when some motherfucker could do something horrible to my girl.”

Gunner puts a hand up, stopping me from moving further. “Wait a minute. Are you telling me you actually care about this woman?”

I nod. “Abso-fucking-lutely.”

“A lot has changed since I’ve been gone.”

“Yeah, funny how that works, huh?” I rub at the back of my neck.

“I have an idea who took her and where they are,” he says, already moving toward a black SUV in the lot.

We hop in, and Gunner peels out of the lot. I’m not really sure how I feel about him helping me find Blue, but right now I’ll take it.

I pull out my phone, calling Rogue. He answers on the first ring.

“I was just about to call you. I looked into that guy, Frank DiMaseo.”

“What did you find out?” I ask in a rush.

“He’s a ghost before he went to work at the station.”

“What do you mean ghost?”

“I mean, there’s nothing.”

“Son of a bitch.”

Gunner asks, “Who’s a ghost?”

“Frank DiMaseo,” I say, giving him a brief description of who he is.

“He’s the one who gave me Blue.”

“Yeah, it was an undercover sting operation to bring the whole thing down.”

Gunner shakes his head, pulling up to a red light. He glances at me. “No, he’s brought me women before. He’s not who you think he is.”

My hands ball into fists as anger overtakes me. I never trust many people, and Frank was someone I should’ve listened to my gut about. Why didn’t he get out of the car to meet me that night they met in the parking lot? Why didn’t he want to know the man who messed up their plans and bought the woman he coerced to run a sting operation?

What really makes my blood boil is the thought he probably intended for Steele to buy her, but not for their story. To really own her.

I see red as Gunner speeds through the streets until he pulls up to an abandoned warehouse. We pile out of the SUV. “Rogue, I’m sharing my location with you. Get here.” I hang up the phone.

Gunner moves beside me, pulling out his gun.

“How do you know she’s here?” I ask. A cold snap of air hits me dead in the spine when a car that was following us pulls up to where we stand.

Steele and three of his henchmen exit the car, pulling their guns on us.

“What are you doing here?” Gunner asks, moving away from Steele.

I’ve already got my gun drawn, but Steele points a gun in my face.

“Drop it,” he says.

“Not a chance in hell.” I’m prepared to die. I’m sure he isn’t.

“Titan, let’s not make this more messy than it needs to be. You were never supposed to be involved,” Steele says, pointing a gun at Gunner.

It all falls into place. Steele and Frank are working against Gunner. This has all been about him. Blue and I are just pawns in a well-orchestrated plot to take him down. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen or die doing it.

“I don’t care what’s happening here. All I care about is saving Blue.” I say as I hand over the gun to Steele. I could easily bash his skull in as he steps closer to retrieve the gun, but not before they kill Gunner. And who knows what would happen to Blue if I made a hasty decision like that.

Steele keeps the gun pointed at my head as we’re all led inside.

Fury rages through my body when I spot Blue sitting inside what appears to be a dog cage.

What the hell?

There’s four other men in the room, and Frank.

“Let her go. You have who you want now. Let her go,” I say, speaking directly to Frank.

They laugh.

“And why would we let her go? She’s a little treat for after the key event,” Steele says. “Besides, she was supposed to be mine.”

The way he growls out the word mine makes my skin crawl.

“Ok, let’s all calm down,” Gunner says as Steele leads him to a chair in the middle of the room.

“Let’s get down to business.” Steele walks to the cage, looking at Blue with desire clear in his eyes.

I plan on shooting him first.