Sold to the Hitman by Logan Chance



One thingI hate more than creepy men in a nightclub staring at me is being left in the dark. Titan and Gunner have been in the private room talking for what feels like ages. I can’t complain though because I was grateful he brought me upstairs with him. But the journalist in me is dying to get the scoop.

I lean against the wall and think about what Frank said about watching my back with Titan.

A part of me wonders how he even knew who Titan was. I didn’t tell him much, but when he said to watch my back, my skin prickled. I’m sure Frank is just watching out for me, making sure I’m not getting myself into trouble.

I’m also sure the moment they sold me to someone other than Steele in the club, he checked out everything he could on the man who bought me.

My cell pings in my pocket and I check the incoming message from Frank.

“Come meet me outside of the club.”

I told Frank to stay close but remain hidden. The fact he’s right outside the club makes me worry. I hope no one sees him.

I glance at the closed door and step away from it, needing to make sure Frank isn’t standing right outside in the view of any prying eyes. It could raise questions.

I rush down the stairs, ignoring all the stares from the other men employed by Steele and Gunner. The entrance to the club comes into view, and I cross the floor without anyone trying to stop me. I’m property. So as far as anyone knows, I’m Titan’s, and he’s the one who told me to go outside.

I rush through the doors and scan the parking lot.

A car in the distance blinks its headlights in my direction and I make my way over there with caution, wishing I had a weapon.

“Frank?” I ask as I head closer.

The hair at the back of my neck stands on end as I lean down to speak to the man behind the driver’s wheel. Something doesn’t feel right.

Why hasn’t he rolled down his window?

In a second, an arm has wrapped around me and a hand covers my mouth. I try to scream. I try to kick.

But I’m lifted off the ground and shoved into the back of a nearby white van.

“Shut the fuck up,” a voice calls out as the door slams shut.

The van pulls away, and I’m once again trying to scream. A piece of tape is slapped over my mouth, and a bag is put over my head to silence me. Someone ties my hands behind my back, so I’m really screwed.

My heart beats frantically as I try to remember everything I’ve ever learned about what to do in these types of situations.

I can’t think of anything, and my body shakes from fear.

“What is she doing?” one of the three men in the back of the van says.

Hmm. I shake harder, like I’m having some sort of episode. Maybe they’ll remove the sack. I thrash my body around on the back of the van floor, and the men do nothing at first.

“Is she dying?”

“Untie her hands.”

They shout commands, and somebody finally unties me and removes the sack from my head.

I’ve got nothing to lose, so I rush at the biggest man, trying my best to scratch at his face with my nails. I kick and flail my limbs, trying my best to get to the door and out of the van. I don’t even care if the van is in motion.

“Tie her back up,” the bald man says to the other two.

The man behind the wheel slows down and turns around.

It’s Frank.

My fight falters, my eyes going wider at the sight of him. I’m in trouble now, and I’m not sure what to do except keep trying to free myself from this van. We tussle more, but they gain control, tying my arms together. They leave the sack off my head, but it doesn’t matter, I can’t see anything out the tinted windows, anyway.

My phone is in my back pocket, but it’s almost like these guys can read my mind because they grab it and toss it to the front of the van.

All hopes of getting a hold of Titan flies out the window.

I sit still, no sense trying to get away when I’m outnumbered. Yet, I keep my options open, trying my best to think of something that I can do to escape.

I’ll always go down fighting.

I will not accept this as my fate.

The van takes a hard left, and I bang my head on the floorboard as I’m tossed around. Frank comes to an abrupt stop and I’m pushed forward as the door opens. I kick and flail as the men bring me into an abandoned warehouse. My hands may be tied but that doesn’t mean I won’t try to claw my way out of here. I kick at the men as they rush me into an open area with a wooden chair in the middle of the room.

Yes, it’s just like in those movies where they torture the person in that chair.

I freak out a little, but they don’t sit me in that chair. Instead, there’s a large cage, the kind for a big dog, and they shove me inside and lock it.

I can barely move, and I realize they’re using me as bait. But for who?



My mind rolls over the possibilities as the men set up the room for the main attraction. How can I get out of here?

What can I do?